MusicallyInspired, on 25 February 2018 - 07:29 PM, said:
Thanks for the advice on 3-point lighting. I did use a darker blue light behind the logo and a slightly yellowish-white strong light source for the front, but not a third light. That's definitely something interesting to look into.
I used Cycles for my lighting and it doesn't support the regular lights like the old Blender Internal does. I used light emitting planes and I wound up putting a few point lights along the top to give the light gradient across the front. I don't think you will be able to get natural lighting to replicate the effect of the original - setting up lights that don't have issues with self-shadowing among the letters will be a nightmare. You will probably have to do what you have already done and apply textures to get the sharp divides of dark and light blues where they fall on the model and compliment it with some 'real' light to add a bit of flair - basically just as you have done it there, but with a bit more light gradient across the front to give it some shape. JMHO.
MusicallyInspired, on 25 February 2018 - 07:29 PM, said:
I did use an SVG actually. What I did was create the text in Photoshop, convert the mask into a vector, throw that into Illustrator, save it as an SVG, and import and extrude in Blender. The reason I couldn't just use Illustrator with the font itself is because the font doesn't look exactly like what I'm going for. I had to make extensive edits to some of the rounded edges of the letters (to make them come to a point instead), remove the hole in the "A", and also to fix the "Q" which looked nothing like it does in the Space Quest logo. Also, the free version of the Space Quest font isn't bold enough so I had to throw a text outline effect in Photoshop before fixing up the aforementioned problems (the version of which I'd need is like $100, the whole pack is like $300 or something). It was quite a process.
That is exactly what I would do, and have done with other logos.
Don't underestimate what you can do in postpro with Photoshop, especially if you isolate different sections. Remember that Blender itself has a very powerful compositor that can add a ton of effects and colour balancing after the fact.
MusicallyInspired, on 25 February 2018 - 07:29 PM, said:
Thanks so much for the advice, TM!
Any time!