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EDuke32 Scripting  "CON coding help"

User is offline   zazo 


View PostHelixhorned, on 10 January 2013 - 12:31 PM, said:

The following cvars are relevant:
  • r_usenewshading: selects between three fog computation modes.
  • r_shadescale: specifies a factor applied to the shade. This is currently 1.3 by default, so it may darken very dark objects to the point of being black. However, there's
  • r_shadescale_unbounded, which prevents objects becoming plain black if set to 0 (the default).

Check that these are the same for the game and editor. They're not synchronized automatically.

in mapster32.cfg and eduke32.cfg files ???

User is offline   zazo 


in mapster when i load a old map, what means the message in the top of the window: "map corrupt (level 4): 64 errors ?"
scray !!! :P

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View PostHelixhorned, on 10 January 2013 - 12:25 PM, said:

[I moved this from the "What are you working on" thread since it's more of a CON coding question than a show-off post.]

If you raise the boxes a little so that they have a gap in between, they stay on each other. Unfortunately, game code is littered with "magic" z displacements everywhere. A suggestion at a workaround is to make the box model (I assume you will be making models since flat boxes are a little nonsensical, right?) bigger than its tile which is used for collision computations.

Clipdist is only used for clipmove, that is, horizontal movement. For BUILD, horizontal and vertical movement are two different concepts.

Ah, man... That's what I figured. Thanks for the info. That kinda blows. Basically what i'm wanting to do is build a minecraftian map. Certain structures would have walls that would be blastable with explosives, so you can build alternate paths through the environment. That means the player would need direct interaction with the objects (jumping over them, etc.)

User is offline   Kyanos 


View Postzazo, on 10 January 2013 - 01:31 PM, said:

in mapster when i load a old map, what means the message in the top of the window: "map corrupt (level 4): 64 errors ?"
scray !!! :P

in the old days tricks were used, or if you go old enough, mistakes were made, that weren't yet mistakes. A level 4 is vary scray indeed. Using ALT + (either) [ or ] you can cycle through them and see whats up.

User is offline   zazo 


View PostDrek, on 10 January 2013 - 04:31 PM, said:

in the old days tricks were used, or if you go old enough, mistakes were made, that weren't yet mistakes. A level 4 is vary scray indeed. Using ALT + (either) [ or ] you can cycle through them and see whats up.

hum... ALT+] or [ doesn't work to see the errors... the console show a list of sprites num (and sec num ) where the problems are. How can i cycle through them to see what is wrong ? how to find a sprite num in mapster ?

And another question: how to configure the mouse speed and acceleration for navigate in the 2d mod in mapster ?

User is offline   zazo 


View Postzazo, on 11 January 2013 - 06:24 AM, said:

hum... ALT+] or [ doesn't work to see the errors... the console show a list of sprites num (and sec num ) where the problems are. How can i cycle through them to see what is wrong ? how to find a sprite num in mapster ?

And another question: how to configure the mouse speed and acceleration for navigate in the 2d mod in mapster ?

ok, the keys works. im not good.
Some 100 lost sprites in the corners of the map that were not in sectors... easy to fix them.
but for sectors (wrap)...what can i do ?

how to configure the mouse speed and acceleration for navigate in the 2d mod in mapster ?

User is offline   Helixhorned 

  • EDuke32 Developer


View Postzazo, on 10 January 2013 - 01:25 PM, said:

in mapster32.cfg and eduke32.cfg files ???

In the applications' consoles: use the backtick key ([`], the key underneath [Esc]) to open it and then issue the commands.

View Postzazo, on 11 January 2013 - 07:39 AM, said:

but for sectors (wrap)...what can i do ?

Depending on what kind of corruption it is, you'll need to ask the local expert(s) for help :P.
I started a wiki page about corruptions a while ago, but didn't finish it, nor got to putting up a link.


how to configure the mouse speed and acceleration for navigate in the 2d mod in mapster ?

That's not configurable, but you can "run" by having LShift pressed and "strafe" by holding RCtrl.

edit: actually, there's pk_turndecel and the slightly misnamed pk_turnaccel (which is angular acceleration+deceleration really). Then there's UnrealEd mouse mode in 3D mode (toggled with F5), which can be configured with pk_uedaccel...

User is offline   Mike Norvak 

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View Postzazo, on 11 January 2013 - 07:39 AM, said:

how to configure the mouse speed and acceleration for navigate in the 2d mod in mapster ?

Well you don't really need to navigate in 2d mode if I understand correctly what you mean. Instead you just need to right-click the mouse to move along the map in 2d, and scroll the mouse mid button to zoom-in, zoom-out.

User is offline   zazo 


View PostNorvak, on 11 January 2013 - 10:00 AM, said:

Well you don't really need to navigate in 2d mode if I understand correctly what you mean. Instead you just need to right-click the mouse to move along the map in 2d, and scroll the mouse mid button to zoom-in, zoom-out.

thanks !
another question: How to prevent stop sounds in the game when the player accesses the menu?
for example, in game the player encounter a character and starts talking, but if the menu is accessed (load, save, adjust the sound volume), its stop the speech...


I think it's impossible right now, duke ever got this (unwanted) feature... i think...

User is offline   zazo 


View PostRichardStorm, on 13 January 2013 - 04:32 PM, said:

I think it's impossible right now, duke ever got this (unwanted) feature... i think...

annoying problem with mapster editor: how to get out of the window MAPSTER, or minimize it to switch to other applications such as text editor or image editor ?
it is very difficult to get out of the maspter window by pressing the windows key ...
and it crash ofen at closing


Press the ~ key (typically below ESC, occasionally next to the Return key with a # on it) and the console comes down, then move the mouse out of the window, you may have to click to make the pointer appear. When you're done, click back on Mapster32 and press ESC to make the console go away.

Mapster has crashed at exit for a couple of years now for me, I think I did report it, but I expect the devs were busy and I never cared that much as it only does it when it's already seemingly exited.

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


View PostHigh Treason, on 14 January 2013 - 07:06 AM, said:

Mapster has crashed at exit for a couple of years now for me, I think I did report it, but I expect the devs were busy and I never cared that much as it only does it when it's already seemingly exited.

Does removing/renaming nedmalloc.dll fix it?

User is offline   zazo 


mapster works without this dll
apparently there is no crash this time in my side

a list of commands for the mapster console ??
what was so special about using the console?

User is offline   Mark 


View PostHendricks266, on 14 January 2013 - 10:49 AM, said:

Does removing/renaming nedmalloc.dll fix it?


User is offline   zazo 


View PostMark., on 15 January 2013 - 03:59 PM, said:


how to make a no shade frame in an animation, in order to create a flash effect when the monster shot the player ?

User is offline   Mblackwell 

  • Evil Overlord


Are you talking about this?

User is offline   zazo 


View PostMblackwell, on 16 January 2013 - 05:50 AM, said:

Are you talking about this?

not for the entire level but for a sprite only, on a specific frame,

User is offline   Kyanos 


Try def code. Spritenoshade

Edit. I meant defs.con not def code

This post has been edited by Drek: 16 January 2013 - 06:16 PM


User is offline   zazo 


in duke plus, there is an cool effect of slipping on the wet ground, made ​​with the sprite 504 (glass2). I try to find the code in the dukeplsu cons but I can not.
if you have this code somewhere...

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View Postzazo, on 16 January 2013 - 03:20 PM, said:

in duke plus, there is an cool effect of slipping on the wet ground, made ​​with the sprite 504 (glass2). I try to find the code in the dukeplsu cons but I can not.
if you have this code somewhere...

The guts of the code for that is in "state slipperycode" in PLAYERPLUS.CON


When does modifying htextra have an effect? I'm trying to make damage decrease with distance, using some old locational damage code as a guide. The code's messy as I'm quite rusty and have mashed together multiple fragments. The log gets a lot of -1s (or were they 0s? I've changed lots of things back and forth) and enemies die about as quickly as usual. I've tried dividing previously, it subtracts now but nothing seems to work.
gamevar that_actor 0 0
gamevar distance 0 0
gamevar tilenum 0 0

gamevar temp 0 0
gamevar temp2 0 0

gamevar xpos 0 0
gamevar ypos 0 0
gamevar zpos 0 0
gamevar xpos2 0 0
gamevar ypos2 0 0
gamevar zpos2 0 0
gamevar angle 0 0
gamevar angle2 0 0
gamevar sectorvar 0 0
gamevar sectorvar2 0 0
gamevar thatactor 0 0
gamevar wallvar 0 0

gamevar shotrange 0 1

state squarethreedistance // (xpos, ypos, zpos, xpos2, ypos2, zpos2) returns square of distance in temp
    subvarvar xpos xpos2
    subvarvar ypos ypos2
    subvarvar zpos zpos2
    divvar zpos 16 //16384z = 1024xy
    mulvarvar xpos xpos
    mulvarvar ypos ypos
    mulvarvar zpos zpos
    addvarvar xpos ypos
    addvarvar xpos zpos
    setvarvar temp xpos

state threedistance
    state squarethreedistance
    sqrt temp temp

onevent EVENT_GAME
    ifactor APLAYER {
        getplayer[THISACTOR].posx xpos
        getplayer[THISACTOR].posy ypos
        getplayer[THISACTOR].posz zpos
        getplayer[THISACTOR].ang angle
        getplayer[THISACTOR].cursectnum sectorvar
        getplayer[THISACTOR].horiz angle2
        subvar angle2 100
        mulvar angle2 -2048
        cos temp angle
        sin temp2 angle
        hitscan xpos ypos zpos sectorvar temp temp2 angle2 sectorvar2 wallvar thatactor xpos2 ypos2 zpos2 0xFFFF0030
        state threedistance
        setvarvar shotrange temp

onevent EVENT_GAME
    ifactor SHOTSPARK1 {
        getactor[THISACTOR].htg_t 8 that_actor ifvarn that_actor -1 {
            /*getactor[that_actor].picnum tilenum
            switch tilenum
                case LIZTROOPONTOILET:
                case LIZTROOPSTAYPUT:
                case LIZTROOPSHOOT:
                case LIZTROOPJETPACK:
                case LIZTROOPDUCKING:
                case LIZTROOPRUNNING:
                case LIZTROOP:
                //case OCTABRAIN:
                //case OCTABRAINSTAYPUT:
                case COMMANDER:
                case COMMANDERSTAYPUT:
                //case EGG:
                case PIGCOP:
                case PIGCOPSTAYPUT:
                case PIGCOPDIVE:
                case LIZMAN:
                case LIZMANSTAYPUT:
                case LIZMANSPITTING:
                case LIZMANFEEDING:
                case LIZMANJUMP:
                //case GREENSLIME:
                //case ROTATEGUN:
                case NEWBEAST:
                //case APLAYER:
                    setvar temp 1
                    setvar temp 0
            ifvare temp 1 {*/
                dist distance THISACTOR that_actor
                /*ifvare distance 30 { 
                    //state blood_sprinkle
                } else ifvarl distance 320 { // legshot
                    //state blood_sprinkle
                    getactor[that_actor].htextra temp
                    subvar temp 3
                    setactor[that_actor].htextra temp
                } else ifvarl distance 520 { 
                    //state blood_sprinkle
                } else */ifvarl distance 768 ifspawnedby APLAYER ifrnd 64 { // headshot
                    // bloody mess
                    //state blood_sprinkle
                    //state random_wall_jibs
                    //soundonce SQUISHED
                    // damage calc
                    getactor[THISACTOR].owner temp
                    setactor[that_actor].htowner temp

                    getactor[THISACTOR].yvel temp
                    setactor[that_actor].htpicnum temp
                    getactor[that_actor].htextra temp2
                    /*ifvare temp SHOTGUN {
                        addvarvar temp2 10
                    } else {
                        addvarvar temp2 60
                    //mulvar temp2 4
                    subvarvar temp2 shotrange
                    ifvarvarl temp2 0
                        setvar temp2 -1
                    setactor[that_actor].htextra temp2
                    addlogvar temp2


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostDr. Kylstein, on 20 January 2013 - 02:01 PM, said:

When does modifying htextra have an effect?

I am literally just answering this question and not reading your code (to save myself time).

In general, htextra is processed by the actor in its code with the ifhitweapon command. EVENT_GAME occurs after the actor code has been processed, so htextra will have been reset by then and manipulating it will not have the desired effect.

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


EVENT_PREGAME might come to the rescue.


View PostTrooper Dan, on 22 January 2013 - 03:23 PM, said:

I am literally just answering this question and not reading your code (to save myself time).

Totally understandable. I probably should have removed the commented out part.

View PostTrooper Dan, on 22 January 2013 - 03:23 PM, said:

In general, htextra is processed by the actor in its code with the ifhitweapon command. EVENT_GAME occurs after the actor code has been processed, so htextra will have been reset by then and manipulating it will not have the desired effect.

That does fit my observations. I think perhaps I misinterpreted the locational damage code and that adding to the htextra was done in the off chance that some other damage was stored there rather than the original bullet. Is there any other way to alter the damage for one hitscan shot?

User is offline   zazo 


little question: a way to spawn blue, red and yellow accesscards ? the command spawn ACCESSCARD spawns only the blue card ...
Another thing: the command endofgame ends the episode, but is a command to finish the level and access the next level ?

User is offline   Kyanos 


After spawning try

About ending the current level. I'm pretty sure it can be done, but I've never done it so I can't help. Did you look through the eduke wiki commands list?


I don't know of one, but you could use startlevel. I can provide you with an example actor code to do this (so you can change the level number in the editor) if you need one.

User is offline   zazo 


View PostDrek, on 24 January 2013 - 08:21 AM, said:

After spawning try

About ending the current level. I'm pretty sure it can be done, but I've never done it so I can't help. Did you look through the eduke wiki commands list?

the command startlevel works well, but my probleme is to jump to the next level in the current episode... is a command to detect the number of the current level and add 1 to it in the startlevel ... im very bad, i dont find this in the wiki

User is offline   zazo 


View Postzazo, on 24 January 2013 - 08:36 AM, said:

the command startlevel works well, but my probleme is to jump to the next level in the current episode... is a command to detect the number of the current level and add 1 to it in the startlevel ... im very bad, i dont find this in the wiki

I found myself:

gamevar currentlevel 0 1
gamevar currentvolume 0 1

setvarvar currentlevel LEVEL
setvarvar currentvolume VOLUME
addvar currentlevel 1
startlevel currentlevel currentvolume

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