AMC TC Episode Three released "Grab it here!"
#211 Posted 30 March 2019 - 11:19 AM
#212 Posted 30 March 2019 - 08:09 PM
I am most of the way through Ep 1 with the latest patch now. Rusty Nails' new voice is the biggest change for me... I did like the old one, but the new one is also good, and the accent he has fits the general aura of the Millhaven level pretty well. I am pleased that all his old one-liners are intact (at least the ones I heard through gameplay and spamming taunts for a bit). I have played the Millhaven level quite a bit (it's my favorite Ep 1 map) so I'm so used to the old voice, but I enjoy hearing the new one and I think the VA did a great job.
For the Revolution level, I do like how the first half is a bit more open now, though I only really noticed it in two areas (the graveyard at the beginning and the lack of a C4-able wall before the switch to James). One line of dialogue is still cut off for me, Vladimir's second to last line in the intro cutscene, but the subtitle worked so I can live with it. I do notice the AI's doing a (mostly) better job of keeping up with me, and none of them dropped through the bridge of doom this time, thankfully. They still got stuck on corners and furniture in the palace, but nothing's perfect.
When I did Dis Base, I used the secret exit again, and this time when I beat Doom Disco, it took me to Abyss like it was supposed to, so that's good.
So far I have not had any freak crashes or glitches yet, outside of the usual already-reported camera glitch. While I was going through Megabase, the first camera I tried (in the room with the VR station) worked just fine, but the next one I tried (I believe it was in the lab where an MIA gun is on the floor), it crashed. I do not know if that is significant at all, and I stopped checking all cameras after that as I didn't want the flow of gameplay interrupted with crashes.
Pro mode is definitely a challenge (I've done Eps 1 and 2 already a couple years ago, I can do it again), I do really like how the zoomable weapons have crosshairs still. Thank you for that concession.
#213 Posted 30 March 2019 - 09:13 PM
This post has been edited by Jblade: 30 March 2019 - 09:14 PM
#214 Posted 31 March 2019 - 03:23 AM
_For Providence : So in the outside area I haven't seen anything out of the usual. In the house with the 2 cultists I notice it is furnished now instead of being empty (apart from the fireplace) which is nice, it's more "welcoming". The underwater secret is rendered easier to navigate thanks to a brighter lighting. So now burried in the snow is the key to the house's attic instead of a cog ? I'm guessing it makes more sense. Entering the attic .... John ? ... T_T Oh we find the 8th weapon here now ? Doesn't change much on my gameplay personally but I'm guessing this new state of things gives a bit more potential dynamism to the map. The crypt ... definitely brighter than it used to be, at least it makes the Lost Soul's shadow easier to spot without the flashlight's effect from before. Didn't see anything else so time for Sang's portion.
Firstly the new VA of James in the cutscene gives us a clearer idea of what we are supposed to do as Sang which can greatly help first time players who didn't pay enough attention to remember the Blood Sigil door in the tunnel which is a nice plus. Apart from that, no difference so up to the mines ! ... John ? ... T_T Nothing much except that when you reach the plane, you're no longer stuck on a comunication screen for the spirit's communication which is a nice spare IMO. Taking the mask and ... John ? ... T_T Let's skip on ahead to notice the new visual effects on the mask's face as we proceed which is nice and more realistic IMO, just like with the Enviro Suit from Mega Base. ... John ? ... T_T Oh brand new cinematic for Sang ! and Lillith actually talks now ! I liked it, it even gives some backstory about Sang which is nice. It's a good replacement for .... T_T So James isn't good with the people ? Sounds like an inside joke to me. Nothing really changed so skipping ahead again.
So once again we're no longer stuck when hearing a communication though this time, since you can engage cultists at the same time, it probably would have been better to keep the "getting stuck" thing because it could make first time players miss out on the dialogue because of the fight. Back to James with ... T_T. New music. It's okay though I kinda prefere the old one but that's only my taste speaking here. So globally James's final portion is still very manageable without John but it's much more challenging especially since John isn't there to help you with his Plasma Gun but at least it forces you to use your ammo because at this point I tended to complain that, because of him, we ended up with a bit too much ammo. Nothing changed apart from that. So the cinematic with Sang about Lillith, I'd say there is a slight problem because when you have fast screen changes like here it feels like the dialogue is slightly on an advance compared to the imagery but it catches up eventually, but that was probably due to me using an alternate EDuke32 supplied by Mr Standfield before the patch, don't know if it's better now.
So the boss fight has a new music which I kinda heard and I'd say it's better than the old one which was too loud and upbeat for the setting, however it's very discrete for half of the fight so I'll have to give it a listen out-game. Also Lillith has a new fancy shield although when I didn't destroy it she ended up disappearing somehow O_o. Now back to ... T_T. At least it makes the ending portion more interesting to play with Sang than with John. Spawning allies is useful in the tunnel. The ending cinematic with Lillith was nice. It gives the episode more connection to the plot of Ep2. The version without Lillith is just the same apart from James's new VA and not seeing John on the back of the truck.
Conclusion : Although not much changed aesthetically, the level feels more straight forward to play and the absence of John, although regrettable, gave room for new developements, including stories around Lillith and Sang which are VERY welcome and a good compensation. And it also renders the level more challenging since Jonh's absence forces you to use your ammo more wisely (unless you called for a supply drop I guess).
_Ending : The report is more in depth than before and James gives out additional welcome elements. However the imagery of the cutscene tends to lay way way delayed compared to James's speech, I'm hoping this was a glitch caused by the EDuke32 advised by James before the patch. And the music for the credits, I personally prefere the old one but this one's still okay.
Conclusion : Well contrary to what I was expecting, playing the episode despite knowing it by heart was WELL worth the trouble. Surely levels didn't get much of a make-up, with the exception of Abyss Dimension, but the additions give breaths of fresh air, caught me a bit by surprise with the enemies, and the ending brought new plot development material that I would have severely regretted not to see beforehand. Along with all that it was also a good playground for testing out new or modified stuff and adapting to new mechanics. So in the end it was more worth it than anticipated and it brings the overall episode more up to speed with the Ep2 I remember ... We shall see how Ep2 is going to fare in comparisson.
This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 31 March 2019 - 03:28 AM
#215 Posted 31 March 2019 - 03:39 AM
I know you mean well but I really just wish we could move on rather than dwell on the past.
This post has been edited by Jblade: 31 March 2019 - 03:41 AM
#216 Posted 31 March 2019 - 06:20 AM
Jblade, on 31 March 2019 - 03:39 AM, said:
I know you mean well but I really just wish we could move on rather than dwell on the past.
Sorry I didn't want to be irritating, it was kinda meant to be kinda humoristic or something

I can still edit them out now if you want
This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 31 March 2019 - 06:21 AM
#217 Posted 31 March 2019 - 06:26 AM
#218 Posted 31 March 2019 - 06:36 AM
Jblade, on 31 March 2019 - 06:26 AM, said:
No worries I understand, and you got a full-proof point. I'm guessing I made my usual mistakes > 1_ Not thinking before talking (or writing in our case) and 2_ When doing something "humorous", pushing (or hammering) the thing too far ...
I'm going to edit my feedback of Ep2 to be less pushy about the matter. Though I'm sorry you'll hear from him again (unless you say the word) ^^
This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 31 March 2019 - 06:37 AM
#219 Posted 31 March 2019 - 06:39 AM
#220 Posted 31 March 2019 - 08:42 AM
I also remembered to bring a shovel this time; if I may ask, are there any... diggable parts in eps 2 and 3? I don't remember any off the top of my head, just the one in Millhaven and the one in Providence for Ep 1. I do recall seeing lots of "soil disturbance" areas with the scanner in the last Ep 3 missions but it wouldn't let me use the shovel I equipped in the loadout menu, and if there is a pickupable shovel then I surely missed it.
I'll let you know if any patch-related weirdness happens as I move onto Ep 2.
#221 Posted 31 March 2019 - 08:51 AM
John Brown, on 31 March 2019 - 08:42 AM, said:
I also remembered to bring a shovel this time; if I may ask, are there any... diggable parts in eps 2 and 3? I don't remember any off the top of my head, just the one in Millhaven and the one in Providence for Ep 1. I do recall seeing lots of "soil disturbance" areas with the scanner in the last Ep 3 missions but it wouldn't let me use the shovel I equipped in the loadout menu, and if there is a pickupable shovel then I surely missed it.
I'll let you know if any patch-related weirdness happens as I move onto Ep 2.
I remember in Ep2 there is a digging spot in the Island Facility, it's near a lonely Pink Tree. I have no idea for the rest though >_>
This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 31 March 2019 - 08:51 AM
#222 Posted 31 March 2019 - 12:07 PM
Also, supply drops. If one drops, but you reload an earlier save, the supply drop is gone for good and was a waste of 30 supplies (since I have all the factories though, it doesn't take very long to recoup the loss; this is more of an annoyance than anything). I have seen this happen before in Millhaven with current patch (forgot about it in my last post).
#223 Posted 31 March 2019 - 12:19 PM
#224 Posted 31 March 2019 - 12:36 PM
John Brown, on 31 March 2019 - 08:42 AM, said:
I also remembered to bring a shovel this time; if I may ask, are there any... diggable parts in eps 2 and 3? I don't remember any off the top of my head, just the one in Millhaven and the one in Providence for Ep 1. I do recall seeing lots of "soil disturbance" areas with the scanner in the last Ep 3 missions but it wouldn't let me use the shovel I equipped in the loadout menu, and if there is a pickupable shovel then I surely missed it.
I'll let you know if any patch-related weirdness happens as I move onto Ep 2.
Where's the diggable part in Millhaven?
#225 Posted 31 March 2019 - 12:41 PM
Radar, on 31 March 2019 - 12:36 PM, said:
Near the church.
#226 Posted 31 March 2019 - 01:10 PM
John Brown, on 30 March 2019 - 11:19 AM, said:
Where can I get myself a copy of that patch you're mentioning?
Jblade, on Mar 31 2019, 07:13 AM, said:
I totally agree with you. I guess it is due of being away from playing the mod for long, but the first time I heard the new Rusty's voice I just thought 'Oh, they got a cleaner version of his lines!' I didn't even know it was another voice actor. Flawless work I might say.
#227 Posted 31 March 2019 - 01:15 PM

#228 Posted 31 March 2019 - 02:13 PM
Also I finished off City Under Siege, and did Xuglop Train and Repent, no more issues (other than a couple crash on load but those have been happening the whole time, even with regular Duke Nukem 3D, so they don't bother me as much; hell Shadow Warrior Classic Redux crashes more than this mod). I forget if I mentioned it before, but I was going to say "I hate Repent base's music, bring the old one back" and then I finally paid more attention to the music this time and the bass dropped and... wow. I absolutely prefer Repent's new music. That's the way to approach new things, just give them a chance, right?
Finally, I don't know if this is really worth mentioning but James (the character) is super exhausted after finishing Providence in Ep 1. Right at the start of this current Ep 2 run, James was full red exhausted with a number well exceeding 29,000 (using the debug thing), but Sang's was... 0. I just find that odd, like he cheated and chugged some Witcher potions on the way back to base or something.
#229 Posted 31 March 2019 - 09:46 PM
This post has been edited by Jblade: 31 March 2019 - 09:46 PM
#230 Posted 31 March 2019 - 10:42 PM
So since I frogot to tackle New La for my feedback, I'm going to report some stuff, and I also have a question >_>
1_ After applying the first patch, in The Sanctuary, when you go to the village area I stumble across this >>

2_ In the Loadout Editor, Rusty's Nailgun shows Pulse Rifle spprite >>

3_ In Jungle Pyramid, at the end of the Red Corridor, for some reason, one of the bars closed itself and I could activate it again and again >>

4_ The setting bolt on James's new M4 changes place between aiming and idle >>

Question_ I have played Final Confrontation and found the 4 bikini girl figurines. However I don't see the 4th one (the blue one) at the base. Where is it ? I'm suspecting it suffers from the same glitch as Sang's Skeleton Lamp used to. 1 is for James, 2 is for Rusty, 3 is for Geoffrey, 4 ???.
#231 Posted 01 April 2019 - 05:37 AM
Jblade, on 31 March 2019 - 09:46 PM, said:
Ah, that explains it. And yes James (the character) was at around 30 health by the end, after the boss and the truck part, so that makes sense for why he'd be in the red, since I didn't take any extra time secret hunting as I knew where they all were.
Also I have finished all the Asian levels in Ep 2, including the optional ones and the boss, zero 3.2-related issues in any of them I am happy to say.
EDIT: just remembered, just to satisfy the curiosity of anybody who saw one of the previous posts, if you bring a shovel to Island Base and dig near the tree TheDragonLiner mentioned, you get the Holoduke replacement item for your character (eg. forcefield for James).
This post has been edited by John Brown: 01 April 2019 - 05:39 AM
#232 Posted 01 April 2019 - 06:42 AM
Fixed Russian soldiers not following player
Fixed Guardians not attack properly
Fixed Dark Gate ending
Fixed budget exploit with episode 1 intro
Fixed ep3 extended ending
Fixed revolution bridge (finally)
Fixed skippable scene in For Providence
Fixed MIA'd enemies not being targeted
Fixed being able to break bridge in Shadow Realm
Fixed Faithful weapon license issues
Fixed Mech enemy footsteps + spawning blood
Fixed more sequence breaking in The Island Facility
Fixed Exhausted text string number
Fixed Merlijn fatigued character select status
Fixed training AMC soldier yelling about reloading
Fixed wall kick exploit
Fixed research terminal moving up and down
Fixed taunting in cutscenes
Fixed PATCOS and Trenton AI
Fixed ship warp cancelling dialogue in micky begins
Fixed voice cooldown being set when no voice played
Fixed Rusty nailgun display
Fixed well in The Sanctuary
Added amctc.grpinfo (should hopefully fix Megaton problems - thanks Doom64Hunter!)
Added some cover to ghost ship final battle
Added new voiceovers for Zaxtor
Moved C4 on top of crate in Revolution
Improved ironsighting effects
Improved barret rifle graphics by turbogurra
Improved Sang suppressor upgrade graphics by turbogurra
Allies are better at keeping up with the player
MIA 40mm nades are much cheaper to research and equip
Different sounds for reduced damage/no damage
Replaced Door transitions with normal doors in Abyss
Changed Revolution - first section is more non-linear and Vladmir is not needed to proceed
Player and Friendly troops can snap velcro ropes now
Doubled art size of Snowfall's shotgun ammo
Added Tec-Pistol to Micky begins security room
Added Auto-shotgun to Rainforest
Rusty Nails voice over recast, played by Major Tom
Added new voiceovers for Zaxtor
Another beta patch, if nothing is massively broken than I'll upload this to moddb.
#233 Posted 01 April 2019 - 07:53 AM
Just posting an impression that I remembered today while working: surveillance cameras screen is more likely to crash the game if it's protected by a forcefield. At least that is what has happened to me until now. Could be different to other players.
Played Cyberduke, with all that unprotected screens, and hardly ever crashed.
I'm not sure if I'm being helpfull in any way, but it would be good to track and fix this crash in your next patch. I guess there is a ton of code to review, so thank you in advance for all your hard work in providing us a smooth EP3.

#234 Posted 01 April 2019 - 08:06 AM
Also Rhaisher now that you mention that, I think you are onto something. Before, I was thinking that the movable security cameras were less likely to crash, and the ones that are static are more likely, especially the ones that just show a screen full of text (eg. "EVACUATE" in Zeta Base). Snowfall's maps in particular seem to have cameras most likely to crash for me, but not exclusively.
#235 Posted 01 April 2019 - 08:10 AM
#236 Posted 01 April 2019 - 04:44 PM
Other than that, no other bugs to report in the "middle" act of Ep 2. Now onto the Mars missions.
EDIT: I forgot to mention earlier, I don't know if it's a bugged secret or not (or I missed the actual sixth secret), but I blew through the forcefield on the bottom floor at the start of Jungle Base Interior, where all the petrifier ammo lies, no secret. Credit where it's due, I didn't find this secret on my own, I saw it in Zaxtor's video on youtube. I had a heck of a time breaking through the force field too, since I brought the plasma launcher with its no splash damage. I did have
That's how much I love your mod, I
This post has been edited by John Brown: 01 April 2019 - 07:03 PM
#237 Posted 01 April 2019 - 10:44 PM
Introduction showed no difference. Taking the occasion to say that I removed all the "no difference" entries I had written. Also I got 2 main missions, Micky Begins and Snowfall's triptic to go before the feedback is finished. I'll have to find the new guns and re-control some stuff and it will all be complete. I think I'll step up the uploading once it's finished.
_AMC Base : Quick mention of the new music after City Under Siege. Compared to Episode 1's I prefere this one both over the previous installment and over the first episode's. Similarly to Ep1, people around the base change speech depending on what episode you're in and when you are in the timeline (Before/after City Under Siege, after the Hong Kong levels ...)
_AMC Vehicle Testing Site : Since it got included in Ep2 let's see if things changed there. Firstly I see that the Cycloid Fighter now has a clear indication of how fast you will go or what "gear" you have selected, which is nice. Now there is the new Horse, though I won't say anything on it since this is Ep3 material. There is that Barn or Ranch structure in the distance. Nothing much to it apart from the fact it makes the place less and less baren looking. The Tank, Hover Tank and MSC Power Suits have been brought up close to the start. I don't mind but then this leaves a BIG EMPTY useless square in the place ... Will talk about the Hover Tank and Horse later since it's Ep3 material.
_New LA - Moon : I wasn't expecting it but there's a complete new area to explore. I didn't spot anything special in the old area. I'll just say I was surprised to find the new area mostly because the entry-way to it was placed at a location that isn't necessarily obvious unless you really explore (kinda the point of the place though), I guess TabMap would have revealed the thing. So in overall it looks like the new area is just one big Fitness Center. I'm afraid I can't say much except that it's very well designed. I especially like the wooden area with the bar and the sauna, it's very cozy. And obviously we have to mention the special Spa mad-in-Raisher. Too bad only 2 of the switches actually work. Also we have to press the switches twice if we want to deactivate the TVs.
This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 01 April 2019 - 10:46 PM
#238 Posted 02 April 2019 - 06:15 AM
TheDragonLiner, on 01 April 2019 - 10:44 PM, said:
I believe I got that one (unless there is more than one underwater one). The ones I have:
Part of me hopes that there is indeed another secret and it contains a jetpack but you know the "wish in one hand" saying. I still have no idea how to get into that tunnel high up in the wall next to the pyramid.
Also I found another bug in Zeta Base, when you get to the biolab, door 7 can still take the player back to the lower base even if the door is closed. I mean it's not that big a problem to me since the switch to open it is like 20 seconds away, but I thought I'd mention it.
#239 Posted 02 April 2019 - 07:12 AM
John Brown, on 02 April 2019 - 06:15 AM, said:
Part of me hopes that there is indeed another secret and it contains a jetpack but you know the "wish in one hand" saying. I still have no idea how to get into that tunnel high up in the wall next to the pyramid.
Also I found another bug in Zeta Base, when you get to the biolab, door 7 can still take the player back to the lower base even if the door is closed. I mean it's not that big a problem to me since the switch to open it is like 20 seconds away, but I thought I'd mention it.
The tunnel you see IS a secret and no there's no Jetpack. My personal method is to keep the Turbo Boots in order to use them in this cave. I make 2 diagonal wall jumps, while hugging the wall backward and there you go !In order to have these I simply use the same technique without them at the broken bridge, it's easier.
It's the only way I found, so sorry if you don't manage to do the trick ^^
#240 Posted 02 April 2019 - 07:26 AM
Seriously, where is the fun in that part ?...