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Duke3d original level Lighting  "let there be the light!"

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


Thanks for your opinions ozz, constructive criticism is always beneficial. I'll go ahead and assume that you're talking about episode 3 and maybe the first and last levels of episode 2.

Are you thinking of any specific locations where the lights are really a problem? If so, pics would be useful :P
Although I think I know what you mean by fluro; when I first started adding lights to episode 3, the RGB values were always at the upper end of the scales, and looking back some of those lights were unnaturally bright with specular highlights that normally wouldn't be present, even if the actual radius of the light was good. Correct me if I'm wrong though. That hasn't been an issue for me in the later maps I did though, as I started using dimmer lights more and more. I might go back and see if I can fix that if I find time.

As for the colours and blue underwater lights; like the HRP the light pack is a compromise between what the original looks like, and what looks best and/or is most practical. I figured most people who'd play with the pack would have the ambient light turned way down, so it was either blue lights, or pitch black. Likewise I could have a look through and either remove/dim lights which aren't directly under the water texture to re-implement the use of darkness, but we'll see. With the colours the only level I felt overly ambitious with was Hotel Hell. That is the second to last level in the episode and definitely among the last I that I lit. I felt after using mostly White lights in all the levels (and I assumed the player would feel the same way after playing through the episode) that HH had recycled textures from like every other level and that it quite frankly looked too ordinary and same-ish, so I took some liberty and added some colour where it made sense; the bedrooms and the bar, but the rest is lit normally. I don't think the other levels are really that bad.

Thanks for saying (some of the) work is fantastic, my favourite is e2l1 which made he most extensive use of level geometry to obtain realistic lighting with spotlights, and which was also my latest map. Don't forget to post pics of trouble spots, but I hope there are not too many (although there's more motivation to fix them if there are).

User is offline   Night Wolf 


It's only cirtain areas most of the lights look great, for example the green in this secret area in Rabid Transit.
Posted Image
The colour seems unnatural for that area, it might however look good with a more desaturated green, which would match the original 8bit colours of the alien green textures in that area.
perhaps a green more like this...
Posted Image

Another area that could use a bit of a tweak is the vault in Bank Roll... the different colored lights for each platform seem a little too much, ridding of the coloured lights and adding white ones insted might do the trick.

I see where you were going with Hotel Hell... it's not bad but something feels odd about it not sure what to say with it though its a tricky one.
I guess some levels would look better with more desaturated colours ... excluding the red as that looks good as a deep colour.
if you play the game in software mode without the HRP you can see that the game itself is quite desaturated, in my opinion the game should keep that feel with the lights, except maybe the strip clubs.
I'll let you know if I find more areas, I haven't had a chance to really play though the maps lately.
Keep up the good work!

This post has been edited by ozz: 09 January 2011 - 12:34 AM


User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


Thanks for reading the entire post

You're right, different colours in that area is a bit too flamboyant, but plain White lights are still too ordinary. What I'll probably do is make them all the same colour, like a red or a dim blue, and I'll change the colour of the light in the room before the vault-it's too yellow, but I'll have a hard time picking a perfect White.

I'll also change that green area in rabit transit as you've suggested to make to less saturated. The thing is that I'm making the lights with the HRP in mind, especially since they look great with the normal and specular maps, and the HRP textures are generally more saturated.

I won't be able to do anything for the next week though, and I'd prefer to finish episode 2 first, but after that I'll focus on making the lights as best as can be, I wantto make episodes 1 and 4 stick out like a sore thumb :P

User is offline   Tetsuo 


Something that one should keep in mine also is at least part of the look of the game originally was down to the limitations of the time. This includes the lighting. When something is remastered in HD whether it's a video or game the colors tend to pop more. You can see this sort of thing when you watch older taped copies of the original Star Trek and then compare them to the HD remasters (remastered from the original negatives) on blu-ray. That being said anything can be overdone and one could exercise some restraint when relighting a level for realism.

This post has been edited by Tetsuo: 11 January 2011 - 07:15 PM


User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


I'm not sure what you're trying to say there Tetsuo, it's hard to tell whether you're for or against taking artistic license with lighting.

Anyway there's an update, e2l2 Incubator, which I've added lights to and sent over to NightFright. It's up to him to add it to the polymer light pack and then it'll be available for all to play.

I found this one extremely tricky and difficult to work with. As such I don't think I could do much for it, but I did the best that I could and I hope everyone likes it.
I'm starting school the final year of school tomorrow so I'll be very pressed for time and these maphacks will continue to come albeit slowly.

light  310   29153 44461 -104704  900  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  399   29184 46848 -95616  900  255 11 1   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  312   29298 44096 -106368  1700  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  416   26240 36736 -106240  700  0 0 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  461   34944 35456 -35072  2200  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  97   32154 28372 -21248  3200  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  338   29178 40944 -106496  1700  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  467   31954 38639 -98048  1000  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  409   33423 40743 -109696  1500  255 175 175   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  410   33395 40027 -109312  1500  255 175 175   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  411   33397 39231 -109312  1500  255 175 175   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  337   29103 40732 -105216  1300  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  92   23286 34015 -30464  1700  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  457   27008 41088 -23705  2100  185 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  454   19912 35853 -25472  1700  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  436   35336 41762 -46848  1700  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  99   35070 34005 -32000  1500  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  280   36096 28928 -42112  4100  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  369   33225 32534 -34560  1800  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  286   32000 21760 -29440  2400  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  285   29440 23296 -29440  2400  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  283   26368 21504 -29440  2400  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  484   29175 30822 -5376  3000  0 0 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  313   28947 21236 -29440  2400  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  320   29440 11520 -62208  2400  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  317   31232 9984 -62208  2400  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  318   29184 9472 -62208  2400  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  319   27136 9984 -62208  2400  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  503   23376 6795 -73728  2400  255 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  64   32724 4096 -58112  1800  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  71   29184 -1024 -79616  2600  255 255 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  65   32526 4092 -59904  1300  255 255 191   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  78   25825 4099 -58112  1300  255 255 191   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  180   26624 5567 -54272  700  185 185 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  81   27709 4619 -56064  1300  105 105 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  83   28385 4142 -56064  1300  105 105 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  88   30870 4851 -57344  1300  105 105 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  85   30186 4266 -57344  1300  105 105 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  277   33274 8986 -56320  800  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  504   35051 6922 -74496  2000  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  2   6912 -22400 -115456  800  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  304   6316 -20848 -125184  400  105 1 1   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  304   6976 -20288 -115456  1500  50 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  19   6017 -21054 -121856  1100  105 105 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  505   9479 -23290 -117504  300  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  253   49494 28514 -110976  700  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  224   8704 29696 -119552  800  175 135 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  449   48005 35846 -115840  800  175 135 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  186   49674 43301 -116608  800  175 135 1   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  209   49702 44052 -116480  1500  175 135 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  201   8717 43540 -116480  1500  175 135 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  190   8699 43045 -116736  800  175 135 1   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  229   6929 37563 -110080  1100  175 135 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  153   10370 35832 -114944  800  175 135 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  323   8714 30062 -123793  800  175 135 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  322   8822 28417 -111360  700  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  233   -4133 34944 93440  1500  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  419   29184 5888 -60160  1500  255 175 175   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  398   29184 47744 0  2000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  398   29184 47744 -34816  2000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  398   29184 47744 -71680  2000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  398   29184 47744 31744  2000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  398   29184 47744 176128  2000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  398   29184 47744 141312  2000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  398   29184 47744 104448  2000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  398   29184 47744 208896  2000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  352   9856 23680 -112384  7500  255 235 225   232 174 612 30   0 0   0 -1
light  398   29184 47744 68864  2000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  148   8704 40832 -111616  3000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  479   29180 30726 -19456  700  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  489   30336 35072 -7168  3000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  489   28800 36224 -72704  3000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  115   49664 39168 -111616  5000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  215   49280 49920 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  205   8320 48512 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  206   9088 49920 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  205   8320 49920 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  213   50048 45312 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  213   50048 46464 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  213   50048 47616 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  213   50048 48768 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  213   50048 49920 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  214   49280 45312 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  214   49280 46464 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  214   49280 47616 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  207   9088 44928 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  207   9088 46080 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  207   9088 47232 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  205   8320 44928 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  205   8320 46080 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  205   8320 47232 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  218   13696 45568 -112640  800  80 80 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  117   49664 33920 -111616  5000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  502   8320 36864 -111616  3000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  150   8704 32512 -111616  3000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  444   26112 41856 -142336  5000  80 70 65   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  444   31232 42752 -125952  5000  80 70 65   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  418   25728 35968 -99584  1700  255 235 225   302 226 512 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  416   25728 36992 -106240  700  0 0 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  416   25216 36736 -106240  700  0 0 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  235   -5118 36612 97536  1500  255 235 225   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  234   -4223 35908 97536  1000  255 235 225   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  239   -6660 33277 97792  1500  255 235 225   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  238   -7685 34301 97280  1500  255 235 225   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  237   -7684 35715 97280  1500  255 235 225   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  236   -6657 36613 97536  1500  255 235 225   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  241   -5115 33276 97536  1500  255 235 225   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  240   -4227 33964 97536  1000  255 235 225   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  468   29184 35072 -2816  1500  255 255 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   2 -1
light  490   -5888 35072 95232  1500  255 255 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  489   29184 33408 -5120  3000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   2 -1
light  456   22355 28435 -26624  2000  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  438   24236 42943 -102784  2000  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  163   26880 4224 -87040  1500  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  379   30639 2709 -63754  1200  225 255 235   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  380   27717 2694 -63754  1200  225 255 235   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  94   26392 28258 -21248  3200  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  161   31552 4224 -87040  1500  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  79   25645 4104 -58112  1800  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  353   29184 57088 -136192  16000  255 235 225   256 192 1536 30   0 0   0 -1
light  457   26183 39144 -23705  2100  185 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  58   6912 -29824 -122880  500  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  129   32384 384 -51968  500  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  9   3200 -24448 -129792  2600  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  62   128 -28160 -121856  1000  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  129   31744 368 -51968  1500  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  5   2432 -28672 -124196  400  255 255 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  8   3968 -28672 -124144  400  60 80 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  7   4608 -28480 -124072  400  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  40   6272 -21184 -118528  700  60 80 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  6   3200 -28672 -124144  400  60 80 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  33   4352 -22912 -113935  400  60 80 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  42   3200 -20656 -122993  1400  150 150 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  31   2624 -22656 -114797  400  60 80 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  35   3776 -22640 -114537  400  255 255 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  44   1408 -27840 -124928  500  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  44   4992 -27968 -124928  500  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  55   768 -29824 -122880  500  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  58   5632 -29824 -122880  500  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  4   1792 -28416 -124144  400  60 80 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  41   5696 -20672 -118528  700  60 80 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  309   5951 -19984 -125056  900  105 75 55   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  16   11056 -23040 -120832  7000  200 180 170   332 249 896 35   0 0   0 -1
light  30   2048 -22912 -113777  400  60 80 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  42   1808 -20816 -122993  1400  150 150 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  42   4464 -20848 -122993  1400  150 150 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  43   6624 -24864 -124140  1200  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  55   144 -29760 -120832  800  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  49   -352 -25552 -124140  1200  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  42   -144 -22928 -120832  1200  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  58   6336 -29792 -120832  800  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  61   6272 -28160 -120832  1000  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  124   26624 368 -51968  1500  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  55   -512 -29824 -121856  500  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  124   25984 384 -51968  500  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  124   27264 384 -51968  500  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  129   31104 384 -51968  500  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  169   29171 -13529 -107264  16000  255 235 225   256 192 512 30   0 0   0 -1
light  326   49617 29986 -122624  800  175 135 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  352   51072 23680 -112384  7500  255 235 225   232 174 612 30   0 0   0 -1
light  254   49664 29696 -119552  800  175 135 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  168   19584 16128 -64513  10000  100 90 85   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  220   35186 42961 -101632  2200  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  120   39424 35840 -19456  1000  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  123   18688 35840 -19456  1000  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1

This post has been edited by Micky C: 04 February 2011 - 10:04 PM


User is offline   Mateos 


With your new specs, how much FPS do you have The Commander?

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


You might have better luck reaching him with a PM

I've finished e2l3, and I felt I could do a lot more with this than the previous level due its abundance of dark spaces. I hope people like it.

Have a random screenshot: Posted Image

light  310   29153 44461 -104704  900  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  399   29184 46848 -95616  900  255 11 1   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  312   29298 44096 -106368  1700  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  416   26240 36736 -106240  700  0 0 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  461   34944 35456 -35072  2200  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  97   32154 28372 -21248  3200  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  338   29178 40944 -106496  1700  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  467   31954 38639 -98048  1000  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  409   33423 40743 -109696  1500  255 175 175   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  410   33395 40027 -109312  1500  255 175 175   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  411   33397 39231 -109312  1500  255 175 175   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  337   29103 40732 -105216  1300  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  92   23286 34015 -30464  1700  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  457   27008 41088 -23705  2100  185 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  454   19912 35853 -25472  1700  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  436   35336 41762 -46848  1700  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  99   35070 34005 -32000  1500  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  280   36096 28928 -42112  4100  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  441   30976 32512 -27392  1000  255 235 225   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  286   32000 21760 -29440  2400  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  285   29440 23296 -29440  2400  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  283   26368 21504 -29440  2400  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  484   29175 30822 -5376  3000  0 0 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  313   28947 21236 -29440  2400  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  320   29440 11520 -62208  2400  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  317   31232 9984 -62208  2400  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  318   29184 9472 -62208  2400  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  319   27136 9984 -62208  2400  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  503   23376 6795 -73728  2400  255 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  64   32724 4096 -58112  1800  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  71   29184 -1024 -79616  2600  255 255 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  65   32526 4092 -59904  1300  255 255 191   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  78   25825 4099 -58112  1300  255 255 191   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  180   26624 5567 -54272  700  185 185 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  81   27709 4619 -56064  1300  105 105 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  83   28385 4142 -56064  1300  105 105 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  88   30870 4851 -57344  1300  105 105 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  85   30186 4266 -57344  1300  105 105 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  277   33274 8986 -56320  800  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  504   35051 6922 -74496  2000  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  2   6912 -22400 -115456  800  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  304   6316 -20848 -125184  400  105 1 1   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  304   6976 -20288 -115456  1500  50 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  19   6017 -21054 -121856  1100  105 105 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  505   9479 -23290 -117504  300  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  253   49494 28514 -110976  700  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  224   8704 29696 -119552  800  175 135 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  449   48005 35846 -115840  800  175 135 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  186   49674 43301 -116608  800  175 135 1   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  209   49702 44052 -116480  1500  175 135 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  201   8717 43540 -116480  1500  175 135 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  190   8699 43045 -116736  800  175 135 1   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  229   6929 37563 -110080  1100  175 135 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  153   10370 35832 -114944  800  175 135 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  323   8714 30062 -123793  800  175 135 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  322   8822 28417 -111360  700  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  233   -4133 34944 93440  1500  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  419   29184 5888 -60160  1500  255 175 175   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  398   29184 47744 0  2000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  398   29184 47744 -34816  2000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  398   29184 47744 -71680  2000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  398   29184 47744 31744  2000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  398   29184 47744 176128  2000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  398   29184 47744 141312  2000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  398   29184 47744 104448  2000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  398   29184 47744 208896  2000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  352   9856 23680 -112384  7500  255 235 225   232 174 612 30   0 0   0 -1
light  398   29184 47744 68864  2000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  148   8704 40832 -111616  3000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  479   29180 30726 -19456  700  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  489   30336 35072 -7168  3000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  489   28800 36224 -72704  3000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  115   49664 39168 -111616  5000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  215   49280 49920 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  205   8320 48512 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  206   9088 49920 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  205   8320 49920 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  213   50048 45312 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  213   50048 46464 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  213   50048 47616 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  213   50048 48768 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  213   50048 49920 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  214   49280 45312 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  214   49280 46464 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  214   49280 47616 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  207   9088 44928 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  207   9088 46080 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  207   9088 47232 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  205   8320 44928 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  205   8320 46080 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  205   8320 47232 -109824  500  225 235 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  218   13696 45568 -112640  800  80 80 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  117   49664 33920 -111616  5000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  502   8320 36864 -111616  3000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  150   8704 32512 -111616  3000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  444   26112 41856 -142336  5000  80 70 65   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  444   31232 42752 -125952  5000  80 70 65   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  418   25728 35968 -99584  1700  255 235 225   302 226 512 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  416   25728 36992 -106240  700  0 0 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  416   25216 36736 -106240  700  0 0 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  235   -5118 36612 97536  1500  255 235 225   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  234   -4223 35908 97536  1000  255 235 225   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  239   -6660 33277 97792  1500  255 235 225   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  238   -7685 34301 97280  1500  255 235 225   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  237   -7684 35715 97280  1500  255 235 225   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  236   -6657 36613 97536  1500  255 235 225   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  241   -5115 33276 97536  1500  255 235 225   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  240   -4227 33964 97536  1000  255 235 225   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  468   29184 35072 -2816  1500  255 255 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   2 -1
light  490   -5888 35072 95232  1500  255 255 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  489   29184 33408 -5120  3000  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   2 -1
light  456   22355 28435 -26624  2000  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  296   23040 43008 -42368  2000  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  163   26880 4224 -87040  1500  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  379   30639 2709 -63754  1200  225 255 235   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  380   27717 2694 -63754  1200  225 255 235   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  94   26392 28258 -21248  3200  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  161   31552 4224 -87040  1500  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  79   25645 4104 -58112  1800  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  353   29184 57088 -136192  16000  255 235 225   256 192 1536 30   0 0   0 -1
light  457   26183 39144 -23705  2100  185 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  58   6912 -29824 -122880  500  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  129   32384 384 -51968  500  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  9   3200 -24448 -129792  2600  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  62   128 -28160 -121856  1000  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  129   31744 368 -51968  1500  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  5   2432 -28672 -124196  400  255 255 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  8   3968 -28672 -124144  400  60 80 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  7   4608 -28480 -124072  400  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  40   6272 -21184 -118528  700  60 80 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  6   3200 -28672 -124144  400  60 80 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  33   4352 -22912 -113935  400  60 80 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  42   3200 -20656 -122993  1400  150 150 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  31   2624 -22656 -114797  400  60 80 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  35   3776 -22640 -114537  400  255 255 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  44   1408 -27840 -124928  500  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  44   4992 -27968 -124928  500  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  55   768 -29824 -122880  500  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  58   5632 -29824 -122880  500  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  4   1792 -28416 -124144  400  60 80 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  41   5696 -20672 -118528  700  60 80 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  309   5951 -19984 -125056  900  105 75 55   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  16   11056 -23040 -120832  7000  200 180 170   332 249 896 35   0 0   0 -1
light  30   2048 -22912 -113777  400  60 80 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  42   1808 -20816 -122993  1400  150 150 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  42   4464 -20848 -122993  1400  150 150 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  43   6624 -24864 -124140  1200  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  55   144 -29760 -120832  800  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  49   -352 -25552 -124140  1200  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  42   -144 -22928 -120832  1200  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  58   6336 -29792 -120832  800  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  61   6272 -28160 -120832  1000  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  124   26624 368 -51968  1500  105 105 105   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  55   -512 -29824 -121856  500  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  124   25984 384 -51968  500  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  124   27264 384 -51968  500  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  129   31104 384 -51968  500  255 0 0   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  169   29171 -13529 -107264  16000  255 235 225   256 192 512 30   0 0   0 -1
light  326   49617 29986 -122624  800  175 135 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  352   51072 23680 -112384  7500  255 235 225   232 174 612 30   0 0   0 -1
light  254   49664 29696 -119552  800  175 135 135   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  168   19584 16128 -64513  10000  100 90 85   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  220   35328 43008 -101632  2200  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  445   38592 35840 -19456  1000  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  123   18688 35840 -19456  1000  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  369   33225 32534 -34560  1800  255 255 255   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  120   39424 35840 -19456  1000  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  440   46848 35840 -108544  1000  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  151   11648 35840 -107520  1000  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  296   23040 43008 -102784  2000  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1
light  220   35328 43008 -39168  2200  115 115 115   0 0 1536 -1   0 0   0 -1

There are a lot of lights in there but I was able to complete this relatively quickly since Roma Loom laid the foundation by adding the basic lights.

This post has been edited by Micky C: 04 February 2011 - 10:02 PM


User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


View PostMateos, on Feb 4 2011, 10:36 PM, said:

With your new specs, how much FPS do you have The Commander?

I am not sure if you really are meant to be meaning me as I have had my updated specs for sometime now.
But anyhow, I get anything from 20-60 fps.

I don't really like the HRP so I turn most of the effects off in console and leave lighting turned on which gives a good boost.

User is offline   Mateos 


View PostThe Commander, on Feb 5 2011, 08:38 AM, said:

I am not sure if you really are meant to be meaning me as I have had my updated specs for sometime now.
But anyhow, I get anything from 20-60 fps.

I don't really like the HRP so I turn most of the effects off in console and leave lighting turned on which gives a good boost.

It's because on the first page, I saw a screenshot from you of the HRP with polymer, I've the same specs as you, and I've low FPS... If I down to 800x600 windowed, middle-quality textures, no anisotropic filtering, I've 60, but if I open a door, freeze, get shooted, unfreeze... That's why It wanted to know if you experienced the same "issue".

This post has been edited by Mateos: 04 February 2011 - 11:47 PM


User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


Those shots were taken with my old system, I have a newer system now.
http://www.xfire.com...le/CommanderNZ/ - Look at the bottom of the page.

If you turn off bump and spec mapping in the console it can help the FPS incredibly, but of course the textures will all look flat etc then.

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