Hank, on 05 June 2011 - 08:35 AM, said:
could we stay on topic?

Yes sir. With that in mind...I have a rough plan of an episode that I wish to break ground on within the next few months (it could take well through the summer to do those six levels and a few DM maps).
I won't go into full detail here, but I will be starting up a new thread detailing progress of that episode that I am working on.
For the rough details here, I can tell you that the episode will take place in Antarctica/South Pole area, it will involve Duke's ride being shot down a third time (well, probably more than that by now, but who's counting?), and it seems like the alien scumbags are at it again.
This time, Duke has to trek through the "frozen desert" in order to find out what the aliens are up to. I won't detail the story line, since I don't want to spoil anything before I work on it.
However, I thought about a title for it, as a play on words, but the title might be too long to fit: "Taking Duke's Talents to South Pole" would probably be a fitting title here.
Now I know that everyone here might think that Antarctica is boring, has all wide-open area, and is one continent of nothing but ice, snow, and maybe an igloo or two...BUT, an alien nuclear compound is something that Duke will stumble upon, which is where they have a bunch of chicks, well, first frozen to death on the surface, then after the babes are turned to ice, they bring them down to this compound, and...well, I'll let you wait for the levels to be built to know the rest. But it will be good, I'll grant you that... I'll probably start over the weekend on some basic mapping.