Gambini, on 14 January 2012 - 08:45 PM, said:
Hi Gambini, thanks for trying out our map. I don't agree with your comments... I think the use of TROR in this map does an awesome job of showing the many different applications of TROR a person can implement without going overboard and Micky has applied these TROR techniques very well. As far as scale is concerned I'm very pleased with the size of the doors and whatever else. This isn't a blue print for a real life environment. If you want scale and realism you're using the wrong editor. The physics of the Duke Nukem character don't even permit the game to be created to scale and by doing this it just causes huge problems for the player experience.
Things have to be exaggerated in Duke so they don't compromise the flow and game play. While no offence to Loke, but Loke's map may have been scaled for realism it was terrible to move around in and most notably in the first few areas which adversely affected the fun factor of the map. In fact I had a tough time playing it to the end because of this. These types of maps are designed more to walk around in with God mode just to appreciate the time and effort that went into the detailing the map but completely not practical for a run and gun game.
There are a few of these types of maps out there and while they get rated really well my buddies and I definitely avoid playing them. We definitely don't want to be tripping and getting stuck on every little detail while being shot at, that gets annoying really fast. If you’re going to take the time to add that much detail into a map why put annoying enemies in to detract from the map? Leave the map empty so the player can walk around and actually appreciate the level of detail & work that has gone into the design rather than having to put up with pesky things shooting at you.
Our goal with Parkade wasn't to make an artistically crafted & scaled masterpiece. Our objective was to not compromise game play and fun while demonstrating the use of TROR in as many ways as we could. We created this map as an appreciation for this new Mapster feature which adds an element to Duke that’s been absent since day 1. I certainly don’t play Duke Nukem for its graphics, art & scale. What brings people back to Duke is the sheer fun of running and gunning and now having the freedom to explorer room over room adding more diversity and angles for combat.
This level was also designed with Multi-player in mind and I believe it will make one heck of an exciting multi-player map once that feature is available.
When I play Duke Nukem I have the auto run feature permanently on. Therefore, if things aren't exaggerated the player has no reaction time to counter the sheer speed of Duke's sprint. Not to mention using steroids ontop of all that. If you can't control the player because things are designed too small i'm sorry the map just isn't a fun map and while I might try it once, i certainly won't play the map twice. But to each their own.