A few days ago I found what appears to be a CON compiler bug which prevented me from re-organizing my code in the way I wanted. I have reproduced the problem using a slightly modified version of the original CONs, which are attached.
What I did was I put most of the action, move, and ai definitions in a separate file instead of having them right before each actor.
So the top of GAME.CON looks like:
include DEFS.CON
include USER.CON
The game crashes when it tries to compile ACTIONS.CON
Compiling: GAME.CON (139170 bytes)
Including: DEFS.CON (35992 bytes)
Including: USER.CON (45482 bytes)
Including: ACTIONS.CON (12177 bytes)
Fatal Signal caught: SIGSEGV. Bailing out.
g_errorLineNum: 0, g_tw: 0
Uninitializing DirectDraw...
There is absolutely nothing in ACTION.CON that wasn't pasted from GAME.CON
Attached File(s)
cons.rar (41.11K)
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