Fox: Trading of goods is not the same thing as cultural invasion where the end game is the intentional implosion of the host.
"What came before God": Assuming linear perception of time is the only way to look at existence is about as absurd as assuming a DVD can only be watched start to finish. Linear time is a deliberately limited lens to look at existence through, and trying to force the logic of "god" to fit into the logic of linear time/existence is like a person trying to solve Calculus problems using Geometry. It's always going to be awkward and sometimes futile.
Forge, on 14 January 2015 - 07:30 AM, said:
I personally believe there is a god. I have no way to fathom Its plans or intentions, but from my perspective as a member of the team on the field, I do question the plays the Coach is sending in and why we seem to be kicking the ball in the wrong direction
Finding out what sort of being a soul will be when they really aren't sure what's going to happen next. It's easy to be Zeus when you can see every frame of the movie and jump around with ease. Whole different ballgame when a lot of people are voting on the next frame, the votes are private, and you don't like the movie being chosen.
It's an incredible way to bring out and see your genuine nature more truthfully in a way that you can't see when you have access to seeing everything.
This is why video games are a cool middle ground. You can read a book and "feel" like Captain Nemo, but you know you are always safe and everything will turn out as it should. Video games are safe too, but you can't be sure everything will turn out as it should. Might not even finish if you give up, but it will always be there if you want to go back to it. A real linear life is the ultimate expression of the expansion of narrative experiences and options.