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EDuke32 Scripting  "CON coding help"

User is online   VGames 

  • Extra Crispy


View PostReaper_Man, on 21 July 2022 - 09:39 AM, said:

You want the .got_weapon and .ammo_amount player member structs. I'd check this during EVENT_WORLD and set it accordingly.

That’ll help a lot. Wasn’t sure where to put this thanks.

Also what’s that old command to make the screen go white for nuke explosions? I can’t remember or find it.

This post has been edited by VGames: 21 July 2022 - 09:51 AM


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View PostReaper_Man, on 21 July 2022 - 10:05 AM, said:


That’s it. Thanks again

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostVGames, on 20 July 2022 - 04:24 AM, said:

Is JIB6 capable of detecting whether or not it hits a wall so that it can use shoot BLOOD? I’ve been using some code to make it detect this but it doesn’t seem to work. The rest of the code that I use to force stream effects and a resize works just fine but the state that is called to check for a wall touch while in the air doesn’t. I know the code should work because I have other actors use it for various reasons but I thought maybe there was something internal about JIB6 that doesn’t allow it.

Normally .htmovflag will be nonzero if a sprite is colliding with something, and then its value can be decomposed to check for what it is hitting (wall, sprite, etc.) However, with a hardcoded sprite like JIBS6 you can't assume that it is moving or clipping the way that your own coded sprite would, and that may be the issue here. You may know this already, but the hardcoded BLOODSPLAT1 (though 4) are already setup to not leave a splat unless they hitscan a nearby wall, so possibly you could just have it shoot those (see state random_wall_jibs).

User is online   VGames 

  • Extra Crispy


View PostDanukem, on 21 July 2022 - 11:31 AM, said:

Normally .htmovflag will be nonzero if a sprite is colliding with something, and then its value can be decomposed to check for what it is hitting (wall, sprite, etc.) However, with a hardcoded sprite like JIBS6 you can't assume that it is moving or clipping the way that your own coded sprite would, and that may be the issue here. You may know this already, but the hardcoded BLOODSPLAT1 (though 4) are already setup to not leave a splat unless they hitscan a nearby wall, so possibly you could just have it shoot those (see state random_wall_jibs).

I just remembered the state random wall jibs and I’m planning on trying it today when I get home instead of using shoot Blood. Thanks for the tip

UPDATE: Ok it worked perfectly. is there any way to allow more wall splats to stick around? They don't last very long at all and get removed due to the low count allowed in game at one time.

This post has been edited by VGames: 21 July 2022 - 12:27 PM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostVGames, on 21 July 2022 - 12:07 PM, said:

UPDATE: Ok it worked perfectly. is there any way to allow more wall splats to stick around? They don't last very long at all and get removed due to the low count allowed in game at one time.

I'm pretty sure they are part of the sprite deletion queue, which you can increase to up to 1024 by editing QSIZE in your USER.CON file.

User is offline   Sangman 


View PostDanukem, on 16 July 2022 - 01:27 AM, said:

You want every enemy to run some additional code when hit by a weapon. A simple example would be
ifwasweapon EGGPROJ add poison 150
Again, that goes *inside* the ifhitweapon code block.

Personally I prefer putting that kind of logic inside of event handlers as it allows for a more generic approach rather than copy pasting code across various actors, but now I'm starting to wonder if this has some kind of downside I'm not seeing yet..

User is offline   Danukem 

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View PostSangman, on 21 July 2022 - 01:26 PM, said:

Personally I prefer putting that kind of logic inside of event handlers as it allows for a more generic approach rather than copy pasting code across various actors, but now I'm starting to wonder if this has some kind of downside I'm not seeing yet..

I don't actually put a ton of copy pasted code directly into each actor. I have a big fat state I have defined called "state monsterai" and I just make sure that each enemy calls that state. Then whenever I want to add code that applies to each enemy, I add the code to that state. They call the state before they process ifhitweapon, because one of the things I use it for is to manipulate their damage effects (e.g. knockback code, applying status effects). I'm not claiming it's superior to other methods, but it's the way I've done it for many years now.

User is online   VGames 

  • Extra Crispy


When u make a gamevar how do u know when to use a 0 or a 2 at the end of the declaration?

Like gamevar temp2 0 (0 or 2) which number should I use at the end of that? I know 2 is per actor but I’ve seen these used for actors but instead of a 2 a 0 was used instead. I know when 1 should be used but I’m kind of confused on 0 and 2. I’ve tested both and didn’t really see a difference in my tests. I’m missing something.

User is offline   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


From the wiki:


The gamevar's flags define a bitmap that determines how the variable is treated by the game. For instance, a gamevar with flags of 0 is known as a global variable. A global variable exists once in the code, and any time a global variable is set, the new value is seen by all actors and events. A gamevar with flag bit 1 set is a per-player variable, which exists once for each player in the game. A gamevar with flag bit 2 set is a per-actor variable, which exists as many times in the code as there are sprites in the map. This means that each sprite has its own copy of a per-actor variable stored in memory. Note that a gamevar can only be defined as either global, per-player, or per-actor, but not as a combination thereof.


As for why you would use a global gamevar over a per-actor gamevar, that gets into what that specific gamevar and/or code is doing, and if every actor actually needs to store that value individually. Think of per-actor gamevars as things like HP, and global gamevars as things like the number of sectors in a map.

User is online   VGames 

  • Extra Crispy


View PostReaper_Man, on 21 July 2022 - 06:01 PM, said:

From the wiki:


As for why you would use a global gamevar over a per-actor gamevar, that gets into what that specific gamevar and/or code is doing, and if every actor actually needs to store that value individually. Think of per-actor gamevars as things like HP, and global gamevars as things like the number of sectors in a map.

Ok I understand now. Thanks for clearing that up. I read that wiki article too but after seeing it used in multiple mods I got confused. I probably need to look more into the context of when it’s being used.

This post has been edited by VGames: 21 July 2022 - 06:19 PM


User is online   VGames 

  • Extra Crispy


Is there any available code out there to make more SCRAP or JIB actors that act like the original SCRAP/JIB actors?

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostVGames, on 21 July 2022 - 08:55 PM, said:

Is there any available code out there to make more SCRAP or JIB actors that act like the original SCRAP/JIB actors?

The best method I have found is to define custom projectiles that have the properties you want. Beyond that, you also have to make the killed actor fire them off at random angles and with random negative vertical velocities at the time the actor is jibbed. And of course you will need to have the sounds defined. I also add additional actors that spawn from the jibs when they land on the ground, and code those so that they can be kicked around, destroyed, and delete after a certain amount of time has passed. Here is an example of a custom jib projectile definition I use in Alien Armageddon:

defineprojectile EGGJIBPROJ PROJ_WORKSLIKE 6286
defineprojectile EGGJIBPROJ PROJ_EXTRA 0
defineprojectile EGGJIBPROJ PROJ_VEL 160
defineprojectile EGGJIBPROJ PROJ_XREPEAT 40
defineprojectile EGGJIBPROJ PROJ_YREPEAT 40
defineprojectile EGGJIBPROJ PROJ_DROP -160
defineprojectile EGGJIBPROJ PROJ_BOUNCES 2
defineprojectile EGGJIBPROJ PROJ_ISOUND -1
defineprojectile EGGJIBPROJ PROJ_CSTAT 128
defineprojectile EGGJIBPROJ PROJ_OFFSET -160


Note that the JIBS6 sprites spawned from the projectile in flight have additional code on them as well, to make them green, small, etc.


View PostVGames, on 21 July 2022 - 08:55 PM, said:

Is there any available code out there to make more SCRAP or JIB actors that act like the original SCRAP/JIB actors?

The N64 mod code for JIBS6 looks like they used events to swap it with hardcoded jibs selectively.
That bottem chunk with newbeasts is for green guts at random angles.
define JIBS6 2286

state event_game_6
  switch sprite[THISACTOR].picnum
  case JIBS1
  case JIBS2
  case JIBS3
  case JIBS4
  case JIBS5
  case JIBS6
  case HEADJIB1
  case ARMJIB1
  case LEGJIB1
  case DUKEGUN
  case DUKELEG
    ifvare LOAD 0
      spritepal 0

state event_game_8
  ifactor JIBS6
    ifspawnedby SHOTSPARK1
      getactorvar[OWNER].OWNER ATEMP
      ifvarn sprite[ATEMP].statnum MAXSTATUS
        ifvare sprite[ATEMP].picnum APLAYER
  ifactor SHOTSPARK1
    ifvare LOAD 0
      ifvarg sprite[THISACTOR].htg_t 8 -1
        getactor[THISACTOR].htg_t 8 ATEMP
        switch sprite[ATEMP].picnum
        case NEWBEAST
        case NEWBEASTJUMP
        case NEWBEASTHANG
          espawn JIBS6
          ifvare sprite[ATEMP].pal 6
            setactor[RETURN].pal 6
          getactor[RETURN].z Z
          addvar Z 1024
          setsprite RETURN sprite[THISACTOR].x sprite[THISACTOR].y Z
          setactor[RETURN].xvel 16
          setactor[RETURN].xrepeat 24
          setactor[RETURN].yrepeat 24
          randvar ANG -63
          addvar ANG 32
          addvarvar ANG sprite[RETURN].ang
          setactor[RETURN].ang ANG

onevent EVENT_GAME
  state event_game_6
  state event_game_8


User is online   VGames 

  • Extra Crispy


Ok thanks for the help guys. I understand what needs to be done.

User is online   VGames 

  • Extra Crispy


Sorry for double posting but I forgot to ask something earlier. How do u increase the spread for Growspark? I’ve tried the event_EGS method explained to me before and I’ve tried using event_getshotrange but neither method works with Growspark. I’ve even used them together to see if it would make a difference but it doesn’t. Anybody try this before?

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostVGames, on 22 July 2022 - 06:51 AM, said:

Sorry for double posting but I forgot to ask something earlier. How do u increase the spread for Growspark? I’ve tried the event_EGS method explained to me before and I’ve tried using event_getshotrange but neither method works with Growspark. I’ve even used them together to see if it would make a difference but it doesn’t. Anybody try this before?

Hmmm if event_getshotrange doesn't apply to it then it might be impossible.

User is online   VGames 

  • Extra Crispy


View PostDanukem, on 22 July 2022 - 11:27 AM, said:

Hmmm if event_getshotrange doesn't apply to it then it might be impossible.

Ok that’s what I thought. Thanks for the info.

User is offline   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


This actually appears to be an engine bug. Looking at the engine source and testing in game, the GROWSPARK projectile works just fine with EVENT_GETSHOTRANGE, but it doesn't obey auto aim settings. Try setting ANGRANGE / ZRANGE to absurd values and when shooting normally you can see it take effect, but as soon as your crosshairs point over an enemy, autoaim takes effect even when set to "none" in the options menu.

Until / if this gets fixed, your next best choice is to create a new GROWSPARK projectile using defineprojectile and copying the existing Expander flags (minus the autoaim ones of course).

User is online   VGames 

  • Extra Crispy


View PostReaper_Man, on 22 July 2022 - 01:14 PM, said:

This actually appears to be an engine bug. Looking at the engine source and testing in game, the GROWSPARK projectile works just fine with EVENT_GETSHOTRANGE, but it doesn't obey auto aim settings. Try setting ANGRANGE / ZRANGE to absurd values and when shooting normally you can see it take effect, but as soon as your crosshairs point over an enemy, autoaim takes effect even when set to "none" in the options menu.

Until / if this gets fixed, your next best choice is to create a new GROWSPARK projectile using defineprojectile and copying the existing Expander flags (minus the autoaim ones of course).

What expander flags are you referring to? I didn't see any defineprojectile flags for the expander in the edukewiki?

User is offline   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


You can export all of the current gamevars and their values by using the cheat DNDEBUG (or the console command "activatecheat 24"), which includes the pre-defined gamevars controlling weapon behavior.

Internally the Expander is referred to as WEAPON11, and the default values for it are:



I was suggesting making an entirely new projectile that would mimic the GROWSPARK behavior, and would allow you to override auto aiming with various WORKSLIKE flags. Basically coding a replacement weapon for the Expander that looks and behaves almost identically to it, but shoots your custom projectile. From what I'm reading in the source code, it's specifically the GROWSPARK projectile that has the auto aim issue, not the Expander as a weapon itself. Unfortunately I don't think there's a WEAPONx_FLAGS option that would disable or override auto aim, but maybe someone more familiar with custom weapons has a better idea.

In a previous comment you asked how to disable the Expander as a standalone weapon, as you are replacing it as an alt-fire for the Shrinker. How are your shooting the GROWSPARK from the player exactly? If you are already handling custom weapon behavior and firing, then it should be simple enough to replace your command shooting a GROWSPARK with shooting the new projectile.


This post has been edited by Reaper_Man: 22 July 2022 - 05:45 PM


User is online   VGames 

  • Extra Crispy


I’m shooting the original Growspark via the display weapon event on the frame it’s supposed to shoot. I use a gamevar to decide which projectile should be fired depending on which shoot button is being pressed. How would I make a custom projectile cause grow spark type damage? Which flag do I use for the custom projectile to do the same type of damage?

User is offline   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


In that case you would setup your new projectile, I already linked to the defineprojectile wiki page. After then you'd change your code to shoot the new projectile name instead of GROWSPARK. Then to make enemies react to it, you'd add or change their behaviors when taking damage in the ifhitweapon / ifwasweapon code blocks from GROWSPARK to your new projectile name.

User is online   VGames 

  • Extra Crispy


View PostReaper_Man, on 22 July 2022 - 07:24 PM, said:

In that case you would setup your new projectile, I already linked to the defineprojectile wiki page. After then you'd change your code to shoot the new projectile name instead of GROWSPARK. Then to make enemies react to it, you'd add or change their behaviors when taking damage in the ifhitweapon / ifwasweapon code blocks from GROWSPARK to your new projectile name.

Oh ok. U mean make the enemies react to the new projectile instead of the original Growspark. I thought u were saying there was some flag to set in the defineprojectile settings. I understand complete now. Thanks for all the help.

Is it possible to create a shield for a weapon similar to the one in doom eternal created by the chaingun? One that blocks incoming projectiles but not the ones u are firing?

User is offline   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


Pretty much anything is possible depending on how much work you want to put in. I'd start with this event:


User is online   VGames 

  • Extra Crispy


View PostReaper_Man, on 23 July 2022 - 06:59 AM, said:

Pretty much anything is possible depending on how much work you want to put in. I'd start with this event:


Ok thanks again for that.

How do you add screen shaking effects to explosions? I can't seem to find this in the wiki and I'm sure I'm just overlooking it somewhere. It couldn't be that difficult to implement.

User is offline   jimbob 


there is an command earthquake XX where XX is the amount of time spent in earthquake mode iirc


its quake


This post has been edited by jimbob: 23 July 2022 - 03:03 PM


User is online   VGames 

  • Extra Crispy


View Postjimbob, on 23 July 2022 - 03:02 PM, said:

there is an command earthquake XX where XX is the amount of time spent in earthquake mode iirc


its quake



User is online   VGames 

  • Extra Crispy


I’m using a slaughtermap remix of the original campaign not created by me for the maps in my mod and I noticed some of the enemies were given different palettes I guess to change up their colors from time to time. The Liz troopers look fine because only their vests have a color change but some of the other enemies like the pigs and octabrains look bad because their colors are messed up looking due to the palette changes. Would it hurt anything if I simply set all the pigs and octabrain skin palettes to 0 via the scripts when they’re spawned into the maps? Could it break some of the maps? Are there instances where a specific palette could be used to trigger something in a map? Is that possible?

This post has been edited by VGames: 25 July 2022 - 05:57 AM


User is offline   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


IIRC the only enemy in the base game that has defined alternate pal behavior is the Liztroop, where PAL 21 turns him into the Captain. All other normal enemies don't have any PAL-designated behaviors. Bosses with a PAL other than 0 become "mini bosses", but only the Battlelord works correctly and PAL 21 is the generally accepted normal mini boss palette for them. Some work needs to be done to fix the other 2 if you want them to function as mini bosses, but that's besides the point here.

The safest way to remove an enemy's palette - or for that matter, any sprite's properties set in the map editor - without unexpected side effects is during EVENT_SPAWN:

appendevent EVENT_SPAWN
	switch sprite[].picnum
		case PIGCOP
		case LIZMAN
		// and so on...
			seta .pal 0

I'm not actually sure if you have to check specifically for the dive, stayput, etc. variations but it would be easy enough to test. Also if you ever wanted to store the PAL for some use in the future, you'd do it here (with a per-actor gamevar) before setting the PAL back to 0.

This post has been edited by Reaper_Man: 25 July 2022 - 10:54 AM


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