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eDuke32 PSX Music Pack to Rlk!eplace Midi in-Game>  "Looking for the PSX Music Pack"

User is offline   azki18 


Hey all! ive read about a PSX Music pack for eDuke32 that replaces all the Duke3D PC Midi music ingame with the cool PSX Ingame music [prime example would be Shrapnel City's music. However all the links are 2008 and dead. Does anyone know where to get my hands on this?

Itd be awesome to play HRP with Duke Nukem PSX's music xD

Ive googled it for a bit but to no avail.

Any ideas?



User is offline   Hendricks266 

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Go to EDuke32 Music Pack v1.05 (99.6 MB).

I will contact NightFright to see about clarifying the names of the music packs.

Edit for posterity: I was actually wrong, this in fact a "Mark McWane" pack. Sorry for the confusion.

This post has been edited by Hendricks266: 01 April 2011 - 07:57 PM


User is offline   NightFright 

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I have done the rename, but in fact I don't think I actually used the PSX tracks back then. I have all the PSX tracks at home, though. If it were legal to compile such a pack, I would give it a try.

User is offline   Hendricks266 

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Mark Knight = PSX


EDIT:Hey PSX duke music isnt copyrighted Mark Knight has them all as mp3 download on his site(Since he made the music putting it up as download means we can use it IF we give credit, At least...I think he made it) So you can make a pack with the PSX music right?
I hope you do :)

This post has been edited by SchoeteCitie: 04 July 2010 - 09:18 AM



Greetings everyone :)

I can see that azki18 posted a question about the eDuke32 PSX music pack, the thread about which I've started at 3DR forum. Sorry that there was no response from me (a lot of things happened to me IRL). So, to correct this mistake, I've re-uploaded PSX music pack again.


I hope that this version of pack is the last, since I've modified it as I wanted it to be.

And... is it possible to upload this file to the rest of Duke3D HRP update files, in case that somebody wants to play eDuke32 with PSX music?

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


You've ignored Commander's links, and IIRC ignored mine right above this post.

There is already (and has been for years, since OGG support was first added) a PSX music pack, fully working and ready to be dropped in with EDuke32.

Right here.


That being said, I'm curious to know if there are any differences between your version and NightFright's version.

Regardless, neither of the packs should have been sourced from Mark's MP3s. MP3->OGG conversion (or OGG->MP3) is a very big no-no. I'm considering redoing this pack with the files straight from the game, which would result in much higher audio quality because they are very close to CD-quality.

Edit for posterity: Again, see note above. Sorry for the rashness.

This post has been edited by Hendricks266: 01 April 2011 - 07:57 PM


User is offline   Jimmy 

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 SchoeteCitie, on Jul 3 2010, 09:25 AM, said:

EDIT:Hey PSX duke music isnt copyrighted Mark Knight has them all as mp3 download on his site(Since he made the music putting it up as download means we can use it IF we give credit, At least...I think he made it) So you can make a pack with the PSX music right?
I hope you do :)

Just because he offers them for free on his website does not mean they don't have copyrights, don't be a dunce.


Hendricks266, I presume that you are talking about PSX Music Pack v1.05 (99.6 MB), right? I've downloaded it yesterday. And noticed that there are only a FEW songs from PSX ("gabbag.ogg", "bonus.ogg", "barmusic.ogg" and "2bwild.ogg"). That is all.
As for mine pack - well, the difference between mine and the pack I've downloaded yesterday is that I've put more PSX songs into it ("STALKER", "DETHTOLL", "STREETS", "WATRWLD1", "SNAKE1", "FUTURMIL", "STORM", "GUTWRNCH", "ROBOCREP", "STALAG", "PIZZED". "ALIENZ", "XPLASMA", "ALFREDH", "INTENTS", "INHIDING", "FATCMDR", "NAMES", "SUBWAY", "INVADER", "GOTHAM", "233C", "LORDOFLA", "WHOMP", "SPOOK", "INTENTS"). The rest tracks are from Mark McWane (because the 4-th episode of PSX Duke, "Plug and Pray" was only on PSX-version, so some tracks aren't included).

But anyway, the best thing is to download PSX pack that I've uploaded, and to play it with eDuke32. That's how you will know the difference between PSX Music Pack v1.05 and mine.

This post has been edited by Jake Crusher: 01 August 2010 - 12:38 AM


User is offline   Hendricks266 

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I understand. Thanks for your info.

User is offline   Mark Knight 

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 SchoeteCitie, on 03 July 2010 - 05:25 AM, said:

EDIT:Hey PSX duke music isnt copyrighted Mark Knight has them all as mp3 download on his site(Since he made the music putting it up as download means we can use it IF we give credit, At least...I think he made it) So you can make a pack with the PSX music right?
I hope you do ;)

Well they are really, they're copyrighted to 3d Realms, but they've never sent me a mail to take them down, so I won't ;)


User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


That reminds me, I did get around to making a comprehensive pack. Here's a beta:


This post has been edited by Hendricks266: 01 April 2011 - 07:55 PM


User is offline   Micky C 

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He just registered here to give his side of the story, I think we can cut him some slack.

And thanks for your continuing willingness to make the mp3s available ;)

Edit: I was talking to mark for that last bit, but hendricks deserves some recognition too.

This post has been edited by Micky C: 01 April 2011 - 07:58 PM


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