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Duke Nukem IS dead - and we killed him…  "It’s true and it’s taken me too long to see it…"

User is offline   Mike Norvak 

  • Music Producer


View PostDanukem, on 28 November 2024 - 03:25 PM, said:

You'll have to create some drama, and then somehow arrange it so that people have to play the map to advance the drama.

Mhhh interesting, maybe this can be tied to the plot of the map it self 🤔 Probably need to create a fake account though lol

User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


While I can understand the anger, I've experienced it myself, having to distance myself from some corners of the community because of it; This right here isn't the way to go about expressing it. It'll only make things harder on yourself, fanning the flames of drama further. Not to mention, I feel like a lot of your anger is misdirected, as some of the people listed have been some of the more fair and level-headed minds here.

TX and Hendricks266 have been pretty fair most of the time, generally only going after someone if said individual has thrown the first punch, they're being an unreasonable little shit, or putting their full ignorance on display; Otherwise they're quite easy to get along with. They have been good friends to me, helping me out during a dark time of my life, they've been fun to talk to, and they've given me a chance to work on my first commercial title (Ion Fury). I owe them a lot, and I've tried to pay them in kind with my contributions to EDuke32 and VoidSW, and I hope to continue to into the future once I'm feeling better (health problems are a bitch). Also, I've never once seen Duke64hunter antagonize anyone, he's been pretty chill from what I've seen, and has been friendly towards me in any interaction I've had with him.

The best one can do is chill, take a break if need be, and focus on other creative outlets when one is feeling well enough for it. If there's other stuff going on in your life that's stressing you out, take the time to address it first. Hopefully, in time, you'll be in a better state of mind and ready to come back in a less belligerent manner.

That's what I've been doing- Taking a break, doing other things, enjoying other games and franchises; When I feel up to it, I'll work on Duke Nukem stuff again.

What you're doing here, is what I would call a self-fulfilling prophecy- if you make a big angry stink and come out swinging and talking shit (especially towards people who may not even be involved in whatever event that set you off), you can't expect people to not return the favour in defence; Them doing so is not "proving your point". Going about things in this way guarantees that you will not be treated amicably, and will never give the result you desire.

TL;DR: Throwing "fuck you"s in every direction will get a lot of "fuck you"s directed right back at you, and nobody will grow or be better off for it. It's completely unproductive.

User is offline   StarNukem 

  • Captain Horseshit


It’s a shame so many good people got dragged into this forum and fell for the bait…

First off, to those who think I’m posting this with intent to stay in the community, I’m sorry this confused you but this cesspool of a community is the reason I’ll be attempting to take my 15 years of life that I wasted back. The clique that acts like they represent any and all Duke Nukem media and discussion is mentally stuck in high school and that toxic attitude is what’s killing me, the community and this franchise as a whole, whether you like to admit it or not.

Sure, there’s still content coming out but only because those people actively choose to ignore the autistic individuals that bitch and argue until everyone good leaves and they just put out stuff for their own enjoyment. My hats off to them, because again: you are the REAL heroes.

Some of you have some unique experiences, like you Striker, where you hit the lottery in terms of their compassion. They’re very selective in who they choose to bolster and it’s easy to get on their bad side. I’m sorry to disappoint you striker, but Hendricks is not the saint you’re painting him to be. TerminX I wigged out on cuz he got in the way of something he didn’t need to be, so I’ll half apologize to him but don’t try to defend some shit head if you don’t have 100% awareness of what’s actually happening, word of advise.

If you pick any person at random in the Duke4 community and you ask them how they feel about this dumpster fire, they’ll tell you exactly what they think and surprise surprise, it’s not anything good. 95% of the people who are in this community (actively) are just waiting for or making Duke content and that’s it because they don’t want intellectual debate or discussion with people who are barely apt enough to wipe their own ass, and the problem there is those monkeys are wiping their ass with the Duke IP like it’s an infinite roll of toilet paper. So actually fuck those peasants in that regard.

With as dead as this franchise is, we’re left to look at the community for salvation but we got dickheads who contribue nothing and speak the most bullshit that, shockingly, pulls the most weight. Then you have admins and mods who have ACTUALLY done shit for Duke Nukem that support a fruit cake like that. Are you seeing the problem yet?

So go ahead, keep writing to this post. Keep proving me right that this community doesn’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves and their childish clique of shitheads. Duke Nukem will never come back and if it does, it’s STILL not gonna be what you peons want and it’ll just be another ball of negative energy for you all to shoot at the fucking floor until it caves in underneath you. One day that will happen and I refuse to be in the room when it does, since the door is right fucking there.

So good luck to those of you with projects and actual contributions to the IP. I wish it was you guys that spearheaded the community. I’ll continue to yell my “fuck you’s” out to the individuals that deserve it cuz I couldn’t care less and those who receive it, deserve it. I used to think the Doom community was bad and that there was no way Duke4 could be worse. Guess it took 15 years for me to finally find that out.

On a side note: let’s see how many posts I can predict with just this one:
-Doom64Hunter coming in to talk more shit or tell me to kill myself again.
-Hendricks “Acktually”ing my post in some way, shape or form. Maybe even digging up an old post to help make some point?
-Someone coming in to say “alright buddy, fuck off” in so many words
-Another person saying “Duke isn’t dead” followed by a long paragraph as to why I’m wrong and why the community isn’t as bad as I say. (White knight)
-Someone intentionally dancing around these predictions just to try and prove me wrong.
-This getting posted to or talked about again in the Duke4 discord.
-Not a single post will be made in agreement to this post for fear that they’ll meet the same scrutiny as me. (They agree silently)
-Someone else besides Hendricks nitpicking my post like a typical 4chan user.

Let’s see how many I got right.

User is offline   LakiSoft 


View PostUltravoxSapphire, on 28 November 2024 - 12:56 AM, said:

Love you too, buddy. <3

P.S. this is who you're reminding me of right now.

UltravoxSapphire Turčine napuši se kurčine


Just fuck off already man

User is online   Phredreeke 


View PostStarNukem, on 29 November 2024 - 12:26 PM, said:

First off, to those who think I’m posting this with intent to stay in the community,

Nothing says "I'm leaving" like making a hundred posts announcing yourself leaving

View PostStarNukem, on 29 November 2024 - 12:26 PM, said:

Some of you have some unique experiences, like you Striker, where you hit the lottery in terms of their compassion.

Maybe, just maybe, it's cause Striker isn't a cunt?

User is offline   gibfrag 

  • Honored Donor


I don’t see anything to fault the Duke4 team over. The constant shitslinging since Futuretime left the discord server that kept shitting up various channels was pissing everyone off. He comes back and after a week or two the shit started up again. Who initiated it? People come to the server to see 400+ messages and instead of it being Duke conversation it’s just the same shit from nearly a month ago now. The whole thing was nothing worth the bullshit that came out of it. Arguing over the dumbest shit ever. Stuff that was apparently settled multiple times but had to heat up again. What did you expect? For the staff to just turn the channels into your personal soap box? It’s not like you were banned. You’re checking yourself out.

This post has been edited by DNSkill: 29 November 2024 - 06:35 PM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostDNSkill, on 29 November 2024 - 06:21 PM, said:

I don’t see anything to fault the Duke4 team over. The constant shitslinging since Futuretime left the discord server that kept shitting up various channels was pissing everyone off. He comes back and after a week or two the shit started up again. Who initiated it? People come to the server to see 400+ messages and instead of it being Duke conversation it’s just the same shit from nearly a month ago now. The whole thing was nothing worth the bullshit that came out of it. Arguing over the dumbest shit ever. Stuff that was apparently settled multiple times but had to heat up again. What did you expect? For the staff to just turn the channels into your personal soap box? It’s not like you were banned. You’re checking yourself out.

I wasn't around or paying attention for whatever series of posts caused the timeout that spawned this thread, but yeah discord channels are supposed to be places where people can converse about the channel topics and they don't serve that function well if they are full of repetitive argument spam. It's appropriate to time people out or more if they make the channels hard to use for their intended purpose.

On the other hand, when someone makes a forum thread like this one that is clearly named as a drama/controversy thread, people can opt in or ignore it at will and it doesn't interfere with the flow of discussion elsewhere on the forum. Now of course that doesn't mean that literally anything goes, but it is very different from prolonged bickering in a discord channel that we want people to be able to have real discussion in.

If people want to create drama or posture at each other and that sort of thing, I think it's good when they can find a place to do it where it doesn't get in the way of other people who are trying to do productive or creative things or genuinely explore ideas. That doesn't contradict anything you said, just stating an opinion.

User is offline   MrFlibble 


View PostStarNukem, on 28 November 2024 - 09:41 AM, said:

Lmao you try having an argument with these peons. Anything “philosophical” or even remotely ideological would be met with about as much seriousness as a clown at a circus. They’re not capable of reason, compassion or understanding, and this thread serves to prove exactly that. Every post that followed my original has increasingly solidified my argument. Now THERE is your philosophy.

To be honest, this gave me an involuntary chuckle for how incredibly arrogant this all sounds. If you despise this community so much, then why bother coming here and throwing insults at people? Aren't you "stooping down to their level" when you do so?

Re-reading your opening post, one might think that the "death" of Duke Nukem franchise is a direct result of the community admins treating you, and personally you, unfairly -- although you seem to imply that there were possibly others who had left after similarly unfair treatment (however, no such person is specifically mentioned). In turn, this appears to implicitly suggest that your personal contributions to the community were so important that without them, or without the community properly acknowledging them, all life was sapped from the franchise. Is that so?

View PostStarNukem, on 29 November 2024 - 12:26 PM, said:

95% of the people who are in this community (actively) are just waiting for or making Duke content and that’s it because they don’t want intellectual debate or discussion with people who are barely apt enough to wipe their own ass, and the problem there is those monkeys are wiping their ass with the Duke IP like it’s an infinite roll of toilet paper.

Honestly, I don't really understand what you're trying to say here. Does "those monkeys" refer to "95% of the people who are in this community" or to "people who are barely apt enough to wipe their own ass"? If the latter, how are they "wiping their ass with the Duke IP", if they're incapable of doing that? Or are "those monkeys" some third party in this situation? Also I'm not sure if you're talking about wiping ass metaphorically or literally?

User is offline   Perro Seco 


Can I get a fuckyou over here?

I didn't read the entire post so I'm just going to share my story, because I think it's a cool story, hermano.

I discovered Duke 3D in 2006, and when I started realising about how the Build editor worked I was totally AMAZED. I didn't even bothered finishing the game and almost lost interest in playing other games. I just started building stuff because that's what I always wanted to do. Here's my first map:


Around 2011 I discovered some online communities like Arcades 3D, Duke España and Duke4.net. I had no idea there were more people like me interested in Duke 3D. I decided to improve the above map so more people could enjoy it. I put a lot of passion and effort into it, thinking it was going to be the biggest and most original Duke map ever made:


Duke4.net forums reaction: meh.

One of the user's reaction:


But here I am, still playing and modding Duke 3D because that's what I like the most. I'm working right now on a very ambitious mod that is probably going to be forgotten the second day after being released, but the important thing is I enjoy doing it, and I learned what things people like and dislike in Duke 3D user maps thanks to this community.

User is offline   MrFlibble 


@Perro Seco, I love your story, it's so far the only thing justifying this thread's existence. Thanks for sharing!

Where do I get to download your maps?

User is offline   Dr.Panico 


View PostPerro Seco, on 30 November 2024 - 08:43 AM, said:

Duke4.net forums reaction: meh.

One of the user's reaction:


Wow, what a dick!

If it serves as consolation, your map is among my all-time favourites! I loved the sprawling, non-linear design; but I can understand it wasn't everybody's cup of tea.

User is offline   ck3D 


View PostMrFlibble, on 30 November 2024 - 09:17 AM, said:

@Perro Seco, I love your story, it's so far the only thing justifying this thread's existence. Thanks for sharing!

Where do I get to download your maps?

I'm assuming that's Duke 2070: https://msdn.duke4.net/hotduke2070.php

Perro Seco also is the author of this masterpiece: https://doomwiki.org...i/Planisphere_2

And has been working on the Blacklist TC for a long time: https://www.moddb.com/mods/blacklist

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


View Postck3D, on 30 November 2024 - 12:32 PM, said:

Perro Seco also is the author of this masterpiece: https://doomwiki.org...i/Planisphere_2

wait really that was him?

Holy crap. I never realized the author of that was right here alongside us this entire time.

This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 30 November 2024 - 04:14 PM


User is offline   Merlijn 


View PostPerro Seco, on 30 November 2024 - 08:43 AM, said:

Around 2011 I discovered some online communities like Arcades 3D, Duke España and Duke4.net. I had no idea there were more people like me interested in Duke 3D. I decided to improve the above map so more people could enjoy it. I put a lot of passion and effort into it, thinking it was going to be the biggest and most original Duke map ever made:


Duke4.net forums reaction: meh.

To be honest, I also wrote a pretty negative review when I first played this map. I just couldn't get into the gameplay. But from a design standpoint it's a great piece of work. In fact, I still have an old savegame and sometimes load it up just to run around through the city. So it's not forgotten, not by me at least!

In general, I think if you just make content because you want to save Duke from "dying", you're just setting yourself up for bitterness and disappointment. In the public eye, Duke has died a long time ago. But that doesn't mean there can't be a small but dedicated community having fun and being creative with the IP.

This post has been edited by Merlijn: 01 December 2024 - 06:28 AM



Just remember: Somethings a dead franchise is better than potentially being fucked over more.

That's especially kind of the case in this day and age with stuff like Marathon or Dead Rising.

User is offline   MrFlibble 


View Postck3D, on 30 November 2024 - 12:32 PM, said:

I'm assuming that's Duke 2070: https://msdn.duke4.net/hotduke2070.php

I gave the map a brief spin yesterday evening, it is definitely not an easy one, but I have yet to run into anything truly objectionable (if there really is something of the kind there at all). It very certainly has its own distinct style, as opposed to mimicking any of the official levels. One thing that my attention was kind of drawn to half-subconsciously is that for an urban-themed map like this, there's a noticeable abundance of vertically-sliding doors, as opposed to the regular swinging ones.

I played without saves and did not get really far wherever I went; health pickups are pretty scarce and I've not figured out where to get the pistol. I generally don't mind maps where you have to make do with limited resources at least for a while, it adds to the tense atmosphere and often gives the player a sense of overcoming a tangible crisis (and not just blasting away at monsters), but I'd probably prefer a little bit more straightforward way to obtaining the first weapon. It could be a good puzzle-like situation where you need to sneak past some guards into an armoury, but here I found myself in a sprawling city being sniped at by tough enemies from all sides, and nothing to kick them back with except for the shotgun I found in the limo.

That, or I'm just dumb and missed something obvious. I know the starting room says to get the pistol in "Building 101", but I haven't got a clue where that is. Cheers!

User is offline   Dr.Panico 


View PostMrFlibble, on 02 December 2024 - 06:41 AM, said:

That, or I'm just dumb and missed something obvious. I know the starting room says to get the pistol in "Building 101", but I haven't got a clue where that is. Cheers!

Building 101 is right next to the building you start the map. And you can also pickup a shotgun in the limousine right next to it too (there's a button you must push inside though)

User is offline   MrFlibble 


View PostDr.Panico, on 02 December 2024 - 07:30 AM, said:

And you can also pickup a shotgun in the limousine right next to it too (there's a button you must push inside though)

Yes, I figured it out:

View PostMrFlibble, on 02 December 2024 - 06:41 AM, said:

I found myself in a sprawling city being sniped at by tough enemies from all sides, and nothing to kick them back with except for the shotgun I found in the limo.


User is offline   Ninety-Six 


I love how this went from drama to a perro seco appreciation thread.

I remember playing 2070 a good while back, right after Routine. I also wasn't able to finish it. I managed to survive for a while but just ended up getting lost and stuck after like 30 minutes. Last thing I remember is wandering the sewers.

I always intended to go back and still do.

This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 02 December 2024 - 01:30 PM



View PostNinety-Six, on 02 December 2024 - 01:30 PM, said:

I love how this went from drama to a perro seco appreciation thread.

I agree, and it just goes to show out incorrect the OP is. If it was as he described, there wouldn't be this level of appreciation towards a fellow mapper. This community isn't perfect, but almost everyone on here celebrates mappers and their maps, and if there is any form of criticism it's either warranted or creative.

User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


View PostPerro Seco, on 30 November 2024 - 08:43 AM, said:

Can I get a fuckyou over here?

I didn't read the entire post so I'm just going to share my story, because I think it's a cool story, hermano.

I discovered Duke 3D in 2006, and when I started realising about how the Build editor worked I was totally AMAZED. I didn't even bothered finishing the game and almost lost interest in playing other games. I just started building stuff because that's what I always wanted to do. Here's my first map:


Around 2011 I discovered some online communities like Arcades 3D, Duke España and Duke4.net. I had no idea there were more people like me interested in Duke 3D. I decided to improve the above map so more people could enjoy it. I put a lot of passion and effort into it, thinking it was going to be the biggest and most original Duke map ever made:


Duke4.net forums reaction: meh.

One of the user's reaction:


But here I am, still playing and modding Duke 3D because that's what I like the most. I'm working right now on a very ambitious mod that is probably going to be forgotten the second day after being released, but the important thing is I enjoy doing it, and I learned what things people like and dislike in Duke 3D user maps thanks to this community.

Great thing is, you took it in stride and kept on going. Kept improving and released some genuine gems down the line. That's how it's done, folks.

User is offline   NNC 


This community is still miles better than the Doomw*rld one. I mean, that place is awful. Here you will be bludgeoned for wrongthinking, but won't be canceled. That's the difference.

But you know what, I'm surprised so many people left, I don't see old names like TX, Hendricks (who I had a lot of beef with), Jimmy, Wieder, Radar, Mikko etc. The Discord channel is kinda ok, but it's not as inspiring as an oldschool forum.


View PostHendricks266, on 28 November 2024 - 08:38 AM, said:

2015 - Duke4.net is dead and here's why...
2024 - Duke Nukem IS dead - and we killed him… <-- you are here
2033 - Gaming is DEAD and it's all your fault...

Don't forget this!

2020 - Duke Nukem is dead.

This post has been edited by DustFalcon85: 07 January 2025 - 10:31 AM



I don't know what happened on the Discord, I guess I could check if I really wanted to, but to be honest, this drama is stupid and you're just lashing out because you got into a fight. Understandable. Duke is dead. Not because of anything anyone on this forum did. If a controversial forum were enough to sink a game, then Doom would be dead right now. Some of the controversies there make the ones here sound like small potatoes. As far as I know, none of the admins have gotten in a tizzy because they didn't care for a total conversion/mod of a game and then called the creator of that mod retarded. If the Doom community can survive that and thrive, then some weirdos in the community aren't the ones killing a game. Shit man, do you know how many mods were made for Commander Keen and Wolfenstein 3D over the past decades? I'm sure there's been some fights there, but you don't ever hear people warning others about the Keen community or the Wolfenstein community. Yet they aren't having much effect on the new games. (heck, we can throw in Tomb Raider too, lots of good mods for that)

Fact of the matter is, the current IP owners of Duke can't think up anything to do with him in the current political climate that wouldn't be a massive shitstorm. I think new people are less inclined to get into mapping in Build because the mapper has a steeper learning curve than most dedicated mapping tools. Maybe when someone finishes up that 2001 version of DNF things will get better again, who knows? People will come if you have something interesting to sell, people came for Ion Fury even if not everyone actually liked it.

Anyway, I think this was a good topic, if just for Perro Seco's post, which cheered me up after having a bit of a failure in my last artistic venture, nice to know that there is hope even if it seems like you've released nothing but shit.

User is offline   ck3D 


View PostHendricks266, on 28 November 2024 - 08:38 AM, said:

2015 - Duke4.net is dead and here's why...
2024 - Duke Nukem IS dead - and we killed him… <-- you are here
2033 - Gaming is DEAD and it's all your fault...

Lest we forget - 2014: "When community has changed" [sic]: http://www.scent-88....opic,150.0.html

This post has been edited by ck3D: 08 January 2025 - 08:41 AM


User is offline   StarNukem 

  • Captain Horseshit


Since this post has had time to marinate and I love pissing off this fartbox of a community, let's see how many of these predictions I got right:

-Doom64Hunter coming in to talk more shit or tell me to kill myself again. ✔️
-Hendricks “Acktually”ing my post in some way, shape or form. Maybe even digging up an old post to help make some point? ✔️❌ (Not Hendricks, but I'll count it)
-Someone coming in to say “alright buddy, fuck off” in so many words ✔️✔️✔️
-Another person saying “Duke isn’t dead” followed by a long paragraph as to why I’m wrong and why the community isn’t as bad as I say. (White knight) ✔️
-Someone intentionally dancing around these predictions just to try and prove me wrong. (Surprisingly ❌)
-This getting posted to or talked about again in the Duke4 discord. ✔️ (Don't think I wouldn't know)
-Not a single post will be made in agreement to this post for fear that they’ll meet the same scrutiny as me. (They agree silently) ✔️
-Someone else besides Hendricks nitpicking my post like a typical 4chan user. ✔️

Wow, what a predictable community! And I even got a cute little title again like last time, didn't see that one coming! lol

Some say being the bigger man means walking away from conflict, but I see that's not the case in this Dutch Oven. We continuously bolster people who have arrogant reflections/remarks and we let people with ridiculous attitudes and demeanors say whatever is on their mind because of status rather than accomplishment. THAT is why this game/franchise is doomed to never return and I just don't get how you folks can't see that. Then I've got contrarians in this thread combatting me like there's actually a point to make? Let me break it down for you:

Gearbox doesn't look anywhere else for insight into the Duke community than here due to all of the past ties with Duke4 such as "The community interview w/Randy", "Titty City IRL", etc. and I don't blame them, they don't really know or care about the drama. But the moment they start looking deeper into this community, they're going to realize it's not worth their efforts and Duke will effectively be null and void for good. Hell, Randy already called y'all autistic, so he has some idea LMAO.

There's a lot of people in here that don't bother with the drama and just create things for Duke for the passion and dedication to the character, something I did with my DN3D/DNF levels, DNF tournaments, Duke streams, etc. That's great and I salute those that do it for themselves and/or the character. This is the REAL community. The one we don't hear about enough..

But it's a shame how easily these contributions can be overlooked when some guy(s) can just say "fuck xxxxxx" and decades of content and dedication can just be kicked under the rug. It may not be what you WANT to hear but it's what you NEED to hear: Duke4 is the biggest cesspool of a community next to Neo's Leak Server that I've every had the misfortune of joining. I look back and wonder "why did I try so hard to be accepted by this dumpster fire?" and now I'm glad to be rid of it. Years of my life I'll never get back, all for some chumps on the internet to start a slander campaign against me because they don't like my shoes or whatever dumbass reason they have.. something about me having an ego or "I'm an enemy of Futuretime23" or whatever stupid ass horse poopoo.

So I'll say I'm sorry to those of you who abstain from the drama and have to be subjected to a bunch of Captain Dylans that think they're all THE Duke Nukem. You're the unsung heroes of this community and Duke4 will never give any of you the credit you deserve, I know that for certain.
To those of you that continue to slander and press matters because your lives are so devoid of action that you seek drama on the internet to fill the major gaps in your pathetic existence, seek help. Really I mean it. Go to therapy, go outside and touch some grass, go out with friends (if you have them) or maybe actually do something like make a map for DN3D or DNF. It's fun, I promise! And all the time you spend fighting me on a forum could be put towards something worth while for this community. Ever thought of that? Of course not, because typing up "fuck yous" on the internet is "better" and easier than actually putting in effort to bring content to this sad little IP. Or you could surprise me and make a dramatic reading on YouTube about this whole thing. It's... something, I guess?

Point is Duke as a franchise is dead and will remain dead until things change in this branch of the community, but I know they won't and that's why I won't bother with it anymore. I don't think anyone here realizes that Duke4 holds the torch, but rather than lighting the way for new content, they've set the village on fire. Be better, people. Idk what else to say to you at this point. Good luck to the underground mappers and content creators and may these evil spirits that haunt the forums/Discord find enlightenment. Peace out everyone :P

This post has been edited by StarNukem: 08 January 2025 - 10:16 AM


User is offline   gibfrag 

  • Honored Donor



This post has been edited by gibfrag: 08 January 2025 - 01:52 PM


User is online   Phredreeke 


View PostStarNukem, on 08 January 2025 - 10:09 AM, said:

Hell, Randy already called y'all autistic, so he has some idea LMAO.

Newsflash, we ARE autistic. Normies don't go posting in forums about 20+ year old franchises

Anyway, you're not very good at this leaving bit, are you?

User is online   Lunick 


We just couldn't leave this thread in 2024 could we

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