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The Post Thread

User is offline   Jeff 


Passive aggressive notes...

Someone needs some self-esteem to allow this person to confront the people in question like an adult.


I don't read the second note as passive-aggressive, it merely makes a polite request and then states a reason for said request, I would consider it well reasoned and well mannered. The Comic Sans, however, I would consider similar to leaving a turd on my office chair.

On the school thing, I was temporarily excluded for refusing to do any work, or read any documents, presented to me in Comic Sans.

However, you're right, people today often don't have the balls, or in most cases are too lazy, to confront people they have an issue with and resort to sly tactics and dick sucking of people in power to get what they want. I have witnessed this a lot in recent times and it only seems to be getting worse.

User is offline   Jeff 


I would still ask the people directly about not using comic sans to sound more assertive. The note doesn't always have to be hostile though to be passive aggressive.

Passive aggressive tongue clickers are the worst kind of people. At least the one guy left a note about keeping the door closed. The tongue clicker doesn't do anything.

User is offline   Jblade 


View PostJeff, on 18 July 2016 - 08:28 PM, said:

Passive aggressive notes...

Someone needs some self-esteem to allow this person to confront the people in question like an adult.

Pretty sure it's supposed to be a joke.

User is offline   Jeff 


I got kind of carried away.

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


That's elitist as all get out.

User is offline   Lunick 


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He was right.
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User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


James wasn't a dick about it. People are certainly making him out to be, though.

User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


Yeah, he was chill about it. But is the poor result any surprise?

This post has been edited by Fox: 22 July 2016 - 04:53 PM


User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


I guess the hollywood propaganda machine backfired.
The new spin is there is too much misogyny prevalent in the u.s. for this movie to succeed. If you have a penis and didn't go see this film, you're part of the problem. Don't try to man-splain anything to the contrary.

User is offline   HiPolyBash 


Female Ghostbusters reboot is similar to people screaming for a black or female James Bond instead of writing an original screenplay for a new franchise featuring a black or female spy, although to a lesser extent due to it being more of a 're-imagining'. Don't hijack properties and warp them into your own little modern politically correct ultra diverse dream, go write something original. People tend to scream 'SEXIST!' or 'RACIST!' when someone says they'd rather you not take an existing franchise, character, and universe that has always had defining pillars and centered on a specific character with specific attributes and alter it for the sake of diversity. Make something original.

The narrative always goes 'You can't say a black man or a woman can't do something!' when you speak up about this sort of thing but in this case yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. A black man or a woman should not be James Bond. If you want Idris Elba to play a 007 type character go write a screenplay, come up with a franchise, and have your spy movie. Don't hijack what already exists with a solidified universe and back story and warp it because you really really want to. Create something original to accommodate what you want to do, hell even a spin-off that ties into that same universe. Just don't take over what people love and warp it then scream that people are misogynists or racists when your reaction is negative. The fact that you're taking an established universe and franchise and twisting it into what you want to do is what pisses people off.

If you want more films starring women in strong roles or black people in the main role then go write something original. Don't twist what people love and then pull stupid excuses out of your ass for why the reaction is negative. Female Ghostbusters could have been a spin-off and that would have pissed less people off. The concept of women fighting ghosts is pretty cool but the execution of grabbing an existing franchise and just blatantly ignoring the established universe and rebooting it is what pissed people off.

Ranting like a mother fucker here but you get my drift. Originality should be what you go to realize your concept instead of hijacking existing franchises and changing their core elements.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


So tell us how you really feel.

User is offline   HiPolyBash 


Diversity is fine but it is only sensible for that to be expressed through new franchises and properties instead of cannibalizing existing intellectual property especially when it comes to something such as my above example of James Bond where it's frequently suggested that the new Bond be either a woman or a black man. James Bond as a character is well established as a white Englishman, a womanizer, and so on.. if you wish to have a female or black spy go for it but don't cannibalize existing franchises to do so. Create something new or do a spin-off of that franchise.

Don't alter solidified characters and universes. I'd be just as bothered if they announced another Duke Nukem game and Duke was a black woman and it was called 'Duchess Nukem' or something similar, they'd be better off in my mind having a female character in a in-universe spin-off similar to how Bombshell was going to be in Duke Forever and have her own game.

To be perfectly honest when it comes to the new Ghostbusters I would have preferred they do it as a spin-off or a 'passing the torch' style film that's a continuation of the previous films but that's more due to my resentment of lazy reboots of franchises which I had to endure through the recent Total Recall and Robocop films. The main characters being women doesn't bother me, more the radical changes to an established franchise in the form of a reboot which I generally dislike. I'll probably end up seeing it at some stage but I'm not rushing out to do so.

Race and gender isn't all that important to me when consuming any form of media. I loved Life is Strange, I enjoyed the Blade films, it just doesn't matter much to me but if you grab something that's already established as a character or the main traits to a franchise and flip it on its head I'm not going to be impressed. If they did another Blade film or comic series and it was a skinny white dude as Blade I'd be bothered. It's more twisting what already exists for the sake of diversity or doing something different that bothers me as opposed to creating fresh characters and new franchises or even spin-offs that are part of that universe to express a vision that incorporates those things.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


ghostbusters (2016) sucked because the characters didn't mesh well, the cgi and action fluctuated from "plausible" to "incredibly unbelievable", scenes were dis-jointed and seemed like a stream of sound bites, and the non-stop bad comedy downplayed or out-right killed any drama or suspense.

but you man-splained your point in an easy to comprehend manner, thank you. (misogynist)

This post has been edited by Forge: 23 July 2016 - 07:25 AM


User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


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User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


Better than this piece of shit.


User is offline   Jeff 


For the better part of a day or two I've been downloading old Unreal Tournament maps from GameFront's unofficial backup server. It's essentialy a clone of their whole site, before it went offline permanently.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: utbackup.jpg

This post has been edited by Jeff: 24 July 2016 - 10:22 PM



View PostForge, on 24 July 2016 - 08:53 PM, said:

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I wonder if anyone remembers that failed project I started where Mario ran around in a 3D sidescrolling view of the mushroom kingdom gibbing things with a shotgun... I do not appear to have the images any more and my old Freewebs site is gone. Hated freewebs anyway.

Whilst searching for the images I have just run past some old YouTube videos and stuff on my storage drives, and I have picked up on something a little unnerving. In one of my old synthesizer videos the camera pans along the board and my sofa can be seen behind it, there are two similar shots and in one you can see the sofa quite clearly. In that shot, the sofa contains some junk such as a blanket and pillow because I sleep there and rarely move those things. In the second shot less of the sofa is visible, only the very bottom corner of it. Anyway, by chance I paused the video on this faster shot and noticed what appears to be a human foot is visible in front of the sofa as if somebody were sat there, it appears tilted up at an angle.

At first I thought my friend must have been there when I filmed it, though that would be unusual as I only remember him being around for one video. This can't be right though as his feet are about the same size as mine, as in, relatively large (I'm size 14 / 48) where the foot is not, appearing to be wearing a small black shoe pointing down to the floor, as if someone were on the edge of the seat leaning forwards or wearing heels. The foot visible is very small, almost like that of a woman or child. That might fit as at the very edge of the screen there appears to be a black material almost like a dress, it can't be my blankets as those are blue, yellow and green in the first shot. Being filmed in the early hours like most of my videos, probably around 3AM, there would certainly be nobody else in the house.

I'm pretty certain it's a trick of the light or an artifact as the camera was old and grainy, cranking the gamma suggests it is probably just an oddly positioned shadow. It did startle me for a moment though and it gave me something to do trying to figure it out.

User is offline   Lunick 




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Hells yeah, some more Wisdom Tree swag of biblical proportions to complement my stylin' Wisdom Tree garb.

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User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


so i hear radar is doing fine....

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User is offline   Daedolon 

  • Ancient Blood God


View PostMarphy Black, on 25 July 2016 - 08:00 AM, said:

Hells yeah, some more Wisdom Tree swag of biblical proportions to complement my stylin' Wisdom Tree garb.

Thanks for the reminder, meant to order one of these like 2 years ago when they first came about.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


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Damn Nature! :P


User is offline   Lunick 


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User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


What's that?

User is offline   Lunick 


It doesn't actually have a name yet but it's a stealth game.

(I couldn't find a more up to date video at the moment)

User is offline   Daedolon 

  • Ancient Blood God


I see you, fuckhead!

User is offline   Jeff 


So they've finally decided to shut down the Bioware forums.

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