Fox, on 29 November 2015 - 10:36 PM, said:
That's impossible. Even gamevars are stored based on the sprite ID.
Possible I'm afraid.
Refer to this thread.
Sprite ID's as displayed Mapster are often different to their ID's during the game. That change must be occuring at some point during Eduke's initialisation.
There is precious little documentation for many of the events

What I _think_ (ok, _hope_) is happening is that if a specific sprite's ID is going change then it happens immediately prior to it's EVENT_LOADACTOR. Thus, any sprites that have had EVENT_LOADACTOR called on them have an ID that is no longer going to change, any sprites not yet initialised _may_ undergo an ID number change.
This creates an issue when you are trying to link collections of sprites together during initialisation.
Anyhow, if my above theory is correct then by the time we get to EVENT_ENTERLEVEL (which appears to happen after all EVENT_LOADACTOR calls) all ID's have their final values, thus at this point I could link up collections of sprites. Hence my question in previous post.