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[RELEASE] Der Zorn Gottes  "New user level that takes place on an oilrig!"

User is offline   Aleks 


Attached Image: DZG_logo.png

Hey guys,

Yesterday I have obtained my PhD degree in structural mechanics, so as promised - I am releasing my newest map, Der Zorn Gottes.

This map started out as a potential entry for Sanek’s BattleDuke Contest, but it soon grew too ambitious for the project and I wanted to implement more of my own ideas into it. Nevertheless, it was a refreshing idea to try mapping in a different style than usual for me, which also served as a practical exercise on implementing TROR (True Room Over Room) in a functional layout.

The map is fairly simple and open. It takes place on an oil drilling platform, which is a theme quite rarely used in Duke Nukem levels, but somehow very fitting. The basic idea of Sanek stayed – you will be facing mostly Battlelords (and potentially some other tough monsters), which are a bit stronger than the regular ones (they take about 10 RPG rockets to kill). Additionally, I introduced two extra variants of Battlelords, which shoot different projectiles and have a distinctly different look (a concept that was heavily influenced by Blast Radius authored by MRCK).

Accordingly, the player is only provided with heavy weapons, but each encounter is still a battle of its own and requires a clever strategy. The map is fairly straightforward – it takes about 15-25 minutes to complete, depending on how dilligent you are. You will be exploring the oilrig from above and below, its towers and crane and even get to fly a helicopter!

Some preview screenshots:

Attached Image: duke0051.png Attached Image: duke0059.png Attached Image: duke0046.png Attached Image: duke0050.png

Grab it here:
Attached File  DER ZORN GOTTES.ZIP (9.98MB)
Number of downloads: 169

Or over at ModDB: Der Zorn Gottes on ModDB


User is offline   brullov 

  • Senior Artist at TGK


I haven't played it yet, but the design I see on the screenshots is marvelous.

User is offline   Merlijn 


Congrats with the release, and your PhD as well!

This map does an amazing job with combining old and new techniques. As I said on discord, the blend of TROR and complicated spriteworks is pretty much seamless. Words don't justify how stellar the oil rig looks, it's a believable 'true' 3D construction where every layer can be explored. The TROR actually works in classic mode, it's the complicated spriteworks that cause some visual glitches (but luckily it doesn't hinder gameplay).

I'd say the gameplay isn't quite as punishing as BattleDuke, since the new battlelord variants don't use hitscan and they're not quite as buffed as their BD counterparts. But it's still quite oppressive and requires tactical thinking to survive, especially in the beginning. Once you get hold of the crucial weapons and create a 'safe zone' for yourself, the map becomes easier. I think it's well balanced, although tbh I didn't bother to kill the battlelord on the boat ;)

Only minor complaint is that some sprite constructions are so complicated that hitting certain switches becomes harder, especially when being chased by angry battlelords.

User is online   ck3D 


Congrats on two lifetime achievements at once!

Three if you count watching Radar's run:


User is offline   Aleks 


Wow, now that was fast! Thanks for the comments, guys and thanks for the video, Radar!

I really like how you skipped the platforming to get the blue keycard, to be honest I didn't take this possibility into account, but it seems like a fair skip, so will leave it as is. Also laughed at getting hit by a random freezer projectile at around 3:40. Really happy about how the fights went, pretty much "as designed" - especially getting into the cross-fire of the two battlelords spawning after rotating the central crane. "Cheesing" the two battlelords in the inside also worked as planned - I wanted to leave some leeway for less straightforward tactics for these two, which you "exploited", but it still required losing some health. Glad you found all of the secrets too, I thought the one with shrinker will take a bit more time for people to figure out, as none of the testers found it - but it also makes the ending much easier. Noticed only one "save and reload" part which would be seamless if it wasn't for the music (also glad you kept the soundtrack intact).

Also, a tip: you can leave the truss columns through the maskwalls, you don't have to fly all the way up again - I one-side unblocked these two avoid potential softlocks.

Do you mind if I link the video over at ModDB?

This post has been edited by Aleks: 21 October 2023 - 08:24 AM


User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL


Feel free to link it. Glad you enjoyed it.

User is online   ck3D 


Despite officially being a beta tester I have yet to run the map as intended (my usual Eduke build doesn't do sloped sprites in classic, I'll try soon with the build that is provided; still glad I caught the 'water trap' bug no one else had caught), but based on my limited experience with the gameplay and on Radar's vid, I'm feeling the need to publicly commend you for this mighty fine piece of next gen Build work and while you've been a prolific mapper for twenty years (despite your hiatus) I feel like this is the level that is forever cementing you alongside the all-time greats. Of course the technicity of the approach and proficiency at the engine shine as always but here it always complements the gameplay and flow - doesn't just not obstruct it but positively enhances it - and you just have everything the recipe takes, an original central theme (again, masterfully executed), amazing interactive vistas, a sense of adventure and progression through an interconnected layout that spreads in every direction and feels like a legitimate playground before the recess ends with a map twist. The choice of the music also is remarkable and constantly on point with the scale of the action, selling anything Build to me as 'epic' probably is a difficult task these days but here you did just rob me of all my tokens.

I really hope more people play this, instantly one of my favorite Duke/Build pieces ever right up next to some of the greats e.g.. Billy Boy's Lighthouse and Merlijn's Red 4. I don't do ratings anymore but if I did then to me this would be an easy 100/100 since there is literally nothing to fault, only omnipresent excellence.

This post has been edited by ck3D: 22 October 2023 - 03:05 AM


User is online   ck3D 


It's DNSKILL5 time:


User is offline   NY00123 


Great job! Gameplay clearly differed from what I otherwise expected for a Duke3D map as recently released (as much as I could expect).

Albeit said to be tested with EDuke32 revisions 10212-10454, I decided to give this a try with a custom Linux build matching r10514, and it seemed to work well for me.
Is another source port supported? From the documentation, I suppose that NetDuke32 v1.2.1 is, given Cooperative and DukeMatch as options.

You were surely spending time on the documentation as well. I hadn't checked that much non-vanilla contents in the last years, but I suppose it isn't that common to offer such documents, at least outside of standalone games and mods with clear major efforts behind them.

I did check the documentation's gameplay hints. I eventually completed the map on Come Get Some difficulty, with all secrets and monsters taken care of.

User is offline   gibfrag 

  • Honored Donor


Great level this was for sure. I really liked the vertical style of this level, with all of the tall buildings and areas under the rig to explore. Hope to see something else from you real soon!

User is offline   Paul B 


What is impressive is how simplistic this map looks at first glance and from a distance but nothing is further from the truth. There is nothing simplistic about it. You were up against many obstacles and you pulled off the desired effects wonderfully. I haven't played this map, but I've watched the play through, then inspected the map in Mapster since it was easier to appreciate your technical skills. Very well done, this map is a wonderful spectacle of :“If you put your mind to it, nothing is impossible” This map is a testament of that. Congrats! 10/10. Now my personal opinion only, the gameplay would have benefited if there were more varieties of enemies. (Turets, Pigcops, Troopers, Recon Pig Cops, New Beasts etc). I also realize you intended the map not to play this way. The map definitely stands out as it is. Well done!

This post has been edited by Paul B: 27 October 2023 - 07:48 AM


User is offline   Aleks 


Thanks for all the nice comments, guys! :)

 NY00123, on 26 October 2023 - 01:44 PM, said:

Albeit said to be tested with EDuke32 revisions 10212-10454, I decided to give this a try with a custom Linux build matching r10514, and it seemed to work well for me.
Is another source port supported? From the documentation, I suppose that NetDuke32 v1.2.1 is, given Cooperative and DukeMatch as options.

I was trying to test it under r10494 which was the most recent version, but I simply couldn't get this version of EDuke to launch at all. I suppose it should be compatible with newer revisions unless something very particular gets changed. On DNSKILL5's video, it seems the sky palette is different than intended (it should be pal 26 for the orange/greyish look), which I suppose might have something to do with the EDuke version (also noticed it on a screen from JAC). Did you have the "dark red" sky by default (as in DNSKILL5's video) or an orange one like on my screenshots?


You were surely spending time on the documentation as well. I hadn't checked that much non-vanilla contents in the last years, but I suppose it isn't that common to offer such documents, at least outside of standalone games and mods with clear major efforts behind them.

I did check the documentation's gameplay hints. I eventually completed the map on Come Get Some difficulty, with all secrets and monsters taken care of.

I like to show off I guess :P Glad you found all the secrets, I was wondering if the shrinker one won't be too obscure.

 Paul B, on 27 October 2023 - 07:09 AM, said:

What is impressive is how simplistic this map looks at first glance and from a distance but nothing is further from the truth. There is nothing simplistic about it. You were up against many obstacles and you pulled off the desired effects wonderfully. I haven't played this map, but I've watched the play through, then inspected the map in Mapster since it was easier to appreciate your technical skills. Very well done, this map is a wonderful spectacle of :“If you put your mind to it, nothing is impossible” This map is a testament of that. Congrats! 10/10. Now my personal opinion only, the gameplay would have benefited if there were more varieties of enemies. (Turets, Pigcops, Troopers, Recon Pig Cops, New Beasts etc). I also realize you intended the map not to play this way. The map definitely stands out as it is. Well done!

Thanks! Well at first I had Sanek's BattleDuke in mind when designing the level, so was aiming mostly for battlelords, then the openness of the map kinda dictated that it would be better to have fewer tough enemies rather than spam from a lot of smaller ones, also wanted to make a "heavy weapons only" kind of gameplay for a change. I did consider some recon patrol vehicles at one point, but would be too many stuff flying around, also not sure how they would work with the other "subways" (boat and helicopter).

User is offline   NY00123 


 Aleks, on 27 October 2023 - 08:33 AM, said:

Thanks for all the nice comments, guys! :)
I was trying to test it under r10494 which was the most recent version, but I simply couldn't get this version of EDuke to launch at all. I suppose it should be compatible with newer revisions unless something very particular gets changed. On DNSKILL5's video, it seems the sky palette is different than intended (it should be pal 26 for the orange/greyish look), which I suppose might have something to do with the EDuke version (also noticed it on a screen from JAC). Did you have the "dark red" sky by default (as in DNSKILL5's video) or an orange one like on my screenshots?

It looked orange (as in your screenshots) upon starting a new game and in one saved game, while it rather looked red in another saved game. I don't know if this was intended, but using the red key changes the sky color; It generally makes the environment look clearer.

One thing I forgot to mention earlier: For anyone who has it set, I suggest to use an option other than OPL emulation for music. The MIDI files were probably not made with Duke3D's OPL timbres in mind.

By the way, I don't know if you mistakenly quoted the part of my message about NetDuke32 or not, since you didn't seem to have an answer. It looks like a NetDuke32 dev. build can load the GRP with its CON code without errors; I haven't done more testing for now.

Congrats on your PhD as well!

User is offline   Aleks 


 NY00123, on 28 October 2023 - 06:07 AM, said:

It looked orange (as in your screenshots) upon starting a new game and in one saved game, while it rather looked red in another saved game. I don't know if this was intended, but using the red key changes the sky color; It generally makes the environment look clearer.

Yes, the change after inserting the red key was intended to mark the apocalyptic burn of the oil. Glad it worked as planned then, must be something else than EDuke version then!


One thing I forgot to mention earlier: For anyone who has it set, I suggest to use an option other than OPL emulation for music. The MIDI files were probably not made with Duke3D's OPL timbres in mind.

Good catch - I personally use Windows MME emulation, to be honest never paid much attention to it.


By the way, I don't know if you mistakenly quoted the part of my message about NetDuke32 or not, since you didn't seem to have an answer. It looks like a NetDuke32 dev. build can load the GRP with its CON code without errors; I haven't done more testing for now.

I was planning to answer that, but forgot :D Thanks for trying it out though, I'm glad it works. The CONs aren't required for DukeMatch anyway (although they are required for Co-op). I'm curious for someone to test it in DM though, haven't played DM through NetDuke myself yet, but I did announce the release on the Nukem Net Discord, so maybe the guys there would pick it up - would love to see a video of DM.


Congrats on your PhD as well!

Thanks! :)


User is online   ck3D 


Mikko's review: https://msdn.duke4.n...rzorngottes.php


Great map thanks and congrats!
I did play this on the day it was released but just played it again.

Things that surprised me, the helicopter made out of sprites, used TROR so it can fly over the oil rig. When first playing the level I thought it was several layers of TROR with walls and sectors, but nope. all sprites and looks excellent!
You can turn the sprite crain, I thought at first that TROR was needed for this effect but doesn't look like it does?

I really like the pile of barrels in the middle that blew up, it was done very well and I never expected that to blow up!
Also like the little hole in the roof with a crack you need to blow up to enter, and inside is a TV with a switch where you can change the channel, nice effect!
TBH the crain looks like it was using custom art because it looked so good, I checked to see if any art was included but it was all made with duke3d sprites with some sloped. Excellent job. (y)

Gameplaywise you can see my score I suck at this map and made a run to the end so I didn't end up killing all of the battlelords, still fun though, nice variations of battlords!
Oh and cool where the sky changed to dark red. (y)

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: alex.jpg


User is offline   Aleks 


View PostWilliam Gee, on 01 November 2023 - 11:53 PM, said:

Great map thanks and congrats!
I did play this on the day it was released but just played it again.

Things that surprised me, the helicopter made out of sprites, used TROR so it can fly over the oil rig. When first playing the level I thought it was several layers of TROR with walls and sectors, but nope. all sprites and looks excellent!
You can turn the sprite crain, I thought at first that TROR was needed for this effect but doesn't look like it does?

I really like the pile of barrels in the middle that blew up, it was done very well and I never expected that to blow up!
Also like the little hole in the roof with a crack you need to blow up to enter, and inside is a TV with a switch where you can change the channel, nice effect!
TBH the crain looks like it was using custom art because it looked so good, I checked to see if any art was included but it was all made with duke3d sprites with some sloped. Excellent job. (y)

Gameplaywise you can see my score I suck at this map and made a run to the end so I didn't end up killing all of the battlelords, still fun though, nice variations of battlords!
Oh and cool where the sky changed to dark red. (y)

Thanks, Will! Glad you liked it! Helicopter is just on a single TROR layer to make it fly, but I'm kinda happy how it turned out with the sloped spritework, particularly around its nose. The crane ended up being much easier to make than I'd initially thought, just had to make a single segment for each of the crane arms (due to different inclination) then copy and change heights :D

Also, thanks again to TLOD/Nacho for playing this one during your Saturday stream (along AlexCity, which was quite a trip down the memory lane for me!) and being particularly thorough in it! Here's the link if anyone's interested:


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