If you disagree, that is fine, just keep it to yourself until YOU do the research. I spend a massive number of hours on this subject, and it took all of it to get a clear picture. BOTH "sides" are playing games I can assure you, but there IS a reality to it, if you do the research. There is mass data around this subject, that is accurate that wasn't found out after the "Agenda Studies" which are so commonly sited.
I will save you this bit of time however, the term "Climate Change" is/was the direct result of the need for a new "cause" when "Global Warming" was too easily proven to be natural and mostly with disregard to human existence. NO ONE is arguing the Carbon Footprint of humans, animals and the conveniently ignored MASSIVE footprint of Deciduous leaf decay and other natural emissions, but the too often ignored stat is how fast nature is consuming it. (super-simplified here)
The early data and the reasons it snowballed into the "Next big money exploitation cause" and why "Climate Change" was rushed in as Damage Control, is clearly out there to be Googled...
Maybe someone should start a thread so we can start getting people up to speed on this, as it will take many hours to grasp the "real" picture here, but it will take many hundreds of post to get educated first, then look at the data, then ignore the sensationalism, then wrap your mind around some seriously large numbers. I had 18 pages of notes and a substantial spreadsheet and a bit of work in Math-Cad before I saw the light.
If anyone wants to really discuss this, bring your notes and start a thread... all this back and forth in the "One Liner World" of forums about something as complex and intentionally clouded as this issue is a waste of time... unless you like to make baseless arguments... then this is the correct venue I suppose.
I think everyone wants a better world until it becomes inconvenient. Technology changes as fast as big business and governments allow it, and we will do damage, clean it up, and be ok, just like with the mass smog of the 70's... but with that said, "Global Warming/Climate Change" is an exploitation medium, NOT a real attempt to clean up the environment.
Here is a parallel example... in the 70's and 80's when governments here in the US, REALLY came down on vehicle emissions, a lot of people didn't even realize what their "Smog Pump" was on their vehicle... basically all it did was pump fresh air into the exhaust pipe to dilute the exiting exhaust... the actual emission of pollution was completely unchanged. Fool the machine is all that was required by the government. The point is that technology improved later and efficiency increased and this method is no longer used or needed for the most part. We will catch up and it will all be ok, without extorting taxes to research things inefficiently with fake/fronted companies. Fuel Cells and Fusion Reactors will likely be a good way to lean before too long.
So to be clear, I am not at all against a cleaner world and reduced emissions, which will happen... but I am against extortion of taxes in the name of doing it. Realistic regulations on pollution is the key, in my opinion. In retrospect, most humans seem to like the whole "screw it" now, and "damage control" later way of life anyway. (e.g. debt, health etc) "Don't worry! We can fix it later!"
Oh well... I can't seem to make the post any shorter without it meaning even less, so I guess...