Alright, then follow-up question: Do NBlood and PCExhumed support the -j parameter for custom dirs?
I tried placing my Blood data into a "data" subdir and launched the game with nblood -jdata. However, I get an error that says
source/blood/src/blood.cpp(1283): Invalid argument: -jdata
Similar with PCExhumed, but there instead of an error, I get an empty selection for the groupfile in the launcher. The parameter works without problems in Rednukem.
OK, it seems that for some reason there needs to be a space between -j and the actual data dir, e.g. -j data, not -jdata. Kinda weird since it's w/o space in EDuke32 and VoidSW. Redneck accepts both variants for some reason.
Oh, and @Jimmy (since he had asked for it back in May 2020):
It is indeed possible to zip the Blood and CP assets and have NBlood use them as resources. Works with just four files in total and both games will even pop up in the launcher. Here's how:
1) Create a "data" subdir in your NBlood folder (can also be named differently, it's an example)
2) Place blood.ini and cryptic.ini in this "data" subdir
3) Zip the following files, name it something like "blood.grp" and place it in the "data" subdir:
- Movie files (cs*.smk, cs*822m.wav)
- ART files (tiles0**.art)
- RFF files (blood.rff, gui.rff, sounds.rff)
- DAT files (surface.dat, voxel.dat)
4) Zip the following files, name it something like "cryptic.grp" and place it in the "data" subdir:
- Movie files (cryptic.smk, cryptic.wav)
- Maps (cp*.map)
- ART files (cpart07.ar_, cpart15.ar_)
5) Launch NBlood like: nblood.exe -j data (space between -j and data folder is important)
Should your movie files not play:
It is possible to edit their folders in the ini files (I prefer to have them in a subdir, e.g. "movies", so it would be something like "movies\cs1.smk" for me).