OccludeOlga, on 03 January 2020 - 06:03 PM, said:
I don't have DNF installed currently, but I'm kinda curious if the cheat codes work at all if you enable the console? dncashman (and pretty much all the OG Duke 3D cheats) were re-implemented. More amusingly, dnaha would switch your view mode into a white background and blue pencil drawing rendering style that Pollard implemented for fun... and it would play "Take On Me"... hahah. I'm certain the music was deleted but not sure if the rendering mode survived.
Everything had the potential to be affected by EMPs, yes. For all its quirks, the system for setting up "dnDecorations" was incredibly powerful. We didn't have access to something like UE4 blueprint or CoD Script, but a combination of UnrealScript, native C++ code, and Kyle Davis making infinite arrays within arrays of structures stable gave an obscene amount of scripting power to designers without needing to write code, and for little effort. I wrote a lot of code, but almost all of it was geared toward giving the other level designers tools to do whatever the hell they wanted. Being affected by an EMP was just another behavior among them all. What ultimately shipped is a very stripped down usage of the system (completely understandable btw).
It's one of the most interesting industry stories, not everyone gets to be a part of something like it. I'm glad to be able to share... and do my best to maintain credibility of having been honest as bits and pieces continue to come to light through the decades.
The real Slick Willy... and Lake Mead with the giant water bowl under the Fathership... were great, lost to history, unfinished missions.
Oh that's really interesting to hear!
Regarding the cheats, dnaha is not present. There are dn3d cheats but not all work (interestingly dnkroz is referenced in dngame.u but it doesn't work at all in 1.00. Note that final 1.03 DNF does NOT work with any of the cheats) Specifically the following dn3d cheats don't work: dntodd, dnalien, dnbeta, dnkeys, dnstuff, dninventory, dncosmo, dncornholio, dnshowmap, dnskill, dncashman, dnview, dnkroz, dnhyper, dnitems. The rest work (albeit dnunlock unlocks all the maps in chapter select IIRC, which is funny since you have dnunlockmap and dnunlockallmaps which I think do the same thing) I know there was some sort of pencil rendering mode but I can't remember what the console command for that was atm. If I find it, I'll post it as quick as I can.
there are a few more cheats that are exclusive to DNF like dnammo, dnbarrel, dnbox, dnsetmesh, dncontroller (it seems to switch duke's physics from meqon to karma I think) and dnbullettime. dnbullettime is broken by default since it alters duke's speed to be super fast but the rest isn't affected. I know I fucked around with this a bit and found the script in dngame.u and was able to turn that down a notch but IIRC the code to slow everything else down was broken or something and I had to slow that down via the slomo command.
I know I'm missing a few like dntalk, dnlisten, dnblind (which makes duke cover his eyes with his left hand, no clue what that's about), dncopy, dnpaste but a good chunk of these don't work. (dnball bizarrely spawns a brick for some reason, and dnswarm is set to spawn those balls you find in the dlc via "ConsoleCommand("summon BombBallSwarm");", but since they are not present in the base game, it never works) . There's other weird shit I found like checkforchristmas inside dndecoration inside dngame.u but I digress
Speaking of bullettime, there's numerous slowmo variables inside dukeplayer and other npcs which I always found odd and could never get them to work. Not sure if this is related to the removed egotrip function or something, or the dnbullettime cheat. (or something else entirely)