Balls of Steel Forever, on 28 October 2022 - 02:09 PM, said:
That says for a minor and not a 12 year old
A minor requires consent of a legal guardian (foster parent) for those actions under current law.
• In most cases, youth under the age of 18 must obtain the permission of their parents or guardian
to access any medical treatment, including treatment for gender transition.
( B ) (1) The right of minors and nonminors in foster care to health care and mental health care described in paragraph (4) of subdivision (a) of Section 16001.9 includes covered gender affirming health care and gender affirming mental health care.
This right is subject to existing laws governing consent to health care for minors and nonminors and does not limit, add, or otherwise affect applicable laws governing consent to health care.
you're posting old shit from 2010
the new codes allow:
a 12 year old and older can seek foster care (basically run away from home, from within and without the state)
said youth may then seek transgender treatment - and can have it signed off by foster parent, or failing that, a health care service provider, or a judge -or basically just sign it off themselves
(g) Foster youth who are 12 years of age or older have established rights to privately seek and consent to outpatient mental health counseling and treatment, including pursuant to Section 6924 of the Family Code and Section 124260 of the Health and Safety Code.
(h) Depending on a foster youth’s custody situation, a foster youth’s parent, social worker, licensed caregiver, judge, or the youth may give consent for the foster youth’s medical, surgical, dental, or other remedial care.
(k) It is the role of the child welfare agency, within the parameters set forth in Section 369 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, to support dependent children’s ability to access medically necessary care, including gender affirming health care and gender affirming behavioral health services.
Assembly Bill No. 2119, Section 1
Section 369 of the Welfare and Institutions Code:
(h) Nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting the rights of dependent children, pursuant to Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 6920) of Part 4 of Division 11 of the Family Code
Section 6920 of Part 4 of Division 11 of the Family Code:
Subject to the limitations provided in this chapter, notwithstanding any other provision of law, a minor may consent to the matters provided in this chapter, and the consent of the minor’s parent or guardian is not necessary.
(d) The presence of a child in this state for the purpose of obtaining gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care, as defined by Section 16010.2 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, is sufficient to meet the requirements of paragraph (2) of subdivision (a).
Senate Bill No. 107, section 4
(a) A court of this state has temporary emergency jurisdiction if the child is present in this state and the child has been abandoned or it is necessary in an emergency to protect the child because the child, or a sibling or parent of the child, is subjected to, or threatened with, mistreatment or abuse, or because the child has been unable to obtain gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care, as defined by Section 16010.2 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.
Senate Bill No. 107, section 5