Playing HRP ver 5.4 with eduke32 ver. r10592-d4f01864a. I've got the 20th anniversary duke3d edition from steam which works fine btw.
The HRP works fine in game but I'm getting a weird glitch if I can call it where my weapons viewmodel is highly zoomed in. I cannot see duke's hands. Its like the zooming in close and the weapon view is large. I checked some other online videos and its not supposed to be this way. They're normal where I can see the weapon model size is normal with duke's hands in full view.
I thought this might be an aspect ration or FOV issue and tried adjusting both. The FOV only changes the world FOV but the weapon model FOV remains unchanged, i.e, very zoomed in. I saw on reddit a post where another user had this problem but there is no solution to that on his post. Been looking all over the internet for one and it has finally brought me here.
Also attached a snapshot of the settings I've kept on Eduke. using the 64 bit version btw