Here are a few more screenshots, the spiked fence is down to around 350 polys now. The powergem is just a six sided cylinder with the points extended and then one end twisted.
Models thread
#151 Posted 25 September 2011 - 02:58 PM
#152 Posted 25 September 2011 - 03:02 PM
I took a look at Drek's fence and it looks like it may have some glitches. I have one here that is mostly complete that I worked on about a month ago. It differs enough from Drek's so it might not be the best one because it would have to be tacked on to his other panel fences to have everything match up. A lot of extra work. But I figured I would show it anyway. We'll see how Drek's ends up first.
OOPS. I see we posted at about the same time.
ADDED. In my modeling program it looked like the middle posts on your's were twisted or walls collapsed and not aligned right. I don't see it in the screen shot though.
OOPS. I see we posted at about the same time.
ADDED. In my modeling program it looked like the middle posts on your's were twisted or walls collapsed and not aligned right. I don't see it in the screen shot though.
This post has been edited by Marked: 25 September 2011 - 03:09 PM
#153 Posted 05 October 2011 - 04:35 PM
It's still the WIP "quickie" I showed in the other thread. I just wanted to see it in the game so I know how to proceed with it.