chuck bronson, on 09 November 2014 - 07:07 PM, said:
I am working on something pretty basic right now and need some help. I haven't done any Con scripting for about 6 years so I'm quite rusty.
I need an item to give player invincibility and a "1 hit kill" type of power for about 30 Seconds once picked up.
Any help?
Maybe doing cstat 0 (reseting the thing) would make ur player unhittable.
Along side other codes etc.
And when you do cstator 257 your player becomes hittable again (maybe). Works on mobs when I do that for enemies.
Even from radius explosion it doesn't hit you.
Never tried for player before by that way.
In Oblivion has this thing, from one of the weap when you shoot the mirror and bounces back to you, makes you unkillable for a few seconds even from explosions.
Accidentally did that by messing around with the shrinker by replacing it with the "muddler gun"
I do that for some bosses and works. ( spawn an inv sprite that blocks so when the boss eye becomes unhittable your bullet or projectile doesn't go "through it")
LIZTROOP seems to be affected when hiding they die from radius explosion as soon they reappear. Probably they didn't remove the 256 (still hittable by weapons radius) dunno.
But NOT my bosses when their eye are closed.
Also never tried a 1shot kill thing.
I only have very massive damaging weapons but can hit you too.
Large hitarea and massive dmg.
Projectile example does hitarea 20000 200 230 260 290 & higher.. or something
A bit like the BFG9000 of doom type.
"Note that the damage inflicted by hard-coded projectiles is also split in four sections (25%, 50%, 75% and 100%)."
Trip bombs in Oblivion does nasty damage. Ur player can die if not hidden behind a wall where the *hit area* cannot strike you or you're too far from the blast.
Its radii is.
In game.con. inside EXPLOSION2 actor.
ifspawnedby TRIPBOMB { palfrom 63 63 63 63 }
to make a violent flash. (becomes like 99% bright)