Sangman, on 03 May 2020 - 05:43 AM, said:
Checked in r7050 (the revision I mentioned previously) and you're right.
If I lower the floor of the bottom sector a bit so that enemies without jumping abilities, ie. a Pigcop, can't just walk up there, he also can't be damaged. But this happens regardless of whether or not the floor is sloped.
Well... yes. But you're rarely going to have enemies in a zero height sector unless it's sloped (though a staircase could get close).
So there's 2 bugs then I guess:
- one newer one which causes enemies to not be able to transcend even (visually) non-existent barriers if they're in different TROR layer
- one bug where enemies cannot be harmed if their sprite is visible in multiple TROR layer, but the player's shot lands on the top "half" of the sprite (hits only register when they hit the bottom, ie. when the impact's sectnum matches the sprite's sectnum or some shit?)
Like I said, the second one I don't think is a bug as much as an engine quirk. I don't think it ever worked any differently, and that this is the reason why TROR "levels" are recommended to be at least one player height tall.
I'm not a developer, but I was always under the impression that this is a limitation in TROR.
It would be preferable, however, if an enemy can only "be" in one sector, that the one where 90% of the sprite is displayed in is the one that counts... Not sure if it's doable.
I just tested this again in r8894 and this is false. Lizman still can't jump through or be damaged whether it's a slope or not
Hmm this is odd; indeed in your example map he can't jump out, while in my own mockup he can... Maybe it depends on if the slope goes "up" or "down"?
Edit: No, they're angled the same way. However, I could get him to jump out of the pit on your map too some times, while other times he couldn't. Definitely doesn't seem to be working right.