EDuke32 Scripting "CON coding help"
#3114 Posted 23 November 2022 - 12:53 PM
lllllllllllllll, on 23 November 2022 - 12:47 PM, said:
Read that entry, especially the phrase "undesired hardcoded effects". Notice in my example a few posts above I don't keep any tags on the sprite, they are moved into vars and then reset to 0.
#3115 Posted 23 November 2022 - 02:08 PM
Changing it with EGS kept the collapse behavior. I tried using .extra instead then zeroing it out I guess it failed for the same reason.
On the topic of lotagging sprites I made a 'useractor enemy' and then a few more to switch into it like the hardcoded versions (duckshoot, stayput, jetpack, etc). They work as they should up until trying to Lotag them for difficulty settings- the sprite still spawns but as an unresponsive 1st frame.
Is this like RECOG that it must be faked? If so I can use loadactor to prevent their spawn by comparing skill level?
#3116 Posted 23 November 2022 - 08:58 PM
lllllllllllllll, on 23 November 2022 - 02:08 PM, said:
Is this like RECOG that it must be faked? If so I can use loadactor to prevent their spawn by comparing skill level?
It's difficult to guess what you are doing wrong with only a vague description and not seeing your code.
My first guess would be the unresponsive sprites are ones that are supposed to be deleted due to the difficulty (i.e. a lotag 3 tagged sprite in a game set on Let's Rock). In that situation what you are describing would happen if you did something to prevent the sprite from being deleted (e.g. changed its size in EVENT_SPAWN). Then the sprite would fail to take statnum 1 and would remain inert.
#3117 Posted 23 November 2022 - 10:53 PM
Danukem, on 23 November 2022 - 08:58 PM, said:
Are all things of that nature supposed to be in loadactor?
#3118 Posted 23 November 2022 - 11:20 PM
lllllllllllllll, on 23 November 2022 - 10:53 PM, said:
Are all things of that nature supposed to be in loadactor?
So in other words I was right.
You can change size in EVENT_SPAWN, just be careful.
For example, here is a case from a switch statement I have in that event:
case SHARK ifrnd 32 cactor DOPEFISH else ifg sprite[].xrepeat 4 sizeat 40 40 break
If the actor is slated for deletion, its size is already reduced. So if you check the size first before setting size, you can do so safely.
#3119 Posted 29 November 2022 - 05:34 AM
#3120 Posted 29 November 2022 - 05:59 AM
You could capture EVENT_KILLIT and check for ATOMICHEALTH, but strictly speaking that doesn't actually guarantee the player picked it up, only that it was deleted. The game doesn't track what sprite or actor added health to the player. You could maybe use player[].ftq to get the current displayed quote, but that is a gross hack that seems pointless.
#3121 Posted 29 November 2022 - 06:42 AM
One more quick question. Is there any way to change the position of the button layout in the options menu where u bind your keys to certain commands? I’ve changed the names of several buttons to accommodate some of the new features in my mod they were changed to work for like the look up and look down buttons are used for new fire modes. But I’d like them to be located next to the original fire and alt fire button locations on the key bind menu screen. Is there a way to reposition these button commands so the player doesn’t have to search for them?
This post has been edited by VGames: 29 November 2022 - 06:43 AM
#3122 Posted 29 November 2022 - 08:44 AM
I wanted to have the monsters use additive translucency when frozen, I've already done this, and it also returns to it's previous sprite pal when it thaws. However, it maintains translucency when it was frozen. How do I get it to become solid again after it thaws? Doesn't it have something to do with cstator?
#3123 Posted 29 November 2022 - 09:25 AM
VGames, on 29 November 2022 - 06:42 AM, said:
Nope. They will always appear in the order gamefuncs are defined.
Mav3r1ck, on 29 November 2022 - 08:44 AM, said:
You'll need to modify each enemy's code to reset the transparency cstat (and presumably the blend mode back to 0). You can do this a few ways:
If you already know the desired cstat, just set it back. This is probably fine in 99% of cases. Most enemies use 257 (blocking + hitscan): cstat 257 If you just want to remove a given cstat value, you can get and subtract the value. This may produce unintended results so for safety you should add some checks before doing this: geta .cstat TEMP sub TEMP 2 seta .cstat TEMP A fun trick is to bitwise AND the negative of the cstat (or cstats, plural) you want to remove, plus 1. This would safely clear both transparency cstats (2 + 512): geta .cstat TEMP and TEMP -515 seta .cstat TEMP
#3124 Posted 29 November 2022 - 12:48 PM
VGames, on 29 November 2022 - 06:42 AM, said:
Actually you can. Doom64hunter added this feature as a DEF command a while ago. I did not realize that it was completely undocumented until I saw Reaper_Man's post.
If you want your custom keys to be higher up on the list of keys, you can do it via the DEF command:
The gamefunc names are exposed by the source as built-in labels.
the order in which you list the gamefuncs will be the order in which they appear. Those you do not list will not appear. Note that the capitalization follows how they are given here; https://wiki.eduke32...inegamefuncname
If you want to see a full example, you can check duke3d.def in Alien Armageddon.
#3126 Posted 29 November 2022 - 01:47 PM
VGames, on 29 November 2022 - 05:34 AM, said:
use a var as a flag whenever health is added to the player in atomichealth's actor, then reset it after whatever you're doing upon detecting it
#3127 Posted 29 November 2022 - 05:50 PM
The problem however is moving the mouse(look) causes the screen to shake/jitter around while as if fighting against being forced back into it's stored setp variables while moving around a mouse cursor onscreen works as intended.
The "lockplayer" function would be perfect since the screen remains unmoving, but I can't use that here because it also stops updating mouse cursor movements entirely (I'm using getinput for both .q16avel and .q16horz here) and any EVENT_FIRE actions which I use as a click function.
I've referred to code from other projects and afaik they do similar methods of grabbing and storing previous .ang/.horiz and setting them, without the screen shake issues. The other exception is they're also use "lockplayer" as well while their cursors are still functioning as intended. Been examining their code and tinkering with my own to no better results or understanding. Now I'm stuck or just missing something, need to fix this issue before doing any further gui related stuff.
Can someone help break down exactly what I should be doing to lock the player's horizontal / vertical axis properly under these or similar circumstances?
#3128 Posted 29 November 2022 - 09:14 PM
Danukem, on 29 November 2022 - 12:48 PM, said:
If you want your custom keys to be higher up on the list of keys, you can do it via the DEF command:
The gamefunc names are exposed by the source as built-in labels.
the order in which you list the gamefuncs will be the order in which they appear. Those you do not list will not appear. Note that the capitalization follows how they are given here; https://wiki.eduke32...inegamefuncname
If you want to see a full example, you can check duke3d.def in Alien Armageddon.
Thanks a lot. This makes things easier for mod users when setting up the mod for themselves.
#3129 Posted 29 November 2022 - 10:22 PM
quakis, on 29 November 2022 - 05:50 PM, said:
The method you are describing that you found in other mods, can still work. But nowadays it requires additional code in a display event. That's because, a few years ago the game was changed so that the player's angle and horiz are updated with drawn frames, instead of only 30 times per second. That change broke a lot of things.
Anyway, here's a solution for you. It assumes that you did a full lock on the player.
onevent EVENT_DISPLAYROOMS ife player[].movement_lock 31 ife player[].on_crane -1 { set cameraang player[].oang set camerahoriz 100 } endevent
#3130 Posted 30 November 2022 - 08:34 AM
Danukem, on 29 November 2022 - 10:22 PM, said:
Anyway, here's a solution for you. It assumes that you did a full lock on the player.
That does explain a lot, wouldn't have considered EVENT_DISPLAYROOMS as an answer. Thank you so much for the help, this solution is working wonderfully! Cheers.
#3131 Posted 10 December 2022 - 01:34 PM
state cutscene_cleanup stopallmusic ifvarn SCREENALPHA 255 setvar SCREENALPHA 255 ifvarn CUTSCENE_STEP 0 setvar CUTSCENE_STEP 0 ends onevent EVENT_PRELEVEL // ************************************************************************************ ife VOLUME 3 ife LEVEL 0 { stopallsounds stopallmusic starttrackslot 0 1 // Play BRIEFING.MID redefinequote 230 VOL41A.ANM startcutscene 230 redefinequote 230 VOL42A.ANM startcutscene 230 redefinequote 230 VOL43A.ANM startcutscene 230 stopallsounds } state cutscene_cleanup ifvare VOLUME 0 { ifvare LEVEL 1 // HOLLYWOOD HOLOCAUST { stopallsounds // ADD SOME MUSIC TRACK IF NEEDED starttrackslot 7 4 startscreen // FIRST SCREEN screensound RPG_EXPLODE // SOUND EFFECT AT THE START OF THE SECOND SCREEN startscreen // SECOND SCREEN } ifvare LEVEL 4 // TOXIC DUMP { stopallsounds // ADD SOME MUSIC TRACK IF NEEDED // starttrackslot 7 4 startscreen // FIRST SCREEN } } ifvare VOLUME 1 { // note that LEVEL is bumped up by 1 due to start menu shenanigans ifvare LEVEL 1 // SPACEPORT { stopallsounds // ADD SOME MUSIC TRACK IF NEEDED // starttrackslot 7 4 startscreen // FIRST SCREEN } ifvare LEVEL 4 // FUSION STATION { stopallsounds // ADD SOME MUSIC TRACK IF NEEDED // starttrackslot 7 4 startscreen // FIRST SCREEN } ifvare LEVEL 9 // OVERLORD { stopallsounds // ADD SOME MUSIC TRACK IF NEEDED // starttrackslot 7 4 startscreen // FIRST SCREEN } } ifvare VOLUME 2 { ifvare LEVEL 1 // RAW MEAT { stopallsounds // ADD SOME MUSIC TRACK IF NEEDED // starttrackslot 7 4 startscreen // FIRST SCREEN } ifvare LEVEL 5 // MOVIE SET { stopallsounds // ADD SOME MUSIC TRACK IF NEEDED // starttrackslot 7 4 startscreen // FIRST SCREEN } ifvare LEVEL 9 // STADIUM { stopallsounds // ADD SOME MUSIC TRACK IF NEEDED // starttrackslot 7 4 startscreen // FIRST SCREEN } } endevent // ************************************************************************************ appendevent EVENT_ENDLEVELSCREEN // ************************************************************************************ state cutscene_cleanup // ifvare VOLUME 0 // ifvare LEVEL 2 // RED LIGHT DISTRICT // { // stopallsounds // startscreen // } endevent // ************************************************************************************ onevent EVENT_SCREEN // ************************************************************************************ set z 65536 ifvare RETURN 0 { ifvarg SCREENALPHA 0 // QUICK FADEOUT { screenpal 0 0 0 SCREENALPHA subvar SCREENALPHA 5 } } else ifvare RETURN 1 setvar SCREENALPHA 255 ifvare VOLUME 0 { ifvare LEVEL 1 { ifvare CUTSCENE_STEP 0 // FIRST SCREEN { setvar CUTSCENE_SCREEN 6792 ifvare RETURN 1 // IF THE PLAYER USES ANY KEY TO SKIP THE SCENE setvar CUTSCENE_STEP 1 // CHANGE TO THE NEXT SCREEN } else ifvare CUTSCENE_STEP 1 // SECOND SCREEN { setvar CUTSCENE_SCREEN 6793 ifvare RETURN 1 // IF THE PLAYER USES ANY KEY TO SKIP THE SCENE setvar CUTSCENE_STEP 2 // CHANGE TO THE NEXT SCREEN } } ifvare LEVEL 4 { setvar CUTSCENE_SCREEN 6794 } } ifvare VOLUME 1 { ifvare LEVEL 1 { setvar CUTSCENE_SCREEN 6795 } ifvare LEVEL 4 { setvar CUTSCENE_SCREEN 6796 } ifvare LEVEL 9 { setvar CUTSCENE_SCREEN 6797 } } ifvare VOLUME 2 { ifvare LEVEL 1 { setvar CUTSCENE_SCREEN 6798 } ifvare LEVEL 5 { setvar CUTSCENE_SCREEN 6799 } ifvare LEVEL 9 { setvar CUTSCENE_SCREEN 6800 } } rotatesprite 160 100 z 0 CUTSCENE_SCREEN 0 0 0 0 0 xdim ydim endevent // ************************************************************************************
#3132 Posted 10 December 2022 - 08:47 PM
I think it would make more sense for you to start with that rather than copying the Alien Armageddon version which has added bells and whistles and oddities.
#3133 Posted 11 December 2022 - 12:31 AM
Danukem, on 10 December 2022 - 08:47 PM, said:
I think it would make more sense for you to start with that rather than copying the Alien Armageddon version which has added bells and whistles and oddities.
Much appreciated. I’ll check it out ASAP.
#3134 Posted 18 December 2022 - 11:50 PM
define LOCKEDDOOR 5817 useractor notenemy LOCKEDDOOR cstat 32784 // invisible, wall-aligned ifpdistl 1024 ifp pfacing ifp palive ifhitspace ifcount 30 switch sprite[].pal case 0 { soundonce DOOR_LOCK_A } break case 1 { soundonce DOOR_LOCK_B } break case 2 { soundonce DOOR_LOCK_C } break endswitch enda
But when I add an extra command 'quote 4' it creates a recurring loop where the door lock sound plays continuously?
define LOCKEDDOOR 5817 useractor notenemy LOCKEDDOOR cstat 32784 // invisible, wall-aligned ifpdistl 1024 ifp pfacing ifp palive ifhitspace ifcount 30 quote 4 switch sprite[].pal case 0 { soundonce DOOR_LOCK_A } break case 1 { soundonce DOOR_LOCK_B } break case 2 { soundonce DOOR_LOCK_C } break endswitch enda
#3135 Posted 19 December 2022 - 12:12 AM
define LOCKEDDOOR 5817 useractor notenemy LOCKEDDOOR cstat 32784 // invisible, wall-aligned ifpdistl 1024 ifp pfacing ifp palive ifhitspace ifcount 30 { quote 4 switch sprite[].pal case 0 soundonce DOOR_LOCK_A break case 1 soundonce DOOR_LOCK_B break case 2 soundonce DOOR_LOCK_C break endswitch } enda
#3136 Posted 19 December 2022 - 12:35 AM
#3137 Posted 19 December 2022 - 12:56 AM
Danukem, on 19 December 2022 - 12:35 AM, said:
Thanks Dan - I had a feeling I was missing brackets.
#3138 Posted 19 December 2022 - 04:55 AM
ifpdistl 1024 ifp pfacing ifp palive ifhitspace ifcount 30 { quote 4 } switch sprite[].pal case 0 { soundonce DOOR_LOCK_A } break case 1 { soundonce DOOR_LOCK_B } break case 2 { soundonce DOOR_LOCK_C } break endswitch
Although this is just an example of the literal interpretation the compiler is seeing, there's actually no harm in adding brackets around single command conditionals, and in some cases may make for more readable code. You actually do this with the soundonce commands within your switch statement, and if you wanted you could remove those brackets without change in the code behavior.
You can also safely (and IMO should) put brackets surrounding the content of actor, (def)state, and event code as well:
useractor notenemy LOCKEDDOOR { cstat 32784 // invisible, wall-aligned [. . .] } endswitch } enda
#3140 Posted 20 December 2022 - 03:01 PM
This post has been edited by lllllllllllllll: 20 December 2022 - 03:02 PM
#3141 Posted 20 December 2022 - 11:49 PM
#3142 Posted 21 December 2022 - 12:44 AM
gamevar ISWET 0 2 define WETTIME 150 // time you stay wet gamevar WETCOUNT 0 2 state drippingwet // code to make the player spawn waterdrips when wet. ifinwater { setvar ISWET 1 setvar WETCOUNT WETTIME break } ifonwater { setvar ISWET 1 setvar WETCOUNT WETTIME break } ifn ISWET 0 { subvar WETCOUNT 1 ifg WETCOUNT 60 { ifrnd 128 spawn WATERDRIP } ifl WETCOUNT 60 { ifrnd 64 spawn WATERDRIP } ifl WETCOUNT 30 { ifrnd 32 spawn WATERDRIP } ife WETCOUNT 0 { setvar ISWET 0 } } ends
and add state drippingwet under APLAYER
i guess it would work for any actor really.
[edit] for a more realistic effect, add this to event_egs
ifactor WATERDRIP { ifspawnedby APLAYER { geta[].z z, sub z 10240 seta[].z z geta[].x TEMP addvar TEMP 128 randvar TEMP2 256 subvarvar TEMP TEMP2 seta[].x TEMP geta[].y TEMP addvar TEMP 128 randvar TEMP2 256 subvarvar TEMP TEMP2 seta[].y TEMP } }
this makes the waterdrips spread out around the player at a random distance to give a volumetric effect rather than spawning dead center all the time like when unfreezing. coincidentally, when thawing this should also make the thawing effect better. you could add ifspawnedby whatever enemy too.
This post has been edited by jimbob: 21 December 2022 - 12:50 AM