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DNF 90% Complete Goalposts Shift to 2002 Build  "3DR wants to release it, but it's up to Gearbox"


View PostKareBear, on 03 January 2020 - 09:25 AM, said:

How big of a role "Grey" aliens were to play in 2001 era DNF,were they intended to be enemies or just passive npcs?

Oh hey... if you remember KaiserSoze at all... he is the last known owner of the foam Grey Alien prop that was used as reference for the in game models. It was exactly this guy. I don't know why I wound up with him and was in a position to send it to Kaiser but that's how it turned out. You can imagine, shipping him was a bit awkward heh.

View PostLazy Dog, on 04 January 2020 - 09:01 AM, said:

Posted Image

Sweet merciful release... do it.

View PostCommando Nukem, on 04 January 2020 - 11:38 AM, said:

So was the porn chosen by you guys or was that strictly a higher management call?

In the video posted earlier with Randy and Richard, you can hear Randy talk about how there wasn't any meaningful source control for the project for a very long time. So what that meant was there was a network directory that you just copied local files up to. It also meant that every single person on the team had pretty much a custom version of the project. Often people would just delete their local copy and re-run the batch file to pull down the network version... however twice... I accidentally deleted the network version not my local version. So we then had to go around and find out who had run the batch file most recently and put their copy back up on the network.

That's a long way of saying... total chaos and all sorts of things wound up in folders over the years.

View Postdukefan4evah02, on 04 January 2020 - 01:22 PM, said:

Google "Natalie Porkman"(yes, with a 'k'). :lol:

View PostCommando Nukem, on 04 January 2020 - 04:27 PM, said:

I thought he was more into Britney Spears.

If me now could give advice to me back then... it would be "ignore the Hollywood Jailbait... they deliberately are ruining western civilization".

One night on my work machine I set an image downloader program running on the ancient version of natalieportman.com and utterly devastated their bandwidth It was so bad I exchanged a few emails with the guy who (as far as I know) has always, and still runs the site, apologizing.

View PostHulkNukem, on 04 January 2020 - 03:21 PM, said:

I always associate Wieder with chairs

George really did toss a chair to demonstrate physics. It lead to dnDecoration, me learning UnrealScript and eventually native code for our version of the engine, much to the dismay of the actual engineers. But we got mousetraps. And vibrators. And poo. And rats... in microwaves.


View PostHorseDongSub69, on 03 January 2020 - 10:59 PM, said:

>Randy lowkey suggesting it should just get leaked

LOL. Nice.

Full disclosure. I have nothing I could leak. Literally... zero files anywhere, and I have long since nuked all possible ways to maybe re-get them.

Randy's reply at the end of that chat with Richard really hit home. The people that lovingly archived the project are really great men and the last thing they deserve is to have their user directories and therefore themselves... associated with all the shenanigans that went on in the build.

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These are highly entertaining and welcome, Charlie. Thanks for sharing.

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Ah Kaiser... I miss the old gang. Kaiser was a cool cat. I think the last time I talked with him I was asking him about his Duke Nukem movie script that he had posted wayyy back in 2002 on the old forums. I asked him a few years ago if he still had it and he went looking but couldn't find it. Lot's of old faces from back then i'd love to see come back. For something.

That more than anything is why i'd love to see DNF 01 released. Just to see the old gang come back and talk about it for a few hundred pages. Dust off old logins and profiles that haven't seen activity in years. People always think of nostalgia and the rose tinted happy feeling but honestly nostalgia always leaves me a little sad. Those were some good years on the forums. We had good times. The Prey demo thread? Fnord? Always getting on Joe's nerves. shitting our collective pants when George would actually drop in and post.

So, Charlie, on DNF, these ideas like the rats and playing with things, was that the same as when Duke3D was being developed and everyone was contributing those ideas or was it just a couple people really working on it. Like you mentioned up thread.You were helping to program aspects of scripting for the other designers. Did that give you an up on getting to make those choices or was that decided elsewhere?

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View PostOccludeOlga, on 03 January 2020 - 06:03 PM, said:

There were a handful of view modes, yeah. Thermal dated from the roach era where you could see them inside of people. It's probably still implemented, though unused, but every single interactive item had a "heat" value as well which allowed items to become visible in Heat Vision for various puzzles. Never really fleshed out but had some promise. You could turn things on and watch them heat up, then turn off and watch them cool down, etc.

I was thinking about this today, and it occurred to me that the Freezer is fucking useless in the released game, because it's more of a tool like the Gravity Gun in HL2. Except there's nothing to do with it. Am I correct in assuming that the Freezer was intended to be more useful to the player?

View PostOccludeOlga, on 04 January 2020 - 03:41 AM, said:

I regret ever wearing the Duke 3D shirt I got that day.

I will get one of these shirts one day if it kills me! Also I hope that Kaiser never lets that Grey out of his hands. I'd kill for it.

I recently scooped up 2 white 3D Realms hats from Dirk Jones (who is a class act and sells really cool shit on ebay all the time), he had them custom made in 1996 when he joined the company. (Funnily enough they are the exact same style of hat as Trump's MAGA hats.) I love them. (Terrible pic) I've also got one of the black Duke Nukem 3D shirts with the nuke logo on the back and Duke Nukem small on the chest where a pocket would go. I believe it's a generic employee or giveaway shirt or something, not sure if it was ever a retail product and it's definitely not a bootleg because its a vintage t-shirt. I've seen a few pop up here and there. Sorry I love memorabilia just ignore me lmao

View PostCommando Nukem, on 04 January 2020 - 05:13 PM, said:

Oh God. Now i'm thinking about that one avatar that dude used to have on 3D Realms forums that was a rotund woman photoshopped with the pig cop action figures head on er...

I don't know if I was the only one, but I definitely had Gothic Pigcop Stripper avatars. I remember using this one for a long time. I think the fat titties one might have been Yatta's.

While digging up my old avatar I found this salient nugget;
Posted Image

This post has been edited by HorseDongSub69: 04 January 2020 - 06:01 PM


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View PostCommando Nukem, on 04 January 2020 - 05:54 PM, said:

People always think of nostalgia and the rose tinted happy feeling but honestly nostalgia always leaves me a little sad.

Especially with how things turned out. I can still remember the feeling I had when I saw Duke's mug grinning at me on a magazine rack 15 feet away. I ran to it.

Posted Image


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Ah PC Gamer. I used to have several years of issues from them covering DNF and Quake 2 for the ones I remember. Ended up tossing them all in the garbage during a move. I regret getting rid of some of those issues.

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View Postryche, on 04 January 2020 - 09:32 PM, said:

Ah PC Gamer. I used to have several years of issues from them covering DNF and Quake 2 for the ones I remember. Ended up tossing them all in the garbage during a move. I regret getting rid of some of those issues.

That always baffled me, throwing old stuff like game magazines away. I could never part with my "collection" even though it's only gathering dust now, it's just nice looking at them sometimes.

This post has been edited by Zaxx: 04 January 2020 - 10:53 PM



View PostCommando Nukem, on 04 January 2020 - 05:54 PM, said:

So, Charlie, on DNF, these ideas like the rats and playing with things, was that the same as when Duke3D was being developed and everyone was contributing those ideas or was it just a couple people really working on it. Like you mentioned up thread.You were helping to program aspects of scripting for the other designers. Did that give you an up on getting to make those choices or was that decided elsewhere?

Everyone contributed interactive features. Allen was probably the most consistently creative, making test maps, and also did a ton of toying with vehicles. His vehicle test maps would be worth releasing just on their own. That said, I was the main driver behind the generic world item interactivity scripting just because I loved doing it. So all the mundane stuff like putting DVDs in and seeing the video, etc. Basically anytime some new art was made I thought about how I could make it interactive and just did it.

The original "chair physics" was a total hack because we didn't have an actual physics engine implemented. For a while (I think I've posted this before)... everything landed upright. I bothered Brandon Reinhardt to teach me enough about UnrealScript so that I could set things up where every dnDecoration could specify the rotations that were "good" to land on visually. That way a chair wouldn't land upside down, but could land on its side and back. It was cheesy... and after hand setting values for hundreds of decorations to get them looking good it wasn't long before we implemented a real physics engine making the feature utterly irrelevant. However it was the opening that led to me doing much the same thing I did at Ritual on Sin... of pushing the interactivity as far as possible.

View PostHorseDongSub69, on 04 January 2020 - 05:56 PM, said:

Except there's nothing to do with it. Am I correct in assuming that the Freezer was intended to be more useful to the player?

No, it was never anything special. The Flamethrower however, was more of a broad use tool. It had normal flamethrower mode, but also could toss out the Flamewall from Rise of the Triad. And most enjoyable especially for setting traps in Dukematch... place a cloud of gas that did damage over time to anyone walking into it but more importantly... if any spark went off inside of it would do explosive damage to anyone inside while it ignited. Sparks could be anything from a bullet hitting a metal surface, to firing your gun inside, to turning on something electrical that was inside the cloud.

It was hilarious to fart out a gas cloud and have the person chasing you try to shoot only to catch themselves on fire.

View PostHorseDongSub69, on 04 January 2020 - 05:56 PM, said:

I don't know if I was the only one, but I definitely had Gothic Pigcop Stripper avatars. I remember using this one for a long time.

BTW that picture is still how I see you in my mind when I think about you. No matter what new ones you use.

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View PostOccludeOlga, on 04 January 2020 - 11:00 PM, said:

No, it was never anything special. The Flamethrower however, was more of a broad use tool. It had normal flamethrower mode, but also could toss out the Flamewall from Rise of the Triad. And most enjoyable especially for setting traps in Dukematch... place a cloud of gas that did damage over time to anyone walking into it but more importantly... if any spark went off inside of it would do explosive damage to anyone inside while it ignited. Sparks could be anything from a bullet hitting a metal surface, to firing your gun inside, to turning on something electrical that was inside the cloud.

It was hilarious to fart out a gas cloud and have the person chasing you try to shoot only to catch themselves on fire.

DNF 2001 Fee 2 Play multiplayer game when?

View PostOccludeOlga, on 04 January 2020 - 11:00 PM, said:

BTW that picture is still how I see you in my mind when I think about you. No matter what new ones you use.

I totally feel you on that. I love that avatar. It really does fit my personality.

Any thoughts on the conspiracy theory shit I mentioned before? Ever since I deep dived on UFOs, aliums, Bob Lazar, Area 51, etc, it's really struck me that someone at 3DR was really into that shit.

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View PostHorseDongSub69, on 05 January 2020 - 12:44 AM, said:

DNF 2001 Fee 2 Play multiplayer game when?

I totally feel you on that. I love that avatar. It really does fit my personality.

Any thoughts on the conspiracy theory shit I mentioned before? Ever since I deep dived on UFOs, aliums, Bob Lazar, Area 51, etc, it's really struck me that someone at 3DR was really into that shit.

If I had to place money it would be Allen Blum.

I base that on absolutely nothing, though. Just my gut.


View PostHorseDongSub69, on 05 January 2020 - 12:44 AM, said:

DNF 2001 Fee 2 Play multiplayer game when?

You just need to hack Fred's 4chan account. :) :lol:

View PostHorseDongSub69, on 05 January 2020 - 12:44 AM, said:

Any thoughts on the conspiracy theory shit I mentioned before? Ever since I deep dived on UFOs, aliums, Bob Lazar, Area 51, etc, it's really struck me that someone at 3DR was really into that shit.

View PostCommando Nukem, on 05 January 2020 - 12:52 AM, said:

If I had to place money it would be Allen Blum.

I hadn't really though about it until now. All of the OG level designers were always very woke to the fact that Epstein didn't kill himself.

Funny story, John Anderson was an architect and had designed a staircase without knowing what it was for. He later described how he saw his staircase by surprise in a photo for some military installation. He also did the bulk of the Area 51 work through the years and implemented the Alien Abduction minigame which went head to head with the Slick Willy Dance Dance Revolution minigame for most insane level designer trigger scripting. Keith, Cole, Allen, Anderson... all of the 2001 LDs lived in reality so those topics naturally wound up in the game. It just hadn't occurred to me until you mention it how unusual that crew was.

To be fair, this was also the era of Deus Ex. The industry was naturally populated back then by people who were "curious" and "open minded".

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This thread should be archived. It's a wealth of information.

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View PostOccludeOlga, on 04 January 2020 - 11:00 PM, said:

Everyone contributed interactive features. Allen was probably the most consistently creative, making test maps, and also did a ton of toying with vehicles. His vehicle test maps would be worth releasing just on their own.

Did Duke's hummer ever get some love during that time? We only ever saw a sneak of it in the early days on the Quake 1 stuff.

View PostOccludeOlga, on 04 January 2020 - 11:00 PM, said:

That said, I was the main driver behind the generic world item interactivity scripting just because I loved doing it. So all the mundane stuff like putting DVDs in and seeing the video, etc. Basically anytime some new art was made I thought about how I could make it interactive and just did it.

The original "chair physics" was a total hack because we didn't have an actual physics engine implemented. For a while (I think I've posted this before)... everything landed upright. I bothered Brandon Reinhardt to teach me enough about UnrealScript so that I could set things up where every dnDecoration could specify the rotations that were "good" to land on visually. That way a chair wouldn't land upside down, but could land on its side and back. It was cheesy... and after hand setting values for hundreds of decorations to get them looking good it wasn't long before we implemented a real physics engine making the feature utterly irrelevant. However it was the opening that led to me doing much the same thing I did at Ritual on Sin... of pushing the interactivity as far as possible.

That's the kinda shit I miss from those days. Seeing the creative and interesting ways developers would make things happen. It became too much of a plugin-to-do-a-thing affair after awhile. The quirkiness left game design. Now it's almost like "Yeah, we got a physics engine. It's the same one 20 other games have."

View PostOccludeOlga, on 04 January 2020 - 11:00 PM, said:

No, it was never anything special. The Flamethrower however, was more of a broad use tool. It had normal flamethrower mode, but also could toss out the Flamewall from Rise of the Triad. And most enjoyable especially for setting traps in Dukematch... place a cloud of gas that did damage over time to anyone walking into it but more importantly... if any spark went off inside of it would do explosive damage to anyone inside while it ignited. Sparks could be anything from a bullet hitting a metal surface, to firing your gun inside, to turning on something electrical that was inside the cloud.

It was hilarious to fart out a gas cloud and have the person chasing you try to shoot only to catch themselves on fire.

The freezer is tricky. In Duke 3D it had some additional utility, like being able to bounce the shots on mirrors and stuff.

What it really would have needed was a good special attack feature. Like the Doom 2016 Plasma Rifle's shock wave. Something big that would send out a blast of cold air, but have a cool "up" function before it could be used again. I may be misremembering but I swear one of the off shoot games had an upgrade for the freezer where frozen enemies would automatically shatter. I think it was Land of the babes that did that...

View PostOccludeOlga, on 04 January 2020 - 11:00 PM, said:

BTW that picture is still how I see you in my mind when I think about you. No matter what new ones you use.

One of the funny quirks of internet persona's. I bet he doesn't even have a pink dress.

View PostOccludeOlga, on 05 January 2020 - 01:16 AM, said:

I hadn't really though about it until now. All of the OG level designers were always very woke to the fact that Epstein didn't kill himself.

What about the water turning the fricken frogs gay?

View PostOccludeOlga, on 05 January 2020 - 01:16 AM, said:

Funny story, John Anderson was an architect and had designed a staircase without knowing what it was for. He later described how he saw his staircase by surprise in a photo for some military installation. He also did the bulk of the Area 51 work through the years and implemented the Alien Abduction minigame which went head to head with the Slick Willy Dance Dance Revolution minigame for most insane level designer trigger scripting. Keith, Cole, Allen, Anderson... all of the 2001 LDs lived in reality so those topics naturally wound up in the game. It just hadn't occurred to me until you mention it how unusual that crew was.

The art direction and design of 2001 was... Is, frankly, so strong. Good lighting/texturing and a strong sense of place that I don't think I felt was ever matched until I played Half-Life 2. Even then, the stylistic tone and feel of DNF 01 still feels unique to me.

View PostOccludeOlga, on 05 January 2020 - 01:16 AM, said:

To be fair, this was also the era of Deus Ex. The industry was naturally populated back then by people who were "curious" and "open minded".

Big X-Files fans? Posted Image


View PostOccludeOlga, on 05 January 2020 - 01:16 AM, said:

All of the OG level designers were always very woke to the fact that Epstein didn't kill himself.

That's because back then Epstein had yet to kill himself.

View PostCommando Nukem, on 05 January 2020 - 05:24 AM, said:

The art direction and design of 2001 was... Is, frankly, so strong. Good lighting/texturing and a strong sense of place that I don't think I felt was ever matched until I played Half-Life 2. Even then, the stylistic tone and feel of DNF 01 still feels unique to me.

With a highly talented and motivated development team, 100% photosourced textures, and strategically implemented lightmaps...a dynamic lighting system was utterly gratuitous(IMO).

User is offline   necroslut 


View PostCommando Nukem, on 05 January 2020 - 05:24 AM, said:

That's the kinda shit I miss from those days. Seeing the creative and interesting ways developers would make things happen. It became too much of a plugin-to-do-a-thing affair after awhile. The quirkiness left game design. Now it's almost like "Yeah, we got a physics engine. It's the same one 20 other games have."

Yep, now it's all standardized and streamlined, just like game design.


The freezer is tricky. In Duke 3D it had some additional utility, like being able to bounce the shots on mirrors and stuff.

What it really would have needed was a good special attack feature. Like the Doom 2016 Plasma Rifle's shock wave. Something big that would send out a blast of cold air, but have a cool "up" function before it could be used again. I may be misremembering but I swear one of the off shoot games had an upgrade for the freezer where frozen enemies would automatically shatter. I think it was Land of the babes that did that...

The Freezer powerup was listed on 3D Realms page for Zero Hour back in the day, but I don't think it appeared in the final game... LotB IIRC only had an upgrade for the Shotgun. Time to Kill? It had upgrades for a lot of weapons, but I don't remember if it had one for the freezer, and the upgrades aren't listed in the manual either. Those games kinda blend together too...

The freezer in Duke 3D was a really interesting weapon, and a fairly overlooked and underrated one, I think. Its slow projectile speed gives it a fairly limited range, unless you're fighting big enemies, but damage output is high and firing speed fast enough to stunlock enemies, so it's my go-to gun for Protector drones. You could also do fun stuff with it, like the mirror-bouncing you mentioned, or use frozen enemies as platforms or (very temporary) cover.

This post has been edited by necroslut: 05 January 2020 - 07:02 AM


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This version of the game seriously needs to find its way onto the internet.

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View PostZaxx, on 04 January 2020 - 10:53 PM, said:

That always baffled me, throwing old stuff like game magazines away. I could never part with my "collection" even though it's only gathering dust now, it's just nice looking at them sometimes.

It was due to a military move. I was allowed only so much weight and just had a new born with all her stuff to move so we cleaned out what we didn’t “need”. Like I said, I regret getting rid of some of those issues. But they’d probably be collecting dust here too.


I remember for years on the 3DR forums(and in various interviews) how the talking point about "striving for photorealism" was driven home in spades...with fans worrying about a possible "cartoony" look when it was informally announced that the rendering system was being reworked(this was all during that infamous media blackout period from 01-06), and George assuring everyone that a cel-shaded/cartoon-inspired art direction was not for them. Lo and behold, one of the first reviews I read for DNF 2011 described the graphics as "slightly cartoony" - which I'd assess as more or less fairly accurate. Sure, it wasn't exaggerated to a Conker's Bad Fur Day caliber of sorts...but that realistic vibe of the 1999-2002 iteration seemed pretty lost in (literal)translation.

Also, those visuals apparetly fit in with the overall tone. The goofy, sophomoric humor was cranked up to a 15(er, make that 69, huh, huh) in the final release...juxtapose that to what was unanimously opined by all who had witnessed that "holy grail".


View Postnecroslut, on 05 January 2020 - 06:55 AM, said:

Yep, now it's all standardized and streamlined, just like game design.

The Freezer powerup was listed on 3D Realms page for Zero Hour back in the day, but I don't think it appeared in the final game... LotB IIRC only had an upgrade for the Shotgun. Time to Kill? It had upgrades for a lot of weapons, but I don't remember if it had one for the freezer, and the upgrades aren't listed in the manual either. Those games kinda blend together too...

The freezer in Duke 3D was a really interesting weapon, and a fairly overlooked and underrated one, I think. Its slow projectile speed gives it a fairly limited range, unless you're fighting big enemies, but damage output is high and firing speed fast enough to stunlock enemies, so it's my go-to gun for Protector drones. You could also do fun stuff with it, like the mirror-bouncing you mentioned, or use frozen enemies as platforms or (very temporary) cover.

There are no upgrades to be found ingame in LOTB as far as I know....however the game DOES have numerous upgrades that are entirely unused which can be reenabled via hacking. Most of which seem to be based off the TTK ones and thus only apply to guns that were already there in that game and returned in LOTB (auto desert, burst fire shottie, hi temp flamethrower but I think it wasn't functional IIRC)


View PostCommando Nukem, on 05 January 2020 - 05:24 AM, said:

Did Duke's hummer ever get some love during that time? We only ever saw a sneak of it in the early days on the Quake 1 stuff.

I don't think it ever made the jump to Unreal. Allen did the majority of experimenting with various vehicles so he might have played around with one but my memory isn't recalling one.

Originally the map that eventually became the Mighty Foot monster truck sections, was using an utterly common sedan driving up to Hoover Dam at night. One of the biggest frustration moments George and I had was while watching Ruben playtest it. This was during the time I was doing more producer work trying to get the game moving along than LD/coding work (aside from Lake Mead).

George kept wanting more and more things to do along the route and I wanted it to just be a simple pleasant drive to break up the combat. I didn't like how often the player was getting out of the car, and George thought just driving wasn't interesting enough. I behaved completely inappropriately and slammed doors on my way out of the building and it would have been 100% within George's right to chastise me some way. However tempers cooled and the Mighty Foot eventually replaced the sedan and like most of DNF the setting changed and (sadly) switched to daytime. The arena that was originally built for the Mighty Foot to jump school buses, etc... was really cool, but I think its section went on too long in the final version.

Also Duke got knocked on his ass like a chump way too many times.

View PostCommando Nukem, on 05 January 2020 - 05:24 AM, said:

That's the kinda shit I miss from those days. Seeing the creative and interesting ways developers would make things happen. It became too much of a plugin-to-do-a-thing affair after awhile. The quirkiness left game design. Now it's almost like "Yeah, we got a physics engine. It's the same one 20 other games have."

Yeah making modern games isn't nearly as fun because there's no meaningful limitations anymore. Part of the joy back then was trying to figure out how to sell the desired illusion with limited tools.

View PostCommando Nukem, on 05 January 2020 - 05:24 AM, said:

What about the water turning the fricken frogs gay?

True fact.

View PostCommando Nukem, on 05 January 2020 - 05:24 AM, said:

The art direction and design of 2001 was... Is, frankly, so strong. Good lighting/texturing and a strong sense of place that I don't think I felt was ever matched until I played Half-Life 2. Even then, the stylistic tone and feel of DNF 01 still feels unique to me.

Yeah the dynamic lighting just never clicked. If I were to start a new Duke Nukem game now I'd probably go for the "retro" aesthetic of that version. Everything can have crazy fancy realtime lighting now so it's nothing special. So it would be fun to try to target that middle ground between Build tech and modern tech purely as a stylistic choice.

View Postnecroslut, on 05 January 2020 - 06:55 AM, said:

The freezer in Duke 3D was a really interesting weapon, and a fairly overlooked and underrated one, I think.

It's effectively a "root" spell that you sometimes get health for using. How awesome is that?

This post has been edited by OccludeOlga'sOcculus: 05 January 2020 - 03:07 PM


User is offline   Jimmy 

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View PostOccludeOlga, on 05 January 2020 - 01:16 AM, said:

Funny story, John Anderson was an architect and had designed a staircase without knowing what it was for. He later described how he saw his staircase by surprise in a photo for some military installation.

Thats nuts. I always loved his work and was sad to hear he passed away. EDIT: Wrong John Anderson.

View PostOccludeOlga, on 05 January 2020 - 01:16 AM, said:

To be fair, this was also the era of Deus Ex. The industry was naturally populated back then by people who were "curious" and "open minded".

View PostCommando Nukem, on 05 January 2020 - 05:24 AM, said:

That's the kinda shit I miss from those days. Seeing the creative and interesting ways developers would make things happen. It became too much of a plugin-to-do-a-thing affair after awhile. The quirkiness left game design. Now it's almost like "Yeah, we got a physics engine. It's the same one 20 other games have."

It makes sense. Quitting your "real job", dropping out of college, etc to go to work for a computer game company pre-1999 was the stuff of "crazy" people. 90's PC game development was the punk rock era of gaming. The games were creative, made in basements, sold through mail order catalogs, pushed the limits of hardware and culture, and not backed by big money. I miss those days.

View PostCommando Nukem, on 05 January 2020 - 05:24 AM, said:

One of the funny quirks of internet persona's. I bet he doesn't even have a pink dress.

Think again.

View PostCommando Nukem, on 05 January 2020 - 05:24 AM, said:

What about the water turning the fricken frogs gay?

View Postdukefan4evah02, on 05 January 2020 - 11:01 AM, said:

Also, those visuals apparetly fit in with the overall tone. The goofy, sophomoric humor was cranked up to a 15(er, make that 69, huh, huh) in the final release...juxtapose that to what was unanimously opined by all who had witnessed that "holy grail".

Duke Nukem 3D was designed with almost zero humor in mind. It was a gritty dark game until the last few months of development. It seems during the serious DNF development years at 3D Realms, humor didn't seem to be a major focus. It's best for the game design if humor is just layered on top of a good game instead of trying to bake it in at every level.

This post has been edited by HorseDongSub69: 05 January 2020 - 06:31 PM



John Anderson passed away? When did that happen?


Wrong John Anderson, that was Dr. Sleep of Doom/Ion Storm fame.

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Oh weird, I didn't know there were 2 John Andersons.

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I haven't seen this mentioned yet here (maybe I just didn't read back far enough) but yesterday a dude from 3DR had this to say:
Posted Image

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View PostZaxx, on 05 January 2020 - 09:19 PM, said:

I haven't seen this mentioned yet here (maybe I just didn't read back far enough) but yesterday a dude from 3DR had this to say:
Posted Image

Yeah I saw that, yeah they most likely did hand over what they had to Gearbox... But your telling me they don't have backups for themselves lying around? Feel like it's unlikely they would get rid of the backups they already had.

User is offline   necroslut 


View PostFuturetime23, on 05 January 2020 - 02:06 PM, said:

There are no upgrades to be found ingame in LOTB as far as I know....however the game DOES have numerous upgrades that are entirely unused which can be reenabled via hacking. Most of which seem to be based off the TTK ones and thus only apply to guns that were already there in that game and returned in LOTB (auto desert, burst fire shottie, hi temp flamethrower but I think it wasn't functional IIRC)

It did have upgrade(s), though as far as I know only for the shotgun (the burst-shotgun, slightly nerfed from TTK). Since there are no challenge icons, it's hidden in a secret area (or possibly secret level) instead.

View PostOccludeOlga, on 05 January 2020 - 03:04 PM, said:

It's effectively a "root" spell that you sometimes get health for using. How awesome is that?

Ah, yeah, I had forgotten that it dropped atomic healths in multiplayer. To make up for being harder to hit fast-moving players with the rather slow projectiles, I imagine.

This post has been edited by necroslut: 06 January 2020 - 01:52 AM



View PostHorseDongSub69, on 05 January 2020 - 06:31 PM, said:

Oh weird, I didn't know there were 2 John Andersons.

I know...what an unusual name. :lol:


View Postnecroslut, on 06 January 2020 - 01:52 AM, said:

It did have upgrade(s), though as far as I know only for the shotgun (the burst-shotgun, slightly nerfed from TTK). Since there are no challenge icons, it's hidden in a secret area (or possibly secret level) instead.

Ah, yeah, I had forgotten that it dropped atomic healths in multiplayer. To make up for being harder to hit fast-moving players with the rather slow projectiles, I imagine.

Out of curiosity, where is it found? You got me intrigued, I was under the impression none of the upgrades could be found ingame in LOTB.

This post has been edited by Futuretime23: 06 January 2020 - 12:48 PM


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