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The Post Thread

User is offline   Hank 


She (woman) found the bear as a motherless little pup and nurtured/raised it. :D

User is offline   Mark 


I'll bet the breast feeding phase was brutal.

User is offline   Hank 


Looks like I’m the only one who is green of envy for her free life. Try to nurture a bear like that anywhere in the US or Canada.

User is offline   Mark 


About 2 weeks ago I had a heart attack and was rushed to ER for surgery. Given a bunch of meds and sent home a few days later. I got almost zero sleep those nights at the hospital and it continues now that I have returned home. If that wasn't bad enough, I woke Tuesday morning to full fledged covid symptoms. Thanks a lot hospital for the parting gift.

My reason for this post is to mention my newfound understanding of mental illness. I seem to be powerless to control. this is really weird. As I lay awake for hours every night my mind settles itself into a looping Mapster session.

The other thing which bothers me more is my loss of appetite. I've dropped 12 pounds already from not eating. I try to force something down and every now and then I am successful with a few mouthfuls. But the rest of the time is me feeling like I'm going puke just thinking about food.

So between the weird dream when awake or sleeping, the nausea when thinking about food and almost no sleep it feels like things are out of my control. I'm not used to this AT ALL. I'm watching myself slip into a funk. Its my hope that after I get over the covid phase there will be improvement. I'm not getting hopes up real high because my med's side effects may be the cause of some of my many symptoms.

This post has been edited by Mark: 07 August 2022 - 06:49 AM


User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


View PostMark, on 07 August 2022 - 06:07 AM, said:

About 2 weeks ago I had a heart attack and was rushed to ER for surgery. Given a bunch of meds and sent home a few days later. I got almost zero sleep those nights at the hospital and it continues now that I have returned home. If that wasn't bad enough, I woke Tuesday morning to full fledged covid symptoms. Thanks a lot hospital for the parting gift.

My reason for this post is to mention my newfound understanding of mental illness. I seem to be powerless to control. this is really weird. As I lay awake for hours every night my mind settles itself into a looping Mapster session.

The other thing which bothers me more is my loss of appetite. I've dropped 12 pounds already from not eating. I try to force something down and every now and then I am successful with a few mouthfuls. But the rest of the time is me feeling like I'm going puke just thinking about food.

So between the weird dream when awake or sleeping, the nausea when thinking about food and almost no sleep it feels like things are out of my control. I'm not used to this AT ALL. I'm watching myself slip into a funk. Its my hope that after I get over the covid phase there will be improvement. I'm not getting hopes up real high because my med's side effects may be the cause of some of my many symptoms.

Sorry to hear about all the problems you've been having & glad that you recovered from the more serious bits of it.

If these symptoms are new, then something new introduced them - that would be your meds.
Ask your pharmacist for a different prescription.

This post has been edited by Forge: 07 August 2022 - 07:22 AM


User is online   ck3D 


I'm so sorry to hear about your problems Mark and hope you get well again quick. I'm also worried about your loss of appetite since as new age as that might sound to some I'm a firm believer that you are what you eat and put inside your body, perhaps the rejection is your body saying how right now it really needs the nutrients from a different kind of food or diet you're trying to give it, but generally speaking I believe in health via diet over health via meds (mostly before the fact of course), I would recommend researching that type of stuff when you can. Looking forward to hearing about your recovery and sending good thoughts.

User is offline   Danukem 

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View PostMark, on 07 August 2022 - 06:07 AM, said:

The other thing which bothers me more is my loss of appetite. I've dropped 12 pounds already from not eating. I try to force something down and every now and then I am successful with a few mouthfuls. But the rest of the time is me feeling like I'm going puke just thinking about food.

I don't check this thread much, but I just saw this and I hope you are healing up. If the loss of appetite continues and it is not explained by medication you are on or covid, then if possible imo you should get a thorough vetting for other issues. Sorry to be morbid but my father recently passed away. He was suffering from cancer but it was a heart attack that did him in. Cancer can present in all kinds of ways and put stress on your body that can lead to heart attacks loss of appetite etc. Medical professionals are competent on the average but they are busy people who generally only have time to deal with the problem right in front of them. I hope you have a strong advocate in your corner who can nag and help get some additional tests done.

User is offline   Sangman 


Sorry to hear about that, hope you'll pull through alright. I have no advice to give.

User is offline   Mark 


I was hoping I could tough it out until the covid issues are over, then whatever remains must be the meds. Both show as possible sources for my symptoms. So far the doc has been hesitant to start playing around with different meds. I'm thinking its getting to the point of having to. Covid could be with me another week or two. Muscle tremors are getting worse. Sometimes can barely keep a glass of water still enough to drink. Also have a 6 day fever that won't go away with tylenol

User is offline   Forge 

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View PostMark, on 08 August 2022 - 04:21 AM, said:

I was hoping I could tough it out until the covid issues are over, then whatever remains must be the meds. Both show as possible sources for my symptoms. So far the doc has been hesitant to start playing around with different meds. I'm thinking its getting to the point of having to. Covid could be with me another week or two. Muscle tremors are getting worse. Sometimes can barely keep a glass of water still enough to drink. Also have a 6 day fever that won't go away with tylenol

that's not good.
don't know the medical red tape you'd have to jump through, but you may try going to the emergency room with your symptoms and attempt to get a referral or second opinion

This post has been edited by Forge: 08 August 2022 - 06:41 AM



I realize this might not be possible with you having covid, but see if you can't get a nurse or at least a neighbor to help you out. Having someone else making your food for you in this state could be a godsend if standing up and doing things is contributing to your nausea. Also, you're pooping, right? Because that can be a contributing factor to nausea, and in that state you really don't want to be constipated.

User is offline   Šneček 


A kit that trains people's (children's) dexterity caught my eye, so I bought it for myself for my birthday the day before yesterday. Entertaining!

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User is offline   Šneček 


Happy Halloween!

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Happy Halloween!

Got myself Iron Lung today. Gonna wait until tonight to play it, for maximum spookiness.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


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User is offline   jkas789 


I like candy corn.


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User is offline   Balls of Steel Forever 

  • Balls of Steel Forever



God bless daddy soros

User is offline   Forge 

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View PostBalls of Steel Forever, on 12 November 2022 - 09:40 PM, said:

God bless daddy soros

be careful what you wish for

I suggest investing in a wood burning stove. Maybe not for this winter, but for the winters afterwards

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


gets harder to tell the difference between a clinton and a biden every day when it comes to justifying disappearing people :

The Biden administration on Thursday suggested that Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman be granted immunity from a lawsuit filed against him over the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

In a court filing, the administration noted the crown prince’s appointment as prime minister in September, which they said made him “the sitting head of government of a foreign state.”

“Under common law principles of immunity articulated by the Executive Branch in the exercise of its Constitutional authority over foreign affairs and informed by customary international law, Prime Minister Bin Salman as a sitting head of government is immune while in office from the jurisdiction of the United States District Court in this suit,” the court filing reads.

If you didn't already know who Biden really works for..........

User is offline   Hank 


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I can't believe it.
This actually might turn out decent, good even.

This post has been edited by Lazy Dog: 02 December 2022 - 06:31 PM


User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


View PostLazy Dog, on 02 December 2022 - 06:26 PM, said:

I can't believe it.
This actually might turn out decent, good even.

fan service.
and if kathleen kennedy has anything to do with this, you just seen all the good parts - the rest of the movie is going to be unwatchable

just my suspicions

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


Not from what I heard (though I hope none of that is true). The trailers always look good. Always. Doesn't mean anything regarding the actual movie being anything close to good. They're really good at cutting trailers to suck everyone in.

But I mean just take that one quote "It's now what you believe....it's how hard you believe it". What kind of word salad nonsense line is that? It's always good to see Ford as Indy though. And seeing Sala was really pleasant. Got all the nostalgia juices flowing (because of course it did). However, I already can't stand Phoebe Waller-Bridge's character and I'm not convinced they won't give her the fedora at the end.

I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade who are excited about this. I want to be excited but I just don't trust LucasFilm or Disney from their trailers. They have to prove it to me with the quality of the actual movie. I've gotten excited too many times.

This post has been edited by MusicallyInspired: 06 December 2022 - 10:49 AM


User is offline   Gorilla 


Disney just released a new movie called Strange World, but did almost zero marketing for it leading some to believe it was deliberately mishandled in order to avoid angering the chinese homo-hating overlords. I agree that the marketing must be dog shit because I haven't heard of it almost at all. While I adore the idea of a disney movie exploring themes of kids discovering their own identity or what-not, from what I've gathered it's mostly a side plot whereas a "Journey to the Center of the Earth" type plot takes the lead. However the slew of 1-star reviews from church going soccer moms is pretty hilarious. I guess the more things chance the more they stay the same. 20 years ago the snowflakes were upset at digital boobies, and now they're upset at digital homosexuals.

In reference to the new indiana jones movie, as a 12 year old boy (yea i'm a young buck) I could tell you that the crystal skull wasn't as good as the original trilogy, but I still really enjoyed it and found the really stupid scene where army ants carry a nazi dude into a tunnel to be in part hilarious but mostly extremely disturbing. genuinely made me more uncomfortable than the scene from the original where the dude's face melts off. Maybe the new one will be as "okay?"

This post has been edited by Gorilla: 06 December 2022 - 12:30 PM


User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


I enjoyed and still enjoy Crystal for what it is. It's not as great as the old ones. But personally I do like it better than Temple of Doom. I don't have much faith in Dial of Destiny, but maybe we'll be lucky to get a couple great callbacks or something. I'm open to being won over.

As for Strange World, I have actually heard of it and saw some media ads before it came out. It's definitely tanking though I hear.

This post has been edited by MusicallyInspired: 06 December 2022 - 02:20 PM


User is offline   Aleks 


Speaking of Indiana Jones, anyone remembers the TV show about the young Indy, starring Sean Patrick Flannery? I enjoyed this one a lot as a kid (probably partly due to it being one of the few good things easily accessible on TV), wouldn't really mind seeing more Indiana Jones kinda stuff in the vein of it rather than another mediocre movie like Crystal Skull.

User is offline   Šneček 


Anybody baking xmas sweets here? :)

User is offline   Hank 


Yep, love the raw dough, as a little boy, and still get a fair share today by baking cookies.
Ramblings of an old fart who failed to grow up.

User is offline   Šneček 


View PostHank, on 08 December 2022 - 08:26 PM, said:

Yep, love the raw dough, as a little boy, and still get a fair share today by baking cookies.
Ramblings of an old fart who failed to grow up.

interesting, i hate raw dough, the only time in my life i tasted it and spent all Christmas in the hospital with Salmonella. :huh:

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