VGames, on 01 March 2023 - 06:57 AM, said:
So I have destructible gibs in my mod and of course they have their cstats set up to take hitscan damage and block. It all works great but is there any way to keep the player from bobbing up and down when walking over gibs? It’s not a huge issue but it can be annoying in certain situations due to the player kind of sliding down and off the gibs when on top of them. Could I maybe set their clip dist to something to keep this from happening without removing their ability to be destroyed by bullets?
Hey VGames, this isn't an answer to your question but I feel I need to say something about the Savior Of Babes mod that you released recently. I downloaded it today and took a look. It has a lot of material, both art and code that have been taken from other projects. I think the amount of stuff taken from other EDuke32 projects is excessive and that the credits are grossly inadequate given how much you have taken. For example in my case there are whole scripts files for enemies that I wrote (some still have my name on them; I guess I should see that as a positive) and other code for very tricky things such as the lightsaber animation display. Also, there is lots of art for enemies made by sebabdukeboss20. That is not an exhaustive list, just some things I noticed.
I graciously helped you with your code questions, for example in this thread:
https://forums.duke4...babes-dev-help/ but if I had known this was your plan I honestly would not have helped, and now this makes me less likely to help others. That's why I think it's relevant to mention it in this thread.
I don't think that you are being malicious. In fact I'm pretty sure that you are just having a good time making your mod and that you do appreciate all the help and resources at your disposal. I imagine that you are an eager young person who just wants to make a fun mod and had no intention of ruffling feathers. But I don't think you understand how it feels if you have been slaving away on projects for many years and then someone comes along and uses your stuff without permission and then gets credit for it from youtubers and other people who just think it is a cool mod without realizing how much of it was made by other people who didn't consent.
In your readme you do have a thanks section where you list various mods that you have learned/taken stuff from. What I'm saying is that it is grossly inadequate to just list a mod and say thanks for "sprites and coding features" if you have largely copied and pasted significant amounts of someone else's work without their permission. Now as a modder I do understand that we "borrow" a lot of stuff! But there are rules we try should follow. The most important one to me is that if we are using significant amounts of content from another in mod our own community that we discuss it with those mod authors first and get their permission to include it. In some cases we have a working relationship with each other -- for example, between AMC TC and Alien Armageddon, but that is because we share team members and the traffic goes both ways.