Trooper Dan, on 03 January 2016 - 04:47 PM, said:
addvar sprite[THISACTOR].z 1024
A great deal of writing CON code involves getting struct members into variables and then manipulating those variables before putting them back into the structs. It makes for a lot of typing and it reduces readability.
I just wanted to add that this is mostly impossible to work out. It would be limited to the number of bits available to each structure members, unlike gamevars which all use 16 bit.
For example, if I wanted to make a sprite with a consistent size regardless of the height in pixels of the tile:
setactor[].xrepeat 64 shiftl sprite[].xrepeat 6 div sprite[].xrepeat tilesizy[MYTILE]
This would not work because xrepeat is limited to 8 bit (0-255), and the value would overflow in the second line.