The Post Thread
#19626 Posted 23 March 2017 - 08:53 PM
Hendricks266, on 23 March 2017 - 08:08 PM, said:
Holy crap this sounds like something Soule would write for The Elder Scrolls. I think I just cracked his formula!!
#19628 Posted 23 March 2017 - 11:47 PM
MusicallyInspired, on 23 March 2017 - 08:53 PM, said:
I don't know about that, but there is one possible lifting by Soule that is likely not lifting and just coincidence.
Listen to the brass at 1:24;
Then listen to the opening chords that also recur througout;
Fucking annoying song, good for pissing people off. If Percy had a theme in the games, I always thought this would be it for some reason, probably because it sounds kind of pompous.
Noticed when I was learning Spiral Mountain a few weeks ago.
This post has been edited by High Treason: 23 March 2017 - 11:50 PM
#19630 Posted 25 March 2017 - 12:50 AM
25K views in three days, shit.
This post has been edited by The Commander: 25 March 2017 - 12:51 AM
#19634 Posted 26 March 2017 - 06:31 AM

#19635 Posted 27 March 2017 - 03:09 PM
#19637 Posted 27 March 2017 - 08:25 PM
Mark., on 27 March 2017 - 03:09 PM, said:
I found this a while ago;

#19638 Posted 27 March 2017 - 09:16 PM
High Treason, on 27 March 2017 - 08:25 PM, said:
Why would anyone....?
That seems like one step above this on the legitimate scale

I suppose if you had a fanless system with no hard drive or nothing else spinning up....
or just get a good psu.
This post has been edited by Forge: 27 March 2017 - 09:32 PM
#19639 Posted 27 March 2017 - 09:33 PM
The thought also occurs to me as I write this that PCB fabrication is much cheaper now than it was a few years ago and it would probably also be cheaper to have one made if someone were so inclined. Still, not for me though, my noise problems come from a lack of earthed outlets and won't be solved by installing random capacitor banks on my computers bus.
At the time it was priced higher, so at least they've lowered the cost substantially since them - it was over £200 when I stumbled across it and was completely irrelevant to what I was looking for.
#19640 Posted 28 March 2017 - 03:16 AM
On a similar note, I did manage to get the noise out of one of the cheap Chinese condenser mics that have flooded the market in the last year or so. Someone had traced it down to lack of flitering at a voltage regulator chip output. Breaking a trace on the board and soldering in a small resistor and cap was all it took.
#19644 Posted 29 March 2017 - 04:51 AM

This post has been edited by Mark.: 29 March 2017 - 04:52 AM
#19647 Posted 30 March 2017 - 09:44 PM
This post has been edited by Robman: 30 March 2017 - 09:50 PM
#19648 Posted 31 March 2017 - 08:10 AM
That said, the trailer is giving me bad impression, I sure do hope the movie won't be full of jumpscare crap which is considered "horror" nowadays and not only that, this actually sounds like remake.
The original had nice trailer.
This one is even better.
This post has been edited by Sledgehammer: 31 March 2017 - 08:13 AM
#19649 Posted 31 March 2017 - 08:34 AM
Sledgehammer, on 31 March 2017 - 08:10 AM, said:
Pfft, that ain't shit.
By far one of the most morbid kid's films I ever saw, especially looking back at it now, as an adult.
I think the key point is that the clown does not yell. With IT, he yells and laughs all the time whereas with Brave Little Toaster, the clown whispers calmly, thus making it clear he is calling the shots.
Incidentally I'm not scared of clowns at all, actually I like them seeing how they're basically just trolls in real life. They even employ troll physics on a regular basis.
This post has been edited by High Treason: 31 March 2017 - 08:36 AM
#19650 Posted 31 March 2017 - 08:54 AM
IT is still pretty good movie and can scare people who don't know about typical scary clown stereotype. Heck, Pennywise looks like actual clown, just like in real life. Robman likely thought of clowns as some friendly and fun guys before that movie, I mean just look at that beginning scene with a girl which smiled when she saw Pennywise. He pretty much acts like actual clown too except he's also a creepy monster. Trailers had plenty of such moments.
Also, is it wrong if I find this scene quite amusing?