Trooper Dan, on 30 November 2015 - 08:08 AM, said:
If you want to link sprites together during initialization, you just have to do it a different way. If you need them to be linked in a specific order, then the most common way to do it is by manually giving them ordered tags (lotags or something). If you are creating a path for actors to follow, then you can write an algorithm that determines the order at runtime (checking distance and line of sight from one to another, and so on). Using sprite IDs sounds like it would be difficult anyway, because if you edit the map and have to delete a sprite it's going to mess up your order.
Hmm ... ok, more detail.
I have a custom locator.
"Extra" is a number used to group them together, so I could have multiple groups (paths) defined
"Lotag" is their relative position within the group
"Hitag" is an activation channel (consistent with rest of library)
"Angle" specifies if initially enabled / disabled.
"Palette" has a special meaning, 0 = defineing a group of locators, 21 = grouping all sprites in a sector.
During EVENT_LOADACTOR extra, lotag and hitag are safely stored in some per-actor gamevars and then reset to zero so nothing funny happens. If locator had lotag of 0 and pal 0 it is head of a group and given statnum 'A', otherwise it is given statnum 'B'
Each locator has a number of gamevars, in particular psprite and nsprite which get set up to point to previous and next locators within the same group.
At some point, the groups need to be built. So, for path locators :
For each sprite with statnum B
Search sprites with statnum A with a matching "extra" so as to find the head of the group
Insert sprite into head sprite's linked list of locators in the appropriate relative position (based on "lotag").
This creates groups of paths that code-wise are easy and efficient to navigate both forwards and backwards, whilst the use of statnums keep the initialisation process efficient by avoiding iterating over every sprite in the map multiple times.
Special case is locator with palette 21. This says "group _every_ sprite in this sector together (linked list again) and associate it with a locator path (via 'extra'). The locator subsequently follows the path group, dragging with it all those sprites that had originally been in the same sector. Thus you create flying objects out of sprites.
For the mapper, they simply need to (1) define a locator path, lotag 0,1,2,3.... all with same 'extra' (2) in another sector draw whatever object they like out of sprites (3) stick a locator (pal21) in that sector and presto they have a flying object. Simple to set up - easier than setting up a subway!. Wouldn't dream of having a mapper type in sprite ID's !!!
Path locators can also used for elevators, making multi-floor elevators trivial for the mapper.
I can only link between locators using ID, ergo ID mustn't change. I *know* it doesn't change once you start getting EVENT_GAME so my prototype version did a special check in EVENT_GAME to see it this was the first such event and if so built the groups at that point.
Consider what would happen if in EVENT_LOADACTOR I tried to initialise a group - some sprites might not be initialised so (if my theory is correct) their ID's may subsequently change => disaster and it is in fact
exactly what happened to me. Debugging CON code is not the easiest of things and it took some time for the penny to drop.
I'm now re-writing it all as a puka library so time to do it properly. Now that I've played around with what events fire when and yes, learnt a lot more about how the Eduke environment works, I *think* EVENT_ENTERLEVEL is where I should build the groups. But ever since the PITA I suffered when I first came across sprite ID's changing I've been paranoid about sprite ID's, hence questioning EVENT_ENTERLEVEL.