d3drocks, on May 27 2009, 03:23 AM, said:
the ones I most highly suggest getting are these:
I have 1 soundbank released publically for this.
have a listen to the last demotune. done completely with sytrus.
actually, all of those songs use only sytrus.
I just like that last demotune because its badass.
I actually have alot of memories with sytrus.
I learned synthisis on it. it was my first synth I ever did presets with. probably a bad choice on my part, but man. am I ever happy I ran into it.
this is one that, if you plan on getting, I HIGHLY SUGGEST taking the discount on. its a pricey little tool, but man does it ever scream.
they also ahve this one: http://www.image-lin...s/morphine.html
while I dont own it, I am very farmilliar with it, and was very active with the beta version of it.
it specializes in instrument recreation. it has specal "sample chargers" which can convert samples into synthisis with a bit of tweaking. I have absolutely no idea how it works, but man, it pulls of some amaizing stuff. this is one that you should definately try the demo of first though. it can be a complicated little thing. they do have in depth tutorials for it (if you can get past the guy with an extremely heavy scottish accent.)
demosong 17 is a good example of it recreating instruments. that one is a classical guitar and a harp both following the same pattern.
ide also check out demosong 24. that one is also a good example. harps and cellos. I have used those presets, so I can tell you that its not a mockup.
their all quite good, but completely out of scene, I'm a complete metal head :-)
basically thats why I have amplitube realstrat and ezdrummer and not image-line stuff...
I'm currently building up my collection in order to accompany different live instruments so I won't depend on a band :-) I've been using VH2 because it's free and I stumbled on to it - try it, I heard it do things I though only B4 can do, and the waves are just a lucky bonus - I would never recommend anyone to buy them unless he owns a full fledged studio, their just not that cost effective (excluding my unique circumstances).
So investing in tools I won't use that much might be a big mistake...
I think I'm going for something that sounds similar to Dimmu Borgir \ early Opeth - a synth organ here, a strings quartet their, but plain hardcore heavy metal minus the vocals.
I might consider sytrus or morphine, basically because you make it sound flexible enough to fill some holes in my arsenal, but it's way down my list after stuff like NI guitarrig and a Fender strat :-)
p.s. I'm reworking the bass while I'm trying to resolve the organ issue, I allready got everything I need but it's gona take some time to squeeze out a decent bass from realstrat and amplitube...