Big City Nights - the first thing about this one I've noticed is that I used the same music track for the briefing levels in
Back in Business, now at least I can give a proper credit to the author

However, this version seems to be a bit longer than the one I used in
BiB with some additional part - or maybe I just don't remember correctly, since I put it in very short maps. Anyway, the level is pretty damn good - especially the design stands out, it's much more detailed and mature kind of city map than anything we've seen in Last Reaction. Not sure about the progression, maybe it was supposed to be later in the episode, but the author just released what he had ready?
The detailing is very nice with some quite uncommon locations like gas station, construction site and church turned into an arena of satanistic ritual. However, the real highlight of the level is the club, which looks really cool, kinda reminds me of Malibu Club in
GTA Vice City, which is always a great thing. There's some nice shooting through openwork walls from the gallery to the club's interior, which has about 30 enemies - pig cops and troopers - stacked inside. While it's cool to blow all of them with explosives, they are kinda sitting ducks there and the whole thing is pretty cramped in the end. However, there's some even more cramped places, especially the first (quite unnecessary IMO) alleywall after emerging from the sewer, which is basically a "maze" with hitscanners jumping at you.
Although the level does feel dark, it's not as bad as in some earlier maps and doesn't really cause problems with fights. As FistMarine, the only problematic area for me was the secret place inside the church, which stupidly welcomes you with spam from the yellow aliens - I've also used devastator to deal with them. Other than that, the map is pretty fair and has a nice variety of monsters, even Lameduke octabrains are put to good use in the final part where they are kinda scary emerging from the dark. The whole style of city would remind a bit of
Alpha City with these bright windows, unfortunately here these weren't made fullbright, so it's a bit pointless. Nevertheless, it's another very good map - too bad it's the last one.
Now to conclude the episode, here's my rating of the maps:
Twilight for the Drones 7/10
Frozen 1/10
Green Crystals 7/10
Mountain Lab 7/10
Natural Carnage 8/10
The Mother Base 9/10
Big City Nights 7/10
Frozen being complete bullshit (probably should end up as a secret level), I'd say this episode was much better and more consistent than either LR or WB. It's too bad it was unfinished, probably even the finished maps would benefit a lot from more beta-testing and polishing. Glad I finally got to play it, was well worth the time and kinda rewarding after LRWB, which honestly dragged a bit too much.