- A Player’s Handbook
This map was started on Nov. 18th 2011 and completed by July 9th 2012.
The map begins with Duke Nukem’s plane being shot down by a nearby recon pig cop patrol that is circling around a parkade structure. The Aliens appear to be protecting a piece of alien technology located on the roof. Shortly after Duke loses control of his aircraft he quickly ejects himself just shy of the parkade entrance while watching his plane crash into a nearby building off in the distance. Damn! Those alien bastards are going to pay for blowing up his ride... again! The Parkade door in front of Duke is locked and your mission is to get in and find out what’s going on with this alien device and why it is so heavily guarded while neutralizing any immediate threats around.
Good Luck Duke!
Duke's options are: to run like Hell and explore, or enter one of two buildings: The East office complex or the South Hotel building.
East Office Complex - If Duke enters the East office first he can obtain a blue key card from the boardroom and make his way upstairs to unlock a bedroom door which will lead Duke to 1 of the 2 yellow key cards. After locating and grabbing the yellow key card found on a table on the second floor Duke can head back down to the security room located on the first floor. If Duke can find the entrance into the security room he can unlock & open the entrance into the Parkade.
Note: The East Office Complex can be played from either the ground floor/up or from the top floor/down. It just depends on the path Duke takes).
Using the Yellow keycard Duke collects from the East Office building Duke can unlock either the Skywalk passage between the East office building and the North Tower or open the Parkade maintenance room safe. While in the Parkade maintenance room, don’t forget to flip the switch to open the garage door on the roof of the parkade this will help you find the final keycard.
Note: The Parkade structure can be unlocked and opened by two documented locations in the map: By means of a secret security room in the East office building or by the West building Command Center. (It is possible to get into the parkade without unlocking the Parkade but it’s not an obvious task. The Parkade can also be played from the bottom/up or from the top/down.
Duke should probably head over to the South Hotel building to find a way to gain access to the West building before attempting to tackle the North Tower. At this point heading to the North Tower would lead to a dead end with a red key card switch and no red key.
Note: Duke can choose to play the South Hotel from the Top/Down or from the Bottom/Up.
“The South Hotel” - If Duke chooses to enter the South Hotel apartments first Duke can obtain a blue keycard on the Lifeguard's Chair. The blue key card will open a ventilation system in the West Building (Command Center) via a rooftop ledge in the South West corner of the map. Or Duke can sneak over the to the East building using the South East ledge to immediately access the yellow keycard in the East Office Building.
“The West Command Center” - This building was intended to be the main building used to unlock the Parkade entrance. The Command Center also provides Duke with a "yellow" keycard for access to the lower level Parkade vault where he might find a diagram that can help him unlock the hidden red key card. The West building is linear in design and will give Duke an opportunity to fight two mini bosses in the map. It is best to kill any roaming tanks before triggering the mini bosses.
“The Parkade” – At ground level Duke can unlock the Parkade Maintenance room with the "Yellow" key card taken from either the West Command Center sleep quarters or from the East Office complex office table. Inside the parkade maintenance room there is a vault with a switch diagram. At this point, Duke would want to memorize the switch diagram combination so he can reveal the hidden red key on the roof of the parkade.
“The East Office Complex” - If Duke hasn’t already done so, Duke will have to navigate his way through the East office complex while locating any additional keycards he may have missed before leaving the East Office Complex via the second floor TROR skywalk. This will lead Duke to the North Tower so be prepared for a fight! (The Skywalk between the two buildings requires the use of a Yellow key card).
“The North Tower” - Provides Duke with the one and only jetpack found in the level for single player as well as the last key card switch which will reveal the detonator for the final fight. The last switch will cause the teleport on the roof of the parkade to malfunction causing an explosion followed by a city block battle on the roof tops with one pissed off boss and his helpers to contend with.
Note: Duke can take the battle to any building he prefers as he doesn’t have to fight the end boss from just the North Tower. However, staying on the North Tower would be the easiest method for finishing the map.
Good Luck Duke!
Stats & Individual Key card Breakdown
Blue Keycards: 2
Yellow Keycards: 2
Red Keycards: 1
Total Keycards: 5
Average Map Completion Time: 30-60 Minutes
Total Enemies: 220 (Come Get Some Difficulty)
Total Secrets: 8
A word of caution, any time Duke attempts to recover a key card aliens are alerted. The game play is very dynamic and I have found that changing up the routes will always make the battles fresh and you will always come across new experiences. The AI in this map never plays the same way unless you take the same route each time which would be pretty boring.
Also, while playing this map without cheating it is possible to get every gun in the game from the starting position in under 60 seconds! If you can't do it, your going the "wrong way".