All maps are made for Atomic Edition, so I will play them in Duke3D v1.5 in DOSBox, on CGS skill.
I downloaded the maps from the two original links that were posted earlier:
And put them up in 4 different folders (all copies of the main ATOMIC folder): CEROVSKY (all maps by Lukas Cerovsky), KUCERA (all maps by Peter Kucera, including the Penthouse Paradise art file required by the maps Boyard and XXX), RK (only the map Reichskanzlei, which contains a few sounds and a modified USER.CON) and HIGHWAY (Lost Highway episode). This ensures there are no conflicts created between the maps. Aleks suggested me to also combine CEROVSKY and KUCERA folders into one but I decided to have them arranged separately like that.
I remember playing a few of these maps many years ago, I think either in EDuke32 or Megaton. This time I will do ALL of them, with the vanilla executable for an extra challenge!
I will be making 4 large posts for this month: this one being first half of Kucera maps, then the second half of Kucera maps, then the Cerovsky maps and then the Lost Highway episode. I will also vote for the next month's event (choices will be revealed later by Aleks).
Additionally, I will also correctly arrange the screenshots to be shown after each map rather than all dumped at the end of the post. This will make my post less spammy and more interesting to read and to view the screenshots, with around 3 shown per each map.
Anyway, let's begin with the reviews!
An interesting Space themed DM map, with parts inspired by Spaceport and even It's Impossible. The map actually contains 5 secret places, so this gives you a reason to explore the map and find all stuff before getting bored (there is no exit). The secrets contain the following:
1) RPG and Portable Medkit (near beginning, press on a computer panel to access a small room)
2) Atomic Health and Devastator Ammo (this area can be reached just by jumping, it's near those large rooms with windows)
3) Jetpack inside vent (also leads into Secret 4)
4) Armor, Medkit, Devastator (a blue room, Devastator found behind that window)
5) Shrinker/Expander (and other goodies), accessible inside the vent near where Freezethrower is found, when inside vent, press on the nearby wall
Worth taking a look.

What do we have here? A school themed map of course! And it is fairly challenging, especially at beginning. With a bit of luck, I made it without dying.
The beginning was really tough with pretty much no enemy dropping anything until a pig cop dropped a shotgun containing a single shell and then another one dropping another shotgun containing 3 shells. Had to kick two pig cops around the vending machines. Managed to survive with 26 health. The armor I picked up earlier from the locker REALLY HELPED and it was more than enough for the rest of the map as well.
After I got into the bathroom to get my health back by using and drinking from the toilet (and grabbing the chaingun at same time), the map not only started giving just enough ammo to get through every encounter but also most enemies now started dropping stuff!
Once again there's 5 secrets to find, some helped a bit with taking a small look on mapster and others finding in regular play. One secret even contains the blue card, an item necessary for progression, which feels a bit weird to be honest.
All weapons are available except for RPG and Devastator. However you will not miss them much because the Shrinker is excellent against commanders and there's no Mini Battlelords or other bosses present in this map, while the first 3 guns will be enough for the majority of the opposition in the map.
Even the trip mine got one use: to blow up a crack in one of the classrooms by placing it so that I have enough distance to trigger the laser without hurting myself. This is one of the few smart uses of the trip mines. The other use was probably meant for those beginning pig cops but it was too risky to deal with low health, so I actually ended up kicking them around corners instead of bothering with trip mines.
Also as mentioned earlier, the armor managed to last until the end when not only I stumbled upon a new armor vest but also a pig cop dropped one in last room, giving me 75 extra armor points, although I had reached the exit, so the extra armor I got went unused. I did pick it up before the exit (after taking the screenshot) just to have 100 armor.
Overall, I found this map decent and I find school maps interesting but I think the beginning could have been better balanced. And some rooms looked a bit bland.

A rather short map that gets a bit confusing near end.
As for the beginning, it starts with having to blow up a crack with the trip mine but this time you have less room to do it. I was lucky to not take any damage. There is a large medkit given just in case but if you don't need it, you can't come back here anyway.
The rest for the map is fine. A little challenging at times due to fighting many pig cops. I was lucky to get some shotguns dropped by pig cops and even an used armor that gave me 50 points (at the cost of taking a full blast to the face that did 49 damage). The health is easily recovered with the two fountains of water available. A full armor is also provided on the top of firetruck, which helped for the last part of the map.
I got stuck at two points near the end after using the yellow key. I had to look in Mapster to figure out what to do next. You have to press on the cash counter to temporary raise the window in the next room, while the exit is unlocked by finding a hidden switch ABOVE the pool table. I actually checked and played with the pool table and knew there was a hidden switch somewhere. Even then I managed to miss that switch somehow, so I had to look in Mapster again to see what to do next.
There are 3 secrets to find this time around and they aren't even secrets. One is near the GUILTY sign (2 pistol ammo clips) which is easily reached by jumping on top of burning barrel (if you destroy it, you can still jump on the door nearby, from the top of mail box). The other 2 secrets are part of progression, it seems. One is in room after you use blue key and the other is located in the club near end of level.
Overall, it was a bit better than Skola, although a bit too short. However, having many short and sweet maps to complete is much appreciated, considering there are 30 maps to finish this month! Onto the next map, I guess.

As the map title suggests, this map takes place in a bank. Although the bank is only half of the map, it ends up going towards a pool and then it ends abruptly (just after you pick up an atomic health)
This was a pretty challenging map, the commander at the beginning, why is he here...when all you have is a pistol? Yes I killed the troopers and pig cop (which dropped a shotgun with 1 ammo) but even then that didn't help much until I found that secret at beginning which gave me shotgun ammo and even a chaingun! Good thing I checked mapster before I began the map, read more below.
So I killed the commander with just about 2 extra shots but not without taking another rocket in the face that removed the 30 health I just picked up in the secret place.
Oh and before I forget, the other secret found is the safe containing the red card (why is that even counting as a secret place?), which is easy to miss, so make sure you jump into that sector to register the secret. As mentioned earlier, I found both secrets with the help of Mapster and it greatly helped because there is no way back once you enter inside the safe, because 1) the bars close behind you and 2) when you end up falling in water, another point of no return.
The health is overall scarce and until end where there is finally a toilet you can drink from (the hydrant at beginning is already broken, which means no water spawned) you will have to rely on limited medkits, which only start appearing more often, halfway in the map. There is a portable medkit given before you enter the safe (just before dropping in the water).
The armor vest is right inside the bank near beginning, so make sure you pick it up as early as you can, well provided you get past those problematic aliens at beginning. The armor should last until end, though I got another used armor from a pig cop.
Overall, another interesting short map. Just wish it didn't end up abruptly (and then sent to Hollywood Holocaust, due to ending in a sector rather than the nuke button) and health was a bit more common.

This map begins inside a plane. Make sure you get the secret right behind you when you start the map (contains an atomic health). There's 4 other secrets to find later, each 2 of them being in same place.
The only problem I had with this map was that one of the secrets early on required jumping on that palm tree but since it must have been shot earlier (either by a trooper laser or the commander's rocket), I couldn't reach that secret anymore and decided to just restart the map altogether. I didn't bother with luring a trooper from far away (from the mines section) to jump on him while flying, as he probably wouldn't even cross the sector. I just decided to restart the map for the better, with this occasion getting an used armor from a pig cop that gave me 75 armor points, preparing me well for later.
There is an explosion trap in the mines section that I managed to reduce some of damage by stepping back when the explosions happened.
I found the RPG underwater in a corner, it was pretty well hidden. You can find the rest weapons normally in the map, with the exception of Shrinker which is nowhere to be found.
Ammo and resources were distributed fairly, though halfway in map (after the underwater sections) I started running out of shotgun and chaingun ammo. The scuba gear also ran out and made it to the surface in time. I have spent exploring the underwater parts quite a bit to make sure no enemy gets away and collect everything, including two secrets that are found in an underwater vent (which contains the Devastator).
I liked the part at end which is inspired by Dread October from Duke It Out In D.C. What I found interesting and rather unique was when you kick that last button, it automatically ends the level. I have never seen this feature before in Duke3D with kicking/activating something and causing the level to end immediately. I always thought this stuff could be easily replicated in Shadow Warrior but not the original Duke3D. Quite neat!
As with the previous map, you get sent to Hollywood Holocaust upon finishing it, due to how the map ended.
Overall, yet another interesting map that turned out to be slightly longer than the previous maps, though also more adventurous.

Another short DM map. There is a hidden teleporter that leads to the lighthouse which contains a few goodies.
When I read the title, I thought this map was inspired or at least contained references to South Park. So I got a bit disappointed by the map not containing any references to the TV show. However, there's a few Duke3D TCs that use custom art and referencing South Park at times (such as the 1999/2000 TC), so if you expected the map having such references, then I suggest to look elsewhere.

Overall, it's a decent DM map and worth taking a look. As with Vesmir, there is no exit to be found, so just explore it for 5 minutes to collect all the stuff and that's it. Otherwise, there isn't much to talk about this map.

I have mixed feelings about this map. I liked some of the puzzles and challenges presented. Turns out you need to press on that yellow gong (?) to open one of the doors and begin the challenge, then complete each room's challenge until unlocking the next one and so on, until getting the blue and red cards respectively.
There was a math puzzle that I completed by taking a look at Aleks' answer in the spoiler (and same applies to the map's end puzzle). Just didn't feel like doing the normal way, so I went to the answer immediately. I still ended up taking a look once or twice in Mapster at certain times when I wasn't sure where to go or what to do but despite that, it wasn't as confusing as I thought and I didn't hate it as much as I thought I will. Still an annoying map, nonetheless.
There are 3 secrets to find, which should be found during regular play.
Died 3 times in this map, first time by jumping out of the boat while it was stationary (after I killed the first few enemies and saved, went back around the boat and somehow I got instantly killed when I jumped on it, no idea what happened), died another time at part I had to go along ledge and fell into electrical floor without way to get out, then third (and final) death was at trip mines part.
Also as already mentioned before, this map (as well as XXX) requires the Penthouse Paradise art file to be installed to get the full experience. The file can be placed into your folder and it will NOT conflict with the rest Kucera maps thankfully, as the art won't overwrite any of the regular Duke3D art files. In this map, there is a woman in the red key room that is present if you have the art file installed, otherwise she won't be present here. The penthouse art file in my opinion is really ugly and clashes with the rest of the Duke3D art, so they look out of place or it's as if they were taken out of a mediocre late 90s Duke3D TC. I still recommend playing with the art file for the full experience. Other than this map and XXX, rest maps don't require the TILES014.ART file.
Overall, this map is only worth checking out as a curiosity or if you are a fan of puzzles. But if you don't like puzzles, then I suggest skipping this one.

A rather short map, inspired by Movie Set. It only contains 25 enemies and 2 secrets (should be easy to find) and that's pretty much it.
Short and sweet map, I liked this one. Wish I played it yesterday if I knew how short it was (taking me less than 8 minutes to finish it) but I guess that Boyard map really exhausted me, I guess.

So far the selection of maps has been really promising and most of maps have been short and fun to play through. Outside of secrets that can become inaccessible later if you don't know their location (or just strangely marked secrets in some maps), some hidden switches required for progression, keycards placed inside secret places or the beginning of some maps being difficult due to scarce resources, these maps have a really clean design. Definitely worth checking out, all of them except Boyard which is only worth if you like puzzles. And the DM maps only worth checking if you like exploring DM maps or play them with bots or something.
I will continue playing the next half of Kucera's maps and continue writing reviews.