Are you thinking of any specific locations where the lights are really a problem? If so, pics would be useful
Although I think I know what you mean by fluro; when I first started adding lights to episode 3, the RGB values were always at the upper end of the scales, and looking back some of those lights were unnaturally bright with specular highlights that normally wouldn't be present, even if the actual radius of the light was good. Correct me if I'm wrong though. That hasn't been an issue for me in the later maps I did though, as I started using dimmer lights more and more. I might go back and see if I can fix that if I find time.
As for the colours and blue underwater lights; like the HRP the light pack is a compromise between what the original looks like, and what looks best and/or is most practical. I figured most people who'd play with the pack would have the ambient light turned way down, so it was either blue lights, or pitch black. Likewise I could have a look through and either remove/dim lights which aren't directly under the water texture to re-implement the use of darkness, but we'll see. With the colours the only level I felt overly ambitious with was Hotel Hell. That is the second to last level in the episode and definitely among the last I that I lit. I felt after using mostly White lights in all the levels (and I assumed the player would feel the same way after playing through the episode) that HH had recycled textures from like every other level and that it quite frankly looked too ordinary and same-ish, so I took some liberty and added some colour where it made sense; the bedrooms and the bar, but the rest is lit normally. I don't think the other levels are really that bad.
Thanks for saying (some of the) work is fantastic, my favourite is e2l1 which made he most extensive use of level geometry to obtain realistic lighting with spotlights, and which was also my latest map. Don't forget to post pics of trouble spots, but I hope there are not too many (although there's more motivation to fix them if there are).