You won't have to. The option is there to buy individual seasons or the whole thing. Although I've heard buying them individually will be cheaper.
Unfortunately some stuff is upscaled, but some effect shots are new. It had a lot of practical effects (explosions, worms, vampire eyes) which were done on film, but some stuff like stock shots, transitions is upscaled. I ran a program a few years ago which analyzes each frame and it came out to be around 2-3 minutes of upscaled stuff throughout the series. Season 6 was 96% film as I recall. Not a lot of CGI effects there. The first season was around 91% or so.
I had a talk to someone about this, and he said it was impossible to see that far ahead into the future regarding having everything including effects on 4K back in 1993. Widescreen didn't even exist, but they knew it was coming in a few years.
Although from what I was told this Blu-ray is a 2K scan (2048x1080), not a 4K scan of the film.
If the movies are any indication, the audio tracks should be DTS HD-MA 5.1 surround sound @ 1536kbps bitrate for each episode. The DVDs are currently Dolby Digital 2.0 @ 192 kbps.
24 was also remastered the same way X-Files was recently, so that should also be released on Blu-ray soon as well (for seasons 1-6, 7-8 & LAD are already on Blu-ray). If this is any indication I don't know what is. I found that picture on Fox's twitter account.