Can anything be done about the awkward joining of sectors? I've been putting up with it for quite a while. I'm referring to the joining of regular adjacent sectors, nothing really to do with TROR except that it gets in the way. When I try to join sectors normally, what happens is that it always says "no sectors joined" or on rare occasions it says "are you sure you want to join non-adjacent sectors?" It never, ever seems to get it right, which means I have to resort to using the z-lock feature, which leads to a lot of resetting of the editable z area which slows down mapping considerably. If there's any way where if you're pointing the cursor over more than one sector, press join, then press join in another adjacent sector on the same level, that the engine can figure out which sectors to join, or, in the unlikely event of more than one possibility of sectors to be joined, that it asks which pair you want to join.
While I'm nagging, I might as well restate how imperative it is to TROR mapping that if you create a sector, extend it, then create an identical child sector in the top and bottom layer, that a mapper be allowed to break the connection only in that child sector. This makes it a bagillion times easier to add TROR geometry to maps which have already been extended, and to rearrange heights and so on. I know you have real life to get on with, and that TROR is only one of the eduke32 features that you're generously donating your time to, but this feature should take priority over the joining thing mentioned above and even the slicer IMO, as we currently have no way to insert new buildings or objects in multiple layers without a) creating lots of sectors, then doing lots of joining (grr... joining), or b:) breaking the TROR link, creating new sectors, then trying to reconnect the sectors, which is almost always quite complicated.
This is the situation: the top layer was originally one sector, with the child sector made afterwards. I should be able to break the connection only between the highlighted child sectors.
And this has nothing to do with TROR but I'll write about it because it's an important bug:
I've noticed several instances over the past few months or more where I'm creating circles, or splitting sectors, and as soon as I hit the space bar (either making the circle, or completing the splitting procedure), the vertexes jump to the wrong spot. The two cases are probably linked, but while the circle problem is random, I've noticed that the splitting problem is more likely if I start drawing walls, insert a point on another wall (while in wall drawing mode), then join the wall to that point.
I managed to cause the circle bug in a test map just now, interestingly it formed part of the circle with the extension's white wall. Needless to say the map is corrupt, but usually when it mis-places the vertexes when making a circle, it misplaces the vertexes from the loop the circle is made from.
Here's the map.