Zaxx, on 20 March 2018 - 08:35 AM, said:
I do agree with that, that 3DR may have not survived the layoff thing had Randy not gotten involved. But I'm just not sure he understands Duke that well, because of how they have portrayed him now on those twitter posts etc marketing. DNF also was more of a complete parody instead of an action game with comedic events in it, ála Duke3D and the spinoffs. He also should direct JSJ because it's his call. Also considering how George had always directed him and the way the outcome is in previous Duke games when compared to DNF, you do see there is a difference there. And I don't really see what the problem is because JSJ afterall is an voiceactor, he's not some guy who can't be given orders but he is hired to play Duke as the way Duke is known and then he should also do Duke and not do Duke the way
he likes to do him.
Yes, thinking AAA does play differently but is it really good and healthy to not basically allow any kinda Duke surfacing? Surely if he wanted visibility, he'd be more open about free non-commercial Quality user done content. Emphassis on quality. So maybe not just any low quality random hack. Half-Life mod Duke Nukem Cataclysm looked very impressive yet it wasn't allowed to continue because it's not on the Build engine. Randy is imo completely overprotective of this IP and because there is basically nothing Duke related coming out, some people are starting to have enough and they accept he is soon to be dead or something. If he does surface one day via maybe even a good AAA game, these people may not care then anymore. There was also another Duke project going on some few years. Some guys were making something on Unreal Engine but eventually it was also c&d stopped. Randy is not doing anything with the IP but also ain't allowing anyone else to do any kinda non-commercial free mods either except if its on the Build engine. So you can see why people get annoyed.
If a DNF collection does come out, I just please hope that they include the editor because then the community could also expand. I'm sure there are some folks out there who like Duke and are very tech savy aswell but they just don't want to be stuck with Build engine. Build even if quite powerful and you can do quite impressive stuff with it even in 2018, still does function completely differently than some more modern engines. Sure UE1 ain't state of the art either but it's closer to the newer editors than Build engine.
Also if he wants to do a remaster/s, he should already get onto work on introducing the classic Zero Hour and atleast Time To Kill on modern systems. PC and consoles. They are fantastic games and they would remind the public what Duke is really like. He's not some jerk that you met in DNF but a legit action hero who's supposed to be the good guy and quite likeable too. I don't much care for a DNF remaster unless it would re-do quite alot of the things, such as remove weaponlimit and regen because those things really conflicted with the game's intentions.
Actual content in World Tour is indeed great seen effort but sadly enough all the technical and financial side things brought it in very bad light. Megaton may not be as technically impressive as WT because it's "just" a re-release of old content but all it is that the people will see, is
this game used to be out there and it offered this much content. These people don't know that the addons were illegally included and so. But instead they see that it used be there, Gearbox, removal of Megaton and introduction of WT. So they get salty.
I feel same way about new 3DR's quality. I don't consider them same kinda position as what old 3DR were but I feel positive in them. I don't know what happened with RR ks etc and I don't either know wether RR is good on the technical side of things. I understand why you probably feel skeptical giving these guys hands on optimizing the 2001 DNF builds after mess of RotT and Bombshell. I don't know how Bombshell actually ran but I do know it also had some drama. I sorta can agree that if they would fuck up the DNF build/s, it would be very bad thing also publicly. But I just want the 01 version/others so badly that this kinda thing becomes very hard to judge. Not get 01 version if 3DR doesn't do the thing, if 3DR does the thing and fucks up it'll do yet more damage for Duke's image.
Ion Maiden indeed is great, it's actual 90's fps in 2018.