Since this post has had time to marinate and I love pissing off this fartbox of a community, let's see how many of these predictions I got right:
-Doom64Hunter coming in to talk more shit or tell me to kill myself again. ✔️
-Hendricks “Acktually”ing my post in some way, shape or form. Maybe even digging up an old post to help make some point? ✔️❌ (Not Hendricks, but I'll count it)
-Someone coming in to say “alright buddy, fuck off” in so many words ✔️✔️✔️
-Another person saying “Duke isn’t dead” followed by a long paragraph as to why I’m wrong and why the community isn’t as bad as I say. (White knight) ✔️
-Someone intentionally dancing around these predictions just to try and prove me wrong. (Surprisingly ❌)
-This getting posted to or talked about again in the Duke4 discord. ✔️ (Don't think I wouldn't know)
-Not a single post will be made in agreement to this post for fear that they’ll meet the same scrutiny as me. (They agree silently) ✔️
-Someone else besides Hendricks nitpicking my post like a typical 4chan user. ✔️
Wow, what a predictable community! And I even got a cute little title again like last time, didn't see that one coming! lol
Some say being the bigger man means walking away from conflict, but I see that's not the case in this Dutch Oven. We continuously bolster people who have arrogant reflections/remarks and we let people with ridiculous attitudes and demeanors say whatever is on their mind because of status rather than accomplishment. THAT is why this game/franchise is doomed to never return and I just don't get how you folks can't see that. Then I've got contrarians in this thread combatting me like there's actually a point to make? Let me break it down for you:
Gearbox doesn't look anywhere else for insight into the Duke community than here due to all of the past ties with Duke4 such as "The community interview w/Randy", "Titty City IRL", etc. and I don't blame them, they don't really know or care about the drama. But the moment they start looking deeper into this community, they're going to realize it's not worth their efforts and Duke will effectively be null and void for good. Hell, Randy already called y'all autistic, so he has some idea LMAO.
There's a lot of people in here that don't bother with the drama and just create things for Duke for the passion and dedication to the character, something I did with my DN3D/DNF levels, DNF tournaments, Duke streams, etc. That's great and I salute those that do it for themselves and/or the character. This is the REAL community. The one we don't hear about enough..
But it's a shame how easily these contributions can be overlooked when some guy(s) can just say "fuck xxxxxx" and decades of content and dedication can just be kicked under the rug. It may not be what you WANT to hear but it's what you NEED to hear: Duke4 is the biggest cesspool of a community next to Neo's Leak Server that I've every had the misfortune of joining. I look back and wonder "why did I try so hard to be accepted by this dumpster fire?" and now I'm glad to be rid of it. Years of my life I'll never get back, all for some chumps on the internet to start a slander campaign against me because they don't like my shoes or whatever dumbass reason they have.. something about me having an ego or "I'm an enemy of Futuretime23" or whatever stupid ass horse poopoo.
So I'll say I'm sorry to those of you who abstain from the drama and have to be subjected to a bunch of Captain Dylans that think they're all THE Duke Nukem. You're the unsung heroes of this community and Duke4 will never give any of you the credit you deserve, I know that for certain.
To those of you that continue to slander and press matters because your lives are so devoid of action that you seek drama on the internet to fill the major gaps in your pathetic existence, seek help. Really I mean it. Go to therapy, go outside and touch some grass, go out with friends (if you have them) or maybe actually do something like make a map for DN3D or DNF. It's fun, I promise! And all the time you spend fighting me on a forum could be put towards something worth while for this community. Ever thought of that? Of course not, because typing up "fuck yous" on the internet is "better" and easier than actually putting in effort to bring content to this sad little IP. Or you could surprise me and make a dramatic reading on YouTube about this whole thing. It's... something, I guess?
Point is Duke as a franchise is dead and will remain dead until things change in this branch of the community, but I know they won't and that's why I won't bother with it anymore. I don't think anyone here realizes that Duke4 holds the torch, but rather than lighting the way for new content, they've set the village on fire. Be better, people. Idk what else to say to you at this point. Good luck to the underground mappers and content creators and may these evil spirits that haunt the forums/Discord find enlightenment. Peace out everyone