Download links for the test release are available below.

What is this about?
Over the past few months, we have been busy implementing a new feature for eduke32, which will hopefully find its way into the main builds of eduke32 soon.
This feature is an integrated addon manager, which will allow users to select and load custom content in a clean and intuitive manner.
What's the point of this feature?
The goal of this project was to define a specification to easily package and distribute addons without interfering with or locking out compatibility with older versions of the engine, or even DOS Duke3D.
It is intended to overcome limitations, such as the current lack of important metadata to determine any compatibility issues or dependencies, while also offering basic information to the end user that can be presented in-game.
Moreover, the specification allows loading of CON and DEF script files modularly, a feature that was previously restricted to command-line parameters only.
This means that with this addon manager, it will become possible to load mods cumulatively. For instance, with only minor changes, it will become possible to have Dzierzan's upscaled sounds and voxel packages active at the same time.
Gone are the days of having to dump everything in the base folder or of being required to use the autoload feature. This manager will provide a ways to separate data cleanly, and activate them all from inside the game.
But the feature doesn't end there. Assume you're the developer of a large Total Conversion like WGRealms 2, Alien Armageddon, or a gameplay mod like Brutal Duke, or Ion Fury: Anger Management, and you provide new features for people to create maps with.
A previous limitation was that people could not easily distribute maps that depend on these TCs and package them in a way to load them together cleanly. With this addon manager, such issues are eliminated, and mods will be able to build on top of each other.
(Also note that ART files can now be stacked cumulatively as well -- thanks to a recent commit by Striker, blank spaces in ART files will no longer override existing tiles.)
Addon Manager Test Build -- Downloads & Documentation
To provide you with the ins-and-outs on how to use the feature, we have prepared a separate documentation, which you find in the link above.
There you will also find downloads to the current test builds of the addon manager, as well as the source code. It also includes some sample addons that you can use for testing.
We are currently looking for testers to try and break the addon manager, report bugs, and provide feedback on the usability, or on any other issues you can find.
Whether you are a content creator or a user, we encourage you to package your mods to be used with this feature, and to test it in any way you can think of.
Try to load mods in any order, package any type of mod to use with the manager, combine mods in any way possible, etc, and discuss the results in this thread or on Discord.
- Doom64hunter - Design and Implementation, Documentation
- Oasiz - Hosting, Documentation, Feedback, Early Testing, General Support
- TerminX - Advice and Feedback, General Support
- Striker - Advice and Feedback, General Support
- dwtietz - Early Testing, Feedback
- Mblackwell - Feedback
- The respective authors of the sample addons, credited within each package.
- And of course, everyone else who will test the system and provide feedback.