Why do I get the idea this isn't going to go away until I have some input on it. What I mean by that is, I keep hearing about this discussion and whilst I don't much care that it is going on, I do care about the needless space it uses in my inbox.
@Sixty Four; Hey, I'm flattered that Lunick actually used my remarks in his signature. Evidently I left an impression, it's good to know people are still talking about me and, evidently, care about what I'm doing over a year past me leaving the forum.
@Forge; I'm not going to sit here and have a discussion on this because I have to go out somewhere. Whatever issues you have with me I don't really care and if you want to whine about remarks made about you elsewhere than I am honestly not bothered by it or I wouldn't have said them in public, but putting words in my mouth is not something I expected you to resort to - more on that later. Yeah I said negative things about you, but when you keep pushing and pushing against someone who is very suicidal why would you not expect a negative reaction? This is what you got at the time, it is harder not to take it to heart when you're in a place like that and you're lucky I had enough strength left to walk away or you might have had something terrible on your conscience, I really was in a bad place at that time. Even knowing this it is evident the apology you sent probably isn't genuine as I suspected, you sent it because you were asked to and not of your own volition. At the time you wrote it I had influenza on top of the fact I'm in the middle of moving house. Having recently recovered and found time to read it I cannot log into Scent-88, apparently my user name doesn't exist and I don't know Puritan's e-mail address, I don't use the forum so I didn't pursue the matter any further and given what you've written here, I don't care to. I'm over this.
While I'm here;
> No, you didn't understand my financial situation. Either you didn't understand it, didn't listen or I didn't explain it well enough, whatever, that's over and done with.
> No, the hardware I was offered was worse than what I was using at the time, but by the fact this keeps getting dragged up I can only assume it would have been better manners for me to take hardware the owner could have otherwise sold, just so I could throw it in the trash. I appreciated the offer and I said as much, but it would have been pointless of me to take it when it wouldn't have been useful. I'm also a prideful person and have issues with people helping me, preferring to fix the situation myself even when it isn't the best way to go about it - yeah, whatever, that's a flaw in my personality.
> Yeah, I said things, so what? Am I supposed to lie and say everyone here is great, that I like everyone and it's all a picnic? Oh, wait, no, I'm not the liar here and I speak my mind, evidently that upsets some people but it's the price you pay for airing your dirty laundry in public view.
Anyway, back to my earlier point, talking shit about you in other places. Yeah, I did, I'm not saying I didn't, and I did the same about Lunick because all I can say is what I see. When I was here all he did was post pointless crap and then get mad when I downvoted him because I got tired of my browser crashing and my applications running out of memory. Funny how I never complained about people down-voting me because I don't really give a damn what the numbers say. I also complained about Puritan because he didn't seem take complaints I had seriously. It is fine to repeat that, but saying I talked crap about Hendricks and Jimmy is a complete lie and you know it is, I liked Hendricks, Jimmy was funny - hell, I liked Viper too, even though he spouted some absolute nonsense sometimes. So stop making things up, it's pathetic and I can't understand why you'd do that, perhaps guilt, perhaps some miserable attempt at deformation of character or an attempt to make your point carry more weight because you know deep down you're talking a load of rubbish and spreading lies.
This was my response to Robman's ban from the Steam page for SWDK. In short, Robman had complained about it (I'm happy to say this as it is known and Robman himself talks of it here) and registered his dislike for Lunick and Hendricks' actions. Where in this do I say anything bad about the other people you mentioned? Oh, wait, that's right, I didn't because I never did. I don't know why you expect such a warm response from me, I literally had the blade to my veins and you were still trying to make me snap, not cool and if you lived in the UK where the legislature is quite harsh on such things, I assure you, I
would have pursued legal action. I'm not saying I was entirely right, but I at least had reasons, that was how my brain was thinking at the time and unless you've been there you won't understand it. At this point I'm done with it, I'd rather it stopped coming up and I am happy to turn my back and forget about it, for all I know you might have had problems of your own at the time - let's just say neither of us was right?
I'm not claiming to be innocent in all of this. I've done and said stupid shit just as much as anyone else and I'm glad, because I learn from it and move on. It's funny, I write things on a message board and people I don't even know are up in arms about it for one reason or another. As for me, I don't really care what people I don't know write on message boards I don't use on the internet, I have far more important things to concern myself with.
Whatever, I've made my point, back to packing, measuring and working on the projects currently on my to-do list. Look, I don't expect to come here, say this and then walk away with us all being best pals, but what was done was done, what was said was said. No party is entirely innocent in this whole thing and I'd like to leave it in the past where it belongs. As of right now, I'm too busy to spend any time here anyway and I have had no time to work on and of my remaining Duke Nukem projects, but this is not to say I won't return in the future. If that happens, I am sure it will take time for things to mend, but I'm willing to write things off as done and try. I'm sorry if I did and said some things I shouldn't have, but understand that I won't lie about what I see and anything you do on public internet is open to criticism from outside parties.
Hi everyone.