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Odroid is releasing linux based emulation gaming tablet  "Up to psp for $80"

User is offline   Balls of Steel Forever 

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Attached Image: ogs_01-700x341.jpg

They're pretty known for their arm and x86 sbc based boards for servers and personal use along with their gb and gba styled tablets.
This'll be out in January.

Their website

Also if you have the moolah the gpd win 3 looks super promising for $800
Attached Image: GPD-Win-3-Open-and-HClosed.jpg

This post has been edited by Balls of Steel Forever: 25 December 2020 - 09:11 PM


User is offline   Phredreeke 


I would wish for a beefier SoC. Then again it's at the threshold where you can play 8-bit, most 16-bit and some 32-bit games fine

User is offline   Balls of Steel Forever 

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 Phredreeke, on 26 December 2020 - 05:34 AM, said:

I would wish for a beefier SoC. Then again it's at the threshold where you can play 8-bit, most 16-bit and some 32-bit games fine

I agree but good xbox emulation is windows only afaik. Sure there's a work around like box 86, but it'd probably be glitchy as all hell.

I'm sure pcsx2 has emulation issues on good pcs also.

Plus it should have better battery life with a weaker soc, so it may be a good trade off.

User is offline   Phredreeke 


Xbox emulation is out of the question. I was thinking more along the lines of Nintendo DS and hard to emulate N64 games, as well as source ports (the last episode of Eviternity is quite the performance hog)

User is offline   jkas789 


I just want to play Blood on the go. Also I see the Switch DNA has taken root on the design. It would be nice if they actually improved upon the control's ergonomics.

User is offline   Balls of Steel Forever 

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 jkas789, on 26 December 2020 - 12:07 PM, said:

I just want to play Blood on the go. Also I see the Switch DNA has taken root on the design. It would be nice if they actually improved upon the control's ergonomics.

Ergo definitely looks weird, I think they're mainly trying to keep costs down with the simplistic style.
Also it's not too surprising that it's switch like given that the odroid advance and odroid go are both nintendo ripoffs too.
We'll definitely see where it goes.

I'm sure dosbox might let the system be able to play blood.
Given that the rg350 which has lesser specs can run DN3D well, it probably can

That definitely makes sense,
It's good that they don't advertise that it does such.

However people are using the same board for nintendo ds
And it apparently works fine.

More demanding games idk.

Also for Doom even the less spec heavy go model can run it pretty well, so it should be able to also. The eviternity mod, I obv don't know.

The Soc is the same as the one in the go advance that they have, so what games are going to work or are not going to aren't too difficult to find out.

This post has been edited by Balls of Steel Forever: 26 December 2020 - 02:08 PM


User is offline   Phredreeke 


2D DS games are borderline on my GPD Win (which has a Cherry Trail Atom SoC with turbo boost to 2.56 GHz) though this running Linux on ARM should be able to run the Raspberry Pi version of DraStic (which is more optimised than DeSmuME)

Doom will run on a toaster, but certain WADs are very demanding (mainly ones with large open maps)

User is offline   Balls of Steel Forever 

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 Phredreeke, on 26 December 2020 - 03:33 PM, said:

2D DS games are borderline on my GPD Win (which has a Cherry Trail Atom SoC with turbo boost to 2.56 GHz) though this running Linux on ARM should be able to run the Raspberry Pi version of DraStic (which is more optimised than DeSmuME)

Doom will run on a toaster, but certain WADs are very demanding (mainly ones with large open maps)

It runs similar applications to the raspberry pi, and has a good enough fan base that it's optimized pretty well by now.

Dreamcast being pretty close to full support, and given my experia play ran it perfectly way back when it definitely should get there.

I would imagine the gpd win getting a boost from running linux over windows as linux takes up alot less ram, and draws less performance in general.

Also arm is probably getting better performance with some emulators because of cell phones.

This post has been edited by Balls of Steel Forever: 26 December 2020 - 04:07 PM


User is offline   Balls of Steel Forever 

  • Balls of Steel Forever


Someone's trying to release an android based gaming tablet with more cpu power and ram called the KT R1,it looks promising but I have doubts that it'd get any farther than indiegogo.
Attached Image: kt-r1-retro-handheld.jpg

Also it having android stuck to it, it's going to be a mild annoyance to get another os installed over it having pure linux, and make it more difficult for the community to optimize for it.

Especially since the rg350 and odroid advance/super are running the same hardware, this device is going to add another hardware fork to an already niché community, which makes me doubt that even if it releases it'll be anything more than an android mini tablet with a controller attached.

This post has been edited by Balls of Steel Forever: 29 December 2020 - 12:24 AM


User is offline   Balls of Steel Forever 

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Though the hardware jump may be promising, so I do hope it goes through, if it has a sim and speaker, and good battery life I'll probably use it to replace my phone.

User is offline   Balls of Steel Forever 

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I gave in and purchased an lg v60 as it was the cheapest cell with an 865 and I wanted portable saturn compatibility with expandable sd support. Bought a razer kishi as it seems like the go-to for phone controllers and should have the easiest compatibility. I've been using a nokia 2720 and needed an upgrade anyways.

I'll probably regret this decision later. But we'll see.

This post has been edited by Balls of Steel Forever: 03 January 2021 - 06:28 AM


User is offline   Balls of Steel Forever 

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I'm now using this to dump other linux devices because I think they're cool
Attached Image: piboy-cm4x.jpg

User is offline   Balls of Steel Forever 

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Aya neo
Attached Image: Aya-Neo-Handheld-Gaming-PC.jpg

Lenovo lavie mini
Attached Image: LAVIE-MINI_Gaming-Controller_Crystal-White-cropped.png

User is offline   Balls of Steel Forever 

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Attached Image: S8NtCMVA_630x630.jpg

Keychain console.

User is offline   jkas789 


that one looks fun. reminds me of the game boy mini. That game boy advance that was extremely small.

User is offline   Balls of Steel Forever 

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Attached Image: FX-Composite.png
Credit card gaming now with 200 games

This post has been edited by Balls of Steel Forever: 29 January 2021 - 04:49 AM


User is offline   Balls of Steel Forever 

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gamepi 20

funkey s

User is offline   Balls of Steel Forever 

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gamebox mini esp 32

currently faulty trimui model s

This post has been edited by Balls of Steel Forever: 03 April 2021 - 04:48 PM


User is offline   Balls of Steel Forever 

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game gear 1:1 repro with raspberry pi
3A+ currently
Zero and 4 are to be supported, Zero in beta

User is offline   Balls of Steel Forever 

  • Balls of Steel Forever




 Balls of Steel Forever, on 25 September 2021 - 01:21 AM, said:


Glasses required to play:
Posted Image

This post has been edited by Lazy Dog: 25 September 2021 - 04:24 PM


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