Hi all, when i tried to start Blood via BuildGDX the loading screen came up and then nothing happened anymore. Last I launched BuildGDX everything was working.
I tried all the other games ive set up with Build and none of them started and just stuck at the loading screen. Here is the content of the bloodgdx.log :
BUILD engine by Ken Silverman (http://www.advsys.net/ken)
BloodGDX v1.15(BuildGdx v20.081) by [M210®] (http://m210.duke4.net)
Current date Nov 25, 2021 18:04:29
Running on Windows 10 (version 10.0)
with JRE version: 14.0.1
Initializing resource archives
Found 577 files in BLOOD.RFF archive
Found 1657 files in SOUNDS.RFF archive
Initializing Build 3D engine
Version < v1.10 found
Loading palettes
Loading translucency table
Loading gamma correction table
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070/PCIe/SSE2 4.6.0 NVIDIA 496.76 initialized
TextureCache uninited!
TextureCache uninited!
Could not find a solution to my problem any ware so far. And sorry that my description of the problem is kind of vague.
Thx in advance