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The Post Thread

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


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Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.

For the Crust:

In a mixing bowl, combine the ingredients with a fork until evenly moistened. Lightly coat the bottom and sides of an 8-inch springform pan with non-stick cooking spray.

Pour the crumbs into the pan and, using the bottom of a measuring cup or the smooth bottom of a glass, press the crumbs down into the base and 1-inch up the sides. Refrigerate for 5 minutes.

For the Filling:

In the bowl of an electric mixer, beat the cream cheese on low speed for 1 minute until smooth and free of any lumps. Add the eggs, 1 at a time, and continue to beat slowly until combined. Gradually add sugar and beat until creamy, for 1 to 2 minutes.

Add sour cream, lemon zest, and vanilla. Periodically scrape down the sides of the bowl and the beaters. The batter should be well-mixed but not overbeaten. Pour the filling into the crust-lined pan and smooth the top with a spatula.

Set the cheesecake pan on a large piece of aluminum foil and fold up the sides around it. Place the cake pan in a large roasting pan. Pour boiling water into the roasting pan until the water is about halfway up the sides of the cheesecake pan; the foil will keep the water from seeping into the cheesecake. Bake for 45 minutes. The cheesecake should still jiggle (it will firm up after chilling), so be careful not to overcook. Let cool in pan for 30 minutes. Chill in the refrigerator, loosely covered, for at least 4 hours. Loosen the cheesecake from the sides of the pan by running a thin metal spatula around the inside rim. Unmold and transfer to a cake plate. Using a spatula spread a layer of Warm Lemon Blueberry topping over the surface.

Slice the cheesecake with a thin, non-serrated knife that has been dipped in hot water. Wipe dry after each cut.
Warm Lemon Blueberries:

In a small saucepan add all the ingredients and simmer over medium heat for 5 minutes or so until the fruit begins to break down slightly. Leave to cool before spreading on cheesecake.

Yield: 6 servings

User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


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Part 3

Barack stands outside his hotel suite; his bodyguard next to him.

“You know It'd be much easier, and less embarrassing for us to have separate rooms.”

“I'm sorry sir but my orders are clear. If it makes it any easier I can sleep on the couch.”

Barack taps the lock with a key card and opens the door. It is a homely place. Beige walls, beige carpeting, and incandescent lamps lighting the room with a yellow hue. On the opposite side is a window, with thick curtains, and two twin beds with equally thick covers and blankets. Just looking at them makes Barack a little stuffy, and he takes off his coat and places it in the closet to his left as he steps in. There's a couch in the main living area, a breakfast table, two paintings of scenery on the left and right walls, a mini-fridge between the beds, and a television set across from them. And in the centre of it all was this hulk of a man in a black suit with pitch black sunglasses. You couldn't even see where he was looking from the side. The glasses wrapped around his face and stuck there like they were suctioned to his eyes.

It's a Saturday, and Barack has the afternoon to memorize his press notes for a conference in the morning. It's not even a matter of relaxing in solitude. It's simply difficult to work, or study with someone else in the room watching everything you do. The little quirks you invent to help yourself through the task are embarrassing enough to stop you from talking to yourself, or wandering the room glossy eyed and daydreaming in with someone else around. These secret service fellows aren't the paragons of stoicism they make themselves out to be. As often as they turn their heads to spot oddities in the crowd, they equally maintain a steady line of sight at any buxom women in the audience. Their heads look straight ahead nonchalant. Their eyes behind the tinted shades; looking straight at a nice pair of tits.

Once on his way out from the White House, Barack remembered he had left something behind in his office. Before anyone could object, he had turned around and started jogging down the hall. It was only now as he reflected in his hotel room -staring out at his fellow citizens on the street moving about in their individual, unobtrusive lives- the wonderment for a man to run down the hallways of the White House. Breezing past the eyes of past presidents. They stand sternly, eternal sentinels of leaders who walk past them to work every morning, and again when they come home at night. Their gaze judging only what the subject judges upon himself. The victorious leader sees the approving countenance of those who were victorious like him before. The defeated see the glare of shame from those who sacrificed much to make this country great. But as he trotted along the corridor lined with portraits, by trick of eye, or light, or of the mind, he saw little smiles forming on the edges of their mouths and their eyes looked a little forlorn for their lost humanity. And it was only later in his hotel room, did Barack know the look in their eyes. And knew he couldn't have been the first to run down that very corridor, or walk happily and aimlessly through this mansion. Or to strip a woman down in the bedroom, and make love to her. Somethings never change, and the fraternity on this wall stretches beyond the station of the executive office. It stretches to their alma maters, the listing “American Presidents” in every encyclopedia in t he world, their roles as fathers and husbands, and their love and loss in the bedroom. If he were to walk down the very corridor thinking of Michelle, the visages of his predecessor would look individually in disappointment, or in sympathy. And while it is true that some may have chose their wives better than others, here was a dilemma they all faced. And though some strove better than others, you will not find their struggles in the histories of the world. Only a list of their country's victories and losses while they took office. The annals of historians record all but one thing, and that is the soul and humanity of these men captured in pictures and portraits.

Barack had passed the portrait of George Washington, when in a nearby room he heard two voices. He slowed to a leisurely stroll.

“I'm covering Michelle this evening.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah man. Some charity gala.”

“She wearing that red dress?”

“You fucking know it. All stretched out across her ass like a ripe tomato. I just want to get up on that you know? Just get up behind her and cup that ass; squeeze 'em with both hands.”

“Shit I don't want to hear that. You're thinking too much about it ha-ha-ha-”

Barack coughed just loud enough for them to hear. No point in ruining their fun, just letting them know there was someone outside. No need to let the Whitehouse know what you're thinking. It was strange though, he didn't even mind what they were saying. A couple of grunts wouldn't have a chance with the wife of the president. Not while he was in office anyway. Even then, why Michelle? It was only the night before he had seen her naked body. She slid out of her dress. Taught breasts clenched against her bra fell like heavy weights. Her skin bunched into layers along her torso as she bent to pull off her panties. She looked up at him in bed, wrinkles around her tired eyes. This is the side of Michelle they wouldn't see in their fantasies. She would have perky tits. Nice, round and large; just like her ass. The tight body of a twenty year old, and a dainty hairless cunt. And when you try to stick it in, it pokes through slowly. Working its way through the tightness as her sweetspot oozes, and lubes your shaft as you work your member. Her little gasps and moans tickling your ear, telling your brain to pump more blood into your dick. She gives a little howl as the penis grows bigger inside her, and pushes as far in as it can go. Then the rhythm starts and her arms tighten around his neck bringing him close, letting him feel the heat of her naked body against his. Letting her hard nipples press against his chest as she cums so perfectly.

That's Michelle, that's the girl next door, the cute girl working the cash register. All the women you fantasize about. Same body, same scenario, same movements. They're all the same women in your head. And Barack knows this. He knows about the fantasy woman, her body, her sound her taste, since he was old enough to pitch his pants. She changed so many times as he grew older and disappeared altogether when he married. No, he sees her sometimes. When he's lonely, in the bathroom separated from the world. Sometimes her skin is tan. Sometimes she speaks French. Sometimes her raven hair drips over her supple breasts and covered with a tight rainbow striped shirt.

Michelle, her tight dresses pinching her curves. She looks sexy. A man can only wish to have sex with a woman fully clothed. All the flabby bits, kept tight in the dress. The mystique of what's underneath never vanishes. Your hands are like a scanner, going over the body making a picture of what's underneath.

Maybe Cleopatra, Elizabeth, Catherine all had the lust of their servants following them where they went. Seeping into the corridors ever so gently. They would have been completely ordinary women, had they the misfortune of not being born into nobility. And then where would the admirers be? Not in dress uniforms, or elegant suits as they're carted above the commoners. Maybe the gardener or the stable hand, or the bagger at the supermarket.

Barack's thoughts rambled through his head, and he almost walked past his office door. He couldn't remember why he had come. He turned around and made his way back, and in his hotel room in the future, he was all the more glad for the jog to his office.


Barack turns from the window. He rubs his tired eyes with one hand.

“Do me a favour and get me a cup of coffee.”

The agent looks at Barack a little suspiciously, as if this is a ploy to get him to leave the room so that the president may leap to his death from the window.

“Come on, I need someone to fetch my luggage too. Someone reliable you know what I mean? I'll get you a nice referral at the end of it. Don't look at me like that, I'm not going anywhere. I just need to get to work and I need to stay awake to do it.”

“Don't worry sir, your luggage is on its way. I'll radio ahead and let them know to send the coffee service with it.”

His hopes of being alone struck down for the moment, Barack sighs and heads for the bathroom. Some cold water on his face should tide him until the coffee service arrives. He closes the door behind him, turns on the cold tap and refreshes himself with the cool liquid. Eyes closed, water dripping from his face, he reaches for the towels on the counter. He dries his face and looks at his tired face in the mirror and his heart jumps. He's not alone in the bathroom. In the mirror he sees a second face. A second person standing directly behind him.

“Do you like my body double?”


“He looks just like you doesn't he? Here put your forehead to his.”

Barack eyes the doppelganger wearily. It looks back at him placidly, devoid of any recognizable emotion. He waves his hand infront of it to see if it reacts.

“Don't waste time, this golem is useless unless you plant it with a personality.”

“What's the risk?”

“None at all. Look, please trust me. I spent hours in secrecy making this. Please love, do this for me.”

He nods and places his forehead against his double's. Celestia's horn glows and a purple light envelops Barack's head.

“There, that didn't hurt now did it? He should have most of your thoughts, mannerisms. He's got your head more or less, and he's definitely got most of your body.”

“You thinking about replacing me?”

“No, look at him down there.”

The double's crotch was flat. No genitalia at all.

“Magic goes a long way” Celestia whispered. “But even my magic has its limits. Clay golems and artificial thoughts only go so far. It'll live for three days before the enchantment collapses and it turns back into mud. And while it's sitting in your pants, you'll be happily away at my castle for the weekend. Won't it be wonderful?”

“Will this thing actually work?”

He surprised himself with those words and immediately regrets them. How could someone in his position even consider such a ludicrous and reckless plan?

“Of course it does. You don't trust me? It has all your memories all your thoughts and all the information in your head. Everything it needs to receive and respond to logical coherent sentences.”

“Why not slap a dildo on it and call it a day?”


She walks over to the double and kisses it. Its lips remain pursed; its face unflinching. She turned to Barack. He looks a little hesitant. She returns the look. They move their mouths closer to each other, pull back, waiting for the right moment. That moment when two lovers commit to kiss at the same time. Their lips match and part, their tongues slither in and out of each others mouth. Their lips touching again and again, they kiss until the sound of knocking interrupts them.

“Is everything alright in there sir.”

“Give me a moment.”

“You need to make a decision now.” Celestia whispers. She closed her eyes and nuzzles her head against his chest. He stares at the double as his hand caressed her cashmere mane. It was a perfect copy, at least from the outside..

“This isn't very fair you know that right? Rubbing up against me like that.”

“Is that a yes?”

“Let me see it in action first.”

“You'll have to give it your clothes. Come we'll hide in the shower.”

Barack took off his clothes and handed them to his double. The golem had no trouble putting it on. It was like watching himself put his clothes on in a mirror. It copied his movements perfectly. Barack was beginning to feel giddy. This plan as insane as it may be, was becoming more and more viable by the second. The double buttoned up its shirt and opened the door, as Barack hid naked with Celestia in the shower.

“Is there a problem?” Said the double.

Celestia began rubbing her neck against Barack's naked theigh.

“I was worried when there were no noises coming from inside, and you were taking an abnormally long time sir. I was making su-”

“Everything's fine, just a little problem with the tap.”

Barack turned to her. His penis hung infront of her face.

“If you don't mind sir, I will have to take a lo-”

“Am I the president of the United States or are you the president of the United States agent?”

“You are sir.”

Her eyes looking up at him, his eyes looking down at hers, she began tickling his penis with her tongue.

“That is correct, now please leave while I fix my shirt.”

“I'm afraid I can't do that sir, I'll just be a moment to check the bathroom and make sure everything is fine.” The agent darts around the golem and begins to turn the door knob. Celestia jolts up, Barack grabs a bath towel, and they vanish in a flash of light.


Barack feels grass under him. It is soft, the softest grass he has ever felt. Smooth blades, as soft as hay. They are outside away from civilization, in the wilderness somewhere. He looks up and sees the stars and the moon. There is something different about them. They look strange. This world looks strange. The grass looks like a solid green mass, with a few blades sticking out sporadically in bunches. And yet under his bare feet, he could feel dozens of little bristles of grass. It was night, but it wasn't. There was no pitch darkness, except in the sky. The colours on the trees and the grass and the bushes could be seen as if it were day. But the bushes and trees looked strange. Like the grass the leaves on the plants looked like a single mass. But as he reached to touch the tree's green mass, he could feel the individual leaves. He plucked one and it appeared in his hand as if out of thin air, even though he felt himself holding it and plucking it from the tree.

“Do you like my world?”

“It's strange. The shapes, everything looks so simple. It's like a children's picture book, or a fairytale.”

“Here come sit in the grass with me.”

Barack sat down next to Celestia. He had wrapped the towel he grabbed during his escape around his waist.

“You never answered my question. Do you like my world?”

“I like what I'm seeing right now.” He said as he looked straight at her.

She smiled at him, her eyes half opened. Barack himself felt weary.

“I'm a little tired from my magic act. It's been a long day too you know? Preparing the golem, and then preparing for your arrival.”

“Yeah it hasn't been easier for me. Been on my feet all day. I'd probably have had to spend the rest of the afternoon studying for tomorrow's conference.”

“Don't worry. Here let me spread that towel on the ground.”

Celestia undid the towel with her mouth and threw open the folds. Barack's penis stared up at her. It was a little flaccid.

“Not to spoil the party but I'm feeling a bit tired aren't you?” He said

Celestia nodded in agreement.

“Wouldn't feel right though, going to sleep like this. Here, I stashed a picnic basket before I left.”

She lifted the basket from behind a bush with her magic and pulled a carrot from it.

“What's that for?” asked Barack.

She gestured for him to lie on his back, and slowely lowered herself on to him gently. Her head just below his chin He could smell her perfume, it smelled like lilacs. He could feel her belly rubbing against his penis, sandwiching it against his own stomach.. She draws herself up and down his body, like a cat stretching. He could feel himself getting hard. His penis grew under the warmth of her stomach as she rubs her body up and down against his. Every time she draws up to his face, she plants a kiss on his mouth. She pauses and directs the carrot into her vagina. Her magic gently pushes it in and out as she continues masturbating Barack, with her body. He could feel himself coming to climax, and she pressed down on his crotch. He came in spurts as she raised and lowered her body. Applying pressure and releasing it as cum struggles to escape. She turns over onto her back and lets Barack hold her. She toys with the carrot in her vagina. Moving it faster. Barack could hear her groaning in pleasure. Suddenly her back arches, but he pulls it back down. She turns her head to the side and he kisses her on the mouth from behind. They lay on the grass holding each other in the night. It should be cold, lying in the nude like this. But Celestia, her body is so warm, as if she had been out in the sun all day. He could lie here all night comfortable as if covered in a blanket.

“Sorry for the lazy sex.” She finally spoke.

“It's fine.”

She pulled the carrot out from inside her and tossed it to the side.

“I'll just leave that for the rabbits.” She giggled and rolled off Barack's chest. She spooned herself against him, nuzzling his face and closing her eyes.”

“Lets get some sleep. We have a long day ahead of us.” She kisses him on the cheek and settles in for the night. He puts his hand under her head, and she puts her front leg under his, sharing their limbs as pillows for the night in the wild.

Barack's heavy eyes close, as the stars and moon of this strange world look down on him. The warmth and gentle breathing of his lover finally lulls him to sleep.

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User is offline   Max Payne 

  • Skinny little Russian liberal faggot


i see... we have a real colorful person at hand

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


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Cheesecake should never be a source for anything except pure bliss. Not distress. Not frustration. Certainly never tears. Just dreamy, decadent, nonstop bliss.

So let's break down this whole process into easy pieces. Let's talk about ingredients, water baths, dealing with surface cracks — the whole shebang. Here's a step-by-step recipe that will help you make a creamy, no-fail cheesecake that is everything you ever dreamed it could be.

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The Best Kind of Cream Cheese to Use

Let's talk for a minute about the cream cheese — a very important ingredient in cheesecake. Some people have brand loyalty to Philadelphia, and I won't deny that this cream cheese makes a particularly silky and lush cheesecake. I've also made cheesecakes with local brands and off brands and been perfectly happy.

No matter what, buy full-fat cream cheese. Cheesecake is not the time to skimp.
A Cheesecake Needs More than Cream Cheese

But as delicious as cream cheese is, it needs some helpers to become a tasty cheesecake. Most recipes either use heavy cream or sour cream; either will do the job of softening the texture of the cheese and adding some moisture. Personally, I prefer sour cream because I like the extra hit of sour tang it adds to the cake.

You also need a few eggs to hold the cake together. Three whole eggs do the trick quite nicely. I also add an extra yolk, which enhances the cake's velvety texture. (Whites tend to lighten the cake, which is actually fine — if you don't feel like separating that fourth egg and don't mind some extra airiness in the texture, just add in the whole egg.)

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Starch Adds Insurance

A little bit of cornstarch or flour in the cheesecake batter is insurance against cracking and makes the cake easier to cut into clean slices, though it does change the texture of the cheesecake a bit. Starch makes the cheesecake more firm and sturdy, while a cheesecake that relies on eggs alone has a softer, super-creamy texture.

I have tried both and love both. I feel like the texture difference is actually quite slight — it might be noticeable in a side-by-side comparison, but it would take a true cheesecake connoisseur to distinguish one on its own. Go whichever route makes you happiest.
A Water Bath Makes Cheesecake Extra Creamy

A water bath isn't strictly needed if you use starch in your recipe, and there are some methods for cooking even a starchless cheesecake on its own, but I still stand by this method. A water bath helps cook the cheeseake oh so gently while also creating a steamy environment so the surface doesn't get too dry. It's like a day spa for the cheesecake, and makes it supremely smooth and creamy.

A water bath is also not that hard. Just set the cheesecake in a roasting pan or other large baking dish, fill it with a few inches of water, and put the whole contraption in the oven. Wrapping the cheesecake pan in foil also helps keep any water from seeping through the cracks of the pan.

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Preventing Cheesecake Cracks

There are two main reasons why your cheesecake might form cracks: Overcooking and too-fast cooling. Both are entirely preventable. Cook your cheesecake until the outer ring of the cake is slightly puffed and fairly firm, but the inner circle still jiggles like barely set Jell-o. A few toasty golden spots are fine, but if you see any small cracks forming, immediately move on to the cooling step.

When cooling, do it gradually. Let the cheesecake sit in the turned-off oven with the door cracked for about an hour, then remove it from the water bath and let it cool completely on the stovetop. When you remove it from the waterbath, also run a thin-bladed knife around the edge to make sure the cake isn't sticking to the pan, which can also cause cracks as the cake settles.
Always (Always) Chill a Cheesecake

A cheesecake is a make-ahead cake in the sense that you have to make it ahead. After all the careful baking and slow cooling, the cheesecake still needs to chill in the fridge and finish setting up for at least four hours or (ideally) overnight.

If you cut into the cheesecake before chilling, it will have a firm custardy texture, like flan, and you will think that you've done something terribly wrong. But after chilling, it will have transformed into that velvety, creamy, lush cheesecake that we all know and love. It's like magic.

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4 Things You Shouldn't Worry About

There are a few moments in this process when you may think that all is lost. I want to set your mind at ease.

Tiny bits of cream cheese in the batter: Sometimes you get some little specks of cream cheese in the batter that won't go away — either because your cream cheese was still a bit chilly or because of the cream cheese itself (cream cheese with fewer additives tends to incorporate less easily into the batter, surprisingly). You don't want large lumps, but these tiny speckles are fine. They will melt into the cheesecake as it bakes and won't affect the finished cake.
A few cracks: Yes, sometimes you'll get cracks in your cheesecake. It happens — usually if you accidentally cooked the cheesecake a little too long or cooled it too quickly. But a few cracks don't mean you failed or that your cheesecake is ruined. Just cover it with topping and carry on.
A little water in the pan: Oh, no! Did a little water work its way through the foil and leak into your pan? Don't worry about it. The outside edge of your crust will look a bit soggy at first, but it will set up in the fridge overnight with none the wiser. Promise.
Wrong pan size: If you only have a 10-inch pan and you want to make a recipe for a 9-inch cheesecake, it's fine to use the pan you have. Changing the pan size when making cheesecake will affect the height of the cheesecake and its cooking time (thinner cheesecakes will cook a bit more quickly), but not its flavor or texture.

Go Forth to Cheesecake Bliss

You are now armed with the knowledge you need to make the best cheesecake ever. Use the recipe below, or just apply these steps and techniques to your next cheesecake — either way, cheesecake bliss awaits.

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To make cheesecake, you will need 2 pounds cream cheese, 1 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon cornstarch or 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour (optional), 1/8 teaspoon salt, 1/2 cup sour cream, 2 teaspoons lemon juice (optional), 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 3 large eggs, 1 large egg yolk, 12 whole graham cracker rectangles (6 ounces), 5 tablespoons butter, plus extra to grease the pan

How to Make the Ultimate Cheesecake

Serves 8 to 10

What You Need

For the cheesecake:
2 pounds cream cheese
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch, or 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour (optional)
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup sour cream
2 teaspoons lemon juice (optional)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 large eggs
1 large egg yolk

For the crust:
12 whole graham cracker rectangles (6 ounces)
5 tablespoons butter, plus extra to grease the pan

9-inch or 10-inch springform pan
Aluminum foil
Food processor
Stand mixer or handheld mixer
Measuring cups and spoons
Roasting pan or other dish big enough to hold the springform pan

Preheat the oven and warm the cream cheese: Preheat the oven to 350°F with a rack in the lower-middle position. Take the blocks of cream cheese out of their boxes and let them warm on the counter while you prepare the crust, about 30 minutes.
Rub the pan with butter: Use your fingers to rub a small pat of butter all over the bottom and sides of the pan.
Wrap the pan in foil: Cut two large pieces of foil and lay them on your work surface in a cross. Set the springform pan in the middle and fold the edges of the foil up around the sides of the pan. The foil gives you extra protection against water getting into the pan during the water bath step.
Prepare the crust: Crush the graham crackers in a food processor (or in a bag using a rolling pin) until they form fine crumbs — you should have 1 1/2 to 2 cups. Melt 5 tablespoons of butter in the microwave or on the stovetop and mix this into the graham cracker crumbs. The mixture should look like wet sand and hold together in a clump when you press it in your fist. If not, add extra tablespoons of water (one a time) until the mixture holds together. Transfer it into the springform pan and use the bottom of a glass to press it evenly into the bottom. (For step-by-step instructions of this step, see How to Make a Graham Cracker Crust.)
Bake the crust: Place the crust in the oven (be careful not to tear the foil). Bake for 8 to 10 minutes until the crust is fragrant and just starting to brown around the edges. Let the crust cool on a cooling rack while you prepare the filling.
Mix the cream cheese, sugar, cornstarch, and salt: Combine the warmed cream cheese, sugar, cornstarch, and salt in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment (or use a handheld mixer). Mix on medium-low speed until the mixture is creamy, like thick frosting, and no lumps of cream cheese remain. Scrape down the beater and the sides of the bowl with a spatula.
Mix in the sour cream, lemon juice, and vanilla: Add the sour cream, lemon juice, and vanilla to the bowl and beat on medium-low speed until combined and creamy. Scrape down the beater and sides of the bowl with a spatula.
Mix in the eggs and yolk one at a time: With the mixer on medium-low speed, beat in the eggs and the yolk one at a time. Wait until the previous egg is just barely mixed into the batter before adding the next one. At first, the mixture will look clumpy and broken, but it will come together as the eggs are worked in.
Stir a few times by hand: Scrape down the beater and sides of the bowl with a spatula. Stir the whole batter a few times by hand, being sure to scrape the bottom of the bowl, to make sure everything is incorporated. The finished batter should be thick, creamy, and silky. Don't worry if you see a few specks of un-mixed cream cheese here and there; they will melt into the batter during baking and won't affect the finished cheesecake.
Pour the batter over the cooled crust: Check to make sure the crust and the sides of the pan are cool — if they're cool enough to comfortably touch, you can go on. Pour the batter over the cooled crust and spread it into an even layer against the sides of the pan.
Transfer the pan to the water bath: Transfer the pan to a roasting pan or other baking dish big enough to hold it. Bring a few cups of water to a boil and pour the water into the roasting pan, being careful not to splash any water onto the cheesecake. Fill the pan to about an inch, or just below the lowest edge of foil.
Bake the cheesecake: Bake the cheesecake at 350°F for 50 to 60 minutes. Cakes baked in a 10-inch pan will usually cook in 50 to 55 minutes; cakes in a 9-inch pan will cook in 55 to 60 minutes. The cheesecake is done when the outer two to three inches look slightly puffed and set, but the inner circle still jiggles (like Jell-o) when you gently shake the pan. Some spots of toasted golden color are fine, but if you see any cracks starting to form, move on to the next step right away.
Cool the cheesecake in the oven: Turn off the oven and crack the door open. Let the cheesecake cool slowly for one hour.
Run a knife around the edge of the cake and cool the cake completely: After an hour, remove the cheesecake from the oven and from the water bath, unwrap the foil, and transfer it to a cooling rack. Run a thin-bladed knife around the edge of the cake to make sure it's not sticking to the sides (which can cause cracks as it cools). Let the cheesecake cool completely on the rack.
Chill the cheesecake for four hours in the refrigerator: Chill the cheesecake, uncovered, for at least four hours or up to three days in the refrigerator. This step is crucial for letting the cheesecake set and achieving perfect cheesecake texture — don't rush it.
Top the cheesecake and serve: Take the cheesecake out of the fridge about 30 minutes before you plan to serve. Unmold the cake and top the cheesecake just before serving. You can serve the cake right from the bottom of the springform pan, or use a large off-set spatula to gently unstick the crust from the pan and transfer it to a serving platter. Leftovers will keep, uncovered and refrigerated, for several days.

Recipe Notes

Store leftovers uncovered: Store cheesecake uncovered, both the whole cake as it chills and any leftovers. This avoids condensation building inside the container, which can make the top of the cheesecake mushy.
Alternate crusts: Substitute the graham cracker crumbs with 1 1/2 - 2 cups of any other crushed cookie, including gluten-free cookies. Gingersnaps, chocolate wafers, and butter cookies all make great crusts for cheesecake.

Ideas for Topping Your Cheesecake

Spread the top with a thin layer of sour cream or whipped cream
Pour soft chocolate ganache over the top of the cheesecake
Add chopped fresh fruit, either all on its own or tossed with a fruit syrup
Warm some peanut butter with a little cream to form a sauce and pour this over the cheesecake

User is offline   Max Payne 

  • Skinny little Russian liberal faggot


Why would you even post that ? must be some sick demented person i cant read all that, it a waste of my time but from short glimpses and those disgusting photos.... rainbow fox you earned yourself new rep congrats.

your all lucky i ran out my quota of downvotes but i will help you out soon dont worry

This post has been edited by Max Payne: 12 June 2015 - 09:08 AM


User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


Part 4

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Barack opens his eyes; it is still dark. He feels the weight of Celestia as she lies ontop of him, his arms around her. The chill of the night prods the edges of body, and he he hugs her close. The warmth of her soft fur is like a sunbath on his skin. He puts a leg over her flank, and rubs it for warmth. She snorts in her sleep and nuzzles closer; her long kashmir mane rests under her like a pillow. Barack lies dozing on the grass, gently stroking Celestia's head. Suddenly he jerks his head up in alarm. A voice echos across the countryside like thunder.


Celestia raises her head groggily from Barack's chest. Her eyes half closed she looks up into the sky.

“Oh goodness, where has the time gone?” She says yawning. “Close your eyes for a moment will you sweetheart?” Barack shuts his eyes. Behind his eyelids he sees a bright white flash, and then, dark red outlines mixed with black as if someone had turned on a light while his eyes were closed. He feels the lightness in his body as Celestia stands up, and a sudden warmth from all around him. He feels Celestia lick his ear gently.

“You can open your eyes now.”

He opens his eyes painfully as javelins of light poke his eyes. It was daylight! The sun had come up as his eyes were closed.

“Did you do this?”

“Yes, I command the sun to rise and set in this reality. A duty I share with my sister. That was her voice you heard earlier. I think I overslept a little.” She giggled.

“She doesn't seem as soft spoken as you.”

“There's really nothing soft about shouting across the countryside. She is really very kindhearted once you get to know her, and I think you will get to know her. I see her coming now.”

Barack could see a dark spec in the sky, growing larger as flew closer to them. A unicorn like Celestia, smaller, but with a similar face and a dark blue coat and a black crown.

“I remember the first time we met in the garden, you had long white wings. Was that the magic talking or are you like your sister?”

“Yes, let me show you.” Celestia's horn sparkles bright, and majestic wings grow from her sides.

“I can shrink them when I need to. They're a little ungainly in bed.”

Barack reaches out to touch them. Like everything in her world, her wings look like a blob of curves joined together like in a children's storybook. But when he touches them he can feel dozens of feathers rustling against his fingers.

“Mmm, rub closer to my wing joints. Yes! I like that, it feels wonderful.” She bends her head to the side and strokes her face against her shoulder, enjoying the rub like a happy dog.

“Sister!” Luna bellows again, and the ground shakes as she lands.

“You are late with your duties sister! Word comes from the Steeds of the Square Table that they invite the royal presence for tea and lunch!”

“Mmm, Loony please talk softly. My head is still a little woozy from last night.”

Luna glances at Barack sitting naked on the ground. His toned body glistens in the sun and his penis sits slumped in the grass. She turns to Celestia with an icy glare.

“You use your magic wantonly sister. I see your ways have changed little. Know this! I will serve, but not your petty amusements or your pets. I will favour you once with this elixir to restore your strength. I leave now until the night calls, but as for your companion,” Luna turned to Barack and fired a ray of shadows at his crotch. Barack could only watch in horror as his penis and scrotum shrivelled to the size of raisens.

“Wait Loon-Loon, Lulu, Looneypoo, I haven't even introduced you to my boyfriend.”

“I care not for your deviant tastes. Know that should you place the kingdom in danger, I will bring my hoof down on your activities.”

“You look adorable when you pout Lunalee. I think you've been couped up in that castle for too long. Why don't you take my place at the Square Table for lunch?”


“Listen Lulu, I think brooding all night while everyone sleeps is not very healthy for you. I want you to share in what it means to be a princess and a ruler, and you can't be doing that perched atop your tower all night long. Take my place at the Square Table and conduct yourself like a true leader of our people sister.”

“If that is your command than that is your command. I am grateful for the opportunity, but I still worry for you sister. The royal guards will start a manhunt once they find that you are missing from your chambers.”

“I had already dismissed them from their duties for the day.”

“Nevertheless, you will have to work clandestinely or else risk controversy strolling the countryside like a harlot.”

“I will take care of myself, should anyone ask I am merely escorting the Prince of The Endless Sands on his visit to Equestria.”

“Hmph, though I do not approve of your truancy, nor of your mischief, I will overlook these transgressions for your kindness and because you are my sister.”

Celestia and Luna hug each other close with their wings. They give each other loving nuzzles, exchange goodbyes, and with a pat on her butt by Celestia, Luna lifts off majestically and flies into the horizon.

“What's the problem dear?” Celestia says turning back to Barack.

“Look at my nuts and tell me.” he says grimly. “The only thing stopping me from getting up and screaming at the world is knowing you can fix this.”

Celestia bends down and puts his raisin sized privates in her mouth. She fits them between her lips and lets her tongue run over them. Obama shudders. Even though they were shrunk, he could feel her wet tongue and saliva slither over his balls like they were normal, like a phantom appendage. He feels his scrotum convulse and his penis squirt. She pulls away and sticks out her tongue and on it is a small white droplet which she swallows.

“So about my dick?”

Celestia's horn shines and Barack is momentarily blinded. When his eyes adjust, he sees his penis back to its normal size and girth.

“I remember it being longer.”

“Oh hush, I removed the spell so it would return to normal size.”

“What's the matter with your sister? No offence but she seems like a frigid bitch.”

“She's spent the last millennium on the moon. She's a little envious of me I think. If she knew where to find us, I think she may have been watching us last night. The poor thing.

“I take it she needs a good dicking?”

“Yes. Maybe she can meet a nice boy at the party. I hope she does, but enough about Luna. Let's talk about us.”

“I take it I'm incognito as some sort of desert prince?”

“Yes, we'll get it all sorted out at the palace. I'll even let you borrow a sceptre, but first I feel we need to get you some clothes.”

“Don't all ponies walk around naked?”

“Yes and no. Retractable genitalia.”

“Only shows when you're horny?”

“And even then we have these nice tails to cover ourselves. Males have a testicle pouch on their underside. The penis slips through on command or coercion. Painful when you are trying to conceal an erection. Shrinks back in and covers itself up when you are finished.”

“That's a lot to take in all before breakfast. What's there to eat around here?”

“You can nibble some grass until we get to Ponyville.”

“I can't eat grass.”

“Why not?”

“Human's can't digest grass, only one stomach. What's Ponyville?”

“A small town about two to three hours walk from here. I can't take you back to the royal city of Canterlot just yet. It would attract too much attention. I have some business in Ponyville as well. Here taste some of this elixir Luna brought us.”

Celestia drew a gulp from the beaker and passed it to Barack. He took a sip, and though he felt invigorated as if having drunk a cup of coffee, his stomach if anything felt emptier than ever.

“I'm sorry babe, doesn't look like your potion did the trick. And I don't think being on my feet all day, skipping lunch and dinner, then having sex all night helped much either.”

“If you really want something to eat, there is a spell I know. A transfiguration spell that produces a rich creamy nectar similar to that of chocolate syrup.”

“Sounds good. If this is the backup plan what's the catch?”

“The elixir is transfigured from my excretion.”

“Is this some kind of joke? You're going to shit chocolate syrup into my mouth and it will fill me up?”

“Yes that is the gist of what I said. If you're uncomfortable with it we can proceed on our hike to Ponyville.”

“Isn't there a way to just teleport us there or call for help?”

“No, I'll reveal you when you look a little bit more presentable. I have to rule over this land, perhaps for eternity. The little criticisms and mistakes dog me for centuries. My magic has its limits as well, while I could fly us both to Ponyville, I do not know if my charms can keep us hidden for long if I am drained from the endeavour. We will sneak into Ponyville, get you clothed and return to Canterlot with as little exertion as possible.”

“No travel sex then?” Barack could hear his stomach grumble. He could feel weakness creeping to his arms and legs.

“This syrup, it's not going to revert back to its natural form in my stomach is it?.”

“No, it is a remarkable spell. No adverse side effects except the willpower required by a powerful sorceress.”

"How do you know this? Have you done it before?"

"I learned it from the manuscripts of the Venusian Herd. A cult of ponies that worshipped the body and their symbiosis with each other. They subsisted in the cold north where they could hide their sexual devience from my kingdom. They lived through transmogrifying and recycling what they could in the artic wastelands. A famous explorer, Captain James Hoof, found their bodies huddled on top of each other. The remains of a final frenzied orgy as a last effort to ward against the cold. He did not know that though. It was only later, when their manuscripts were retrived and I scryed them for magical traps, did I learn what they had done."

"And you hid it?"

"Their plans were lunacy. I do not propose to walk into the bedrooms of my subjects, but this could not be allowed to spread."

"So will it drive me insane like it did to those ponies?"

"No, you will have to trust me or we can go on. It is your decision."

"I can't tell anymore if it's the hunger, or some kind of hex, or maybe something's just loose in my head. I'll trust in your judgement, one leader to another. I can't go on for another hour without eating something.”

“Lie down on your back.”

Barack lies down on the grass and closes his eyes. Celestia positions her rear end over him. She lifts her tail and squats with her hind legs. Her horn shines brightly as do her eyes. Lips pursed, eyebrows furrowed, her face is contorted in exertion. Her body shakes, and slowly from her ass hole, a drip of creamy white liquid begins to stream out. It lands in Baracks mouth, and instantly he begins to savour the warm chocolaty taste. It effortlessly slides down his throat, and into his stomach. The aroma of cocoa, mixed with a hint of cherry, and the natural minty musk of Celestia's ass flood his nose. With every gulp he feels fuller, and as suddenly as it started; it had stopped. He traces his hand around his mouth and licks the last of the syrup off his fingers. He sits up and traces his tongue around her starfish, licking up the last of the delicious syrup. Exhausted, Celestia falls forward onto the grass.

“Barack, be a dear and hand me the elixer.”

Barack picks up the beaker of elixer and brings it to Celestia's lips. She drains the contents and stands up refreshed.

“It's a remarkable potion for wizards. My sister is a genius with alchemy. I'm ashamed to admit that centuries of alchemical secrets were lost when I banished her to the moon.”

“You love your sister very much don't you?”

“If I wasn't completely sure that banishing her to the moon for a thousand years was the correct thing to do, I would sooner have banished myself in her place. Come, lets go we have a long journey ahead. I will cast an invisibility charm on us which will last until we make arrive at Carousel Boutique. Wrap that towel around yourself for now. Good. Let me cast this charm. There! That will keep us hidden from any curious pegasi who happen to fly over us. We'll be able to see each other but no one else will. Although they can still smell and hear us so do be careful where you step. Come now, Ponyville is this way. We'll be able to get a decent meal once we are there.”


The journey was to Ponyville was uneventful, although scenic. Celestia would stop to graze the grass and the flowers as they went along.

“The taste is rather bland before it's been cooked but it'll do for a snack.”

Barack was happy to enjoy the rolling countryside, the smell of the outdoors and the fresh air. The weather was wonderful, and his companion even more so. They did not talk much as they walked, although once in a while when Celestia bent to nibble on the plants, she would wiggle her butt for Barack. They stopped at stream to drink the cool, fresh, running water.

“The water in my domain is always fresh and clean for anyone to drink without fear.”

Barack rinsed his mouth.

“Are there any toothbrushes, towels, things like that here?”

“Yes, yes. Once we get to Ponyville we can have a hot bath and a hot meal.”

Gradually the trees gave way to dirt roads, farmlands, and bright houses.

“I feel like a rock in this town. Everything is so bright and colourful but me. All the little contours on my face, where the light reflects in a million different ways; it stands out so crudely on my face.” He whisperes to Celestia.

“You're thinking too hard.” She whispers back.

“I'm trying to keep my mind off my country. I hope I don't come back to nuclear rubble because I let a magic golem run the free world for a day.”

The sun arches to its zenith. The streets of Ponyville bustle with merchants, and ponies running errands. Barack and Celestia stay on the outskirts, nimbly stepping around the crowd until it thins out and they arrived at their destination. Carousal Boutique looks like a two story fairytale castle. It's dotted with a pink and purple diamond pattern, and has a little yellow cone with a red strip curling around it, and a red banner fluttering at the top. Celestia opens the door without breaking her illusion, Barack follows. The chime of a bell rings through the show floor, she closes the door behind her and locks it; deftly flipping the sign from open to close. Barack looks around. It is a modest show floor. A small stage shows off the latest summer dresses on pony mannequins. Clothes racks dot the floor with women's apparel. Hats, boots, blouses, pants and skirts. He hears the owner trotting out from the back. She is a white unicorn, well coifed purple mane and tail, and three diamonds on her flank for a cutie mark. Her long black eyelashes match her black eyeliner, and her blue eyeshadow match her blue eyes Only half the size of Celestia though, much like the rest of the ponies Barack had seen in town.

“Welcome to Carousel Boutique...” she starts and trails off when she sees no one there.

“Boo.” Celestia whispers in her ear. She jumps in terror. Her fright quickly turns to awe and she bows for her queen.

“Princess Celestia! What are you doing here?”

“Shh...keep your voice down my dear. No one knows we are here, and I task you to keep this secret.”

“Of course princess, you have my word that no one will know. But mind I ask why you have graced my humble shop today, and if it's no great gossip, why the secrecy?”

“It is for my friend here. When you see him you will know why.”

Celestia shines her horn and Rarity's eyes widen as Obama appears next to her in a dirty towel wrapped around his waist.

“He is a prince from a far away land. I have invited him to stay at Castle Canterlot. But on his journey I am afraid he has lost his clothes and has been forced to wear the rags you see about him.”

“Oh my a prince and a princess in my store! The wonders never cease, but come your highness we can't have you stroll about Canterlot like that can we? Let me fix something wonderful for you.”

“You have my appreciation. May I ask what your name is?”

“You certainly may, my name is Rarity.”

“And a Rarity you are. I have not seen a unicorn as dazzling as you since I met your beautiful princess.”

“Oh stop...really?”

“Rarity if you please,” Celestia cut in, “Barack and I could use a hot bath and something to eat. We are very famished.”

“Oh but of course your highness. I, Rarity, will prepare for you a meal fit for a queen.”

Celestia turns to Barack.

“Poor dear. Imagine if the King of England walked into your house and asked for lunch. That's what she's feeling right now.”

“She doesn't seem to mind.”

“Forgot to tell us the way to the bathroom. I don't blame her for being nervous. Why don't you go shower first, I'll go see what she is up to.”

They walk into the back of the store, and into Rarity's home. There was a kitchen where she was working feverishly on lunch, a work room and stairs that lead up to a bedroom and bathroom.

“I'll go see what she's up to, you go on up and see if you can find a shower.”

Barack climbs the steps, and ducks into the bathroom. Strange how ponies have doors twice as high as they are tall, and very tall ceilings as well. Barack takes off his towel and throws it in the hamper. A little remorseful for having stole the towel from the hotel. If some pain in the ass maid found out and sold the story to the press, he hates to think what his doppleganger would have to put up with. That is if he can put up with anything. Barack suddenly started to sweat. This was a bad idea coming here. The enormity of what he was doing hits him straight in the gut. This wasn't a one hour fling. He had left his country, the world even, in the hands of a mindless clay doll. He could feel the urge to empty his stomach on the floor and fights it down. He falls to his knees. He can feel his arms shaking, his vision becomes blurry.

“That witch”, he thinks. “What has that witch done to me. My entire life, I've thrown it away. I'll go down in history as a menace.” He could feel his eyes roll back. The world starts to go dark, and his arms feel like rubber as the strength in them fade away. He painfully falls to the ground and blacks out.

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User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


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1⁄4 cup finely chopped pecans
1⁄4 cup finely chopped almonds
1⁄4 cup finely chopped walnuts
3⁄4 cup finely chopped vanilla wafer
2 tablespoons melted butter

1 1⁄2 lbs cream cheese
1 1⁄3 cups sugar
5 large eggs
16 ounces sour cream
1⁄4 cup flour
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 teaspoons lemon juice


Crust: Mix all nuts and vanilla wafer crumbs with melted butter and press into a 9 inch buttered springform pan, trying to line the sides as much as possible about 1 1/2" up the sides of the pan, set aside.
Cheesecake: All above ingredients should be at room temperature before your begin.
Start by beating the cream cheese until light and fluffy.
Keep the mixer on a low setting throughout the beating and mixing process.
Add the sugar a little at a time and continue beating until creamy.
Add one egg at a time and beat after each egg.
When eggs have been mixed into the cream cheese add flour, vanilla and lemon juice, mix well.
Add the sour cream last and beat well.
Pour cream cheese into the spring pan.
Place on the top rack in the middle of a 325 degrees preheated oven for one hour and 15 minutes.
When time is up, turn oven off, prop open oven door and leave in oven for one hour.
After one hour, remove from oven.
Let cool enough before the cheesecake is put into the refrigerator for 24 hours.
A cheesecake should season.
The wait is worth it.
The flavor ripens and becomes enriched.

This post has been edited by Forge: 12 June 2015 - 09:10 AM


User is offline   Max Payne 

  • Skinny little Russian liberal faggot


If it was my forum I know who to ban for worst post of 2015 wtf is wrong with you seriously?????. Holy crap I am dealing with fag i thought i was but damn its all coming to light and making sense now. what kind of sick motherfucker posts this shit for all to see... save that shit for your own viewing go to the forum you found that on its where you truly belong.. duke is a hardcore guy not a soft emotional sensitive fantasizing about gay stuff guy

User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


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Part 5

Barack feels his eyelids peel open. The dark shapes around him are blurry, and he reels his head back and forth trying to make sense of the world around him..

“Lie still.”

He can feel something soft under him as his head rolls back and forth in a daze. He tries to move his arms and legs but they feel bound to him by a soft and heavy cloth like a cocoon.. He tries to break free, to move freely, but the weakness in his body makes the struggles futile.

“Please hold still for a moment...Rarity please stop crying dear...don't move please just lie still for a moment...”

He can hear the far off sound of someone wailing. With all his might, he rolls his body over. The bonds begin to feel tighter. Again he rolls. Someone is telling him to stop. He could hear taps on the floor. He rolls again, and feels the soft ground give way under him and a sharp pain rushes into his arm as he comes crashing down on his side.

““I told you to lie still. Now look at what you've done.”

The shock of the fall brings his senses back to him and he can feel his strength returning as he lashes out with both arms and legs. He can feel himself overcoming the tight cloth cocoon, finally tearing it off and springing up alert with his fists clenched as his eyes adjust to the room. It is a colourful bedroom, adorned with wardrobes, mirrors, closets and drawers. The entire room is neatly ordered except for the bed he had messed, and the quilt which lay crumpled on the ground from his struggle. And by the door he saw Celestia, and he could feel the anger rising in his head and his fists aching to let loose. He strode around the bed slowly like a predator, sizing up his opponent, and readied himself to pounce on the witch, lock his fist around her horn and strangle her until she breaks the spell over him and sends him home.


He does not respond. She can see the menace in his face as he walks forward.

“Rarity.” Celestia calls, the door opens and Barack hesitates for a moment. From behind the door peeks the small unicorn that had graciously accepted him into her home. A trick maybe? Another one of her golems? Another piece in the plot to ensnare him? He looks into Rarity's eyes. They are bloodshot from crying. Black streaks from her mascara stain her beautiful white face. Her lips tremble and her chest heaves heavily. She dashes into the room and throws herself at Barack's feet.

“Please,” she begs crying “please don't banish me to your sand tomb dungeons. I'll do whatever you want. I'm too young and beautiful to be locked away in a dusty pyramid.” She continued spouting apologies and pledges to redeem herself, interrupted with bursts of tearful wailing and the occasional hiccup.

“She's been like this for an hour now. Completely hysterical Could you perhaps convince her that you'll do none of those things and that this is not her fault?”

Barack fights the urge to pity the poor girl crying at his feet. He wants to continue being angry. To step right over this pathetic wretch at his feet and wrap his fingers around Celestia's throat. But the little pony, her pitiful weeps pierce his steeled anger, and hurt him in the core of his heart. He knows the feeling all too well. It is the cry of his countrymen that drove him to politics. The softness that presidents have in their heart, which shield from the onslaught of realpolitik when they take their post. The softness that carries them into their station and wins the hearts of their citizens.

There, on a visit to Alabama, Lincoln's heart is touched when he sees a black man trip in his chains. There, in his office, Roosevelt's heart burns when the message arrives; Pearl Harbour bombed. There, in front of the rubble in New York, Bush's heart is one with the sadness and fury of an assembled crowd. Here, in places unknown, Obama kneels and wraps his hands around a weeping unicorn. He whispers comforts into her ear. He feels her soft coat against his bare chest; its warmth seeping into him. She looks up into his eyes, sniffling, her tears subsiding. Her lips form a quivering smile. Barack kisses her on the forehead, and hugs her again, rubbing her side gently, he can feel her heart thumping quickly as he holds her close.

“I'm glad you two have made up but I am still wholly famished.” Celestia said smiling.

“Oh goodness I forgot all about lunch!” Rarity moaned and she started trembling again.

“Now Rarity it's no great deal. Come now, wash your face and go outside for a walk. That will freshen up your mood. Here, take this gold and see if you can bring us something to eat. Goodness we still haven't showered and it's almost sundown. Come now Rarity, you're not in any trouble my little pony, please stop worrying. Here let me wipe your face...now for a little makeup...and now you're the prettiest pony in Ponyville once again. Here let me pick a hat for you.”

Barack leans against the door and watches the two girls go about. Celestia and Rarity smile and laugh as they pick outfits and fix Rarity's hair. Celestia looks over at him. That look in her eyes. She knows that feeling. The one that makes men into presidents; ponies into princesses.

“I'll be back as quickly as possibly.”

“Take your time dear, just try not to attract any attention. Remember we're visiting secretly. Not a word to anyone about us.”

“Of course not princess, you can trust me entirely. Now if I may take my leave, princess, prince.”

Rarity bows before the two of them and trots away smiling with a lovely green bonnet on her head and a matching scarf around her neck. Celestia walks over to Barack. They both look at each other sheepishly.

“I read your mind while you were asleep.” Celestia said.

Barack didn't say anything.

“If you want, I can take you back. Or let you look back into your own world.”

“Did you put a spell on me?”

“Never. Not since the day we met, and even that was only for a moment. For our own protection.”

“Why did I pass out the way I did.”

“It might have been the magic in the...syrup I gave you.”

“It didn't turn back in my stomach did it?”

“No, at least what you threw up in Rarity's bathroom did not. Your stomach is not like ours. It can withstand a magical brew, but I think that moment when your will broke...it didn't matter what was in your stomach, something had to come out. Something ugly.”

Barack winces.

“Don't worry, I mopped it up.”

“Still reading my mind?”

“I don't need to read your mind to know that you, we both, regret putting our humble host through such trouble.”

“True enough.”

“Do you still want to go back?”

“No, not unless something is wrong. Is it? I know you've peeked into my world at least once since I passed out.”

“No problems from what I saw. Your advisers and handlers seem overly happy having you be so submissive to their instructions. They'll be rather heartbroken when you return.”

“Let them. Listen I still need to take a shower.”

“As do I. Between Rarity, you, and the mess you left in the bathroom I haven't had a chance to bathe either.”

Barack caught the scent of grass, sweat and soil from himself and Celestia.

“Together then?”


They walk to the bathroom. Barack holds the door open for her, and as she passes through he reaches out and strokes her butt. She wiggles it a little for his pleasure and motions him to follow her inside. The tub is large enough for two ponies to sit comfortably, but it would be a tight fit for the two of them. Celestia turns on the tap. She turns to Barack and kisses him on the lips. They stand kissing each other lovingly until the tub fills up. He runs his hands over her mouth and into her mane; stroking the crown of her head.

“I remember, when we first met,” he said tracing the creases in her hair. “You were wearing a crown and large gold necklace.”

“I keep them at home when I travel alone. They get in the way when I work up a sweat.”

“You working up a sweat now?”

“Maybe. I might need help wiping it off if I do.”

Celestia picks up a bottle of bath bubbles with her magic and pours it into the tub. Pink bubbles foam to the top and she gingerly steps in and sits down. Barack stands in the tub and sits down on the rim. He picks up some soap suds and and rubs them along her neck. Celestia levitates a bottle of shampoo towards her and pours it on her head. Barack begins to massage her scalp and spread the shampoo through her hair. Her hair falls straight down under the weight of the shampoo. Barack gets on his knees. It's a tight fit, the two of them have to sit cheek to cheek, their bodies almost touching. Close enough to feel each other's heat and the occasional bump as they stretch around the tub. Obama reaches over and begins to wash her back. He leans in closer, past her head, his hans slide down her sides and begin to scrub her underbelly. He can feel her breath past his cheek as he feels her body firmly with his fingertips. She stands up gently, and he spreads his legs out around her. His hands begin to run up and down her legs. The scent of the bubble bath reminds him of roses. Celestia tells him to close his eyes; he does. He sees a flash behind his eyelids, and finds Celestia had teleported herself around on the same spot. He gently massages her tail with shampoo and lets it drop wet against her ass. He finishes cleaning her hind legs and starts rubbing his hands over her round butt with soap suds. He parts her tail gently messages her vagina; cleaning the little stains he had left in the morning. He dips his finger in the water and gently inserts it into her asshole. Celestia's back arches in reaction but she doesn't say a word. He twists his finger gently and pulls it out again. Barack turns on the shower head over the tub and rinses Celestia, her mane, and her tail.

Barack looks away as Celestia uses her magic to turn around on the spot again. He lifts himself up, and onto the edge of the tub. He can feel soap suds crawling around his body as Celestia uses her magic to clean him.

“Can you feel through your magic when you touch me with it?”

“Every inch.”

Her magic works its way down his body from shoulders to feet while simultaneously massaging his scalp with shampoo. She rinses his hair, and cleans around his privates, using her magic to slip under his foreskin and wipe it clean. She feels his penis jerk as it slowly inflates at her touch..

“Getting a little hot?”

“Are you?”

“Yes, but I'm a little famished.”

“I wouldn't want to wear myself out on my first day either.”

They both stood up and rinse once more with the shower head. Celestia begins to drain the tub and Barack steps out carefully. The floor is a little wet and he reminds himself to clean it later. No need to be a greater burden on their host. He picks up some bath towels, large enough for a pony but little larger than a hand towel for a grown man. He wipes himself down and looks over at Celestia. Several towels gently rub against her as she blow drys her wet mane. Like magic her straight wet hair blooms into her usual billowing mane. Barack mops up the floor and they leave the bathroom smelling like roses.

They smell the delicious scent of soup and bread coming from the kitchen. When they enter Rarity looks up and immediately blushes and turns away.

“I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't had time to tailor an ensemble for you Prince Barack.” she stutters in embarrassment. Barack realizes he is standing stark naked and moves his hand to shield his privates.

“It's quite understandable in the circumstances Rarity...”

“Oh but a Prince like you can't be seen walking around like that. Come with me into my studio I'll have something made for you in an instant.”

Barack and Celestia follow Rarity into her work space. She flicks her magic horn deftly levitating her tape measures, pencils and notepads from around the room and begins working with the practised ease of a professional.

“I had come up with the perfect outfit as I...was walking...to the restaurant...Monsieur Prince. Sorry it's difficult to...work...and talk at the same time.” She said slowly, with a look of intense concentration. But Celestia had seen the blush on her face as she measured Barack's naked legs. His penis was still a little stiff from his bath escapade. As Rarity's face moved closer to examine the tape, her warm exhalation brushed across his penis making it twitch. Rarity pretended to ignore it, fixedly staring down the tape measure for far too long, bravely to hide her embarrassment. But Celestia had been walking around the room looking at the various fashion products. From behind he could see the distinct redness of Rarity's vagina through her fur becoming more pronounced as her arousal grows. Her tapes snap shut and fall to the ground as she finishes measuring.

“Un momente si vous plais” she said and began expertly pulling cloth and tools from around the room. Barack and Celestia wait patiently Rarity works fixedly on her task. After five minutes she turns around and a black silken vest with a golden interior glides over to Barack and slips itself on his body. Barack is amazed that the fabric is so light and soft and yet still manages to provide a degree of warmth. Even more so, the cartoonish cloth instantly materializes in fabric that looks from his world as it slips itself onto his body.

“Dimensional resonance.” He hears Celestia mutter, although she did not muse further. Rarity accepted the transformation without a hint of surprise and continued.

“I cannot lie sir, the cloth for this vest was made from scraps from an order by a Canterlot noble. But it fits beautifully don't you agree? Waste not want not as I always say.”

“It's beautiful Rarity, thank you.”

“And for your...lower parts, try this on for size.”

A pair of Arabic looking white pants, a sirwal, float over to him. He puts them on and like the vest they reconstitute themselves into recognizable material from his world.

“No shoes?”

“I'm afraid I have none that could be made in such a short time.”

“We'll have you fitted when we arrive in Canterlot. The walk through the forest does not seem to have been too taxing on your feet.”

Barack agreed though he began to feel some aches in his sole as he thought more about it.

“I could use a belt.”

“Oh a belt how could I have forgotten!” Rarity says ashamedly and franticly started searching her shop.

“Here this rope will do for now.” Celestia said, and she tied a simple brown rope around his waist with her magic.

“You look dashing.” Celestia said smiling. “Why not look at yourself in the mirror.”

Barack could not help but think he looked like a cross between a sultan and a street begger. A regular prince of thieves from Arabian Nights. Although the makeshift belt was a little “ghetto” so to speak, the silken vest and its gold lining made him look nothing less then a prince as it hangs against his rugged and toned abdomen.

“Perhaps a shirt to fit under the vest would have been more appropriate or no?” He askd.

Rarity blushes again and averts her eyes.

“Oh but I thought you would look more handsome and bold with your chest bared like a stallion.” She said embarrassedly.

“And so it does. Chin up Rarity you have done a fine job and an excellent service to the royal house of Canterlot.”

Rarity beams and bows before her Princess in gratitude.

“Now if there are to be no more interruptions” Celestia continued, “I would like to have at least something for my supper. I have missed both breakfast, lunch, brunch, tea and everything in between. I have not had a morsel to eat since yesterday night and as your Princess I now order both of you into the kitchen and to pamper me with food.” she said with a grin.

They walk to the kitchen, sit down around the breakfast table and open the bags of food Rarity had brought. Hot soup; still warm despite the wait. In our world it would be called French onion soup garnished with cheese. The bread had become a little hard but they enjoyed softening it by dipping it in their soup. Along with the bread there was steamed rice seasoned with spices. It was delicious by itself or with the side of vegetables that come with it. Rarity had brought plenty of food, unsure of how much her large guests would eat, and she found they could eat plenty having had nothing to eat all day. Even more she had brought several fruit out from the cupboards and placed water to boil for tea afterwards.

They ate silently enjoying the food and appreciating the company and pleasure of not eating alone. As they began to sip their tea and nibble on apples and the like, the princess asked Rarity a question.

“Rarity, did you by chance run into anyone as you returned with the food.”

“No, no one at all.”

“Rarity, it is treason to lie to your princess.”

“Now that you mention it Princess,” Rarity spoke, a little embarassed to have her lie so easily detected. “I did manage to run into Pinkie Pie -you remember Pinkie Pie yes? The hypochondriac with the frazzled pink mane?- Well she had stopped me asking what all the food was.”

“And your reply?”

“Well I had to lie Princess. Honest to goodness I know no one belives a liar and its awfully unladylike to have lies sprout so casually to your lips, and I apologize for lying earlier, but I told her the food was for myself, and that in Cos-Moo-Politan it had said that plump was in for the winter and a little extra weight would look ravishing on mares in Autumn clothing.”

“Do you think she believed you?”

“She certainly dropped the questions and bounced along.”

Celestia nods contemplatively.

“Did I do something wrong?”

“Not at all, you acted in the same grace and sensibility that you have shown me time and time again. However I do not think you have shaken your peruser quite so easily. Rarity, Barack and I must secretly travel to Twilight's residence tonight and spend the night there. On the morning we will travel to Canterlot. For your hospitality today Rarity, I cordially invite you to come with us on our trip.”

Rarity shrieks with delight.

"Me in Canterlot?! With the as a special guest of the princess?! Why...why..."

“I'm glad you are excited my dear but I would ask you to refrain from such outbursts again, or atleast until we are safe in Canterlot. I don't think our cover here in Ponyville will be safe for long. Leave the plates in the sink, we have to leave immediatly."

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User is offline   Max Payne 

  • Skinny little Russian liberal faggot


If it was my forum I know who to ban for worst post of 2015 wtf is wrong with you seriously?????. Holy crap I am dealing with fag i thought i was but damn its all coming to light and making sense now. what kind of sick motherfucker posts this shit for all to see... save that shit for your own viewing go to the forum you found that on its where you truly belong.. duke is a hardcore guy not a soft emotional sensitive fantasizing about gay stuff guy

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


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Praline-Crusted Cheesecake

Crumbled pralines and sugared shortbread make an out-of-this-world crust for classic cheesecake. Either make your own pralines or buy them to cut back on prep time.


2 cups crushed shortbread cookies (about 28 cookies)
3 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted
4 Pralines, coarsely crumbled
5 (8-ounce) packages cream cheese, softened
1 3/4 cups sugar
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
4 large eggs
2 egg yolks
1/3 cup whipping cream
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
2 (8-ounce) containers sour cream
1/3 cup sugar
Garnish: crumbled Pralines


Combine cookie crumbs and butter. Press into bottom and up sides of a greased 10-inch springform pan.

Bake at 350° for 8 minutes. Cool on a wire rack. Sprinkle coarsely crumbled Pralines over crust.

Beat cream cheese at medium speed with a heavy-duty electric mixer until creamy. Gradually add 1 3/4 cups sugar, flour, and vanilla, beating until smooth. Add eggs and egg yolks, 1 at a time, beating just until yellow disappears. Stir in whipping cream and lemon rind. Pour in crust. Place on a foil-lined baking sheet.

Bake at 350° on lower oven rack 10 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 325,° and bake 1 hour and 20 minutes or until almost set. Cool on wire rack 1 hour.

Stir together sour cream and 1/3 cup sugar; spread over cheesecake.

Bake at 325° for 10 minutes. Cool on a wire rack. Cover and chill 8 hours. Remove sides of pan. Garnish, if desired.

User is offline   Max Payne 

  • Skinny little Russian liberal faggot


cakes look good okay that is okay i am down with cakes and pie

the obama stories are disgusting but thanks to fox we can get an overview of this forum

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


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Layered Turtle Cheesecake


1 cup all-purpose flour
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup finely chopped pecans
6 tablespoons cold butter, cubed
4 packages (8 ounces each) cream cheese, softened
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup plus 1 teaspoon all-purpose flour, divided
2 tablespoons heavy whipping cream
1-1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
4 eggs, lightly beaten
1/2 cup milk chocolate chips, melted and cooled
1/4 cup caramel ice cream topping
1/3 cup chopped pecans
1/2 cup milk chocolate chips
1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
2 tablespoons chopped pecans
Additional caramel ice cream topping, optional


Place a greased 9-in. springform pan on a double thickness of heavy-duty foil (about 18 in. square). Securely wrap foil around pan.
In a small bowl, combine the flour, brown sugar and pecans; cut in butter until crumbly. Press onto the bottom of prepared pan. Place pan on a baking sheet. Bake at 325° for 12-15 minutes or until set. Cool on a wire rack.
In a large bowl, beat cream cheese and sugars until smooth. Beat in 1/4 cup flour, cream and vanilla. Add eggs; beat on low speed just until blended. Remove 1 cup batter to a small bowl; stir in melted chocolate. Spread over crust.
In another bowl, mix caramel topping and remaining flour; stir in pecans. Drop by tablespoonfuls over chocolate batter. Top with remaining batter. Place springform pan in a large baking pan; add 1 in. of hot water to larger pan.
Bake at 325° for 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 hours or until center is just set and top appears dull. Remove springform pan from water bath; remove foil. Cool cheesecake on a wire rack for 10 minutes. Loosen sides from pan with a knife; cool 1 hour longer. Refrigerate overnight.
For ganache, place chips in a small bowl. In a small saucepan, bring cream just to a boil. Pour over chips; whisk until smooth. Cool slightly, stirring occasionally.
Remove sides of springform pan. Spread ganache over cheesecake; sprinkle with pecans. Refrigerate until set. If desired, drizzle with additional caramel topping before serving. Yield: 12 servings

User is offline   Max Payne 

  • Skinny little Russian liberal faggot


fuck its lunchtime

User is offline   Max Payne 

  • Skinny little Russian liberal faggot


Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels. Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the "loser," and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round. I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theatre of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world.

Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment.

When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to:

M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc. Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A.

along with a 3x5 card reading, "Please use this M&M for breeding purposes."

This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this "grant money." I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion. There can be only one.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


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Look Deep Into Her Eyes

Rainbow Dash was assaulted with the overpowering scent of exotic herbs as she entered the store. Outside, the world smelled of pizza, baked goods, gasoline, wild grass, and dog fur, all merged together into one sensory cacophony. Inside, everything seemed to host the thick balm of unfamiliar, yet not unpleasant, perfume. Rainbow Dash felt as if she'd stepped over the threshold into a foreign country, rather than stepped off the street and into a secluded little shop.

“Excuse me, dear child, but I sense from you great distress. Would you care to tell me of this mess?”

Rainbow Dash jumped, her gaze leaping from the patterned quilts on the opposite wall to the source of the voice. She could not blame herself for believing she was alone. She hadn't even been certain the store was open before she entered, as the windows were covered from the inside. The only sources of light originated from lanterns mounted on various walls, the flames dancing teasingly over the various wares for sell. She realized that the effect would have been eerie in any other place, yet in this store it gave her an uncommon sense of comfort. It was from one of the few completely dark corners of the room that the voice came from and, as she turned in surprise, a speaker detached herself from the veil.

The speaker was a tall, beautiful African-American woman clothed in a long, flowing red gown. Her hair resembled that of a zebra, short on either side with a mohawk-esque formation cutting through the middle. Her eyes were friendly, brimming with knowledge and motherly affection. Out of all the lovely smells in the store, the best of them originated from her: The scent of freshly-baked bread containing many exotic spices.

“So-sorry to....bother you,” Rainbow Dash stuttered, blushing.

Clearly someone in a store that is open for business expects to be bothered. But something about this woman made her feel as if she should apologize, whether it made sense or not. As someone who did not hand out apologies with ease in the first place, Rainbow Dash was astonished at the effect this person she had never met before was having on her.

The woman laughed, an amiable chuckle.

“Bother me? You have not disturbed me at all. As you can see, the customers have not yet begun to call.”

Seeing as it was quite late in the afternoon, Rainbow Dash wondered if this was a slow day or if customers simply didn't call. She couldn't see it being the latter, for she thought the shop was far too interesting for any sane human being to pass up. It was so incredibly out of place, squashed between a tattoo parlor and a discount clothing venue. A place entitled “Curios”, the sign composed in elegant, sweeping letters reminiscent of calligraphy, seemed the black sheep of the family.

“I-I was kind of looking for......,” Rainbow Dash began reluctantly.

But the woman did not allow her to complete the sentence. She nodded as if she understood at once. She then strode over to one of the numerous shelves lining the walls. This particular shelf contained many small urns with chaotically twisting patterns along their surfaces. The woman chose one of the tiniest of the items and examined it. Satisfied that it was free of tampering or unsightly filth, she walked to the counter and placed the item upon its surface.

Rainbow Dash came forward curiously, her eyes on the mysterious urn and her mind ignorant of its contents. Even she could appreciate the beauty of the urn's design. Perhaps it was because it successfully portrayed a side of her she had always loved passionately: Her athletic side. To her, the randomly twisting lines and swirls represented race tracks that went nowhere and obstacles too treacherous for those faint of heart to attempt. She could see herself in this urn, braving the dangerous whims of the world's most rebellious obstacle course.

“How much?” she breathed.

She hadn't bothered to ask what, if anything, was within the urn. The interior was of little consequence to her. She was determined to purchase this work of art, be it filled with snakes or filled with air.

“It is not the urn itself you require. Within it is your secret desire.”

The woman beckoned Rainbow Dash closer, inviting her to gaze into the urn herself. A multitude of bracelets across her arm jangled at the movement.

“You wear your wants on your sleeve, like many of your type. Zecora knows you want to be the best in everything you attempt. For calming you down and enhancing your skills, the time is ripe. Otherwise the hand of failure surely will tempt.”

The mixture inside the urn gave off the strong aroma of cinnamon and vanilla, blended with a completely alien scent. This alien scent reminded Rainbow Dash of one she knew all too well: Sweat. It wasn't an aroma she liked, nor was it one she abhorred. As someone who exercised frequently, competed in several sports competitions, and jogged every morning prior to breakfast, she was used to this smell. It gave her a sort of comfort, as if everything in the world was only in place if she was sweating.

“Uh, so what is it?” Rainbow Dash inquired, regaining her composure.

“Confidence is not an emotion, as most people seem to confuse. It can be made into any form man wishes to choose.”

That hardly answered the question, but Rainbow Dash was oddly infatuated by Zecora's peculiar way of speaking. She laughed, glancing uncomfortably at the urn.

“Confidence in a bottle. Great slogan.”

Zecora smiled. She quite liked this girl. She had always admired those with strength that extended past the body and into the very soul. But the admiration did not originate from the strength itself. It was the weaknesses that came out so readily when appropriately coaxed. People of Rainbow Dash's type reminded her of the fact that even the most resilient to cruelty or misery were still human.

“You suspect I am deceiving you in a way you cannot defend. But I promise I am not giving you something illegal or anything to that end.”

Rainbow Dash blushed. It appeared this woman was skilled at reading her mind. Normally she would have been unsettled or even wrathful to know someone was invading her thoughts, but this woman was different. It seemed the most natural thing in the world for Zecora to be able to peruse Rainbow Dash's mind akin to a novel.

“G-Great collection,” she stammered, uncomfortable. “Where'd you get all this stuff?”

She turned away, attempting to conceal her embarrassment far too late. She walked over to a nearby shelf and tried to engross herself in a jar, waiting for her cheeks to return to their normal hue. She could feel Zecora's eyes following her as she moved. The jar itself served as a good distraction for the girl. Nestled within it was the preserved corpse of a butterfly, its wings a true rainbow of colors. Rainbow Dash had never gazed upon such a wonderful miracle of nature. She would have suspected it to be a clever fake, but she doubted anything in Zecora's store was fake. Even the authenticity of a cherry-tinted tree branch on display did not strike her as something to question.

Zecora strode up beside her. She removed the jar from the shelf and held it up to her face, staring at Rainbow Dash through the glass. The effect, comical or simply disfiguring on some, was neither for Zecora. The beauty of her features remained present through the distorted glass.

“My travels have taken me to places that exist on the edges of your mind. And from each place I capture a little bit of the magic I find. These artifacts are my own and this collection is my life. I collect pain, I collect happiness, and I collect the last remnant of strife.”

She returned the jar to the shelf. Her flowing dress making a subtle whispering sound as she moved, she walked back to the counter.

Rainbow Dash surveyed the shop with more attention to detail. She noticed not only various jars, urns, paintings, and other things of that nature, but also clothing. Garments one would never find in a mainstream local fashion outlet. They were far too strange, too exotic, to appeal to most of today's leather-minded youth. But Rainbow Dash, even without Rarity's love of outfits, could appreciate them. She wandered over to examine a headdress that seemed to be made from the ocean itself. A gentle aqua in color, a veil of milky white descending from the back and two feathers, each a warm crimson, appearing to have been melded into the base itself by unknown means. Rainbow Dash lightly brushed her fingers against the veil. It was unnaturally light, as if made from the finest spider silk. Touching it gave Rainbow Dash the sensation of touching a breeze.

“How much?” she inquired breathlessly.

The price wasn't important. She would have bought it regardless.

Rainbow Dash stared at the headdress, her mind at a loss to explain its presence in her bedroom. Away from the shop, away from beautiful Zecora, away from the magical collection, she was considering the headdress as an actual item, an item she had taken from a store, for the very first time since her gaze had fallen on it. Torn away from the rest of the collection, she saw how ridiculously out of place it was in a bedroom filled with athletic equipment, sports memorabilia, and trophies. An invader in a world devoted to soccer, basketball, baseball, tennis, and a multitude of other athletic pursuits.

What was I thinking?! Was I thinking?

She hadn't even paid money for it, she realized. Zecora had refused any sort of payment, handing the item into the girl's willing hands with barely a word. Thoughts of the urn and its contents had been washed away by the headdress's beauty. But at present, Rainbow Dash was wondering if she had been hypnotized into purchasing a useless trinket. This seemed more suitable to Rarity's character, not the girl who paid little attention to clothes in general unless they were team uniforms.

Earlier, Rainbow Dash's father, Rainbow Blitz, had asked about the headdress. He had come upon it when, after a courteous knock, he opened the door to inform her that they were having Chinese take-out for dinner. His eyes, normally surveying the mess with distaste, were drawn at once to the room's newest addition. The words in his throat evaporated. He looked at the teenage girl lounging on the bed, eyebrow arched.

“Getting married?” he queried.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and groaned at the joke. Although, when her gaze wandered back to the headdress, she noticed that it did resemble an eccentric wedding veil. She wondered if Zecora had worn it at her wedding, if indeed there had ever been one. Her thoughts beginning to stray, she imagined how utterly breathtaking Zecora would appear in a wedding dress. She could picture the tall, attractive woman, attired in pristine white, the headdress upon her head, a bouquet of roses in her hands. Every man and woman in the vicinity, including the preacher, would be envious to the point of seething over Zecora's flawless beauty.

“Rainbow? Rainbow?”

Rainbow Dash was jolted into reality. She was lying casually on her bed, her father in the doorway and her idle gaze having drifted to the headdress.

“I just bought it,” she replied hastily. “I'll return it tomorrow.”

Her father appeared concerned. It wasn't normal for Rainbow Dash to simply drop off in that way, descending into her own thoughts in the middle of a conversation. He looked at the headdress, wondering of its effect. But his eyes told him nothing of significance. While he could admire its oddness, the deepness of its beauty alluded him. Only Rainbow Dash could see that far into its soul. He didn't mention the incident all through their admittedly carefree dinner.

Rainbow Dash knew she wouldn't be returning it. If indeed she returned to Zecora's shop, it would not be to give the headdress back to its rightful owner. It might have belonged among that exquisite collection, yet Rainbow Dash could not envision surrendering it. It truly was the most gorgeous thing she had ever seen. She couldn't explain to herself the exact way, or ways, its beauty surpassed all others. It simply did and there was no more to it.

I'm going to keep it forever.

Rainbow Dash looked at the clock. 9 PM was rushing to greet her, she noticed. If she expected to be at practice early, she would have to sleep. Also, upon noticing the time, she realized that she had been staring at the headdress for over thirty minutes. Staring as if hypnotized and thinking of Zecora.

Yeah, I've lost it.

Rainbow Dash laughed, shaking her head at her own behavior. She was amused by the effect of a mere shop.

Ten minutes later, tucked into bed, her dreams altered to show her dark-skinned women in strange headdresses.

Rainbow Dash went immediately to Zecora's shop after school. As it was Friday, she was in no particular hurry to return home. Her father would be at work a bit later than usual, most likely coming back home around ten. Rainbow Dash would enjoy microwaving a frozen pizza and renting a decent horror movie, but for the time being she was not keen to face an empty house.

It was rare to find anyone within the general vicinity of the shop, but when Rainbow Dash approached she noticed three individuals around her own age, two girls and one boy, standing at the window as if attempting to peer inside. One of the girls, whom Rainbow vaguely recognized as one of the many students at Canterlot High, was holding something. However, as the distance between them closed, it became apparent that this group was not customers. The boy and the other girl, complete strangers to Rainbow, were glancing nervously over their shoulders.

Rainbow Dash froze, her eyes moving from the group to the window they were gathered around. When the first girl moved, she could see their handiwork in its entirety.

“Witch” was scrawled in bright red paint across the window. The word, for emphasis, was underlined twice and completed with an immense exclamation point which dwarfed the letters preceding it. Next to the words a round face, its eyes Xs and its mouth a frown, had been added, probably by another member of the group.

A monster reared its head in Rainbow's stomach. Abandoning the backpack slung casually over her shoulder, she charged forward with lightning in her eyes. Her rage was not only fueled by their actions, but also by their insolence. They dared perform this vandalism in the middle of the day, as if they thought no passerby would reprimand them, as if no authority would be summoned, as if Zecora herself would be too affected by their harshness to retaliate.

“Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?!”

The girls and boy turned at once to face the one who had shouted. Their startled faces beheld a young female sprinting towards them, her visage alive with the intent to maim. She was rather short and not too threatening in stature, but the undiluted rage clouding her features was sufficient to cause alarm. The male of the group, a whole head taller and far broader in the shoulders than Rainbow, stepped backward with an expression of fear. The girl holding the spray can was the first to flee, dropping the can as she darted away. The boy followed, shoving the girl aside as he ran away. Just seconds before she was to meet her doom, the final member of the group regained control of her terror-stricken legs and followed her two companions in their retreat.

“Get back here!” Rainbow screamed, her ire rising at their cowardice.

She seized the can of spray paint and hurled it toward the fleeing teenagers. It fell just short of hitting one of the girls. Clenching her fists, she was preparing to go after them and break each of their noses in turn when the door to the shop opened.

Zecora stood in the doorway, her face impassive. If she had been lured out by Rainbow's scream, she showed no adverse effect to it.

“They were vandalizing your window!” Rainbow Dash announced at once.

She pointed a finger, quivering with anger, at the culprits just before they vanished from sight. A part of her, although a part that was steadily dying as the minutes wore on, wanted to pass over the explanation and pursue the villains. Being outnumbered was of little consequence. She didn't mind experiencing a painful beating if she could deliver a worse one to return the favor. This would not be the first or second time in her life that philosophy had come into play.

Zecora glanced at her window, her expression mostly unchanging. She did not seem bothered to find it, as Rainbow Dash had stated, vandalized. Perhaps slightly surprised, but not bothered. She turned to the seething girl and spoke in that calming, deep voice of hers.

“Come inside, my dear Rainbow Dash, for tea and all you are inclined. I feel there is something on your mind.”

Speechless, Rainbow followed Zecora into the shop. She was led past the burdened shelves, the unique scents, the display cases, and the counter itself. Zecora took her into a back room, accessed by a door virtually invisible to those who did not know of it. The room was small, but Rainbow could not refer to it as “cramped”. If anything, it was a cozy room, occupied by two brown leather armchairs, a rug made from the skin of some unknown creature that resembled a furry insect, a coffee table made from glass the color of moonlight, and a portable stove for making tea. Rainbow Dash sat down in one of the armchairs and watched Zecora lift a steaming kettle from the stove.

“I do have something on my mind, but that's not important,” she uttered hastily. “Aren't you going to do something about those assholes who ruined your window?”

Zecora laughed, a sound as warm and sharp as a cup of morning coffee.

“Rainbow, you needn't be in such appall. Those were only children after all.”

The rainbow-haired girl snorted in contempt at the description, crossing her arms. She took the mug of tea offered to her with an expression of dislike.

“Children? Oh puh-leeze. They were my age, maybe even a little older. Definitely not kids.”

Zecora sat down across from the girl with her own tea. She closed her eyes and held the mug underneath her nose, inhaling the temperate fumes. She could smell lands in those fumes, places few people had ever dreamed could exist on this planet. And when she closed her eyes and absorbed the balm, she could see these lands as clearly as if she was there. A moment passed, then Zecora opened her eyes and smiled at Rainbow.

“They were children nonetheless. Their minds are too empty to warrant your aggress.”

Rainbow was not satisfied, but she sipped her tea and said nothing more about going after the vandals.

“Were they serious?” she uttered, shaking her head in disbelief. “Witch”? In this day and age? What is this, the 1920s?”

While Rainbow somewhat believed in magic, witchcraft was a completely different subject. Witchcraft, as it was understood in books and other media, was complicated potions, incantations, and old women chanting over bubbling cauldrons. She would be foolish to describe Zecora as anything of the sort and was shocked that such primitive labels still existed.

Zecora took a sip of her own tea. She could taste islands in this tea, isolated yet thriving. Islands that were miracles. Islands that could be found, but only if one was looking for them.

“You wanted to ask me about my travels, from places far to places wide. You wanted to know the secrets of this world you call “outside”.”

Rainbow Dash was yet again unnerved, but only for a second, about Zecora's ability to read her mind.

“Well, yeah,” she admitted with a shrug. “Where did you find all this cool stuff? I must really be flunking geography.”

“Where does one find any treasure, small or big? I only had to look. You only need the will to dig that cannot be found in any book.”

Rainbow was intrigued. She'd always considered adventurers, explorers, and such to be fictional characters meant to awe with tales of their fabricated exploits. The concept of traveling the world, collecting souvenirs from the farthest reaches of the oceans, seemed to only belong in novels about Daring Do, her favorite heroine. When she was younger, she had believed she could live that exact life when she grew up. Then she reached the age of thirteen and promptly abandoned her childish dream of being the next Daring Do. But Zecora was most certainly real and Rainbow could not even imagine doubting her words.

“Isn't that dangerous?” she pointed out excitedly. “I mean...aren't you constantly in danger, if you travel all over the world by yourself?”

Zecora's smile was slightly pained this time around, as if memories of past torment were coming back to her at the innocent question.

“You are the kind to always seek a thrill. But is it as fun when the danger is very much real?”

The answer, if it could be thought of as one, forced Rainbow to hesitate. Adventure flowed in her veins as hot as blood. She thought of danger as something not to avoid, but to actively pursue. Fighting off hordes of malevolent villains was her vision of an ideal day. However, Zecora's question had made her pause to think about this fantasy of hers.

“I can handle it,” she responded at last.

Zecora nodded, as if she had expected this answer and could not be bothered to object.

“Why do you travel by yourself, anyway?” inquired Rainbow Dash curiously. “Don't you have a boyfriend...or...or something?”

Blushing and flustered, she took a mighty gulp of her tea and nearly choked on it. Something about Zecora was effecting her in a way she both liked and hated. Speaking to her, being near her, was nothing like being in her soccer team's championship or taking a difficult test. If she had to make a comparison, it was more like having her first kiss under the bleachers after a basketball game. Awkward, rushed, but oddly nice as well. But this was only a light comparison, the best she could have done if asked. Spending time with this exotic, beautiful, enchanting woman was something she could never truly put into words.

Zecora shook her head.

“I travel alone because it is my want. What need have I for companionship to flaunt?”

Rainbow stared at her feet nervously. She reminded herself that she was a success in every sport she tried, praised by young and old alike, able to beat grown adults in races, and hailed as the best athlete at Canterlot High. For her to be this apprehensive over a mere conversation was foolish. In fact, the very first time she had asked someone on a date, she had gone directly to the point without hesitation. She hadn't even blushed or given any signs of being unsure. Therefore, it was ludicrous for her to be this way when she was only talking to Zecora.

“Do-doesn't it get...lonely?” she asked, her cheeks burning.

Zecora placed her tea mug on the coffee table. Her smile had vanished, leaving behind a look that, while still holding warmth, was not quite as serene.

“Our conversation comes to an end. I have no more of my time to lend.”

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to protest, but for once closed it instantly. She placed her own mug on the table, nodding in agreement. She thanked Zecora for the tea and promised to visit again at some point during the weekend. She didn't specify a date, as she had many things planned, but imagined she could squeeze a brief visit into her agenda.

Rainbow Dash was nearly to her house when it occurred to her that she did not like tea.

Saturday and Sunday passed and Rainbow Dash did not visit Zecora. Things, usually little things, kept appearing in her way, distracting her. Friends came to visit, trips to the movies were planned, new opportunities for training surfaced, homework was suddenly given top priority. Anything and everything happened to keep Rainbow Dash away from Zecora's shop. While she enjoyed most of her leisure time during the weekend, at every interval between activities she would think of the shop and the woman who owned it. But always, by the time she was prepared for that visit, something happened to deviate her from her path.

On Monday, Rainbow at last found time to visit Zecora. It was rather late in the day, but she didn't fear the shop being closed. Her agenda was clear and she was confident she would be able to at least catch a glimpse of the woman before it filled up again. As she approached, she noticed that Zecora had cleaned up the vandalism, leaving the window as if it had never been touched. This, an assurance that her friend cared about the shop, made her smile.

“Hey Zecora, thought I'd......”

Rainbow Dash stopped, one foot over the threshold, the words frozen on her lips. She stared around at what had once been "Curios". In the time she had been gone, it had turned from a museum of all that was strange in the world to a naked shell of itself. The shelves had been emptied and the display cases were vacant. All of the wonderful items, the clothing and the masks and such, were gone. The only thing that remained of the shop's past was a single jar on the counter, containing a butterfly with rainbow wings.

Horrified, Rainbow Dash dashed through the empty shop. The door to the back room was ajar, beckoning her. She went through it, expecting to find a note from Zecora, as often happens in fiction. But, to her relief, she found the woman herself, hunched over a suitcase. She was not attired in the red dress she had worn the other times Rainbow had seen her. She was instead wearing a thick, long-sleeved blouse and a pair of loose pants that seemed to be made from zebra skin. At Rainbow's entry, she looked up from her packing.

“Ah, Rainbow Dash, I knew you would come. Your devotion beats to the sound of my drum.”

Rainbow ignored the words. The shock of it all, seeing the shop stripped bare and now Zecora obviously preparing to leave, was sending her head into a spin.

“You're...you're..going?” she burst out. “This...this shop....”

“.......is nothing but dust and dew. At the corners of the world, a life waits for me anew.”

Rainbow wasn't usually one to cry, but she was having trouble holding back her tears. It was illogical, she knew, to be this emotional over someone she had known for less than a week. But Zecora was far from any person, man or woman, she had ever known for weeks, months, or years. The way she looked at her, as if she could see every crevice of Rainbow's soul, every road of her being, made her feel as if she had known her since the very day she was born. She had smelled the most amazing places imaginable in that little shop. She had tasted lives and people she would have never thought to be real in that tea. To be torn away from all that so abruptly was almost murder in her eyes.

“I want to go with you!” Rainbow pronounced suddenly. “Every adventurer's gotta have a sidekick, right?”

Zecora closed the suitcase, the sound radiating in the otherwise silent room. She stared deep into Rainbow's eyes, a sad smile on her face. She glimpsed a bit of herself, a bit of her own spirit, inside this girl. It surprised her to remember she had once been of nearly that exact character, except perhaps less naïve.

Rainbow turned a deep shade of rose as Zecora gently brushed a hand across her cheek.

“We are not a match the stars have chosen to make. You must remain until it is your destiny's turn to wake.”

Rainbow didn't know or care what Zecora was referring to. She was too focused on her dismay to give the words more than a single thought.

“It's my age, isn't it?” she guessed bitterly. “Look, I'll be eighteen in a few months if it bothers you. It's not like I want to marry you or something. I just want to...come with you.”

The many bracelets Zecora wore on her arms jingled against one another as she cupped Rainbow's face in her hands. The girl was not sobbing, but Zecora could still see the tears running down her cheeks, even though they were not physically there. Rainbow would not cry, she was certain. Rainbow would remain brave, her eyes dry and defiant, until the end. The ways Rainbow reminded her of her younger self were beginning to pile up. Smiling with less sadness, Zecora leaned forward and pressed her lips to Rainbow's own.

Rainbow Dash was bathed in Zecora's scent, the one he had adored from the moment it wafted across her nostrils. But it was her taste that made the deepest impact. Rainbow Dash could taste a thousand lost civilizations, a hundred forgotten lands, and the many years of a life spent exploring them. She tasted everything she'd ever seen in her fantasies, every late night Daring Do novel, and every adventure she'd always wanted to have. Zecora was somehow all of these things, breathing her own soul into the other girl. And the kiss did not feel unexpected. It seemed the most natural thing in the world. All of the protests and all of the questions melted in the heat of it, leaving Rainbow Dash floating.

Zecora withdrew after a full minute. She stepped back from the dazed girl. Once again, she gently brushed her hand across Rainbow's cheek, staring into her rose-colored eyes. Her smile was no longer sad. It was much the same one she had worn the very first time she had seen Rainbow.

“We will meet again, after the magic has returned to its serenity. Only then will you know your identity.”

Suitcase in hand, she walked past the frozen girl, out of the back room and out of the shop.

Only one thought existed in Rainbow Dash's mind. Only one single thought came to her as she stood there, unmoving and staring at the space Zecora had once occupied. When she had bought the headdress, she had later wondered about where and when she would ever have cause to wear it. But now, it came to her exactly when she would don the beautiful headdress.

In her bedroom, between an autographed baseball and her favorite Daring Do novel, the headdress waited for the day of Zecora's return.

This post has been edited by Forge: 12 June 2015 - 09:24 AM


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  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


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Part 6

It was only a month ago Barack had been playing boardgames with his girls.

“Dad can I have a mint?”

“I don't think we have any in the house. I'll have someone get a pack for you tomorrow.”

“No it's okay. Your breath smells minty so I thought you had some on you.”

Freud once said a woman's view toward men is shaped by her relationship with her father. There are a lot of ways to disappoint your daughter, but to be caught in an affair with another woman? Why? Because your wife isn't pretty enough. Because she isn't young enough. Her breasts feel limp in your hands. Her vagina feels awkward after giving birth to your children. She doesn't want to love like the way you used to, before the children came. Children don't talk to their parents about the things they know. When their father is caught pants down, bent over a woman half his age, they know why, or they think they do, and they carry it inside themselves for the rest of their lives. And your nightmare as a father? Your daughter pants down, a man twice her age bent over her. Her name plastered on the front page of every newspaper in the world. That's not even half the humiliation that Barack would face if they knew why his breath was minty.

Kneeling on the floor, one hand stroking his dick, the other holding up Celestia's tail as he buries his face in her sweet, sticky, pussy. Her eyes closed, head against the floor she breathes heavily, her stomach heaving from the pleasure. The sweet sensation of Barack's tongue flows from her vagina, to her stomach, up her chest, through her neck, out her mouth in little pants, and into her mind. His tongue does little swirls around her clit, telling her to leak a little more love juice for him. She sucks her stomach in and arches her back. She can feel her crotch lose control and the flush of her sweet fluid spraying out. She falls on her side, legs stretched on the bathroom mat. Her back tingles, as Barack walks over her. Through half closed eyes she can see him squat in front of her. He grabs her chin not too gently, lifts her head and jerks his long cock in front of her. He gasps hard, and spurts of cum jet from his penis in drenching Celestia's face. She licks at her muzzle greedily and tongues the edges of his penis and the droplets of cum trickling out.

He traces his fingers over her flank as she flicks her tongue against his penis head. First his strokes run with her soft warm fur, downward past her privates. Curling his fingers, he runs them against the grain, slowly making his way to the base of her tail, and makes little circles around it. His index slowly trails its way down to her little asshole, presses against its tightness. He hears her thigh shift giddily, and he pushes harder, slowly twisting his finger into her buttocks. He can hear her give a sharp “ah” as his finger twists into her hole. He can feel her sphincter pulsating around his finger as he twists it back and forth. Barack holds his finger still as Celestia turns over on to her back. The feeling of her asshole twisting around his index renews his rock hard erection. Her hooves in the air as Barack gives her tight spot a few more twists with his finger; she slowly cascades her legs, spreading them open symmetrically. She thrusts her hips back and forth against the ground, her head turned, her eyes closed, her body begging for sex. Barack pulls his finger out, he holds his penis with one hand, as he holds himself over her with the other. Slowly he tickles her sphincter with the head of the shaft, then drags it over to her pussy. He pushes it in, her hips still gliding back and forth, he joins the rhythm. Slowly he lowers himself closer, moving his hips in her pussy, gently kissing her neck. Her juices lube his penis; they move their hips quicker. Celestia moans softly. Barack can feel her thighs quivering, the heat from her love hole marinating his sweaty penis in her tight pussy. He can feel himself reaching his limit, he raises himself above her, and thrusts himself to climax. With every spurt, he thrusts deep into her. Celestia breathes deeply, savouring the feeling of the warm cum swimming below her belly. She wraps all four hooves, around him, and brings him closer in embrace. They lie on the bathroom rug, sweating, listening to each other's gentle breathing. Barack's penis slowly softens, unplugging her puss, and letting trickles of warm semen drip down into her asshole and onto her tail.

Her eyes half-closed, Celestia wonders how her life could have been, had she been born a human in this world. Newly-wed, still at the height of their passions, here his cum germinates into their daughter. Every night until their child is born; relentless lovemaking until the break of dawn. No where would be safe from their unbridled passions. Their sexual imagination, exploding creatively in every room of their house. Their lovemaking intensifies as the years go on, and when their bones creak from a life of requited love, they hold hands in their old age, fingers playing like their bodies did when they were younger, and gently drifting off pleasantly with no regrets of love lost.

Lost in her daydream, she doesn't notice her barrier had weakened. A knock on the bathroom door jolts both of them.

“Daddy are you in there? You promised you would play Monopoly us while mommy was out.”

“Just a moment dear I'll be out in a moment.”

Celestia was gone. All that was left was a small wet stain on the rug, and the scent of peppermint on his breath.


Celestia had him in her world for herself. That day a month ago, she could have cast all the fertility charms known in the kingdom. Turned his fresh semen into a child, and torn her lover in two. It crossed her mind more than once but she banished the thought.. Somewhere on that bathroom rug she felt something for the first time in her ageless life. She wondered if Barack had felt it too, but she knew he had years ago with Michelle. If she had to choose between tearing her lover's heart and soul between his family and herself, she was not sure if she could do it. Why bring him here? So far away, from home, and so close to her. Where she can turn his every thoughts to her, and if need be keep him here with the temptation of pleasures beyond any in his world.

Celestia sighed heavily, clearing her mind and trotting onwards. The invisibility charm cloaking three now. The last gleaming rays of dusk grasp fruitlessly at the ground as the sun fades away, and the dark comes to blanket Ponyville. She feels a hand on her back, slowly running back and forth. Barack had heard her sigh, and she blushed. She was being selfish. All this time wondering about how she could have him for herself, not realizing how much he had sacrificed to be with her. To come all this way, to betray family, friends, and country. He cared for her in a way she could not understand, and she loved him for it. She turned her head back and nuzzled his mouth. Barack pulled away and jerked his head toward their companions.

Little Rarity had a smirk on her face, and was trying, very poorly, to hide her curious glances at the couple. She knew she was caught and blushed.

“So,” she spoke embarassedly, “are you two a couple of sorts?”

Barack looked at Celestia as she spoke.

“It's getting a late for questions like that, but it can be said that we are close companions.”

Rarity giggled, and trotted along head held high, proud to be in the entourage of two royals. She threw furtive glances at Barack and Celestia from time to time, as they walked together, his arm around her shoulders and their heads touching. There was no rush, Ponyville was at home and in bed.

They had walked for a long time, and though they wished it would last longer, soon the trio had arrived in front of a mighty tree at the edge of the town. It towered over every building, and plant, and jutting from its sides were windows, and a grand door stood at its base.

“Here we will spend the night.” said Celestia. “Tomorrow we go to Cantorlot and the royal court.” She knocked once with the knocker. A young voice from inside answered.

“Library's closed! Come back tomorrow.”

Celestia's horn started to glow, and the door burst open as if hit by a gale. Books and parchment were gusted into the air and a purple pony, the size of Rarity, came rushing out to see the commotion, and with her a small purple dragon. They take one look at the princess and quickly bow before her.

“Princess...” Twilight begins, but Celestia hushes her kindly.

“Twilight Sparkle, my dearest student, you could not have known I were coming.”

“But princess what brings you to Ponyville at this hour? And who's that tall monkey with you? And why is Rarity here?”

“Twilight I am shocked!” Rarity replied. “You speak as if I were the last person you would ever expect to see with a royal princess. And I thought we were friends!”

“I'm sorry Rarity, but you have to admit that's it a little weird that the Princess, and giant ape and one of my closest friends, suddenly blow the door to my house open, scrambling hours of dedicated cleaning and organization onto my living room in the middle of the night!.”

“Twilight how could you?! Closest friend? I thought we were more than that. Bon amis, ami par excellence, but simply closest? Why I have half a mind to take Princess Celestia and Prince Barack, oh you do know he's a prince don't you? Nevermind. I have half a mind to take both of these honoured guests back to my cottage and have them grace me and my home with their generous presence.”

“Girls, girls,” Princess Celestia cut in. “There's no need to squabble over such petty things. Come Twilight let me help you clean the mess I made.” With a flick of her horn, the papers and books sprawled around the room rearranged themselves neatly in their proper positions.

“Wow Princess! You've got to teach me that trick, that'll save me loads of time every week!” Twilight said with delight.

“Tut, tut, patience my stalwart student, soon you may even learn enough to surpass me in the magical arts. Come now, we are all very tired and have a long journey to Canterlot waiting for us tomorrow.”

“Canterlot?” Twilight asked.

“Yes Canterlot my dear Twilight, and you'll be coming with us.”

“Can I come too?” The little dragon asked.

“I'm afraid not Spike, someone will have to stay and guard the library from book thieves. Can I trust to you to be a an honorary Canterlot guard while we stay at the castle?”

“You can count on me princess!” Spike says with an enthusiastic salute.

“Now we really should be getting to bed Twilight, the day has been incredibly long and introductions will have to wa-what was that noise?”

Someone was knocking hard on the door.

“Twilight! I know you're having a party in the there!”

Celestia winced. “Spike, quickly get me a pen and a piece of paper. Twilight, Rarity, make sure all the windows and door are locked. Barack my dear, please stay away from the windows, we can't afford for you to be seen or the entire town will be flooded with parties, and parades, and who knows what other sort of nonsense that fills the head of that silly pink pony.”

Twilight and Rarity, rushed through the tree-house, latching windows and shutting balcony doors, with the flick of their magic horns. Too often in the nick of time, the latch would shut and immediately at the window there would be a flash of pink.

“Send this immediately to the castle Spike.” Celestia said, handing him a parchment with a written note. He saluted and set the paper on fire with a dazzling green flame.

“Everything secure and shut Princess!” Twilight and Rarity trotted back to the common room a little winded. “Not even an ant could crawl its way in once the library is in lock down mode. Say does anyone hear that noise?”

The distinctive noise of a motor revving cut through the stillness of the night, and soon after the sound of metal on wood could be heard.

“That lunatic has found herself a chainsaw.” Celestia groaned. The metal teeth of the chainsaw were carving a circle for Ponyville's resident party animal to make her dramatic entrance. But as the chainsaw reached its apex, the night suddenly seemed to grow pitch dark as the stars were blotted with thick clouds. Only a single piercing light shimmered from the sky and it was from the moon, glowing fiercely, and suddenly the wind picked up, gusting as if on the eve of a terrible storm. And from outside they heard the shrills of the would-be intruder.

“Bats! The bees of the night! Help me!” Her cries grew distant very quickly, and Celestia motioned everyone to step outside. There they were met with a majestic sight.

A legion of black winged stallions hovered silently in the air, their reins lassoed to a luxurious looking barge. And at the helm of the barge stood Luna, the pale moonlight glinting off her sinister black armour, coating it with a silver sheen.

“Oh Luna, you didn't have to bring the entire Canterlot army to escort us. It was only Pinkie Pie.”

“My sister, if word were to reach anyone but the most trusted of Canterlot Knights, of this shameless frolicking, then I'm afraid the royal house would crumble under the weight of the shame you will have brought upon it.”

Celestia giggled and asked everyone to climb into the spacious rooms of the barge.

“Come now, Rarity and Twilight, you may both share a room, and Barack and I will share the King's suite.”

“Twilight Sparkle, you may have the Royal Canterlot's Deluxe Princess room. I will not be tarrying with you on this journey for I have more pressing issue to address. You will fly swiftly in the cover of my night's darkness and I will greet you in the morning. Until then, fairwell and safe travels.”

Luna flew off into the night sky followed by a cadre of knights. The barge was silently lifted into the air, pulled by the remaining knights, and without so much of jerk, it flew off gently in the opposite direction toward Canterlot. Rarity and Twilight said their goodnights and went off to their rooms. Barack and Celestia entered the King's suite and immediately fell into bed side by side. Barack was all too happy to drift away into sleep without a word. The events of the last few minutes, threatened to short circuit his already stupefied brain. Celestia lay beside him, thinking how wonderful it is to simply sleep together. No sex, nothing overly romantic, just the two of them sharing a space reserved for no one else. A duty to be together, and to preserve that bond by sharing this bed. She nuzzled closer to him, and unconsciously he drew his arm around her neck, his hand a pillow for her head. Celestia hoped for every night hereafter to be as perfect as this one.

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User is offline   Max Payne 

  • Skinny little Russian liberal faggot


Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels. Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the "loser," and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round. I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theatre of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world.

Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment.

When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to:

M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc. Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A.

along with a 3x5 card reading, "Please use this M&M for breeding purposes."

This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this "grant money." I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion. There can be only one.

User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


If you don't have time to read, you may prefer this:


User is offline   Max Payne 

  • Skinny little Russian liberal faggot


It's just not me, it's everyone. Everyone's f*cking lives. All they really do: eat, sh*t, go to work, go to school, fap their little penises, f*ck their little vaginas, drink their little alcohol, do their little drugs, watch their little TV, go on their little f*cking computers and repeat. Repeat every ****ing day over and over, over and over. I won't lie. I have cabin fever. I've been stuck in this hell-hole for months. Yet during that time I've had various epiphanies. Like how worthless and useless everyone's lives really are. How meaningless everyone's lives are, even the lives of very rich or successful people. At the end of the day you still have to sleep, you still have to eat, you still have to die. That's not the only epiphany I've had. Every f*cking day for the past 4 months has been an epiphany. Every... ****ing... day. We are born, we live our pathetic, mediocre lives, and we die. We have our little fun with cheap superficial tricks and we all get offended by the same cheap, stupid sh*t. All we have is our little f*cking prides, that's it. We're all pathetic sheep, roaming about our everyday lives, with no real goal or purpose in mind. Am I rambling? Yes. Will you not read this? Most likely. Will you neg me? Probably. Will you say sh*t like "didn't read lol"? Yes. Which is precisely why you are nothing. Which is why you hate yourself. Which is why others hate you. But I don't care about you, I don't know you, and you don't care about me. What matters is the realization that you may be young and hopeful and vibrant now but in the next blink of an eye, the next sudden instant... you are old, wrinkly, ugly, hopeless, and dying. Hell, we're all dying everyday, even the babies are dying little by little everyday. From the moment the sperm reaches the egg and starts the process of fertilization, the baby is dying. The baby is growing... and dying at the same time. There is no zenith. There is no peak. Maybe if you could pause time but you can't. So what am I trying to say? I... really don't know anymore. That life has no meaning? That you should stop wasting your goddamn time and start accomplishing sh*t? I don't know. I don't really care. It's all up to you really. You can do whatever you want. You choose what is the best life path for yourself. No one can tell you what to do but yourself. I admit; up till now my life has been very difficult -- much more difficult than the average person -- and it still is extremely hard. And it doesn't look to be getting any better anytime soon... unless... I change. Change... I've tried literally hundreds and hundreds of times to change, to end this madness, to start over once and for all... every single time to no avail... every single time to the same failure. I'm so discouraged and sick of it all I just want to die. The only time I ever find any comfort in my life is when I eat, sh*t, masturbate or sleep. I won't lie. I lead a truly pathetic, useless, worthless life. But it's not meaningless, that's for sure. I have a very clear purpose in the back of my mind. And everyday I try to start over, I try to bring that dream in my mind into a lit reality. But of course these things don't come in just days or weeks. Years, obviously. Years... of hard work. Years... of consistency. My head hurts, thinking about it all. As I type this I hear snores. I hear the wind. I hear a couple f*cking. I've been hearing these same sounds... for ages. Yes, I am a loser. Yes, I have no friends. Yes, I hate my life. But you're all losers when you think about it. Do you really have any real friends? You are born alone and you die alone. You eat your little hedonistic food and you smoke your little weed and when things go even slightly wrong you b*tch and cry like starving, deprived African kids. Well, I'll tell you what f*cktards: even they wouldn't do that. They know better. They know the worth of things. Will this post get me banned? Perhaps. Because it's a strong first post on a new account? Maybe. But it's OK. Because in the end we all get banned. We all grow old and skinny and pathetic, not to say that we aren't already like that. Unless you kill yourself at a young age of course. But who has the balls to do that? Look at me, I despise my life so much yet not even I have the balls to do that. You know what? I'm starting to get tired typing. Yes, strong first post. Yes, you didn't read. Oh well... You're all pathetic scum anyway, you wouldn't know the difference. I don't care if you answer. I don't care if you answer with some sarcastic comment. F*ck you all. I don't care. All I know is that when this is all over I'll get the last laugh. I'll be standing at the peak of the mountain while all you will be my slaves bowing down religiously at the bottom.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


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The perfect date

Spike laid within his bed, curled in his covers a small sobbing sound came from him. His tears wetting his pillow as he thinks of his one true love; Rarity, the fairest pony in all of equestria. Every night he would lay in bed tormented by his thoughts of her with another stallion being with another male, she doesn't know his feelings and every night he could curl

with her plush likeliness wanting to tell her how he felt about her, how he wanted to be with her always, how he dreamed of her...

The next day spike woke up and took a deep breath and walked out of his room, skipped breakfast and left the dark dim castle into the bright sunlight of the early equestrian morning and went right to Rarity's Boutiquè and rapped his knuckles upon the ivory colored wooden door.

Rarity answered the door in her amazing white nightgown, it was thin and gently drapped over her barley covering her hooves as they floated just above the ground. "Oh! Hello my little spikey-wikey how are you this morning?" She asked with a gleam in her eyes and a pearly white smile.

Spikes heart fluttered as he fumbled with his words. He took a gulp as he felt a sudden time stand still from his next words he would udder. "Rarity...I-I've really liked you for the past five years, But I've never possessed the courage to tell you. I want to ask if you would have a date with me tonight,at the castle?" He asked his eyes focused on the dirt beneath him, the sun shining upon his scaly back, his face flushed with embarrassment. He worried about her reaction as he looked up to her; to be surprised he saw a faint smile upon her flawless face. "Of course silly, i was begining to wonder how long till you asked!" She responded with excitement to spikes surprise.

"R-Really?! A-are you sure?" He stammered.

She gently put her hoovers under his chin and kissed his forehead. "Of course spikey-wikey, i'll see you at eight?" She asked.

"Y-yeah! I'll pick you up at eight!" He said gleeful as he waved to her and turned to go back to the castle. She gently waved her hoof and smiled at him as she put a lose hair from her mane behind her ear with her magic.

Spike ran and ran to the castle, his heart feeling ready to burst as he rushed into the castle. "Twilight?! I-I finally did it!" He announced. Twilight peaked around the corner from the kitchen to him. "Did what?" She asked curious about Spike's behavior.

"I-i asked Rarity out! I'm seeing her tonight!" He said excited as he quickly ran up the stairs.

Twilight smiled seeing her little dragon growing up, and working up the courage to ask her out.

Hours went by as he got the castle ready for his date with the mare, he draped the dining room table with a white thousand thread count table cloth, a glimmering red candle in a pure silver candlabra on the table, and the finest silver ware and plates within the castle. He bathed and cleaned every scale and claw before dressing into his finest suit he had ready for the day.

He departed the castle to pick up the mare he had been dreaming about for years at her shop. He knocked upon the door once more and Rarity answered again; this time wearing a red nightgown with black eyeliner, and a dark red lipstick. Her hair was styled perfectly, no hair loose or out of place.

"Hey little spike, how do i look?" she asked striking a small fasion pose for him.

Spike froze at the astonishing sight of her. "Y-you look amazing Rarity, like always."he said smiling rubbing the back of his neck. She smiled and put her hoof out to take his hand.

"She we go to the castle then?" She asked smiling.

Spike nodded and took her hoof gratefully and started to walk her to the castle.

Once the arrived he opened the door and lead her to the table illuminated by candle light. He slowly slide her seat out for her. "Mares first." He said in a gentlemenly way.

She smiled. "Oh such class~" she said taking her seat as he gently pushed her in near the table towards a silver platter. "Oh spike i hope you didn't go though to much trouble for little ol me." She said looking at him sweetly.

"Nah, it wasn't much trouble, besides its all worth it too see you." He smiled as he Showed her what was on the platter of a hay souffle made just for her.

She blushed. "Y-you made my favorite?" She asked, feeling happy that Spike remembered what she loved to eat.

"Of course!" He said sitting down before continuing. "I knew you loved it, took me a few tried but I got there in the end."he smiled as he revealed his platter of gemstones. "Uh, Bon Appetit?" He said unsure if it was correct.

She smiled and levitated her fork with her magic and ate slowly and delicately.

They talked over the course of the meal, and then some after about previous adventures they have once had, movies, literature, and even fashion before the night neared a close.

Spike looked at the clock and frowned seeing it was nearing midnight. "Oh, its getting late out. Is there a time you have to be home Rarity?" He asked his voice saddened.

She reach over the table and took his hand. "No, I was hoping to spend the night with you darling..." she said blushing.

Spikes face enflamed with the color red. "O-oh..you can spend the night, if you want my room is upstairs on the right."

She smiled. "I'll meet you in there spikey-wikey..." she smiled and got out of her seat and went upstairs and got ready for bed.

Spike stayed frozen with excitement at the chance to be in the same bed with the one he loved and tried to stand, his legs shaking for a moment before walking up the stairs to his room, to see her laying there under the covers smiling at him. "I-is it alright if we cuddle a bit before sleeping?" She asked.

Spike smiled "o-of course rarity..." he replied before climbing into bed with her then curling up next to her.

"R-rarity...how long have you known I've liked you?" He asked nervously.

"Always darling...ever since that day I met you and Twilight..." she said rubbing his back.

"H-have you or do you like me?" He questioned nervous, his heart booming in his chest in fear the answer may be no.

"I do spike...I do like you..." she blushed as he looked up to her and slowly came up to her face and gently kissed her...

Spike opened his eyes from his slumber and sighed, for every night he went through the hell of seeing her in his dreams only to find it was a fantasy. He sat up and took his Rarity toy within his arms and clutched it to his chest, holding back the tears once again and got out of bed to go to breakfast. Realizing it was all a dream and a fantasy which will remain so, and will be nothing more.

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  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


View PostMax Payne, on 12 June 2015 - 09:27 AM, said:

It's just not me, it's everyone. Everyone's f*cking lives. All they really do: eat, sh*t, go to work, go to school, fap their little penises, f*ck their little vaginas, drink their little alcohol, do their little drugs, watch their little TV, go on their little f*cking computers and repeat. Repeat every ****ing day over and over, over and over. I won't lie. I have cabin fever. I've been stuck in this hell-hole for months. Yet during that time I've had various epiphanies. Like how worthless and useless everyone's lives really are. How meaningless everyone's lives are, even the lives of very rich or successful people. At the end of the day you still have to sleep, you still have to eat, you still have to die. That's not the only epiphany I've had. Every f*cking day for the past 4 months has been an epiphany. Every... ****ing... day. We are born, we live our pathetic, mediocre lives, and we die. We have our little fun with cheap superficial tricks and we all get offended by the same cheap, stupid sh*t. All we have is our little f*cking prides, that's it. We're all pathetic sheep, roaming about our everyday lives, with no real goal or purpose in mind. Am I rambling? Yes. Will you not read this? Most likely. Will you neg me? Probably. Will you say sh*t like "didn't read lol"? Yes. Which is precisely why you are nothing. Which is why you hate yourself. Which is why others hate you. But I don't care about you, I don't know you, and you don't care about me. What matters is the realization that you may be young and hopeful and vibrant now but in the next blink of an eye, the next sudden instant... you are old, wrinkly, ugly, hopeless, and dying. Hell, we're all dying everyday, even the babies are dying little by little everyday. From the moment the sperm reaches the egg and starts the process of fertilization, the baby is dying. The baby is growing... and dying at the same time. There is no zenith. There is no peak. Maybe if you could pause time but you can't. So what am I trying to say? I... really don't know anymore. That life has no meaning? That you should stop wasting your goddamn time and start accomplishing sh*t? I don't know. I don't really care. It's all up to you really. You can do whatever you want. You choose what is the best life path for yourself. No one can tell you what to do but yourself. I admit; up till now my life has been very difficult -- much more difficult than the average person -- and it still is extremely hard. And it doesn't look to be getting any better anytime soon... unless... I change. Change... I've tried literally hundreds and hundreds of times to change, to end this madness, to start over once and for all... every single time to no avail... every single time to the same failure. I'm so discouraged and sick of it all I just want to die. The only time I ever find any comfort in my life is when I eat, sh*t, masturbate or sleep. I won't lie. I lead a truly pathetic, useless, worthless life. But it's not meaningless, that's for sure. I have a very clear purpose in the back of my mind. And everyday I try to start over, I try to bring that dream in my mind into a lit reality. But of course these things don't come in just days or weeks. Years, obviously. Years... of hard work. Years... of consistency. My head hurts, thinking about it all. As I type this I hear snores. I hear the wind. I hear a couple f*cking. I've been hearing these same sounds... for ages. Yes, I am a loser. Yes, I have no friends. Yes, I hate my life. But you're all losers when you think about it. Do you really have any real friends? You are born alone and you die alone. You eat your little hedonistic food and you smoke your little weed and when things go even slightly wrong you b*tch and cry like starving, deprived African kids. Well, I'll tell you what f*cktards: even they wouldn't do that. They know better. They know the worth of things. Will this post get me banned? Perhaps. Because it's a strong first post on a new account? Maybe. But it's OK. Because in the end we all get banned. We all grow old and skinny and pathetic, not to say that we aren't already like that. Unless you kill yourself at a young age of course. But who has the balls to do that? Look at me, I despise my life so much yet not even I have the balls to do that. You know what? I'm starting to get tired typing. Yes, strong first post. Yes, you didn't read. Oh well... You're all pathetic scum anyway, you wouldn't know the difference. I don't care if you answer. I don't care if you answer with some sarcastic comment. F*ck you all. I don't care. All I know is that when this is all over I'll get the last laugh. I'll be standing at the peak of the mountain while all you will be my slaves bowing down religiously at the bottom.


This post has been edited by Fox: 12 June 2015 - 09:32 AM


User is offline   Max Payne 

  • Skinny little Russian liberal faggot


Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels. Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the "loser," and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round. I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theatre of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world.

Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment.

When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to:

M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc. Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A.

along with a 3x5 card reading, "Please use this M&M for breeding purposes."

This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this "grant money." I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion. There can be only one.

This post has been edited by Max Payne: 12 June 2015 - 09:44 AM


User is offline   Max Payne 

  • Skinny little Russian liberal faggot


xD it applies for skittles to okay

This post has been edited by Max Payne: 12 June 2015 - 09:48 AM


User is offline   Max Payne 

  • Skinny little Russian liberal faggot


Attached Image: damnit lunick.jpg
Ohhhh Lunick where are youuuuuuuuu ???????????
Attached Image: ohhhh lunick where are you.jpg


Attached Image: lunick i ran out.jpg

This post has been edited by Max Payne: 12 June 2015 - 09:53 AM


User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL


What the heck. And I get downvotes for this stuff. When I textwall threads, I'm just pasting in episode transcripts from the wiki page, not clopfiction. Stop it or else you guys are bronies.

This post has been edited by Nopony: 12 June 2015 - 10:24 AM


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  • Senior Unpaid Intern at Viceland


Neg Guys: Is Bare Sex With Poz Guys More Intense? Of course, I think bareback sex is amazing. Yet, bare sex with Poz guys is more intense for me. I just love the idea of that charged cum, that sweet gift being shot deep inside me and converting me from within. Any other Neg guys know what I mean?

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What the fuck

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View PostLunick, on 12 June 2015 - 04:30 PM, said:

What the fuck

So here's what I gathered

Forge's Bakery

Foxes Tales

Lunick's rolls

Max Paynes M&M's

Person of colors strange confessions

BOO :)

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


It was all about the cheesecake.........until he said he liked cheesecake.

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