oasiz, on 07 July 2016 - 04:44 AM, said:
That story indeed does suck...
I guess bad experience in the past can be enough to trigger bad vibes when similar things happen.
However, the more I read stuff from above, the more it seems like personal attacks against the other guys from the past (such as PCL mention) but them replaced with Lunick just because there is some similarity with the actions. It really seems undeserved in this case.
I still think that the original video mention was completely needless and hard to tell if it's you being passive-aggressive or sarcastic.
Of course you have to expect a response like that if it's unclear.
Side with whoever, but I do agree that positivity is not a bad thing.
Make more maps!
I do agree that the DH map was interesting and one of my favourites there.
I never personally attacked PCL, but I called him out after years of bullshit. He's obviously got a problem with me and in my mind, you deal with a problem head on instead of leaving it to escalate unattended. I then tried the same methods everyone else does on that board, or the mod's favorites at least. Fuck that community anyway, it's dead to me and making PCL a mod cements the deal, they can fuck off. What grates on me though is how PCL and most of the other big channels in the same field as me used to be subscribers of mine and would converse back and forth, they just disappeared off the face of the earth one after another and all got big making half-assed crap on paid networks like a bunch of sell-outs where I do it for two reasons only; Firstly, I enjoy it, if I don't enjoy it I don't bother. Secondly, I believe information should be freely and easily accessible to all, not everyone has access to the things I focus on so it allows them to learn about them and ask questions as well as re-use the information due to the Creative Commons license, even a lot of my music falls under this. I aim to be useful and helpful, but that seems to bother some people.
No more maps, no motivation to work on them and I don't have the long hours to put into them anymore. I was going to retire prior to Nitro but figured I had better finish what I started.
I'm not inherently aggressive, it's just how I talk and I get tired of the fact people constantly think I'm being that way. In real life it's worse because I say nothing and they still find me threatening to the point I was asked to leave a surgery because some bitch thought I was being threatening, despite the fact I was sat silently waiting for my name to pop up, staring at my own shoes because I can't be bothered with people in general and prefer to ignore them if they aren't affecting me in any way... How the hell does one sit aggressively? Talking aggressively, no, but how the hell do they expect the descendant of travelers and sailors, growing up in one of the roughest neighborhoods in the country, was going to speak in the first place? Yeah, I cuss a lot, I say offensive things and I speak in a loud, deep voice, but I assure you if I was being aggressive (this is in real life) I'm not the kind of person to say anything, I'm the kind of person who walks right up in your face and punches you the fuck out for stealing my gas main. In general, I'll try calling out any bullshit pulled, ask what the hell they think they're doing, but it's when I go quiet and merely stare at them that the line has been overstepped, and they'd do well to back off.
Inspector Lagomorf, on 08 July 2016 - 04:13 AM, said:
Look, we all have our own personal armageddons, it's just that most of us don't air it on the forum and similarly do not use it as a reason to be a jerk. Especially when there's a user base of hardcore trolls that will pretty much jump all over it.
I'm not using it as a reason to be a jerk, I am using the fact someone acted like a jerk to me as a reason to be a jerk. An eye for an eye, you know? Yep, as always, it's fine when someone else does it, isn't it?
I guess you're still under the illusion I give a damn, I don't, but it gives me no motivation to put effort into anything either, about the same as if you had said nothing in the first place - which is roughly the value of most of your statements anyway.
I share things because I have nothing to hide really, I'm not ashamed of who I am or what I do. I'm not the person I used to be, quiet, kind and selfless, but that's just a side-effect of living in the real world where one simply cannot afford to be that way.
Fox, on 08 July 2016 - 11:15 AM, said:
Your post is a bit weird, mixing serious personal issues with drama about your user maps or YouTube videos not getting enough attention. The only constant is that you have a very negative attitude on anyone with slightly more success than you, extending even to trivial subjects. And you also won't recognize the effort of the others. Perhaps your friends turned their back on you because you think they didn't put effort on becoming managers?
Yeah, why is it only worthwhile when everyone else does it, or why is it only OK when everyone else does it? It's bullshit. I don't have a problem with people more successful than me, I judge them more harshly but that's it. What I don't like is when people don't put effort in, much like those friends who got where they are today partly off of my back without a word of thanks. By extension, I then wonder why the hell I should even try anymore, as it clearly isn't worth the effort.
I know full well I'm better than most of these people, or I do a better job at least, but nobody gives a fuck and they'd rather listen to a fat hipster whine about gimmicky games and beg them for money, or some guy who can't read lie about things in broken English, or they'd rather employ some chav piece of crap who didn't even qualify because I did the work for him. On the YouTube side of things I can't even just sit in my corner without people harassing the flag button or else filing false complaints to my web host - foolish, very foolish for reasons they don't appear to be aware of - all while watching mediocre channels pop up and outgrow me within a week. How am I supposed to feel? Because it sure as hell doesn't fill me with motivation. Should I sell out? There are networks interested, but no, that's against my principals. Tell you what though, man was I ever ahead of the damn curve regardless of if anyone saw it or not. No matter what though, I at least take responsibility for my actions, right or wrong, which is something a lot of people fail to do. But I am aware of my personality flaws, I hate apologizing - so I'll admit when I'm wrong but often try to dodge the apology, though I usually mean it - and I have problems with rejection due to several events which have happened in my life, I can usually just shrug it of but it can make me somewhat snappy from time to time.
There is one positive; I have discovered that because I live on so little money, I am eligible for food parcels, might have to take them up on that. Also owed a decent amount as they were illegally charging me a bedroom tax, but whether they pay out is another story and even then, I haven't paid rent or tax since last November, so it would go out immediately anyway and I still can't actually afford the rent on the new place despite it being the cheapest place I could get.