Mr.Flibble, on 23 December 2013 - 07:34 PM, said:
Fucking rich people who get out of jail timebecause they can't help that they never understood consequences of their actions.
Rich people don't understand that when life is hard, you don't give up; you keep pushing forward and get over it. Shit happens, babe, learn to deal with it.
Some people are victims of their circumstances: they never had to deal with loss or not getting what they want; when they can't get what they want, or when things don't go their way, they collapse and give up. It is sad more than anything.
It's not sad, I live in a really wealthy area of Long Island, which is already pretty affluent.
You can tell when certain kids just aren't going to be anything when they get older. Cronyism only goes so far and some of these people are seriously fucked up from being raised by a generation who thinks all their kids are special little snowflakes. When you combine extreme wealth...yeah.
Went to school with three kids who robbed multiple banks to feed heroin addictions. Had everything handed to them, got coddled too much, never tried to achieve anything and fucked it all up. They used pieces of paper with notes saying they had a gun. Typical white boy shit.
Many more just leech of their parents and hold shitty jobs for pocket change, partying and drugs. They might drive expensive cars, but they ain't paying for it. All their major expenses are covered, sometimes even apartments. The parents are too loaded to give a fuck and will just blame Obama or someone else convenient for poor choices they and their cohorts made.
It's not really sad because many of these kids choose to live in their own little bubble in their 20's. They only associate with people as shitty as them.