Polymer lights not working on sprites
#1 Posted 04 October 2010 - 04:06 PM
I think I saw a passing mention of this before and the person never got a response. Sorry I can't nail it down to which version this started with. I did not have it with version 1640 but I did notice it in the last couple of versions I have used. I'm at 1705 right now. It happens with floor and wall aligned sprites. It makes no difference if they are directly on the wall or spaced 1 unit away from the wall ( which I do out of habit to minimize flickering)
I also made a small test map to verify it wasn't just something with my current map.
Anyone else noticing this?
This post has been edited by Marked: 04 October 2010 - 04:07 PM
#2 Posted 07 October 2010 - 04:08 PM
A---- I am the only one with this problem
B ---- No one is answering because I'm doing something so stupidly wrong that I deserve a "facepalm"

This post has been edited by Marked: 07 October 2010 - 04:08 PM
#3 Posted 08 October 2010 - 05:35 AM

There are two things that could help:
1) if you want the player to see the sprite more, just give it a negative shade.
2) if you want the light to have more of an effect, which is what you're after, if you're using custom art, which you are, you can define a specular map fir the texture. Spec maps control the shininess of the texture and I'm guessing that if you make your texture really shiny it will get more light on it. I don't know much about them though, except for that either making it dark increases shininess, or the other way around. I guess you could try an all white spec map and an all black spec map, but someone else should be able to give you more help with that. You can also check the hrp DEFs and files for examples.
Nice pic btw

This post has been edited by Micky C: 08 October 2010 - 05:37 AM
#4 Posted 08 October 2010 - 07:10 AM
#5 Posted 08 October 2010 - 02:53 PM
This post has been edited by Micky C: 08 October 2010 - 02:54 PM
#6 Posted 08 October 2010 - 06:16 PM
It is happening randomly. Some sprites are always reflecting lights. Some reflect only sometimes. A couple, not at all. I can't figure a pattern yet as to why some work and others don't. I tried pasting them directly on the wall or 1 unit away. Tried a number of different shade values, turned blocking on and off, set one sided on and off. Sprites used were with and without spec and diffuse maps ( or whatever they are called ). Some are located inside and others are outside.
I also removed any other lights that were in the vicinity and still no proper results in the game. Also no difference between SE49 or 50 as the light source.
I'm going to re-install a few previous versions of Eduke to see if I can narrow down when it started happening.
EDIT: So far its working fine for me in 1654 but not in 1690. I'll narrow it down further tomorrow.
EDIT AGAIN: My problem starts with version 1676. The version that started the Polymer frame rate increase.
This post has been edited by Marked: 08 October 2010 - 07:34 PM
#7 Posted 16 February 2012 - 01:13 PM
It looks like changing any console variables related to dynamic lights (r_pr_maxlightpasses for example) fixes it on the fly, but only for sprites that are directly on the players view, and if I do a restartvid, sprites are wrongly lit again.
Strange, huh? A problem with loading of dynamic lights?
EDIT: This happens on my work computer too. So it's happening on both an ATI 5850 and a GeForce 310.
Right (after changing any light-related console variables):


This post has been edited by Diaz: 17 February 2012 - 06:02 AM
#8 Posted 19 February 2012 - 03:17 PM
Before making assumptions about Polymer, I would start with the most obvious. As everyone who has mapped for Duke 3D knows, sprites are hardcoded to change their shade in-game to be equal to the floorshade of their sector (or the ceilingshade, if the ceiling is parallaxed). In Marked's screenshot, it looks like that might be all that is going on here. And it would explain why there is a difference between mapster and in-game even though the renderer is the same.
Try adding 2048 to the cstat of the sprites and see if that helps.
#9 Posted 19 February 2012 - 04:54 PM
#10 Posted 20 February 2012 - 03:26 AM
bind "Up" "gamefunc_Move_Forward; r_pr_maxlightpasses 16; r_pr_maxlightpasses 17"
bind "Left" "gamefunc_Strafe_Left; r_pr_maxlightpasses 16; r_pr_maxlightpasses 17"
bind "Right" "gamefunc_Strafe_Right; r_pr_maxlightpasses 16; r_pr_maxlightpasses 17"
bind "Down" "gamefunc_Move_Backward; r_pr_maxlightpasses 16; r_pr_maxlightpasses 17"
so r_pr_maxlightpasses is constantly changing and sprites render correctly...
This has a drawback. It will only update sprites when the player is moving, so for example if I'm opening a door leading to a new area while I don't move, sprites in that new area will render with no Polymer lights, until I move.
I've noticed this happens in Mapster as well while using the UnrealEd style 3D movement. Move into a new area while the mouse button is held, and sprites won't update until the mouse button is released.
This post has been edited by Diaz: 13 March 2012 - 03:23 PM