For gamevars, two practically undocumented but used in-the-wild flags are 1024 (NODEFAULT) and 131072 (NORESET). This post is about the former.
What bit 1024 is likely supposed to do is to prevent resetting the gamevar's value to the default/initial one on various occasions such as starting a new game. For global and per-player gamevars, it could be e.g. used to hold information about gained mod-wide achievements.
[1] However, currently, the value of such gamevars would still be (always) restored by savegames or (if NORESET is clear) when restoring mapstates.
While I'm not sure whether to call it a bug (there was never a specification), I still think it's not the desired behavior. Suppose you kill the final boss and win $ 10
6 as an award, but because you liked the final fight so much, you load up the last savegame and attempt to beat it once more. This time, you fail though, and all your money is lost

What I intend to do in LunaCON is to make NODEFAULT gamevars
persist during the entire duration of a session, with the only option of restoring it being via
readgamevar. (I'm not yet sure how the interaction with NORESET should be.) Because this is an externally visible change to gamevar behavior, I'll probably also backport it to C-CON. Are there any objections to this plan? It should be noted that in all the mods that I'm batch-testing CON-compilation on, there are only a total of four uses of that bit.
[1]For per-actor gamevars, it has a somewhat technical use, the original one being rather meaningless. It can be set to prevent actor variables being reset on spawn (this includes the initial one from premap), so that they can be manipulated before: e.g. from
eventloadactor code.