I've played the first few missions of the new episode (version 5.04) on Come Get Some. I've not played
DN3D in a while, but I found the Infestation level that introduces the new characters a bit confusing.
Deanova's part starts you off with no weapons but wristblades, and immediately follows by a hard-hitting close-range enemy. It is my understanding that this is to teach the player to use cloaking, but somehow it did not help me much, although there's an atomic health to recover somewhat.
The lower parts of the ship that are infested with polymorphs suggest that you need to use the stealthy approach as well, somewhat compounded by the fact that cloaking runs out very fast. I was also not sure if the player is supposed to sneak behind the polymorphs and take them out one by one, or just get past them into the armoury. I tried to ambush polymorphs, but I'd eventually get to a point where another one would spot me and rapid-fire its slime projectiles (or whatever that stuff is) doing high damage, so in the end it was simpler to just run past them anyway, with only a minor portion of actually being stealthy.
When I got to the armoury it was not clear if I was supposed to use the weapons to clean up the polymorphs or go back up. I wasted a few shotgun rounds on them (the fourth slot weapon is useless because polymorphs have rapid fire projectiles, while the player's weapon has to power-up before firing), not realising that I'd need them later for the boss fight. Again, the game either gave me no hint, or it was in the form of a text box that disappeared too fast to read the whole text. I've not found if it is possible to look up some sort of mission objectives checkbox during a level.
Also in the armoury, there's a voxel weapon that looks like it belongs to Dea's loadout, but I was not able to pick it up, only the shotgun and the rapid-fire-but-slowly-firing-up gun.
I liked the idea of Deanova being able to use her wristblades to climb walls, but I had a bit of trouble getting back up because I could not clearly see the platform at the top while in the climbing mode. But maybe it's just me being dumb.
The boss fight was okay (although I thought the 3D worm looked kinda goofy), but as I mentioned above I almost ran out of ammo because I had wasted some rounds on the polymorphs.
The Mando part. Again, perhaps I shouldn't have played late in the evening after a day of working at the computer, but here I started by missing the switch that opens the barracks door (which in turn looks like a wall, and there is no sign, although the game does have one or maybe two different textures that say BARRACKS), so I did not know at first where to get the ammo. I also did not immediately figure out Mando's double-jumps, i. e. that you have to hold the jump button in mid-air to jet-propel upwards. This is explained in a hint text box, but somehow I first thought that you tap the jump button after jumping, not hold it. My bad I guess. Otherwise, this section was kind of much easier than the Deanova part, the flamethrower did the job against Octabrains and other enemies. The boss octo wasn't much of a threat because you can easily take cover from its attacks.
Level 2, Homecoming, feels pretty straighforward. I have to be honest, I'm not a huge fan of many mockup doors that lead nowhere. At least in
Ion Fury there's this "trying to open a door but it's locked" sound effect attached to those. Also there are light switches that are not interactive. Otherwise, there were a few graphical glitches in this level:

Also I'm not sure if error or not, but some buildings seem to be decorated with a solid black texture:

The boss battle here somewhat reminded me of the WarMech boss in
Ion Fury, but I easily took cover as Bombshell from the hail of fire and took it out with incinerator rockets.
I played the mission where you rescue Graves. It felt much easier than the Homecoming level, with mostly fewer and lower-tier enemies and a lot of empty parts you just have to walk through, perhaps with a couple occasional pickups. Maybe I was supposed to drive a bike through them. The boss battle at the end is again an arena, like in the previous level, but much harder because there are two tough and hard-hitting bosses. Perhaps I should've rushed to get the blue key and trigger the bosses before the tank ran out of steam, but how was I supposed to know that on the first try?