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The Post Thread

User is offline   Lunick 


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User is offline   oasiz 

  • Dr. Effector


Maybe I should also upload that french video..


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View PostInspector Lagomorf, on 06 July 2016 - 04:53 AM, said:

And then you took your whining to the Post Thread where you can be downvoted even more. Congratulations! You are a bona fide dipshit. But unlike you, I really don't care.

It's OK, sweetheart, you don't have to like it.

Also, downvotes? Really? Oh my god, I am so scared or something... Is that the worst you can do? Seriously? Damn, did this ever get serious. Yeah, holy crap, we've got a real hardcase here.

This post has been edited by High Treason: 06 July 2016 - 09:55 PM


User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


You confuse me. You act like a victim when you're treated improperly and then turn around treat everyone like dirt all over again when they explain why. Why are you complaining in the first place? You've said before that you enjoy being the jerk on purpose because that's who people remember more. Is it worth it? If it is stop complaining. If it isn't, stop being a jerk. You really don't have to be. People are perfectly willing to treat you like a human being if you do the same. I am. It's not rocket science.


Why? The guy made accusations when I wasn't here because I criticized his lack of originality, so I came back to correct him and the issue was done with. Recently I made a joke and he flipped his shit... Oh, but it's OK when everyone else does it, right? I still remember how people acted when I forgot to credit anyone for using the Build engine, I still remember how they acted when I told them Google was intrusively attempting to collect data on them (Oh, crap, was I ever right) and I remember how they reacted numerous times.

Hey, I only hung about to fix my map and then stuck here to give my input on the Beta thread. If people can't take it they shouldn't dish it out, I love how people keep acting like Lunick is in the right, that tells me a lot but nothing I didn't already suspect.

It doesn't matter much here, because nobody is removing important information and research ala Vogons (where you must have missed my posts, or the mods deleted them and I didn't notice) or snubbing me for no apparent reason like the un-elected PCL, also bully tactics here are pretty crappy compared to those of people like Swaaye and RaccoonRider over there, they don't affect anyone else by extension and there's not really anything here left salvaging anyway.

User is offline   Lunick 


To be honest, I'm sorry that other people on this forum have to put up with people yelling/arguing with/at me. I don't usually argue about something for a long period of time otherwise I just push it away or ignore it in hopes it blows over like ignoring the Turok crew or not replying any further to that thread above about that topic. I don't like this kind of negativity and would prefer people to use their efforts towards creating more positive things like a new music track, a new map for some game, game research or whatever best applies to you.


And that's usually what I do, but I'm starting to think it's pointless. The fact you uploaded a duplicate video is not a problem, otherwise I would have done something about it when it first appeared, I merely didn't feel the 'tude I got in response to my joke was needed and your false accusations were completely out of line. For the record, everything I make myself is under a CC license and I encourage people to copy parts of it for their own projects, so I can hardly begrudge someone copying something I don't even own.

But that has nothing to do with my questioning the effort put into things. I mean, what's the damn point? I invented so many new things in my maps but rarely do they show up anywhere because people would rather play the same old crap - Nitro did reasonably well though - or else they'd much rather hang about brown nosing some guy who can only post stuff other people made. On the other hand, DH12 did extremely well, to my surprise, a map I couldn't even be on form with because it was mapped on an old machine which could barely run the editor properly.

Outside of this place I work my ass off on YouTube and what do I have to show for it? Very little comparatively because scumbags like PCL get all the attention with half the effort and lacking or skewed information, all whilst being careful to snub me or else do other things to make my time difficult. Then people will outright copy me and do better from it than I ever did, there's a guy on YouTube who I won't even name (for certain reasons, he's not part of this community or any that I know of) and he used to copy my stuff almost word-for-word, he earned money off it and ended up with a channel that has over a million subscribers last I saw (a few years back) so what am I supposed to make of that? Then there's all the bullshit in places like Vogons where the mod team will fuck me around just because I dislike a specific video card vendor or something, deleting even simple posts like "I bought a new hard drive" just because they could and they were having a bad day.

In real life I worked my ass off for years only to wind up broke with all my friends who half-assed it going off to become managers, drive nice cars, buy nice houses and raise families - turning their back on me in the process of course, so fuck them. Meanwhile I have to move home against my will to a smaller house in a neighborhood I don't like wherei can't afford the rent, my stomach prevents me from doing things I would like to do and almost everything I attempt goes wrong in some way or another. So determined was the world to screw me over I ended up being unable to walk for a large chunk of last year because my legs turned black and it hurt like hell - no medical explanation could be found - but luckily it got better, no idea on that one. Hey, I'll probably publish my book later this year and something will go wrong with that too, like someone publishing the same thing under their own name or the store pushing it to the back of a shelf where nobody will see it, or the publisher fucking me over in some way. Literally everything I've ever been near turns to shit for some reason, it is probably why I come off as aggressive when I am not and I have a dark sense of humor because sometimes all I can do is laugh at it, if I didn't I'd probably have taken an exit bag years ago and I'd rather not do that, that would be selfish.

This post has been edited by High Treason: 06 July 2016 - 11:04 PM


User is offline   oasiz 

  • Dr. Effector


That story indeed does suck...
I guess bad experience in the past can be enough to trigger bad vibes when similar things happen.

However, the more I read stuff from above, the more it seems like personal attacks against the other guys from the past (such as PCL mention) but them replaced with Lunick just because there is some similarity with the actions. It really seems undeserved in this case.
I still think that the original video mention was completely needless and hard to tell if it's you being passive-aggressive or sarcastic.
Of course you have to expect a response like that if it's unclear.

Side with whoever, but I do agree that positivity is not a bad thing.

Make more maps!
I do agree that the DH map was interesting and one of my favourites there.

User is offline   Sanek 


I just graduated yesterday afternoon. I don't know if Micky C is still a student or he's a grown man now, but I just want to wish him all the luck. :P

User is offline   Inspector Lagomorf 

  • Glory To Motherland!


View PostHigh Treason, on 06 July 2016 - 11:02 PM, said:

In real life I worked my ass off for years only to wind up broke with all my friends who half-assed it going off to become managers, drive nice cars, buy nice houses and raise families - turning their back on me in the process of course, so fuck them. Meanwhile I have to move home against my will to a smaller house in a neighborhood I don't like wherei can't afford the rent, my stomach prevents me from doing things I would like to do and almost everything I attempt goes wrong in some way or another. So determined was the world to screw me over I ended up being unable to walk for a large chunk of last year because my legs turned black and it hurt like hell - no medical explanation could be found - but luckily it got better, no idea on that one. Hey, I'll probably publish my book later this year and something will go wrong with that too, like someone publishing the same thing under their own name or the store pushing it to the back of a shelf where nobody will see it, or the publisher fucking me over in some way. Literally everything I've ever been near turns to shit for some reason, it is probably why I come off as aggressive when I am not and I have a dark sense of humor because sometimes all I can do is laugh at it, if I didn't I'd probably have taken an exit bag years ago and I'd rather not do that, that would be selfish.

Look, we all have our own personal armageddons, it's just that most of us don't air it on the forum and similarly do not use it as a reason to be a jerk. Especially when there's a user base of hardcore trolls that will pretty much jump all over it.

User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


View PostHigh Treason, on 06 July 2016 - 11:02 PM, said:

And that's usually what I do, but I'm starting to think it's pointless. The fact you uploaded a duplicate video is not a problem, otherwise I would have done something about it when it first appeared, I merely didn't feel the 'tude I got in response to my joke was needed and your false accusations were completely out of line. For the record, everything I make myself is under a CC license and I encourage people to copy parts of it for their own projects, so I can hardly begrudge someone copying something I don't even own.

But that has nothing to do with my questioning the effort put into things. I mean, what's the damn point? I invented so many new things in my maps but rarely do they show up anywhere because people would rather play the same old crap - Nitro did reasonably well though - or else they'd much rather hang about brown nosing some guy who can only post stuff other people made. On the other hand, DH12 did extremely well, to my surprise, a map I couldn't even be on form with because it was mapped on an old machine which could barely run the editor properly.

Outside of this place I work my ass off on YouTube and what do I have to show for it? Very little comparatively because scumbags like PCL get all the attention with half the effort and lacking or skewed information, all whilst being careful to snub me or else do other things to make my time difficult. Then people will outright copy me and do better from it than I ever did, there's a guy on YouTube who I won't even name (for certain reasons, he's not part of this community or any that I know of) and he used to copy my stuff almost word-for-word, he earned money off it and ended up with a channel that has over a million subscribers last I saw (a few years back) so what am I supposed to make of that? Then there's all the bullshit in places like Vogons where the mod team will fuck me around just because I dislike a specific video card vendor or something, deleting even simple posts like "I bought a new hard drive" just because they could and they were having a bad day.

In real life I worked my ass off for years only to wind up broke with all my friends who half-assed it going off to become managers, drive nice cars, buy nice houses and raise families - turning their back on me in the process of course, so fuck them. Meanwhile I have to move home against my will to a smaller house in a neighborhood I don't like wherei can't afford the rent, my stomach prevents me from doing things I would like to do and almost everything I attempt goes wrong in some way or another. So determined was the world to screw me over I ended up being unable to walk for a large chunk of last year because my legs turned black and it hurt like hell - no medical explanation could be found - but luckily it got better, no idea on that one. Hey, I'll probably publish my book later this year and something will go wrong with that too, like someone publishing the same thing under their own name or the store pushing it to the back of a shelf where nobody will see it, or the publisher fucking me over in some way. Literally everything I've ever been near turns to shit for some reason, it is probably why I come off as aggressive when I am not and I have a dark sense of humor because sometimes all I can do is laugh at it, if I didn't I'd probably have taken an exit bag years ago and I'd rather not do that, that would be selfish.

Your post is a bit weird, mixing serious personal issues with drama about your user maps or YouTube videos not getting enough attention. The only constant is that you have a very negative attitude on anyone with slightly more success than you, extending even to trivial subjects. And you also won't recognize the effort of the others. Perhaps your friends turned their back on you because you think they didn't put effort on becoming managers?


View Postoasiz, on 07 July 2016 - 04:44 AM, said:

That story indeed does suck...
I guess bad experience in the past can be enough to trigger bad vibes when similar things happen.

However, the more I read stuff from above, the more it seems like personal attacks against the other guys from the past (such as PCL mention) but them replaced with Lunick just because there is some similarity with the actions. It really seems undeserved in this case.
I still think that the original video mention was completely needless and hard to tell if it's you being passive-aggressive or sarcastic.
Of course you have to expect a response like that if it's unclear.

Side with whoever, but I do agree that positivity is not a bad thing.

Make more maps!
I do agree that the DH map was interesting and one of my favourites there.

I never personally attacked PCL, but I called him out after years of bullshit. He's obviously got a problem with me and in my mind, you deal with a problem head on instead of leaving it to escalate unattended. I then tried the same methods everyone else does on that board, or the mod's favorites at least. Fuck that community anyway, it's dead to me and making PCL a mod cements the deal, they can fuck off. What grates on me though is how PCL and most of the other big channels in the same field as me used to be subscribers of mine and would converse back and forth, they just disappeared off the face of the earth one after another and all got big making half-assed crap on paid networks like a bunch of sell-outs where I do it for two reasons only; Firstly, I enjoy it, if I don't enjoy it I don't bother. Secondly, I believe information should be freely and easily accessible to all, not everyone has access to the things I focus on so it allows them to learn about them and ask questions as well as re-use the information due to the Creative Commons license, even a lot of my music falls under this. I aim to be useful and helpful, but that seems to bother some people.

No more maps, no motivation to work on them and I don't have the long hours to put into them anymore. I was going to retire prior to Nitro but figured I had better finish what I started.

I'm not inherently aggressive, it's just how I talk and I get tired of the fact people constantly think I'm being that way. In real life it's worse because I say nothing and they still find me threatening to the point I was asked to leave a surgery because some bitch thought I was being threatening, despite the fact I was sat silently waiting for my name to pop up, staring at my own shoes because I can't be bothered with people in general and prefer to ignore them if they aren't affecting me in any way... How the hell does one sit aggressively? Talking aggressively, no, but how the hell do they expect the descendant of travelers and sailors, growing up in one of the roughest neighborhoods in the country, was going to speak in the first place? Yeah, I cuss a lot, I say offensive things and I speak in a loud, deep voice, but I assure you if I was being aggressive (this is in real life) I'm not the kind of person to say anything, I'm the kind of person who walks right up in your face and punches you the fuck out for stealing my gas main. In general, I'll try calling out any bullshit pulled, ask what the hell they think they're doing, but it's when I go quiet and merely stare at them that the line has been overstepped, and they'd do well to back off.

View PostInspector Lagomorf, on 08 July 2016 - 04:13 AM, said:

Look, we all have our own personal armageddons, it's just that most of us don't air it on the forum and similarly do not use it as a reason to be a jerk. Especially when there's a user base of hardcore trolls that will pretty much jump all over it.

I'm not using it as a reason to be a jerk, I am using the fact someone acted like a jerk to me as a reason to be a jerk. An eye for an eye, you know? Yep, as always, it's fine when someone else does it, isn't it?
I guess you're still under the illusion I give a damn, I don't, but it gives me no motivation to put effort into anything either, about the same as if you had said nothing in the first place - which is roughly the value of most of your statements anyway.

I share things because I have nothing to hide really, I'm not ashamed of who I am or what I do. I'm not the person I used to be, quiet, kind and selfless, but that's just a side-effect of living in the real world where one simply cannot afford to be that way.

View PostFox, on 08 July 2016 - 11:15 AM, said:

Your post is a bit weird, mixing serious personal issues with drama about your user maps or YouTube videos not getting enough attention. The only constant is that you have a very negative attitude on anyone with slightly more success than you, extending even to trivial subjects. And you also won't recognize the effort of the others. Perhaps your friends turned their back on you because you think they didn't put effort on becoming managers?

Yeah, why is it only worthwhile when everyone else does it, or why is it only OK when everyone else does it? It's bullshit. I don't have a problem with people more successful than me, I judge them more harshly but that's it. What I don't like is when people don't put effort in, much like those friends who got where they are today partly off of my back without a word of thanks. By extension, I then wonder why the hell I should even try anymore, as it clearly isn't worth the effort.

I know full well I'm better than most of these people, or I do a better job at least, but nobody gives a fuck and they'd rather listen to a fat hipster whine about gimmicky games and beg them for money, or some guy who can't read lie about things in broken English, or they'd rather employ some chav piece of crap who didn't even qualify because I did the work for him. On the YouTube side of things I can't even just sit in my corner without people harassing the flag button or else filing false complaints to my web host - foolish, very foolish for reasons they don't appear to be aware of - all while watching mediocre channels pop up and outgrow me within a week. How am I supposed to feel? Because it sure as hell doesn't fill me with motivation. Should I sell out? There are networks interested, but no, that's against my principals. Tell you what though, man was I ever ahead of the damn curve regardless of if anyone saw it or not. No matter what though, I at least take responsibility for my actions, right or wrong, which is something a lot of people fail to do. But I am aware of my personality flaws, I hate apologizing - so I'll admit when I'm wrong but often try to dodge the apology, though I usually mean it - and I have problems with rejection due to several events which have happened in my life, I can usually just shrug it of but it can make me somewhat snappy from time to time.

There is one positive; I have discovered that because I live on so little money, I am eligible for food parcels, might have to take them up on that. Also owed a decent amount as they were illegally charging me a bedroom tax, but whether they pay out is another story and even then, I haven't paid rent or tax since last November, so it would go out immediately anyway and I still can't actually afford the rent on the new place despite it being the cheapest place I could get.

This post has been edited by High Treason: 08 July 2016 - 08:43 PM


User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


Have you ever considered that you overestimate your own abilities? Because it seems that you got a little problem with your ego.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


Catch-22. You dislike that people sell-out and make it big, but you won't sell out yourself, then wonder why you don't make it big.
Also, You dislike that you did everyone's work to help them succeed, and dislike that they give you zero credit. Maybe they're protecting their own interests. If you did all the work and they give you the credit, then they lose their success, or at the very least open themselves to owing you a monetary debt.

This post has been edited by Forge: 09 July 2016 - 07:46 AM



View PostFox, on 08 July 2016 - 10:28 PM, said:

Have you ever considered that you overestimate your own abilities? Because it seems that you got a little problem with your ego.

Not really, because I'm the first to admit my work is shit - but there's the thing, it's my work and I provide it free of charge.

I probably do have an ego and I can be competitive, because the world is a competitive environment. Probably i a factor that this, along with thinking I am awesome, is a masculine trait and if you hadn't noticed, I'm a guy so I'm somewhat genetically predisposed there.

Then again, I don't think it's too far fetched to assume I probably am better than people who do nothing, or steal, cheat or lie, and it is certainly not wrong to assume I am better than people who distort or censor information for the sole purpose that they don't agree with that information and would rather not hear it, therefore they will not allow it to propagate freely, which really goes against the principals of what the internet is for.

View PostForge, on 09 July 2016 - 06:31 AM, said:

Catch-22. You dislike that people sell-out and make it big, but you won't sell out yourself, then wonder why you don't make it big.
Also, You dislike that you did everyone's work to help them succeed, but dislike that they give you zero credit. Maybe they're protecting their own interests. If you did all the work and they give you the credit, then they lose their success, or at the very least open themselves to owing you a monetary debt.

Well, at least when the day is over I can say I own my own stuff instead of it belonging to some corporate guy I never met, but I still think things should have gone a lot better than they have from what I've seen. I get that I lack the likable, flamboyant personality a lot of people have, but I've pushed boundaries nobody else has gone anywhere near on many an occasion and there are people doing far better who have much worse flaws than I. I have morals, I have a soul and you'd be hard pressed to meet someone more honest than I am... In fact, that's half the problem as I've found my honesty does nothing but stare dislike and tends to get me into trouble. But regardless, I generally mean well or else just leave well enough alone.

I don't give a fuck who's interests they're protecting, if I practically did their exams for them and paid for most of their supplies I expect something in return, not just an "Oh, you're sick now? So long sucker." after years of supposed friendship, if your friends are like that then you really need to re-evaluate them as people, because the one real friend I have left would never do that. I don't expect any real credit from those people, I just dislike the way they turned their back on me for no real reason other than they didn't need me anymore and that I basically "wasn't good enough" to be worth speaking to past that point. because I didn't have the things they had and was "cramping their style" with their new middle-class buddies and devaluing their BMW just by standing near their house. Fuck those people anyway, I'm glad I don't have anything to do with them now because they're not worth my time anyway, immoral pieces of crap, perhaps karma will catch up with them in the end if they keep doing that.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


they used you to get success and then distanced themselves from you. Especially in the case of the one for whom you took their exams.
Doesn't it make sense to put distance between themselves and cheating to succeed? They want to bask in the success, not be reminded that they had to cheat to get there.
They owe you, so they don't want to be around you feeling like they are constantly in debt, or that you have something over them.

User is offline   Lunick 


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User is offline   Jeff 


Wasn't aware that UT2004 was designed for DirectX 8. Had to run it using OpenGL in order to get it to work on Windows 10.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: UT2004_2016_07_11_21_07_44_477.jpg

This post has been edited by Jeff: 11 July 2016 - 07:29 PM


User is offline   Robman 

  • Asswhipe [sic]


lol, why did the pigcop get downvotes?

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


View PostRobMan, on 11 July 2016 - 07:36 PM, said:

lol, why did the pigcop get downvotes?

To get to the other side?

User is offline   Robman 

  • Asswhipe [sic]


Hehe, I knew it sounded like a joke but couldn't think of a way to finish it.

User is offline   Jolteon 


Attached Image: Braixen Doom.png
idk... (Made in Gmod)

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


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User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse



User is offline   Jeff 


Someone made Hillary look like Trump.

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I don't know about you guys, but I prefer this store layout:

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As compared to this one:

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Some places where I live have switched to a single in/out door recently, after previously having separate ones.

This post has been edited by Jeff: 16 July 2016 - 11:01 AM


User is offline   Richard Shead 

  • "Dick Nasty"


^I would describe it more as Trump looking like Hillary, as opposed to the other way around. :P


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They'll stop When It's Done.

User is offline   Lunick 


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User is offline   Richard Shead 

  • "Dick Nasty"


^But who IS on first? :P


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Fucking Comic Sans. My hate of it probably comes from a bat shit insane feminist teacher I had who wrote literally everything in this font.

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