Download TortoiseSVN from here - http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads
Install it, restart your computer if asked.
Make a new folder anywhere on your computer. (Mine is E:/SVN Folders/HRP)
Right click on the new folder and click "SVN Checkout..."
Enter "http://svn.eduke32.com/polymer_hrp" as the URL and leave the other options as is and click "OK"
You might/may encounter the following message. If so, click "Accept permanently"

Once it has finished downloading,
Right click the folder and go to "TortoiseSVN > Export"
Choose the location you would like to put the HRP in. I placed mine in (C:/Duke Nukem/Duke Nukem HRP)
Then click "OK" It will then export the folder to this directory.
All you need to do once it has finished exporting is to launch "eduke32.exe" and tick the Polymer box and make sure that the HRP folder we exported is shown in the "Custom game content directory:" drop down box. If it isn't then select it and hit "Start"

To update your copy of the HRP is even easier, right click you SVN folder you made and click "SVN Update" (No really thats all you have to do
If there is an update available it will download it, once it has finished downloading just export the folder as you did above.
A video tutorial on how to use SVN is located here if my explanation was terrible. Just remember to use the URL above and not the one shown in the video.
NOTE 2: If downloading you may get a connection error, you can continue the download process from where it stopped, if you just right click again on your HRP download folder and click on "SVN Checkout" - supergoofy
Other Duke Nukem related SVN links:
http://svn.eduke32.com/dc_hrp Duke D.C. HRP
http://svn.eduke32.com/vaca_plus/ - Duke Carribean: Life's A Beach Plus
http://svn.eduke32.com/nw_plus/ - Duke: Nuclear Winter Plus
http://svn.eduke32.com/sw_hrp/ - Shadow Warrior HRP
http://eduke32.svn.s...svnroot/eduke32 - EDuke32 Source Code
http://edukeredalert...t/edukeredalert - Duke Nukem Red Alert
NOTE: For svn.eduke32.com links, if you intend to commit to the SVN and you have an account, use HTTPS, but if you are going to anonymously download the data, use HTTP.
Download TortoiseSVN from here - http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads
Install it, restart your computer if asked.
Make a new folder anywhere on your computer. (Mine is E:/SVN Folders/HRP)
Right click on the new folder and click "SVN Checkout..."
Enter "http://svn.eduke32.com/polymer_hrp" as the URL and leave the other options as is and click "OK"
You might/may encounter the following message. If so, click "Accept permanently"

Once it has finished downloading,
Right click the folder and go to "TortoiseSVN > Export"
Choose the location you would like to put the HRP in. I placed mine in (C:/Duke Nukem/Duke Nukem HRP)
Then click "OK" It will then export the folder to this directory.
All you need to do once it has finished exporting is to launch "eduke32.exe" and tick the Polymer box and make sure that the HRP folder we exported is shown in the "Custom game content directory:" drop down box. If it isn't then select it and hit "Start"

To update your copy of the HRP is even easier, right click you SVN folder you made and click "SVN Update" (No really thats all you have to do

If there is an update available it will download it, once it has finished downloading just export the folder as you did above.
A video tutorial on how to use SVN is located here if my explanation was terrible. Just remember to use the URL above and not the one shown in the video.
NOTE 2: If downloading you may get a connection error, you can continue the download process from where it stopped, if you just right click again on your HRP download folder and click on "SVN Checkout" - supergoofy
Other Duke Nukem related SVN links:
http://svn.eduke32.com/dc_hrp Duke D.C. HRP
http://svn.eduke32.com/vaca_plus/ - Duke Carribean: Life's A Beach Plus
http://svn.eduke32.com/nw_plus/ - Duke: Nuclear Winter Plus
http://svn.eduke32.com/sw_hrp/ - Shadow Warrior HRP
http://eduke32.svn.s...svnroot/eduke32 - EDuke32 Source Code
http://edukeredalert...t/edukeredalert - Duke Nukem Red Alert
NOTE: For svn.eduke32.com links, if you intend to commit to the SVN and you have an account, use HTTPS, but if you are going to anonymously download the data, use HTTP.
If you have or know of any other SVN links then post them so I can add them to this post.